Recent papers in Drawings
Ignazio Enrico Hugford (1703-1778) was a painter of English origin who was trained under Anton Domenico Gabbiani. As art dealer and connoisseur, he was among the most important collectors of works on paper in eighteenth-century Florence... more
This essay examines and discusses a hitherto unpublished drawing reproducing a fresco in Siena, now lost but traditionally attributed to Simone Martini by sources ranging from Ghiberti to Della Valle. The drawing, from the collection of... more
The author compares recurrent images seen in the drawings of sexually abused children with whom he worked with the images cited in the literature as being seen in the drawings of sexually abused children.
Amongst the more than four thousand drawings of the collection of Count Charles Cobenzl, formed in Brussels between 1761 and 1768 and today mostly in the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, are a number of small sheets kept under the... more
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Kattingeri Krishna Hebbar was born at Kittingiri in the Udupi district of Karnataka. In his childhood he played with clay, and tried to form toys out of it. He also tried to draw with charcoal on the wall of his house the copies of the... more
Although his celebrated pupils, Guido Reni, Francesco Albani and Domenichino, flourished in the Eternal City, during his lifetime the Antwerp-born painter and draughtsman Denys Calvaert (c.1540–1619) probably visited Rome only once,... more
This book, the first of its kind, presents fifty-two presentation drawings by forty-one important modern and contemporary artists.
Le Conte des sept mendiants de Nahman de Bratslav (1775-1810) fut lu et admiré par, entre autres, F. Kafka, M. Buber ou S.Y. Agnon. Comme le veut la tradition des contes populaires juifs d'Europe orientale, il a été, en 1810, dit en... more
The Colección de cuadros y planos sobre de Cerdeña y Sicilia en los anõs 1717, 1720 (Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España MSS 6408) is an archive of military maps complementing the Memorias written by Jaime Miguel de Guzmán-Dávalos,... more
Antonio Gámiz Gordo (2012): "J. F. Lewis's original drawings of the Alhambra palaces (1832-33) / Los dibujos originales de los palacios de la Alhambra de J. F. Lewis (h. 1832-33)", EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, nº 20, Valencia,... more
Aprende a dibujar la figura humana, con algunos métodos desarrollados por Jose M. Parramon
L’articolo tratta due disegni custoditi presso la Biblioteca Ambrosiana che inducono a riflettere sul considerevole fascino che le collezioni romane hanno esercitato sugli artisti, specie nel corso dei secoli XV–XVI; si fa riferimento, in... more
"Le sacrifice et la création dans l’œuvre d’Antonin Artaud, Georges Bataille et Sergueï M. Eisenstein », in Le sacrifice et le don : Représentations dans la littérature et les arts francophones, sous la direction de Irène Chassaing et... more
An adaptation of Lewis Carroll's original text with symbols and dialogues
https://www.horti-hesperidum.com/show.php?item=228 L’ottavo fascicolo (IV, 2014, 2), curato da Francesco Grisolia, è intitolato Studi sul Disegno italiano tra Connoisseurship e Collezionismo e comprende contributi, riflessioni e novità... more
The Free University in Berlin, conceived by the architectural firm candilis-Josic-Woods, raises questions about how social and utopian agendas emerged over an extended design process. This article analyzes how the architects conceptually... more
To cite this paper: Ford, Chris. (2012). “The Composite Drawing in Architectural Education,” Proceedings of Design Communication Association 2012: Graphic Quest. Stillwater OK: Oklahoma State University, October 2012 --- This paper... more
Children have largely been overlooked as research participants in anthropological work. The anthropology of childhood has played an instrumental role in bringing attention to this fact, and it has highlighted important contributions... more
Salvo ove diversamente specificato, tutti i testi e le immagini appartengono a Gioielli di Carta, senza limitazioni di tempo e di confini. Essi non possono essere riprodotti in alcun modo senza l'autorizzazione scritta di Gioielli di Carta.
International conference, London, Courtauld Institute of Art, 19-20 June 2015
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über »http:// dnb.d-nb.de« abrufbar.
Los ingenieros del Renacimiento a menudo ocultaron mediante criptografía los secretos de su trabajo en materia de fortificaciones, máquinas de guerra o juguetes mecánicos para el divertimiento de sus gobernantes. Leonardo también tuvo la... more
ITA Nato da genitori inglesi e allievo di Anton Domenico Gabbiani, Ignazio Enrico Hugford (Firenze, 1703-1778), noto per la sua attività di collezionista, conoscitore e mercante d’arte, fu anche pittore molto attivo nella Firenze del... more
The article discusses Andrea del Sarto's use of cartoons throughout his career and gradual transition to the involvement of members of the workshop in the design process. Presented here for the first time with an attribution to Andrea del... more
From: "Horti Hesperidum" vol. 4, n. 2 (2014), Studi sul disegno italiano tra Connoisseurship e Collezionismo, pp. 9-57 Abstract: Diffusa principalmente in area nordeuropea, la pratica di firmare i disegni si rivela ancora rara e... more
Questions the story of Michelangelo burning his drawings at the end of his life. Suggests that Michelangelo’s change of practice late in life meant that the artist made many fewer drawings than he did earlier in his career and many fewer... more
Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta dei proprietari dei diritti e dell'editore.
[Prima ed. 2018. La seconda edizione accresciuta, riveduta e corretta è in preparazione] Intelligente e vivace collezionista di disegni e fine connoisseur, padre Sebastiano Resta (Milano, 1635 - Roma, 1714) ha goduto di grande fortuna... more
En este volumen se recogen las Actas del Simposio Internacional La Compañía de Jesús y las artes. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación, celebrado en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Zaragoza los días 19 y 20 de... more
© il prato casa editrice Via Lombardia 41/43, 35020 Saonara (Pd) 049 640105 -www.ilprato.com [email protected] Stampa Safigraf, Schio (VI) Impaginazione Scriptorium, Vicenza Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa... more