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      DialectologyFonetic&fonologyAğız araştırmalarıDerleme
Haja vista a necessidade de fixar um ponto de partida sobre o qual mostrar ao educando de classes de alfabetização de jovens e adultos o funcionamento da leitura e da escrita, o processo de produção e execução sonora de letras e sílabas... more
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      EducationAdult EducationEducaçãoFonética
Exponemos pautas de desarrollo en el código fonético fonológico, cómo explorar con realismo atendiendo a fonemas y alófonos y cómo intervenir tempranamente con directrices en entorno natural, familia y/o centro escolar.
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      Fonetic&fonologyAtención TempranaDisartriatrastornos del habla
A noção de que o verbo hebraico é triliteral e formado pela intercalação de dois morfemas ‒ um consonantal, que lhe outorga o sentido abstrato, e outro transfixo, formado por vogais e consoantes que lhe definem o sentido concreto e... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsArabicLinguistics
This research discusses the difference in writing the vocal letters in Hugo’s telling Hugo in child story entitled Gespensterjäger auf eisiger Spur, written by Cornelia Funke. This research explains about the vocals that undergo changes... more
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      German LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsGerman LanguageFonetic&fonology
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Bahasa adalah alat verbal yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi. Berbahasa adalah proses penyampaian informasi dalam berkomunikasi. Dalam linguistik bahasa sebagai objek kajiannya, sedangkan berbahasa adalah objek kajian ilmu psikologi.... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsFonetic&fonologySosiolinguistics
Año de publicación: 2013 Servicio de edición y maquetación: Tecnolingüística, SL. Lugar: Valencia Queda rigurosamente prohibida, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del copyright, bajo sanciones establecidas en las leyes, la... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureLinguisticsFonetic&fonology
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Abstrak Masyarakat Besut ialah masyarakat di negeri Terengganu yang menuturkan dialek Kelantan sebagai dialek asas mereka. Oleh sebab bahasa (dialek) memainkan peranan penting untuk menggambarkan keperibadian dan jati diri sesebuah... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologyIdentity (Culture)Sosiology
The paper describes the dialectal units used in the Kotayk region of the Republic of Armenia, provides information on population movements and dialect speeches, gives dialectal descriptions of the settlements in the region. The book... more
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      Fonetic&fonologyThe History of Armenian Language
Este trabajo se centra en el alieneamiento de la lengua mazahua de San Antonio de la Laguna. Prone tres alineamientos bistransitivos: Indirectivo, secundativo y nuetro. Todos ellos basados sobre la morfofonología de la lengua.
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Kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia dalam tataran fonologi dapat terjadi baik penggunaan bahasa secara lisan maupun secara tertulis. Sebagian besar kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia dalam tataran fonologi berkaitan dengan pelafalan. Bila kesalahan... more
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      EducationFonetic&fonologyBahasa IndonesiaFonologia
Tulisan ini menjelaskan gejala-gejala fonologis ujaran bahasa Indonesia oleh mahasiswa asing di lingkungan BIPA Universitas Padjadjaran. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan disajikan secara deskriptif. Data didapatkan... more
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      TurkologyÇağdaş Türk LehçeleriTürkolojiFonetic&fonology
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Dillerde ünlü ve ünsüzlerde meydana gelen değişmelerin çeşitli sebepleri vardır. Bu değişimlerin bir bölümü, münasebette bulunulan diller, kültürler, iklim ve coğrafya gibi dilin “dış tarihi” ile ilgilidir. Diğer önemli bir kısmı ise,... more
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      Çağdaş Türk LehçeleriFonetic&fonologyKırgız TürkçesiFonetik
TÜRKÇEDE ART SESLERİN ÖN SESLERE DÖNÜŞMESİ EĞİLİMİ Özet İlk yazılı belgelerden günümüze kadar Türk dilinin her döneminde ve lehçesinde çeşitli sebeplerle ortaya çıkan tonlulaşma, uzun ünlülerin kısalması, ünsüz zenginleşmesi, ünlü... more
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Questo articolo è incentrato sulle variazioni melodiche del suono linguistico, fenomeno descritto con il termine tono, il cui correlato fisico è una variazione dell'altezza del segnale acustico, ossia, in termini musicali, la nota 1 .... more
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      Chinese linguisticsFonetic&fonology
Homonyms (homophones) are the words that spellings and pronunciations are the same and not related to each other in terms of their meanings and functions. As in every language, homonyms are encountered in Turkish since ancient times: boy,... more
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      LexicologyPhonologyTurkologyPhonetics and Phonology
O presente estudo visa analisar e discutir a manifestação dos templates no desenvolvimento fonológico de gêmeos e não gêmeos, adquirindo o Português Brasileiro (PB) da variedade de Vitória da Conquista. Para tanto, é assumida a... more
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      PhonologyLanguage Acquisition and DevelopmentTwinsDesenvolvimento
علم الأصوات: dimana dan bagaimana mengucap. fonologi
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      Fonetic&fonologyFonologiaعلم الأصوات
kurmancî, kurmanji, kurmancca, herêma torê, rêjeya dengan, tor ağzı, turabdin region, tor dialect
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish LanguageFonetic&fonologyTurabdin
Information transfer occurs between societies for various reasons, mostly political and social relations such as migration, war and trade. Instead of giving a name to the innovations learned during this transfer, sometimes the source... more
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      LexicologyArabic Language and LinguisticsFonetic&fonologyMedical Terminology and Translation
U radu se tretira pitanje refleksa starog glasa jata u kratkom slogu na prostoru jugoistočnobosanskog govornog tipa čija je baza istočnohercegovački dijalekt. Analiza je vršena na osnovu rezultata koji su doneseni s anketama Pitanja o... more
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      DialectologyFonetic&fonologyBosanski jezikDijalektologija
İnsanın, gezegenimizin oluşumundan milyarlarca yıl sonra, günümüzden ise yaklaşık 5 milyon yıl önce bedenen ve fiziken sahneye çıkması, aslında onun bu günkü halinde insan olması için sadece bir başlangıçtı. Bu, aynı zamanda milyonlarca... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyCultural AnthropologyFonetic&fonology
Este estudo apresenta os primeiros resultados de uma pesquisa em curso sobre os pretéritos fortes em português não-standard que visa fundamentalmente determinar os padrões de flexão que co-ocorrem temporalmente numa mesma região, numa... more
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Este artículo trata de analizar las posibles semantizaciones de una determinada asonancia de Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Basándose en una base de datos de las asonancias del dramaturgo, se señala en qué momentos... more
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      Metrical PhonologyPedro Calderon De La BarcaTeatroFonetic&fonology
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      LinguisticsFonetic&fonologyFonetica AcusticaLinguística/Línguas Indígenas
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      Bosnian LanguageFonetic&fonologyAccentology
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMetrics
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval HistoryMetricsPoesía
Introduzione alla linguistica generale in chiave strutturalista
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      SemioticsPhonologyLinguisticsPhonetics and Phonology
En este trabajo se pretende establecer una comparación entre la acentuación del latín y la acentuación en español. Se establece esta comparación desde dos perspectivas: por un lado, mediante el análisis del acento en latín y en español... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Fonetic&fonology
As características da fala de um determinado indivíduo podem, sutil ou abertamente, transmitir informações sobre sua associação em certos grupos sociais. Essas associações, por sua vez, podem ser evidenciadas por idade, etnia, faixa... more
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      LGBT IssuesFonetic&fonology
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Acompanhamos parte da história recente da Fonética no Brasil, ressaltando a percepção que foneticistas têm tido a respeito do papel das técnicas e tecnologias para o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos na área e a respeito da relação do... more
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      Historiography of LinguisticsFonéticaLinguístics and EducationFonetic&fonology
El presente volumen pretende aportar nuevos resultados al ámbito científico de la fonética y fonología históricas a partir del estudio del texto «Libro de Buen Amor», de Juan Ruiz Arcipreste de Hita, una de las obras cumbres de la... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMetrics
Este libro parte de la estrecha relación existente entre la materialidad del componente fónico de la lengua, por una parte, y la métrica y rima de los textos poéticos, de otra. A través de un minucioso estudio de la producción poética... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryPoetry
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMetrics
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval HistoryMetricsLiteratura Medieval
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      Historical LinguisticsLiteraturaLiteratura MedievalHistoria de la lengua española
The work comprehensively presents the phonetic, grammatical and vocabulary systems of the Armenian Bayazet dialect, with synchronic and diachronic points of view, in comparison with the systems of nearby dialects.
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      LexicologyHistorical LinguisticsDialectologyGrammar
“Why there is no vowel harmony in Lappish” was the title of a 1976 paper by István Bátori. His opinion – that there is no vowel harmony in the Saami (Lappish) language – is widely accepted among Finno-Ugrists even today. In this paper I... more
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      MorphologyLinguisticsVowel harmonySámi Studies
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Algherese Catalan has the peculiarity of presenting an inserted [i] vowel across words in order to avoid certain consonant codas. In this study, we compare five acoustic features of this epenthetic segment (i.e., duration, intensity, and... more
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      Catalan StudiesPhonologyCatalan LanguagePhonetics