Thesis Chapters by Ondřej Balada
Miroslav Navrátil a československý design 2. poloviny 20. století, 2019
Bakalářská práce si klade za cíl představit tvorbu designéra Miroslava Navrátila od prvních známý... more Bakalářská práce si klade za cíl představit tvorbu designéra Miroslava Navrátila od prvních známých realizací přes úspěchy ve VNP v Brně až po pozdní návrhy pro podnik Bukóza Vranov nad Topľou. V rámci jeho portfolia je představeno 24 děl, které doprovází obrazová příloha a které jsou zasazeny do kontextu domácích i zahraničních realizací. Práce se dále zabývá otázkou kvality bydlení v socialistickém Československu a kontrastem mezi výstavními úspěchy a realitou běžného bytu československého obyvatelstva.
The dissertation's main focus is to introduce the works of designer Miroslav Navrátil since his first known designs through his famous realizations for VNP in Brno up to late designs for the company Bukóza Vranov nad Topľou. The thesis contains a portfolio of 24 realizations, accompanied by a list of plates. Furthermore, his projects are introduced within the context of domestic and foreign furniture designs. The work also focuses on the successes and problems of housing in socialist Czechoslovakia and the contrasts between the design shown at the exhibitions on the one hand, and for ordinary households on the other.
Thesis Chapters by Ondřej Balada
The dissertation's main focus is to introduce the works of designer Miroslav Navrátil since his first known designs through his famous realizations for VNP in Brno up to late designs for the company Bukóza Vranov nad Topľou. The thesis contains a portfolio of 24 realizations, accompanied by a list of plates. Furthermore, his projects are introduced within the context of domestic and foreign furniture designs. The work also focuses on the successes and problems of housing in socialist Czechoslovakia and the contrasts between the design shown at the exhibitions on the one hand, and for ordinary households on the other.
The dissertation's main focus is to introduce the works of designer Miroslav Navrátil since his first known designs through his famous realizations for VNP in Brno up to late designs for the company Bukóza Vranov nad Topľou. The thesis contains a portfolio of 24 realizations, accompanied by a list of plates. Furthermore, his projects are introduced within the context of domestic and foreign furniture designs. The work also focuses on the successes and problems of housing in socialist Czechoslovakia and the contrasts between the design shown at the exhibitions on the one hand, and for ordinary households on the other.