Ancient Macedonia
Recent papers in Ancient Macedonia
Although the ancient Macedonians had no independent dramatic tradition of their own, from the late fifth century onwards successive Macedonian kings began to sponsor Greek theater productions and professionals with real enthusiasm.... more
Record of the Macedonian language from the 16th century The texts presented for analysis in this article were produced by the Institut Detudes Slave, De L'universite De Paris in 1958, and are a study based on words and phrases from... more
One of the cities of Macedonia listed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (Geogr. III, 12, 23) and Pliny the Younger (NH. V, 10, 17) in the imperial age is Lete. Its location is about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki. The city and its cemeteries... more
Hardback edition: ISBN 978-1-78570-299-0 Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78570-300-3 (epub)
Abile stratega, condottiero e potente sovrano, Alessandro Magno di Macedonia, eroe che percepiva se stesso alla stregua di un nuovo Eracle o di un nuovo Achille, fu, prima di tutto, un “viaggiatore”. E chi si approcci alle pagine del... more
The son of Amyntas III and Eurydice, Philip II, father of Alexander the Great, made seven marriages for reasons of political feasibility in his effort to achieve the strengthening of the Macedonian Kingdom
The Antigonid dynasty, one of the four Hellenistic kingdoms that emerged after the death of the Alexander the Great, was established in 306 BC by its eponymous founder Antigonus I Monophthalmus (‘the One-Eyed’) and his son Demetrius... more
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
Ancient Macedonia, The Macedonic Wars 320-270 bce
Macedonian empire division after the death of Alexander III of Macedon and civil wars between the Macedonic kingdoms ruled by Macedonian dynasties.
Macedonian empire division after the death of Alexander III of Macedon and civil wars between the Macedonic kingdoms ruled by Macedonian dynasties.
The latest edition of the Macedonian Studies Journal.
The article discusses the organization, content and effectiveness of
the training process for the soldiers of the Macedonian phalanx
during the time of Philip II and Alexander III.
the training process for the soldiers of the Macedonian phalanx
during the time of Philip II and Alexander III.
It is well known that several Greek leaders, for various reasons, after falling in disgrace in their homeland, found refuge in Persia: typical examples are the Spartan Demaratus and the Athenians Themistocles and Alcibiades. The opposite... more
In spite of clear tendencies of Alexander III the Great to build an empire that would unite number of nations, it is not quite clear how far he practiced the “brotherhood of nations”, i.e. homonoia. (See below Tarn, and de Mauriac). His... more
Cette chronique n’est qu’une simple tentative de reprendre le fil des étapes les plus spectaculaires de la découverte d’un monument funéraire exceptionnel, jusqu’à la fin de la campagne 2014, achevée fin novembre.
This paper extends one published in 2006 where I addressed the question: can we estimate the proportion of coined gold and silver in Hellenistic times out of the total amount of available precious metals? There a rather coherent answer... more
It is only within the last few decades that Classical scholars have begun to acknowledge the political and social impact of athletics on the ancient Classical world during the 5 th and 4 th centuries BCE. In this work, after assessing the... more
The author is trying to solve the chronological problems of Livy’s information on the war operations in the region around and north of Lake Lychnidus during the Third Macedonian War. The focus is on the period between 170-169 B.C.,... more
An appendix of the deciphered words and terms from the middle text of the Rosetta Stone.
Cret. Hier. EYE-ANKH = zu-za = Γυγᾶ: Ἀθηνᾶ ἐγχώριος (Hesych.) or lesser Ζυγίη
The main aim of this research is the analysis of the Macedonian infantry discipline in the period of the great conquests of 4th century BC. The research objectives are the review of Philip’s II actions to improve the Macedonian army... more
The introduction of proskynesis by Alexander III
In this addition to my original thesis I address the circumstances that saw Alexander’s army having to rush back from the Syrian Gates of Cilicia to confront late in the day an enemy that had somehow managed to get behind him. So this... more
Chapter III (55) How Roman Arms Came to Conquer the Successors of Alexander (55) How Much More Successful Was the Roman Legion than the Macedonian Phalanx? (57) The Best Soldiers versus the Best Formation (59) Why the Greeks... more
Several tales exist regarding the Sinaia lead tablets. The first known mention of them was when the 200 lead plates were discovered in the warehouse of the Bucharest Museum of Antiquities, Romania, in the 19th century. Of the 200 pieces... more
ANDRONIKOS, Manolis; Vergina: The royal tombs and the ancient city; Athens, Ekdotike Athenon S. A., 1989, 244 pp., 28 cm. [ISBN 9602131284] Si hay algo que despierta la imaginación de los aficionados a la Historia y, más si cabe, de los... more
A genuine historical testimony of Macedonia before the big geopolitical reshuffle in 1878. „Every nation that has glorious deeds is a glorious nation. However, beside all the glorious deeds, if those deeds remain unknown, the nation... more
The calm serenity of the gods featured on the narrow upper frieze of the chryselephantine couche found in the chamber of Philipp'II tomb is in marked contrast to the impassioned movement of the more active mortals on the front of the wide... more
Ιn the ancient Greek civilization women in general lacked high status, rank and privileges within the society. Social gatherings and feasts were held without the presence of women. In most cases, they were either absent or separated from... more
A museum functions in many ways and dimensions, but foremost it is a place of groundbreaking research and knowledge to be shared. Τhe central unit (New Museum) of the Polycentric Museum of Aigai is in the final phase of its completion and... more
Основната цел на оваа студија е да се покаже присуството на македонскиот крал Александар III Македонски во македонските книжевни дела и неговата (и книжевна и книжевно-историска) улога како знак што обединува многубројни култури од... more
Donja Dolina has occupied a prominent place in the study of late prehistoric archaeology in this part of Europe ever since the first excavations there in the early 20th century. Research has always placed greater emphasis on the graves... more
It's about general texts about Hellenistic and Roman Terracotta Figurines in Ancient Macedonia and the Coroplastic Workshop in the Hellenistic city in Petres and also a number of entries of the temporary exhibition displayed in the... more
¿En la antigua Macedonia se impartían clases sobre la historia de Argantonio y las aventuras de los griegos en Tartessos? Argantonios, el rey de Tartessos que reinó durante 150 años en un ostracon griego contemporáneo. Georgeos... more