Sámi Studies
Recent papers in Sámi Studies
The Sámi have long desired a public process to examine and expose the Nordic states' colonial, assimilationist practices and policies, past and present, toward the Sámi people. This article considers the truth and reconciliation process... more
The yoik is a vocal technique practised by the Sámi of Northern Europe. It relies on circular melodies, chanted in everyday life and a cappella, with or without lyrics. Each melody evokes a particular being, usually a person, an animal... more
Hvilke konsekvenser har 70 dr med sovjetiske reformer hatt for de russiske samenes etnopolitiske organisering etter 1989? F0rste del av denne artikkelen tar for seg utviklingen av de russiske samenes etnopolitiske organisasjoner og... more
This article takes as its starting point a recent press release from Norway’s National Art Museum: here the museum asserts a “strengthening of its collection of Sami art”. The article charts the assembling and articulation of Sami... more
The chapter describes the evolution of literary languages for four endangered indigenous languages. Different paths of language standardization and revitalization in the Soviet Russian minority context are illustrated with case studies... more
This article examines the depoliticization of violence against women in indigenous communities. It argues that there is a pressing need to examine the ways in which gen- dered violence is explained, addressed and often sanctioned in... more
Discipline, Desire, and Knowledge. The Colonial fight over Goavddis. This article deals with goavddis (ceremonial Sami drums) as objects at the centre of colonial struggle between Swedish officials and the Sami in the decades around 1700.... more
This is rather the first book with a title "Philosophy of Law in the Arctic" in the literature. This philosophy of law is a very wide and cross-disciplinary area of research: between law, philosophy, anthropology, history, cultural... more
We present advances in the development of a FST-based morphological analyzer and generator for Skolt Sami. Like other minority Uralic languages, Skolt Sami exhibits a rich morphology, on the one hand, and there is little golden standard... more
Utkast til standardartikkel om 'identitetspolitikk', 22.05.21. Alle rettigheter forbeholdes forfatterne. Vennligst ikke siter uten tillatelse fra forfatterne.
Vi har intervjuat fyra äldre informanter i kärnsamiskt område om praxis kring det att dö och döden. Intervjuerna genomfördes på samiska. I kombination med nyare forskning skisserar vi i artikeln fram några exempel på vad som kan vara... more
"Sametinget welcomes the visit of Ms. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz to Sápmi this August 2015 in her examination of the current status of the Indigenous Rights of the Sami People residing in Sápmi and Sweden. Sápmi is the traditional... more
Utifrån den svenska filmen Sameblod diskuterar Katariina Kyrölä relationen mellan fenomenet att representanter från en dominerande grupp beslagtar en marginaliserad grupps kulturella uttryck och att representanter från en marginaliserad... more
For many the "Arctic" is an exotic geographic abstraction, something different and fascinating, something somewhere "out there." For some of us, however, that abstraction is a dif cult one, since our own well-known and well-loved corner... more
The offering places of the Sámi people have a long tradition of use. Written sources and archaeological finds give a picture of offerings from the late Iron Age to the beginning of the 20th century. But even today these places are... more
The article is an in depth analysis of the ongoing mining conflict in Northern Sweden and Sámi’s land rights from a critical legal theory perspective. It particularly analyses what the mining conflict proves in terms of the Sámi people’s... more
"In the heyday of physical anthropology, researchers were interested in historical cemeteries in Lapland during two different periods. During the first period, the 19th century, cemeteries were mainly excavated in connection with a... more
A critique of multiculturalist diversity from an Indigenist Sámi perspective that advocates a strategic give-and-take, or "dance," with this sometimes useful, sometimes devastating ogre.
Resumen Aunque la noruegización se aplicó dentro del territorio Sápmi, el idioma Sami ha resistido heroicamente. Esta investigación se centra en el uso del idioma sami en las redes sociales por parte de los jóvenes sami en... more
This is the first thorough English language description of Kildin Saami and the first attempt to systematically describe the basic phonological, morphological and syntactic features of this language from the perspective of general... more
I studiet av samisk religiös historia saknas översiktsartiklar. Denna artikel bidrar till att ändra på det genom att presentera kristendomens historia på svensk och norsk sida av Sápmi, med utgångspunkt i samiska aktörer och stämmor.... more
Lars Levi Laestadius (1800-1861) was a priest of the Swedish state church and the founder of the largest revival movement in the Nordic region. He served in the very north of Sweden, an area inhabited by Sami and Finns, both groups being... more
Surveying existing literature, this article offers a preliminary assessment of the intersection of Indigenous governance and Arctic extractive industries, with a special focus on how Indigenous governance institutions position themselves... more
This book sets the standard for scholarship on Sami issues. It reveals what has long been hidden from English readers. The breadth of these chapters is impressive; nuances and subtleties are well-contextualized to readily enhance... more
Artikkelen er trykt under tittelen "Trolldomsforfølgelsene i Finnmark – lokalitet, etnisk herkomst og kjønn" i Etter Lemkin Tidsskrift for studier av folkemord og politisk massevold, 1. årgang, Nr.2, 2009: 78-91 På 1600-tallet... more
M.G.Kuchinskiy The Kola Uezd Sámi in 16th – 18th Centuries: Model of the Social Structure The target of this research is to reconstruct the social structure of the Kola uezd Sámi in 16th – 18th centuries. This research in its base... more
α. Ιστορικά στοιχεία β. Τόπος εγκατάστασης γ. Προέλευση, ανθρωπολογικά, γλωσσολογικά στοιχεία και στοιχεία πολιτισμού δ. Βιοπορισμός και διαχείριση των φυσικών πόρων ε. Η ταυτότητα των Sámi ΙΙΙ. ΤΟ ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΤΩΝ SÁMI ΚΑΙ Η ΜΕΙΟΝΟΤΙΚΗ... more
In this chapter we discuss national borders in relation to the Norwegian Truth and reconciliation commission. How is it possible to reconcile within the borders of one national state, when Sápmi stretches over four different national... more