Funerary Monuments
Recent papers in Funerary Monuments
The article deals with the results of a study conducted as part of the DFG research project "Römische Grabdenkmäler aus Augusta Treverorum im überregionalen Vergleich". The aim is to provide an answer to the question of which... more
Cette intervention porte sur le phénomène de l'apparition de l'épigraphie funéraire en Grèce archaïque. Après avoir fait le point sur la vision dominante actuelle sur les funéraires (1), et tenté de convaincre que cette lecture (ou ces... more
Les Antiquités africaines publient des études historiques et archéologiques intéressant l'Afrique du Nord depuis la Protohistoire jusqu'à la conquête arabe.
Analysis o f the iconographical programmes fhat appear in the panfheons and mausoleums of'the cemenfary in fhe city oJHellin. The modernisf panfheon of'the Navarro,family and fhegothic one o f fhe Izquierdo,family are amongsf fhe mosf... more
This paper looks at the monument in Chelsea Old Church to Lady Jane Cheyne, first wife of Charles Cheyne. The monument is unusual in that there survives extensive correspondence between the patron and his agent in Italy. The overall style... more
This study addresses the issue raised by a funerary monument accidentally discovered in the area defined by archaeologists as the “eastern necropolis” of Colonia Aurelia Apulensis, component of the Apulum conurbation, the most significant... more
Насилне промене друштвеног уређења, посебно атентати на државне поглаваре, жртвама осигуравају својеврсну митску димензију, довољно потентну да заобиђе цензуре и ограничења политички мотивисаног заборава. На том фону, трагика драматичног... more
Кроз интердисциплинарни приступ који обједињује књижевноисторијска и музиколошка истраживања, у раду је осветљено питање присуства, улоге и значаја музике на двору Обреновића. Истраживање дела документарно-уметничке прозе, са акцентом на... more
Cimiteri e musei instaurano da decenni un dialogo plurivalente e complesso. Sviluppando questa osservazione, e considerato il riconoscimento dei complessi cimiteriali storici come musei d’arte plastica all’aperto, è possibile interrogarsi... more
Depuis son inhumation dans le caveau royal de l’église Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours à Nancy en 1766, la dépouille du roi Stanislas fut l’objet de nombreux rebondissements. Profanée durant la période révolutionnaire, elle fut de nouveau... more
La famille Callot et les Cordeliers Terrassé par une maladie d'estomac, Jacques Callot mourut dans sa maison nancéienne de la Rue Neuve, actuelle place de la Carrière, le 24 mars 1635, à l'âge de 43 ans. Quelques jours auparavant, le... more
For future generations to gain insight into the invisible and utterly discarded lives of those who were often invisible and ignored by society such as maids, crofters, cottagers, innkeepers, lodgers or winemaker’s wives, their paths had... more
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a construção da memória funerária da primeira dinastia portuguesa entre os séculos XII e XIV. Para tanto, investigamos a eleição dos lugares de sepultamento pelos monarcas da Casa de Borgonha, de D.... more
Abstract The contribution deals with the cultural relations between Cyrenaica, Cyprus and Ancient Palestine in the Hellenistic-Roman period, focusing on the reflections in monumental contexts. The decisive initial phase of the long... more
This contribution discloses the finding of two Doric Friezes, reused in the cemetery of Penna in Teverina (Terni) and in the medieval fortified village of Soprano di Todi (Perugia). Starting from these artefacts, first the paper proposes... more
This article provides an overview of the role of metaphor in language. It discusses the following points: (1) A definition, (2) literal and figurative language, (3) theories of metaphor, and (4) uses of metaphor.
This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognize that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be... more
This chapter investigates the relationship between materiality and textuality in the Hellenistic period, by focusing on real and imagined tombs of poets. At a time not only of feverish activity when literary texts were being collected,... more
The former Spanish Sahara is the last remaining colony in Africa. Most of the local people have been living in refugee camps in Algeria for the last 40 years and this situation has largely conditioned the archaeological research in the... more
Letter to the editor about the Funerary Monument of Isabella Kemeys Cooper attribute in 2014 by Julia Orbach to Christopher Moore, but still today reported as Raffaele Monti's work.
Funerary monuments are often described not just as the “final resting place” but also as “symbolic honorary” monuments for the privileged members of society. In this respect, the region of Pisidia (Southwest Anatolia) has a long... more
This essay interrogates the social, political and aesthetic reasons why so many different patrons chose to be commemorated with a memorial made from alabaster. A single answer or neat explanation is not the aim of this contribution, but... more
This article uses the latest epigraphic techniques to read the full text of the epitaph inscribed on the granite cupa discovered in situ in 1972 in the calle Marquesa de Pinares, Mérida and now displayed in the Museo Nacional de Arte... more
Katoliška veroizpoved je ena izmed najštevilčnejših po številu pripadnikov, toda Cerkev se sooča s številnimi škandali, med drugim jo pretresajo obtožbe spolnih napadov. V sodobni družbi ji niso v prid niti konservativni pogledi glede... more
Petracos también pretende ser una herramienta para favorecer la transparencia y eficacia de la investigación arqueológica desarrollada, transfiriendo a la sociedad el conocimiento generado con la mayor rigurosidad posible. Esta serie... more
Riassunto Il documento presenta l'epigramma dedicato dalla città di Atene ai caduti in guerra nella battaglia di Potidea. Ritrovata nel 1802 in prossimità del Ceramico, lungo il Demosion Sema, l'epigrafe doveva essere parte integrante di... more
Biografía del arquitecto Francisco Enríquez y Ferrer (1811-1870) publicada en el apartado "Artífices de Madrid" de la web del Instituto de Estudios Madrileños. Maquetación del autor.
We are publishing here two fragmentary funerary monuments discovered during the archaeological monitoring for the development works in and around the fortress of the Legion V Macedonica at Potaissa in 2021. The two monuments discovered... more
Od srčastega ščita do srčastih kamnov Prispevek k poznavanju šoštanjskega grba IZVLEČEK Na osnovi starih pečatov, prapora in opisov grba trga/mesta Šoštanj je sestavljen prikaz spreminjanja šoštanjskega grba od zgodnjega 17. stoletja do... more
An account of the surviving funerary monument for Rahere, and a discussion of the evidence for over forty now lost memorials from the Middle Ages.
[OA version: RYC2021-033027-I funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR]
(Due to publishing agreement terms, I am unable to upload this PDF in its entirety. Please reach out if interested in its content.) Outside of the Arsenal in Venice, Italy rests an astonishingly emotive sculpture: an over-life-size... more
Dans le cadre des travaux d’élargissement de l’autoroute A75 entre Le Crest et Clermont-Ferrand, par la société APRR, le Service régional de l’Archéologie a prescrit la fouille d’une parcelle auparavant dévolue à l’agriculture, située sur... more