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The National Park Service (NPS) American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) was created to assist individuals, groups, organizations, and governments with researching, evaluating, interpreting, and protecting historic American... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyConflict ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyUnderwater Archaeology
"Early colonial economies in North America and Australia were commonly based on a combination of the importation of goods and a system of local production which included subsistence agriculture and hunting. Before 1850 the Australian... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryHistory of Canada
Below is an article on the Tully Lough Cross, an 8th-or 9th-century Irish treasure recovered from a lake in County Roscommon. I first posted this at my former blog in 2010 and the original link no longer works.
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)
Recuento y relación de la actividad desarrollada en arqueología subacuática de Cuba  a partir de 1959 hasta el presente.
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    • Underwater Archaeology
The wrecks of merchant ships transporting amphorae with wine and oil represent an important source of information for the reconstructions of antique economy in the western part of the Mediterranean. Following the analysis of submerged... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyRoman GaulAncient ShipwrecksRoman Amphorae
Hour-long lecture given at the International Center for Underwater Archaeology, Zadar, Croatia, in October of 2016
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      HistoryArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyMaritime History
Bringing together American and Canadian scholars of Great Lakes prehistory to provide a holistic picture of caribou hunters, this volume covers such diverse topics as paleoenvironmental reconstruction, ethnographic surveys of hunting... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRemote Sensing
Underwater photogrammetry in archaeology in Egypt is a completely new experience applied for the first time on the submerged archaeological site of the lighthouse of Alexandria situated on the eastern extremity of the ancient island of... more
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      EgyptologyMaritime Archaeology3D ReconstructionDigital Photogrammetry applied to Archaeology
This archaeological community-engaged research focuses on locating, recording, photographing, and classifying, rock art (pictographs and petroglyphs) designs within Heiltsuk and Wuikinuxv Nations' territories. The two areas are on the... more
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      ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Indigenous KnowledgeUnderwater Archaeology
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical Archaeology
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      Naval ArchitectureMaritime ArchaeologyFrench HistoryMaritime History
Occasionally the archaeological ship reconstructor is fortunate enough to encounter the remains of a vessel on which shipwrights' design marks have been preserved. La Belle (1684) has the most extensive and complete set of such marks... more
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      Naval ArchitectureHistory of Science and TechnologyMaritime ArchaeologyHistory of Technology
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyAnthropologyEthnoarchaeology
progress". So say those in the know about this unique Swiss watch company, where each and every moment moves forward to create the future at breathtaking speed. Hublot's reputation dates back three decades: during this era, it was the... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHellenistic History The production and use of amphorae in the Phoenician world was a very important economic sector, both in the Levant and in all the areas colonized by the... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyAncient economies (Archaeology)
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      RomanticismLimnologyRenaissance HumanismUnderwater Archaeology
Im Rahmen der Gewässerökologie werden aktuelle Kartierungen der Unterwassersituationen in Form von 3D-Modellen und Probenentnahmen benötigt, um Informationen über den Zustand eines Gewässers zu erhalten und Maßnahmen abzuleiten. In der... more
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      RoboticsUnderwater ArchaeologyLocalisationVisual odometry, SLAM, obstacle detection
I den beskrevne marinarkeologiske forundersøkelsen ble det gravd 12 prøvesjakter på 11 forskjellige lokaliteter i Vågen, Bergen. Undersøkelsen ga en stor og variert mengde funn av gjenstander, fra middelalder fram til i dag. Det ble ikke... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyHarbour Archaeology
This paper describes ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) that can take sample of contaminated water and soil while the operator operates it on the shore or ship. User can operate ROV wirelessly. ROV is...
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      RoboticsOcean EngineeringOceanographyRobotics (Computer Science)
This paper describes ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) that can take sample of contaminated water and soil while the operator operates it on the shore or ship. User can operate ROV wirelessly. ROV is equipped with camera, robot hand, GPS,... more
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      RoboticsOcean EngineeringOceanographyRobotics (Computer Science)
The contribution presents a practical account of the techniques and systems for bathymetric survey which can be applied for the benefit of underwater archaeological research. Single-beam and multi-beam echosounder systems are compared as... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyArchaeologyBathymetry SurveyUnderwater Archaeology
While caribou hunting structures are well known in the circumpolar region, equivalent features are difficult to investigate further south due to significant changes in sea level and subsequent human activity. The discovery of hunting... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeologyArctic Archaeology
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryNaval Warfare
Rapporten beskriver utravning, dokumentasjon og flytting / redeponering av større vrakdeler som ble registrert på grunnt vann i forbindelse med utvidelse av et havneanlegg. Vrakdelene viste seg å være skrogsider fra et større... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyIn Situ Conservation of Coastal & Underwater Heritage Sites
Fino a una decina d’anni fa, i nodi cruciali della storia e dell’archeologia della città di Durazzo, in Albania, restavano ancora in gran parte da chiarire: una storia densa e una ricchissima documentazione archeologica, per una città... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyPorts and HarboursMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyAlbania
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      Underwater ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
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      Russian HistoryGlass (Archaeology)Underwater Archaeology
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      Underwater ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyWrecks
Powerpoint of a lecture in ARCH 8151: History, Theory and Issues in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology at Flinders University on Tuesday 17 March 2015.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyAustralian archaeologyProtection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
Blog post 12/28/2013 at I can't now find the post, but someone this morning (28 December 2013) posted a link to an article in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana Advocate... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMuseum Studies
Em Setembro de 2006 foi achada fortuitamente uma boca de fogo em bronze nas proximidades da Ponta do Altar (Ferragudo, Lagoa), tendo a missão oficial de verificação do achado levado à descoberta de uma segunda. As duas bocas de fogo,... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyArqueologíaPost-Medieval Archaeology
Largo 15,7 cm.; largo 4,3 cm.; grosor 0,4 cm.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyArqueología Subacuática
As a long-time admirer of classical music, I was always particularly interested in symphonic descriptions of the Sea. Since several years I began taking notes of the pieces on the subject and finally it took a form of the current... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyOceanographyBenjamin BrittenFelix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
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      CartographyCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationCoastal and Island Archaeology
The contents of the French shipwreck La Belle, lost in Matagorda Bay, Texas in 1686, included numerous intact and fragmentary staved containers or casks. This paper, which was presented at the Society for Historical Archaeology's 30th... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyFrench HistoryMaterial Culture Studies
Until recently, coastal settlements have been poorly recognised within the official archaeological discourse. The region of Sinis, during the Bronze and Iron Age, represents a privileged setting for the study of the relationship between... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyNuragic ArchaeologyLate Bronze AgeAncient Commercial Trades
In 2018 in Lake Petén Itzá (Petén Department, northern Guatemala) underwater archaeological survey has been conducted by the Polish–Guatemalan group of archaeologists. During the first season underwater reconnaissance has been performed... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyNew World ArchaeologyMaya CultureMaya Itza
A shipwreck, designated as Ma'agan Mikhael B, was discovered in 2005 by divers about 70 m from the shoreline and at a depth of 1 m, embedded in sandy seafl oor sediments. Soon after, the shipwreck was lost in the sand. In May 2015, it was... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyRemote SensingSurvey Methodology
Central question: What happens to archaeological bone in sea water?
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      Forensic AnthropologyTaphonomyDiagenesisUnderwater Archaeology
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      Medieval ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyLogboatsArchaeological wood, plant fiber and charcoal identification
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      Archaeological Method & TheorySurvey (Archaeological Method & Theory)Archaeological ProspectionUnderwater Archaeology
Seventeen flakes and 1 unifacial scraper have been recovered from submerged archaeological sites on the Alpena-Amberley Ridge, a landform across the Lake Huron basin that was dry land 7500–9500 years ago. These lithic artifacts—recovered... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyUnderwater ArchaeologyHunter-Gatherer Archaeology
Nell’ambito del “Progetto Cultura Sommersa”, l’Associazione CMAS Diving Center Italia organizza corsi di Archeologia Subacquea, sviluppati su 2 livelli, secondo gli standard CMAS. Il Brevetto CMAS Archaeology Diver per un approccio alla... more
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    • Underwater Archaeology
"I 2011 gjennomførte Norsk Maritimt Museum en utgravning på et forlissted ved Ulvøysund i Lillesand, Aust Agder. Stedet er værhardt. I brytningen mellom holmer og skjær, tett på storhavet, ved innseilingen til flere uthavner og en... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyShippingUnderwater ArchaeologyMaritime
The article presents the archaeological collection found in the medieval shipwreck of the 13th century. The wreck site was located in the Sudak Bay, near small town resort Novy Svet, in the South-eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula.
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      Medieval ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyMedieval PotteryUnderwater Archaeology
Complete technical report by Rachel Sabino with contributions from Lorenzo Lazzarini follows the comprehensive curatorial essay by Katharine A. Raff.
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArt HistoryMuseum Studies
Expedition to positive identify the shipwreck of the Italian Regia Marina battleship Regina Margherita, sunk 11th November 1916 by the German minelayer submarine UC 14 off the harbour of Valona (Albania). The expedition received the... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyMaritime History
We discuss archaeobotanical finds of bulbs of garlic and onion from the 15th century Copper wreck in Gdańsk (Baltic Sea).Plant remains found on the wrecks allow us to describe everyday life on the ships.Bulbs of onion and garlic from the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater Archaeology
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical Archaeology
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      Underwater ArchaeologyMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyRoman portsMaritime and Underwater Archaeology