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      PhoeniciansUrbanism (Archaeology)PhoenicianPhoenician Punic Archaeology
The archaeological excavations carried out under the former Teatro Cómico have provided evidences of the earliest Phoenician presence in the city of Cádiz. Under modern and Roman remains, the Phoenician urban layout from the late 9th to... more
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      PhoeniciansPhoenicianPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyFenicios
In this paper the pottery retrieved from the two main Phoenician phases (Periods II and III) of the site of Teatro Cómico (Cádiz) is preliminary analyzed. In the earliest contexts (ca. 820/800-760/750 BC) an important assem-blage of... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)PhoeniciansFeniciosPottery studies
In the late 6th century BC the funerary monument of Bishop´s House (Cádiz) was raised. It was built in masonry and the chamber and krepìs under-neath the monument are still well preserved. The importance of the building, the data obtained... more
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      PhoeniciansPhoenicianPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyFenicios
ESP: Hasta la fecha de la reciente intervención arqueológica en la Isla de San Sebastián (2009-2012) con motivo de las obras de rehabilitación del conjunto de fortificaciones de época moderna y contemporánea, no se contaba con indicios... more
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      PhoeniciansPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyFeniciosPhoenician sanctuary
Una hipótesis de trabajo acerca de la paleotopografía de la ciudad romana de Gades y sus principales edificios. Lo más interesante es el planteamiento de un puente que provocó el cegamiento del canal Bahía-Caleta con el tiempo en época... more
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      Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyArqueologíaArqueología De La ArquitecturaFenicios
L’origine del santuario tofet va ricercata nella madrepatria fenicio-cipriota o a Cartagine? Che ruolo ha quest’ultima nello sviluppo e nella diffusione del tofet? E cosa accade dopo la distruzione della metropoli punica? L’analisi delle... more
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      ReligionMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesPhoenicians
All'incirca nell'anno 600 a.C., alcune navi risalirono lentamente il delta del Nilo, ed approdarono nel porto di Sais, non lontano dalla residenza del faraone. A riceverle, con un misto di stupore e di ammirazione, c'era il faraone... more
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      FeniciosFenicio PunicoFenicio PunicoStoria Della Navigazione
All'incirca nell'anno 600 a.C., alcune navi risalirono lentamente il delta del Nilo, ed approdarono nel porto di Sais, non lontano dalla residenza del faraone. A riceverle, con un misto di stupore e di ammirazione, c'era il faraone... more
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      FeniciosFenicio PunicoFenicio PunicoStoria Della Navigazione
In this paper the pottery retrieved from the Phoenician phase ii of the site of Teatro Cómico (Cadiz) is preliminary analyzed. An important assemblage of Phoenician, Nuragic and Tartessian pottery was found, with storage jars, bichrome... more
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      PhoeniciansPhoenicianPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyFenicios
The term «neopunic» was chosen by epigraphists for epigraphical purposes: to name and distinguish a writing system and the inscriptions written adopting it. This paper analyses features and problems related to this writing system and to... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyPhoeniciansEpigraphy (Archaeology)
In this paper the pottery retrieved from the two main Phoenician phases (Periods II and III) of the site of Teatro Cómico (Cádiz) is preliminary analyzed. In the earliest contexts (ca. 820/800-760/750 BC) an important assemblage of... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyArqueologíaArqueología históricaArqueologia
De entre las muchas acuñaciones que la ciudad de Carteia emitió, sobresale un tipo de reverso con una tipología muy interesante e inusual por aquel entonces. Se trata de la moneda del pescador, cuya importancia radica no solo en la... more
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      IconographyNumismaticsNumismaticAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
In this paper the pottery retrieved from the Phoenician Period iii (late 7th to early 6th centuries BC) of the site of Teatro Cómico (Cadiz) is preliminary analyzed. A good assemblage of Western Phoenician pottery (red slip ware, Gray... more
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      Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyFeniciosPhoenician and Punic StudiesArcheologia Fenicio-Punica
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares de las excavaciones efectuadas en el solar del Cine Cómico de Cádiz, en las que se ha documentado una secuencia estratigráfica que se extiende desde el siglo IX a. C. hasta época... more
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      PhoeniciansPhoenicianPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyAncient Egyptian Iconography
D epuis les âges des métaux et jusqu'aux grands conflits du XVIII e siècle, le contrôle des façades maritimes de l'île apparaît en effet comme un enjeu majeur dans l'échiquier des politiques impérialistes à l'échelle de la mer intérieure.... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyRoman History
Vidrios fenicio-púnicos en el contexto de la cultura talaiótica menorquina, Islas Baleares.
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      Menorca / MinorcaBaleares /Balearic IslandsArcheologia Fenicio-PunicaFenicio Punico
Pani Loriga* si trova in vista dell'attuale abitato di Santadi ( , su un modesto rilievo a forma di "U" delimitato a Est dal corso del Riu Mannu. Il sito dista una ventina di chilometri in linea d'aria dalla costa ed è in rapporto visivo... more
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      ArchaeologyPhoenician Punic Archaeologyarchaeology of Sardinia in phoenician ageArcheologia Fenicio-Punica
La présente contribution présente une stèle inédite déposée près de l’entrée principale de la casbah qui domine la ville d’El Kef, l’antique Sicca Veneria, en Tunisie centrale occidentale. Il s’agit d’une stèle punique tardive, datable... more
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      IconographyTheologyMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
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      ArqueologíaFenicio Punico
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      PhoeniciansSardinia (Archaeology)Underwater ArchaeologyPhoenician Punic Archaeology
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      GadirOfrendasFenicio PunicoPesca
Nel corso del 2011 la Soprintendenza è intervenuta in tre scavi d’urgenza nell’area della necropoli punica di Palermo, tra Piazza Indipendenza e Corso Calatafimi. Come è noto, la necropoli punica della città antica si sviluppa intorno... more
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      PhoeniciansNecropoliticsPhoenicianSicily (History)
This article presents an analysis of the neo-Punic funerary inscriptions construed with the verb ṭnʾ - traditionally translated as “to erect.” A new etymology and meaning of this verb is presented. Furthermore, other morpho-syntactic... more
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      PhilologySemitic languagesEtymologyComparative Semitic Linguistics
El trabajo que presentamos tiene por objetivo analizar las diferentes estrategias de investigación que se han implementado en la isla de Mallorca a la hora de analizar e interpretar el significado y el alcance que tuvieron los contactos... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial ArchaeologyColonialismoFenicio Punico
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      HistoriographyFunerary ArchaeologyProtohistoryHistory of Archaeology
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      PhoeniciansArchaeology of ReligionHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Ancient Religion
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      PhoeniciansPhoenicianRoman PotteryLate Roman Pottery
L'articolo si propone di rivolgere l’indagine su tre direttrici fondamentali: le trasformazioni architettoniche e funzionali dei tofet tardo punici, mai analizzate finora nello specifico nella letteratura archeologica, per illustrare le... more
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      Comparative ReligionIconographyMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
The purpose of the article is to analyze the archaeological record (sacred places, votive steles and votive inscriptions) coming from the sites of modern Algeria and related to the worship of Baal Hammon and Tinnit, elaborating on some... more
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      PhoeniciansRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyNorth African prehistory (Archaeology)
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      Roman HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyPhoenician and Punic StudiesArcheologia Fenicio-PunicaFenicio Punico
An attempt to describe in general terms the nature, origins and practice of neo-Punic writing as well as the orthography employed therein.
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      Semitic languagesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Northwest Semitic EpigraphyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
"The Tyrrhenian Sea appears as a geographically well defined space, enclosed within the Italian coasts and the big islands. During the Protohistoric Age, therefore, this is the scenery of development for a mosaic of cultures whose some... more
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      Ancient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
Resumen: Presentamos en este trabajo los primeros resultados de un estudio arqueológico más amplio, además de los últimos hallazgos relacionados con plantaciones de viñas en arena, que hemos emprendido con respecto a la agricultura de la... more
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      Ceramics (Archaeology)Al Andalus (Islamic History)ArqueologiaVinoculture
Presentación de una pieza de clara procedencia mediterránea aparecida en un contexto indígena del NW en la II Edad del Hierro.
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyCarthage, Punic Pottery, Mediterranean archaeology, Phoenician Punic Archaeology, Punic world and Punic Archaeology, Phoenician and Punic Studies, archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician ageFenicio Punico
In the Punic and Roman Ages the area of the present Piazza Bologni occupied the central part of the fortified city, lapped, to the North and to the South, by Papireto and Kemonia rivers. The ancient town of Panormos was arranged according... more
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      NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Medieval SicilySicily (History)
Despite growing interest in ancient networks, Phoenician settlement has not been a major topic of recent archaeological research in the Aegean. This contrasts with an unbiased nineteenth-century belief in ancient Greek authors who refer... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryPhoeniciansMediterranean StudiesMediterranean
En este trabajo presentamos el estudio zooarqueológico de los macromamíferos del yacimiento de época fenicia del Teatro Cómico. Los ovicápridos son la cabaña ganadera más importante seguidos del vacuno y el porcino según el periodo de... more
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      ZooarchaeologyPhoenicianSocial zooarchaeologyPhoenician Punic Archaeology
... Un pueblo prerromano en el Estrecho de Gibraltar: los Libiofenicios. Autores: Salvador Bravo Jiménez; Localización: Almoraima: revista de estudios campogibraltareños, ISSN 1133-5319, Nº 29, 2003 , págs. 139-150. Fundación Dialnet.... more
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    • Fenicio Punico
Cari amici e colleghi, è per me un onore annunciarvi che, con l'approvazione del Comitato Scientifico Internazionale, il prossimo Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici sarà organizzato dall' Instituto de Arqueología, Centro de... more
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      FeniciosPúnicosFenicio PunicoArqueologia Fenicia
Se defienden los santuarios con taula de la isla de Menorca como témenos betílicos de la religión púnico-talayótica, valorando la influenc ia fenicia como factor determinante en la creación de esos peculiares monumentos que caracterizan... more
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      Menorca / MinorcaBalearic prehistoryFenicio PunicoBetyls
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    • Fenicio Punico
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    • Fenicio Punico
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      Fenicio PunicoCeramica fenicio-punicaTurdetaniaAceite De Oliva
... Un pueblo prerromano en el Estrecho de Gibraltar: los Libiofenicios. Autores: Salvador Bravo Jiménez; Localización: Almoraima: revista de estudios campogibraltareños, ISSN 1133-5319, Nº 29, 2003 , págs. 139-150. Fundación Dialnet.... more
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    • Fenicio Punico
... por una concentración de trigo desnudo, pro-cede del nivel llamado de la Casa Quemada (Lámina V, 1 ... a lo largo de la Protohistoria la práctica habitual de cultivo son los campos de cereales ... López Amador, Juan-José y Ruiz Gil,... more
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      AgricultureNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyVegetation EcologyAl-Andalus archaeology
¿Una puerta al Más Allá?: Tumbas y cultos funerarios a través del arte antiguo. CURSO ONLINE, DIRECTO Y DIFERIDO, 5 y 6 abril 2019 UNED. Les Illes Balears El mundo funerario en las civilizaciones de la Antigüedad es un tema complejo y... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMinoan art and archaeologyCretan StudiesMinoan iconography