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Neste trabalho nos propomos a investigar o uso da nudez masculina na arte funerária paulista, a partir do acervo dos Cemitérios da Consolação, Araçá e São Paulo. Fruto da pesquisa de doutoramento junto ao PPGH/UFG, em desenvolvimento, sob... more
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      Death StudiesBodies and CultureMasculinitiesSculpture
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      First World WarGarden HistoryCemeteriesCemetery Sculpture and Monuments
Ta’ Braxia cemetery represents a change in sensibility that led to a new consciousness towards death, depicted not only in the new design of the urban cemetery, its architecture and landscape, but also in the ephemera related to death,... more
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      History of Art19th Century (History)Funerary ArchitectureFunerary art
From "A Questionnaire on Monuments"
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      American StudiesArt HistoryRace and RacismSouthern Studies (U.S. South)
Potaknuta znanstvenom znatiželjom, s očitim posebnim, svakom Gospićaninu svojstvenim, odnosom prema kulturnoj baštini svoga grada i poglavito prema njegovom groblju, dr. sc. Antonia Došen ispisala je studiju utemeljenu na višegodišnjem... more
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      Art HistoryCroatian HistoryCemetery Sculpture and Monuments
During the period of NR/SR Bosnia & Herzegovina (1945-1992) thousands of monuments commemorating the People’s Liberation War, Struggle and Movement (commonly referred to in abbreviated form as NOR, NOB and NOP - henceforth collectively... more
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      Art in the former YugoslaviaMemorials and the Memorial Art-Work in the Public ArenaBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnian History
La serie di pubblicazioni scientifiche Ricerche | architettura, design, territorio ha l'obiettivo di diffondere i risultati delle ricerche e dei progetti realizzati dal Dipartimento di Architettura DIDA dell'Università degli Studi di... more
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      Ancient Indian ArchitectureIndiaCemetery Sculpture and MonumentsHistoric Cemetery
Сегодня Всехсвятский храм возле метро Сокол является одним из самых доходных в Москве. При это о том, что в XVIII-XIX вв. он служил усыпальницей грузинской аристократии, ныне почти не помнят из-за неоднократных изменений его интерьера и... more
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      ArchaeologyDeath StudiesLocal HistoryRussian Orthodox Church
Izgradnjom sinagoge Bet Jisrael, u neomavarskom stilu po projektu arhitekte Milana Kapetanovića, beogradska jevrejska zajednica početkom XX veka prihvatila je orijentalistički koncept u iskazivanju svog identiteta. Ovo je nakon Prvog... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryJewish StudiesVisual Culture
Mercure de France, Tome XXV, Janvier-Mars 1898, pp. 709-755
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      History of SculptureSculptureMercure de FranceArtes We are pleased to feature a very unique timeline this month about New England Gravestones and the Iconography of Death which was created by Robin Ness (@rwness) of Brown University.... more
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      IconographyGravestonesCemeteriesCemetery Sculpture and Monuments
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      ArchitectureDecorative ArtsArquitecturaMausoleums
Burial sites are a reflection of a culture and the evolution of a society over time. It contains a record of tangible and intangible cultural expressions in the landscape and reflects the city layout and society's values and economic... more
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      Cultural HeritageLandscape ArchitectureCultural LandscapesHeritage Conservation
Wally Neuzil was born in Austria in 1894. From around 1911 and 1915 she was the muse, model and darling ("Liebling") of the painter Egon Schiele (1890-1918). She served an a nurse for the Austrian Army in the province Dalmatia (today... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryVisual ArtsMonuments
QUEIROZ, Francisco - O Cemitério de Viana do Castelo. História, Arte, Património. Colaboração de Luís Moura Serra. Viana do Castelo, Câmara Municipal de Viana do Castelo, 2017, 434 páginas, ISBN: 978-972-588-260-3. URL da capa, introdução... more
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      Cemetery Sculpture and MonumentsHistoric CemeteryCemetery Studies
The chapter refers to non-Catholic cemeteries founded since the 18th century within today’s borders of the Turek county. The city of Turek and the Turek county is a unique place because of the presence of the remains of three cultures ‒... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ManagementEvangelismCemeteries
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
Heritage Guide Melilla Cemetery
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      Military cemeteriesCemeteriesCemetery Sculpture and MonumentsHistory of Melilla
Evidenced by their establishment and patronage of the Franciscan Monastery in Donegal, and dependence on Franciscan spiritual and material guidance in exile, the princely dynasty of the O'Donnells of Tyrconnell has long had a special... more
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      Irish StudiesArchaeologyMonastic StudiesSpanish History
Im Juni 2013 wurde am Stadtrand von Moskau Russlands erster National-friedhof eröffnet. Die Entwürfe aus dem Jahr 2003 sahen einen parkähnlichen Landschaftsfriedhof vor, der Elemente des amerikanischen Nationalfriedhofs Arlington... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryMemory StudiesCultural Memory
Η εργασία αναφέρεται στα ταφικά μνημεία στο κοιμητήριο του Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου στη Βραΐλα, παραδουνάβιο λιμάνι, όπου άνθισε μια από τις μεγαλύτερες ελληνικές κοινότητες της Ρουμανίας κατά το 19ο και το πρώτο μισό του 20ού αιώνα. Τα... more
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      Art HistoryRomanian HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan History
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemiotics
I profondi rapporti culturali che legano i cimiteri dell'Ottocento alle rispettive città sembrano assumere particolare evidenza nel contesto italiano, in un paese dove la promulgazione dell'editto di Saint-Cloud determina, forse più che... more
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      EclecticismCemetery Sculpture and Monuments
Publié dans la revue "De Cliärrwer Kanton" Edition spéciale 2015 "Liex de mémoire", cet article traite l'instrumentalisation de faits historiques par un groupe politique à 100 des événements. L'article se consacre aux jeux du pouvoir... more
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      Luxembourgish StudiesHistoire des idées politiquesCemetery Sculpture and MonumentsMonuments & Memorials
This book charts a significant aspect of European heritage: cemeteries. Cemeteries are nowadays considered as formal cultural sites and open-air museums attracting a great number of visitors; while cemetery records, memorial monuments,... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Nell'ampio e complesso spettro di contenuti che appartengono all'arte funeraria, un posto di rilievo spetta alla sua caratterizzazione in senso identitario, cioè al rapporto che essa intrattiene con la compagine sociale della quale... more
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      Cemetery Sculpture and MonumentsHistorical cemeteries
It is interesting that the story of how Joseph Smith became a founder of Smith's Cove includes an agreement being made by him with the father of a Patriot soldier, Joseph Potter, Jr. When Joseph Smith arrived in the area in 1783 with... more
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      History of CanadaNova Scotia HistoryUnited Empire LoyalistsCemetery Sculpture and Monuments
Prendendo spunto dal "disegno" de "L’Adalgisa" ambientato nel Cimitero Monumentale di Milano, il saggio intende guardare con “gli occhi di Gadda” alla più importante necropoli cittadina, evidenziando come le sue connotazioni storico-... more
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      Carlo Emilio GaddaCemetery Sculpture and MonumentsScultura Funeraria
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      Funerary ArchaeologyFunerary ArchitectureFunerary PracticesUrbanismo
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      Art HistoryDigital HumanitiesVisual Culture19th century France
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      ESCULTURACemetery Sculpture and MonumentsMariano Benlliure
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      Memory StudiesCommemoration and MemoryRemembranceMonuments
Tekst govori o arhitekturi i prostornom planiranju groblja u Hrvatskoj od vremena vladanja Josipa II do danas. Obrađeni su najvažniji primjeri grobljanskih kompleksa, te važnije grobljanske kapele i mauzoleji.
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      Art HistoryRomanticismArchitectureLandscape Architecture
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyModern History
Stone circles registered in early 1920s in Czarcie Kościoły (English: Devil's Churches) at Osieck, situated at the high right-bank terrace of the Vistula near Garwolin, in south-eastern Mazovia are discussed. The constructions themselves... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyRoman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Barbaricum
The Valley of the Fallen – the great monument that Francisco Franco devised, in those dead during the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War’s honour – enjoys a leading position amongst the memorials erected along the warlike 20th century, not only... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape Architecture19-20th Century (Architecture history)Funerary Architecture
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      Pilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandBuonamico BuffalmaccoBurial CustomsCemetery Sculpture and Monuments
Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre cuatro formas de memoria colectiva que coexisten en el Cementerio Central de Bogotá y sus alrededores (que hasta hace unos años también pertenecían al camposanto). Mediante el análisis de... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryCultural HeritageUrban History
„Rasų kapinės – istorija, menas, gamta” tai pirmoji tokio pobūdžio įvairialypė ir turtinga studija, skirta Vilniaus nekropolijai. Įdomi problematika, autorių ir jų atstovaujamų akademinių mokslo įstaigų gausa, be to įvairialypis... more
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      Cemetery Sculpture and MonumentsHistoric CemeteryVilniusCemetery Studies
Zachować pamięć-Dorota Janiszewska-Jakubiak Wstęp Część 1 Opis oraz typologia pomników nagrobnych 1. Ogólne zasady opisu 1 Wydaje się, że najwcześniej działania w tym zakresie rozpoczęło Towarzystwo Opieki nad Polskimi Zabytkami i Grobami... more
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      CemeteriesCemetery Sculpture and MonumentsCemetery StudiesHistorical cemeteries
Galaţi, a Danubian city and one of the most important Romanian ports, as well as an industrial center, attracted a large number of foreigners, including many Greeks, from the 19th century. This city flourished one of the largest Greek... more
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      HistoryHistory of SculptureGreek DiasporaLower Danube
QUEIROZ, José Francisco Ferreira - Os Cemitérios do Porto e a arte funerária oitocentista em Portugal. Consolidação da vivência romântica na perpetuação da memória. Tese de Doutoramento em História da Arte concluída em 2002 e apresentada... more
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      Cemetery Sculpture and MonumentsCemetery ResearchHistoric CemeteryCemetery Studies
Н ачиная с периода поздней перестройки и по сей день судьба тела Ленина, хранящегося на протяжении почти 90 лет в мавзолее на Красной площади, не перестает вызывать яростные споры. В последние годы в попу лярных и академических... more
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      ReligionFuture StudiesSociology of ReligionSoviet Regime
This fully illustrated, downloadable pdf comprises the main (2016) text of Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: A Research Framework. Significantly, it enables a linear read of the online wiki version, produced as part of the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
A part of the Scottish Archaeological Research Framework, published on-line, August 2016 at
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)SculptureMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Romanesque Sculpture
QUEIROZ, José Francisco Ferreira - O ferro na arte funerária do Porto oitocentista. O Cemitério da Irmandade de Nossa Senhora da Lapa, 1833-1900. Tese de Mestrado em História da Arte apresentada à Faculdade de Letras do Porto em 1997 (3... more
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      Cemetery Sculpture and MonumentsHistoric CemeteryCemetery StudiesDecorative ironwork
A part of the Scottish Archaeological Research Framework, published on-line, August 2016 at EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Aim: Our appreciation of the past relies heavily on the survival of stone monuments,... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Early Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of SculptureSculpture
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      ArquitecturaHistoria del ArteCemetery Sculpture and MonumentsHistoric Cementery
The book is dedicated to Poiana, one of the oldest villages in Ialomița county (south-east Romania), to a community of moşneni (Wallachian rural nobility) and to a historical monument that has remained unknown and unstudied until now, the... more
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      HistoryRomanian HistoryGenealogyRural History
In the paper, we set out to present some of the heritage assets specific to an urban cemetery, in our case the “Eternity“ Cemetery in Galati, with a presentation of those to whom we owe the stone testimonies about localities who sleep in... more
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      HistoryOrthodox ChristianityCemetery Sculpture and Monuments