Recent papers in Woodworking
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
"Karamellkastemaskinen" is a blue-print for building a small catapult, which can throw small pieces of candy. It is not a difficult project and it can be completed using simple woodworking skills. All metal and rubber parts are standard... more
Om du har vore aktiv i handverks-og bygningsvernmiljøet i Noreg dei siste åra har du neppe unngått å få med deg at det har vore ein del snakk om noko som heiter skottbenk? Under bygningsvernkongressen på Norsk Folkemuseum i 2014 var... more
Why would I embark on designing an Electric Upright Bass? Because the advent of CAD-CAM and the affordability of CNC Routers makes it possible for someone with industrial design skills. Luthier (musical instrument making) used to be... more
Village coopers i Målselv in Troms i Norway that makes barrels for both herring and pine tar. Description of the traditional way that the work is done.
EN: The period of the second half of the 17th century was frequent for building activities of many church orders, which has continued in the following 18th century. The individual monasteries often chose already proven artists to decorate... more
Que tal Transformar Paletes em um lindo M óvel para sua casa e deixar ela mais linda e Rústica. =>CLICK AQUI PARA SABER MAIS<= COMO FAZER MOVEIS DE PALETES Móveis feitos com paletes sã o baratos para produzir, preservam o meio ambiente, e... more
The only natural material for building boats is wood. There are various designs in the art of wooden boat building. The techniques for building wooden boats depends on the type of boat, the technique and procedure for making day sailors... more
This thesis describes the construction of two models of La Belle, a light frigate constructed in France during the late seventeenth century. The archaeological remains of La Belle are important as a unique example of a little understood... more
История развития древнего водного транспорта насчитывает многие тысячелетия, но, к сожалению, археологические находки древних лодок очень редки. К тому же, не всегда удается сохранить находку для музейного хранения и экспонирования,... more
The Aleppo minbar (pulpit for Friday sermons) is a monumental architectural sculpture, commissioned in the middle of the 12th century in Aleppo, Syria, by Nur al-Din al-Zangi, who was ruling from Damascus. Envisioning the end of the... more
London was the administrative centre for and largest city in Roman Britain. After centuries of excavation, Londinium is one of the best understood cities in the Empire. London is also home to one of the most exceptional collections of... more
Welcoming remarks 9:15-9:30 Dimitris LIAKOS Τhe study of woodcarving from the 11 th to the 16 th centuries in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean. A brief overview 1st SESSION-BΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΕ WOODWORK: CASE STUDIES AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS... more
The old wooden church from Botiza was taken to pieces a century ago and reused for the construction of a confessional school in Hoteni. The timbers from the ancient church, that surfaced during the demolition of the former school, in... more
El descubrimiento del libro de pasantías del gremio de maestros carpinteros de Barcelona que data de 1778 a aproximadamente 1820 nos permite reconocer en el carpintero un profesional que domina las complejas ramas del oficio y que... more
Il legname è stato impiegato dall’uomo come materiale da costruzione fin dalla preistoria, con una lenta ma progressiva evoluzione degli strumenti e delle tecniche per la lavorazione. Al medioevo appartengono i primi documenti certi... more
Tradisjonsberar Konrad Stenvold (1908-2012) lærte ein tradisjonell arbeidsmåte for kløyving av tømmer av sin bestefar tidleg på 1900-talet. Eg har lært arbeidsmåten av han og prøvd den ut i samband med ulike restaureringsprosjekt der slik... more
As a result of archaeological studies of Old Rus’ hillfort Voinska Hreblia in 1956—1959, a large amount of data was obtained possible to reconstruct, at least in general, the level of development of crafts based on the use of organic... more
Arqueta daurada i policromada, de temática eucarística. Les arquetes decorades amb treball de daurat presenten un recobriment exterior format per una preparació d'enguixat, daurat i acabat amb treball de puntejat. El repertori formal i el... more
Tres obres tortosines: un sostre «a usança nostra», un dibuix del segle xvi i un «quadro embigat» del mil sis-cents r e s u M En aquest text s'analitzen tres teginats que només tenen en comú el seu origen geogràfic, la ciutat de Tortosa.... more
a Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките, ул. Московска" 45, ABSTRACT This study of the widespread utilisation of timber in Thrace is based on a broad range of evidence such as ancient written... more
Among the famous collection of the Ancient Egyptian woodwork in the Museo Egizio di Torino, a set of chairs, beds, boxes and other items including lamp stand, found at the tomb of the architect Kha and his wife Merit, would be eminently... more
How to choose suitable CNC routers for woodworking? a small CNC router, a standard CNC router, a ATC CNC router, a 4&5 axis CNC router or a Intelligent CNC router? STYLECNC will tell you as following.
El título de este texto contiene una pregunta que parece fácil de responder: ¿Hubo cubiertas mudéjares en la Cataluña de los siglos XIII, XIV y XV? 1 La respuesta, si sólo ha de ser una palabra, es sencilla y afirmativa. En mazo de 1402... more
Dokumentationen av tolv takkonstruktioner vid Örlogshamnen i Karlskrona kan sammanfattas i några viktiga slutsatser. Takstolen är oftast byggnadens konstruktivt mest komplicerade del. Dess struktur kräver uppfinningsrika lösningar... more
ÖZET Anadolu'da Türk Süsleme Sanatları içerisinde ayrı bir önem taşıyan ahşap tavan göbeklerini, Ankara Cami ve Mescitlerinin günümüze ulaşabilmiş seçkin eserlerinde görmek mümkündür. Ankara kent merkezindeki 12. yüzyılın sonuna... more
Machine tools use physical barriers, made by flexible thermoplastic materials, to protect the environment and the operators against the projections of wood chips and parts of cutting tools. These barriers constitute a partial closure and... more
Els arxius dels antics territoris de la Corona d'Aragó conserven un notable volum de documents que permeten resseguir el procés de construcció de teginats, des de la tria del model o tipus de coberta fins al seu muntatge, tot passant per... more
The minbar from Siirt Grand Mosque, whose foundation dates back to the Great Seljukid dinasty, is considered to be one of the most remarkable works of pre-Mongol Anatolian Seljuk art. Based on a more recent renovation’s inscription, it is... more
Significant amounts of wood materials have been uncovered in archaeological sites from the Roman Period in the Land of Israel. This work deals with wooden items that could be determined to be manufactured objects, or had traces of working... more