Funerary Monuments
Recent papers in Funerary Monuments
Izgradnjom sinagoge Bet Jisrael, u neomavarskom stilu po projektu arhitekte Milana Kapetanovića, beogradska jevrejska zajednica početkom XX veka prihvatila je orijentalistički koncept u iskazivanju svog identiteta. Ovo je nakon Prvog... more
This paper reviews the evidence for Neolithic burial practices in SE Arabia, focusing in particular on sites in the Ja'alan region of eastern Oman. Attention is given to the nature of material buried with human remains, including... more
Il monumento funerario della sacerdotessa Mamia a Pompei
Edited by Concetta Masseria, Lucio Fiorini
2021, 138 pp., 116 ill. b/n
Paperback, 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 9788891321817
Edited by Concetta Masseria, Lucio Fiorini
2021, 138 pp., 116 ill. b/n
Paperback, 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 9788891321817
ANDRONIKOS, Manolis; Vergina: The royal tombs and the ancient city; Athens, Ekdotike Athenon S. A., 1989, 244 pp., 28 cm. [ISBN 9602131284] Si hay algo que despierta la imaginación de los aficionados a la Historia y, más si cabe, de los... more
Tekst govori o arhitekturi i prostornom planiranju groblja u Hrvatskoj od vremena vladanja Josipa II do danas. Obrađeni su najvažniji primjeri grobljanskih kompleksa, te važnije grobljanske kapele i mauzoleji.
A fájl az utolsó szerkesztői verzió.
Death, emotions, and memory in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Transylvania. Funerary monuments as sources for the history of emotions (in Hungarian; the file is the postprint version)
Death, emotions, and memory in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Transylvania. Funerary monuments as sources for the history of emotions (in Hungarian; the file is the postprint version)
There was nothing second-rate about the English way of war in the Late Middle Ages, argues Tobias Capwell, Curator of Arms and Armour at London’s Wallace Collection, in a major new study published late last year. The early 15th-century... more
"This special issue of "Patrimonio Histórico" (Historical Heritage), the bulletin of the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute, brings together a series of contributions aimed at disseminating the concept of megalithic heritage among... more
The megalithic phenomenon is one of the most exciting subjects of study in prehistory. The practice of monumentalising places of special significance by erecting large stones started during the Neolithic period, approximately 10.000 years... more
Around eighty Scottish Lowland effigies dating from the fifteenth century survive. Of these, thirty-five represent men in full plate armour. The group of three armoured effigies in the Kirk of St. Nicholas, Aberdeen, should be considered... more
This paper is part of a master’s thesis research about the significance and the expressive value of the Šempeter necropolis in this day and age. The monuments belonged to renowned families of the former Noricum leading part of the Celtic... more
The funerary monument of the tumulus Stenomakri Toumba at Vergina: tracing the form, the space and contingencies in the necropolis of Aegae in the 4th c. BC. The "Stenomakri Toumba" is an oblong burial tumulus that covered three elite... more
Филолошко-уметнички факултет крагујевац СрпСки језик, књижевноСт, уметноСт зборник радова са IX међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у крагујевцу (24-25. X 2014) књига III Уметничко наслеђе и рат & Музика... more
Bei den Arbeiten zur Anlage der neuen Philharmonie wurde am Kölner Rheinufer ein Fundament freigelegt, das in der späteren Kaiserzeit einem größeren Bau zu gehörte1. Es bestand aus einer beachtlichen Zahl von Blöcken. Sie alle stammten... more
Tipologie e significati del monumento funerario nella città ellenistica. Lo sviluppo del naiskos di Enzo Lippolis Per ricostruire lo sviluppo del monumento funerario ellenistico è necessario analizzare in maniera approfondita soprattutto... more
Inside the cataloguing project EDR (Epigraphic Database Roma) an extensive research has been carried out this year on all the stone inscriptions – mostly gravestones – pertaining to the Roman army in Aquileia. More correct readings of the... more
Commemorative stone monuments called runestones stippled the landscapes of medieval Scandinavia. Their upright forms distinguished them from surrounding objects and, occasionally meeting or towering over viewers, prompted anthropometric... more
The funeral monument of György Apafi (in Hungarian)
We can try to imagine what an ancient traveller could have seen on reaching the city of Rome while walking along the via Tiburtina or the via Labicana-Praenestina. He would have appreciated the multifunctional landscape of the... more
The paper discusses left part of the military stele which was found during the archaeological excavations at the site Kapitul. The inscription commemorated a soldier from the legion XI Claudia pia fidelis. His name is unknown, but from... more
Works of funerary architecture of Isidro Velázquez (1765-1840)
in La Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo. Pantheon della Serenissima, Venezia 2012 (Chiese veneziane, 1), pp. 67 – 75
The mission of the Association for Gravestone Studies is to foster appreciation of the cultural significance of gravestones and burial grounds through their study and preservation.
Die mittel- und spätkaiserzeitlichen Grabstelen aus Aquileia haben in der bisherigen Forschung wenige Beachtung gefunden. Es handelt sich dabei um rund 130 Exemplare, die meistens weder für ihr künstlerisches Niveau noch für den Inhalt... more