Human sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)
Recent papers in Human sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)
Short Analysis of Appian Punic Wars 131
The use of sacrificial language is a given widely certified by the first Christian authors to describe the redeeming death of Christ and of Christian moral behavior. This article aims to highlight the hermeneutical strategies employed in... more
General Theme - an attempt to explain "fittest" and "fitness" language with a nod toward evolutionary theory to note how Jesus Christ in his flesh flipped that understanding on its head. In essence, the fittest does not survive, but... more
I grew up in Mexico and I have been a Christian for 22 years. I have frequent interactions with skeptics and Christian Spanish-speakers alike in the United States. Sooner or later the question of the eternal destiny of the unevangelized... more
The Minoan civilization of Crete survived from the 3rd millennium to the 1st millennium BCE. By the 2nd millennium BCE, Minoan society shaped into a highly differentiated complex society, with a diverse division of labor and permanent... more
Resumen. Este artículo examina las tragedias de honra conyugal de Calderón de la Barca a partir de los esquemas hermenéuticos propuestos por Réné Girard. Estos se muestran especialmente útiles para analizar la culpabilidad o inocencia de... more
Human sacrifice is a well-attested and much mythologised phenomenon of human society, but what constitutes human sacrifice? Why is socially sanctioned violence considered sacrifice? And why are human lives sacrificed? New research uses... more
Chidra follows the figure of Ram Nath, a low-caste villager in the West Himalayan highlands of Himachal Pradesh, who plays a special role in the biannual Kahika festival: he serves as the “human sacrifice” that culminates the ritual... more
Caravan of Martyrs: Sacrifice and Suicide Bombing in Afghanistan. David B. Edwards. University of California Press, 2017. 272 pp. Hardcover $29.95 / ISBN: 978-0-520-294790.
A fascinating study on social movements, religion and behaviour in ancient greece. One may wonder what has changed in the realm of social relations over the past two thousand years...
ΤΟ ΑΙΝΙΓΜΑ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΡΘΕΝΩΝΑ, with preface by Angelos Chaniotis, translation by Katerina Servi. Patakis Publishers, Athens, 2016.
The presented article deals with an issue of images of druids as human sacrifice performers found in classical sources and their later reception in the English culture and contemporary pop-culture. The main part of the paper forms a... more
A brief and light-hearted survey of three "hybristic eromenos" stories. It is the first in a series that will include at least two articles, and maybe more, if the material presents itself. Persia will be the first stop.
The city of Tehran contains countless murals of imposing dimensions, in various colors and styles, predominantly featuring portraits of the martyrs of the Iran-Iraq War (1980–1988). These paintings, which refer to various sociopolitical... more
The Grolier Codex is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B. Carlson. One of four known... more
“Animal Sacrifice in Albee’s Plays and Its Influence on the Contemporary Stage,” Edward Albee: Influence, New Perspec-tives in Edward Albee Studies 4. Edited by Natka Bianchini and John M. Clum (Leiden: Brill, 2021) 46–73.
Abstract: The clash between the Rig Vedic Indo-Aryans, the Pre-Rig Vedic Indo-Aryan tribes, and the Harappan civilization can be described as a world-historical dialectical conflict, in which the sovereign dominant culture subjugates the... more
En Metamorfosis de Apuleyo la curiositas del personaje Lucio lo lleva a vivir distintas situaciones que tienen conexión con las prácticas mágicas. El primer encuentro de Lucio con lo mágico es de manera indirecta a través de una fabula... more
In addressing an audience such as this, I am very conscious of the diversity here in the room today. I know there are women here from the various religious traditions represented in the North of Ireland. For some women this meeting will... more
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
The debate on alleged Aztec cannibalism should begin with the statement that history is written by the victors. In this particular case, the popular stereotype portrays the Aztecs as a death-obsessed militaristic culture mostly known for... more
En esta nueva entrega analizaremos el papel de aquellos yacimientos arqueológicos de origen fenicio que por sus características, que más adelante analizaremos, han sido denominados "Tofet".
Ok, Children of the Corn was true classic from the days when Stephen King was the King of horror. However its true glory lies in marking an era where the Green Revolution has shown its true face as the unlikely Terminator. High-yield... more
Аннотация. Статья посвящена понятию «айналайын», которое рассма-тривается изнутри жертвенного комплекса тюркского мифопоэзиса. Важное для кыргызской и казахской культур понятие «айналайын» описывается как семантический пучок и... more
At the beginning of the lyrical parodos of the "Agamemnon", the old men of the chorus declare to possess the authority to speak on behalf of the Achaean army and its king. Once their account of the events at Aulis has reached its... more
This doctoral thesis analyses the occurrence and context of human sacrifice in Old Norse religion. The aim of this study is to investigate the written sources that mention human sacrifices in the Late Iron Age Scandinavian cultures and... more
В статье исследуется специфика жертвоприношения в архаических верованиях и культах, а так же подчеркивается непродуктивность изучения жертвоприношения архаических культов через категориальный аппарат авраамических религий. Анализируются... more
This paper examines the Roman human sacrifices in situation of political violence, throughout the Republic and the Empire. First are considered the human sacrifices made in a private area, secondly the human sacrifices made in a public... more
The Incas carried out some of the most dramatic ceremonies known to us from ancient times. Groups of people walked hundreds of miles across arid and mountainous terrain to perform them on mountains over 20,000 feet (6,096 m) high. The... more
ABSTRACT: This documentary response sheet contains a series of sequential questions drawn from the video, Acorn: The Minotaur's Island (shown in-class; also available online via [95 minutes]).... more
Brief discussion of the different forms of religious offerings and sacrifices, with a short historical critique of the traditional (colonial) ideas about supposed human sacrifice.
El sacrificio romano ha sido objeto de estudio desde distintas perspectivas y dentro del campo religioso. Siempre se ha estudiado la inmolación desde el punto de vista cultual, en el que se veía cómo hacer el sacrificio correctamente, el... more
Il volume offre una sintesi generale e un'analisi critica della documentazione disponibile (diretta e indiretta) relativa ai santuari fenici e punici chiamati tofet, esaminando le diverse proposte interpre-tative e cercando di prospettare... more
In this article, see pages 164, 166-168 for Stuart's discussion of the Grolier Codex. It is highly significant that the Mexican State of Chiapas and the Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas chose to include the Grolier Codex as an authentic... more
Откъс от книгата "Ведическа Индия: мит и саможертва", Николай Янков, Изток-Запад, 2020 г. The book "Vedic India: Myth and Sacrifice" is a revised edition of the PHD thesis, entitled "Self-Sacrifice as a Prototype of the Vedic ritual... more
כדי להציג ולהדגים את גוון האמונה ההיברידית של אברהם נבקש להתחקות אחר שיירים של מיתוס זר, למתוח את הציר שבין נוכחותו בפועל ובין ייצוגו באופן אך סמלי, ולזהות את היסוד שמטשטש את הקשר ויוצר למעשה את הפער. בהתאם להגדרתנו "אמונה היברידית"... more