Recent papers in Dystopias
Belarus at Sea
(review of Альгерд Бахарэвіч. 2020. Апошняя кніга пана А. Менск: Янушкевіч / Alhierd Bacharevič. 2020. Apošniaja kniha pana A. [Mr A.’s Last Book]. Miensk: Januškievič, 500pp, ISBN 9789857210541, 9788090735927)
(review of Альгерд Бахарэвіч. 2020. Апошняя кніга пана А. Менск: Янушкевіч / Alhierd Bacharevič. 2020. Apošniaja kniha pana A. [Mr A.’s Last Book]. Miensk: Januškievič, 500pp, ISBN 9789857210541, 9788090735927)
Industrial Activity: Kraftwerk's Radio-Activity as dystopian sonic template. Radio-Activity (1975) deals with the most dystopian themes the pioneering German electronic group ever addressed. It was released shortly before the emergence in... more
This thesis seeks to verify the hypothesis that: man has always tried to achieve the ideal in tangible, physical forms; (art, architecture etc) but consistently fails to do so due to the imperfect nature of material reality. The... more
The article focuses on the psychological dimensions of readers’ engagements with young adult climate change fiction. It argues that that the embodied simulation of a fictional climate-changed world can offer much more than simple... more
Catastrophe Dossier. Ed. Tom Ue. Film Matters 10.3 (2019): 171-75. Print.
In today"s communities, the needs and demands of human beings are increasing day by day. At the same time, innovation and development in every field which guide the future of humanity is proceeding. To meet various needs and desires of... more
A look at how representations of the city, technology and gender create dystopia in the film Blade Runner.
Self and Other Dossier. Ed. Tom Ue. Film Matters 9.3 (2018): 133-37. Print.
Distopia vs Utopia : Fighting for the future
In this piece, I approach the relationship between the paradigm of imbricated crises pertaining to the second decade of the twenty-first century and its contemporaneous dystopian literature. I focus particularly on how dystopian... more
The last decade has seen the rise of data capture culture. This culture has been most visible, and widely analysed, within the realm of social media; but it is not unique to that form. This article reconceptualises video games as... more
Aún en sus momentos más prolíficos, el cine argentino le ha sido esquivo a los géneros y la ciencia ficción ha sido uno de los más relegados. Algunos de los factores que han incidido en este fenómeno son una marcada preferencia por el... more
Terre fertile en paralittératures, familière des littératures de l’imaginaire, la Belgique semble paradoxalement peu représentée dans la veine utopique. Si en France le récit d’anticipation moderne se constitue en prolongement, souvent... more
Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 11.2 (2018): 217-25. Print.
Since the earliest known works of literature three-thousand years ago, the vision for a better society, an ideal society, has driven and inspired cultures to improve their social conditions. These visions were written around themes of... more
The study focuses on the republican murals painted on the walls of two cities, Belfast and Derry, in May 2009. The idea for the study was born during a trip to Northern Ireland during which I had the opportunity to observe the murals and... more
The article focuses on the origins of the concept of dystopia in literature. The word "dystopia" was discovered in extracts from the anonymous 1747 poem "Utopia: or Apollo's Golden Days," enclosed in a letter to the editor in the... more
Praca licencjacka napisana pod kierunkiem dra prof. WZ Paula Wilsona …………………………………………………… data i podpis promotora Łódź, 2013 This thesis is dedicated to my supervisor, Paul Wilson. I would like to thank him for patience and his hard work.... more
a comprehensive philosophical reformulation); The Nuclear Thing (an analysis of the radioactive object of the imagination); The Trail of the Screaming Forehead (a critique of nihilistic egoism); Bitter Heritage (a historicophilosophical... more
Usually read as an example of contemporary dystopian (or speculative) fiction, the tensions of posthuman/transhuman philosophies and those of the contemporary notion of the-apocalyptic novels can be, in fact, understood as an attempt to... more
At its simplest, power is a social relation between two agents who may usefully be called the “principal” and the “subaltern” (Steven Lukes). The issue of sexual and national power politics is a wide ranging and crucial topic in Margaret... more
Artykuł stara się sproblematyzować, w jaki sposób myślenie o czasie i jego doświadczenie zmieniło się w drugiej połowie XX wieku oraz odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy współcześnie można wciąż posługiwać się kategorią przyszłości. W tym celu... more
The rise of dystopian fiction in the past forty years is revealing of sociopolitical anxieties of the present, many of which can be interpreted as consequences of a capitalist form of organization. Through those narratives, literature has... more
Comte met Clotilde in 1844 and fell in love with her. She died shortly afterwards in 1846. Comte emphatically declared that without Clotilde his conception of universal religion, based on "sound philosophy" and inspired by Aristotle and... more
Tribute to Vladimir Dedijer (Belgrade, February 4, 1914 - Tivoli, New York, 30 November / 1 December 1990), twenty-five years since he had passed away. Vladimir Dedijer was a reporter in the Yugoslavia’s newspaper Politika (Belgrade) and... more
O Conto da Aia (2006), de Margaret Atwood, publicado pela primeira vez em 1985, é um romance distópico que apresenta uma teocracia totalitária que assume o poder nos Estados Unidos em um período em que a fertilidade humana está... more
Review of The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson published in 2015 in Glasgow Review of Books.
Dystopie und Staat für die Reihe Staatsverständnisse im Nomos-Verlag Dystopien stellen uns auf erzählerische Weise staatliche, quasi-staatliche und nichtstaatliche Herr-schaftsstrukturen in ihrer Schrecklichkeit vor. Sie erfreuen sich... more
This speculative parable is set exactly 600 years after the European invasion of Australia, telling this story through an analog of extraterrestrial invasion. I hope that it may be used in Australian courses to disrupt and expand... more
Com a ascensão do governo de Bolsonaro, evidenciou-se que as humanidades estão enfrentando um período de grande desvalorização. Entendido por muitos como estudos inúteis e/ou de difícil compreensão, as áreas de humanas parecem perder cada... more