Book by Valeria Manfrè
Vietata la riproduzione o duplicazione con qualsiasi mezzo. Questo volume è stato pubblicato con ... more Vietata la riproduzione o duplicazione con qualsiasi mezzo. Questo volume è stato pubblicato con i contributi del fondo del contratto postdottorale «Juan de la
Articles & Book Chapters by Valeria Manfrè
Anna Boroffka (ed.), Between Encyclopedia and Chorography: Defining the Agency of “Cultural Encyclopedias”, from a Transcultural Perspective, Berlín, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022
During the early modern age, the predominantly graphic language of manuscript atlases of the king... more During the early modern age, the predominantly graphic language of manuscript atlases of the kingdom of Sicily was increasingly accompanied by the narrative language of chorographic description. This chapter looks at the chorographic descriptions that accompany the atlases of Tiburzio Spannocchi (1596), Camillo Camilliani (1584), Francesco Negro, Carlo Maria Ventimiglia Ruiz (1640) and Gabriele Merelli (1677), and the intricate relationship between city and island that is set up by highlighting the urbs against the background of the island, using regional and peninsular historiography (in particular, Tommaso Fazello's work of 1558) to evoke and portray its history and monuments, and permeating the descriptions with the authors' first-hand visual experience of the territory.
in Henar Pizarro (dir.), Jesuitas. Impacto cultural en la Monarquía Hispana (1540-1767), 2 voll., Madrid, Mensajero-Sal Terrae, I, 2022, pp. 631-668.
in José Riello, Fernando Marías (eds.), Antes y después Antonio Palomino. Historiografía artística e identidad nacional, Madrid, Abada, 2022, pp. 225-313, 2022
Esta investigación examina la valoración de las artes realizada por el presunto autor italiano de... more Esta investigación examina la valoración de las artes realizada por el presunto autor italiano de un manuscrito misceláneo custodiado en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca. Entre sus folios se incluye una «Relación de las calidades de los españoles» en lengua castellana. A partir de la transcripción íntegra del manuscrito, publicada al final del presente estudio, se ofrece una revisión crítica de la perspectiva del autor respecto a la arquitectura civil, religiosa y militar en España. Paralelamente, se aborda la cuestión de la autoría de esta relación, enmarcando dicha reflexión en el contexto de los italianos residentes en España durante el reinado de Felipe III. El contenido del texto sugiere, con alta probabilidad, que fue redactado o, al menos, concluido durante el periodo en que la corte se encontraba establecida en Valladolid.
en Juan Calatrava Escobar et al. (coord.), Arquitectura y paisajes: transferencias históricas, retos contemporáneos, 2 vols., Madrid, Abada, II, 2022, pp. 1575-1585.
This study explores and updates the main research thematic lines on the historical cartography of... more This study explores and updates the main research thematic lines on the historical cartography of Sicily carried out by military engineers at the service of Archduke Charles of Austria since the War of the Quadruple Alliance (1717-1720). Focusing especially on the figure of the Berlin general and topographer Samuel von Schmettau (1684-1751), together with other technicians, such as the Italian engineers Domenico and Michelangelo Blasco, reflections will be presented on the necessary contextualization of the cartographic document. In addition, I will analyse the professional trajectory of these engineers, with the aim of addressing the analysis of territorial dynamics. The study of the cartographic survey will be supported by the analysis of the documentary sources and the extensive epistolary relationship between Schmettau and Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736), which is currently preserved in the Kriegsarchiv of Vienna, documents that will allow the evaluation of the perception of the urban reality of the Kingdom of Sicily by military engineers.
in, Sicilia Austriaca 1720-1734, a cura di Vincenza Garofalo, Marco Rosario Nobile, Federica Scibilia, Domenica Sutera, Palermo, University Press, pp. 79-87., 2021
in Marco Pretelli, Rosa Tamborrino, Ines Tolic (eds.), La città globale. La condizione urbana come fenomeno pervasivo, Torino, Insights, 2020, pp. 14-25., 2020
The paper examines the production of views of Sicilian cities in the early modern age, the expres... more The paper examines the production of views of Sicilian cities in the early modern age, the expression of a perfect balance between figurative elements and technical qualities. The paper analyses historical events and their protagonists, which gave impetus to a chorographic production providing a historical-artistic-cultural framework that allows a reconstruction of the conditions and mechanisms that governed the production of the engraved, drawn, and painted Sicilian views.
Una battaglia europea. Francavilla di Sicilia 20 giugno 1719, 2020
"Una battaglia europea" lo fu veramente quella combattuta il 20 giugno 1719 a Francavilla di Sici... more "Una battaglia europea" lo fu veramente quella combattuta il 20 giugno 1719 a Francavilla di Sicilia. Si affrontarono Austriaci e Spagnoli, ma insieme a loro soldati di varie nazionalità, non esclusi i Siciliani. Il volume raccoglie gli interventi di studiosi italiani ed europei al Convegno internazionale di studi storici, che affrontò in occasione del Tricentenario l'impegno di colmare la carenza di studi sulla guerra di Sicilia (1718-1720) nel quadro della Quadruplice Alleanza. Sotto l'egida della Società Italiana di Storia Militare, i saggi offrono un contributo solidamente ancorato alla "new military history".
in Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, n. 30, 2020, pp. 365-386. , 2020
This article focuses on the project carried out in 1724 by the Italian engineer Felipe León Maff... more This article focuses on the project carried out in 1724 by the Italian engineer Felipe León Maffey, to repair the plumbing of the aqueduct of the city of Cartagena, from the copy made, in 1732, by the engineer Sebastián Feringán Cortés (1700-1762). The project is also completed with four drawings, copies of Feringán Cortés, which have been studied in relation to textual sources.
in Archivo Español de Arte, vol. 93, núm. 370, Madrid, 2020, pp. 113-130.
The analysis of a manuscript atlas of the State of Milan at the Biblioteca del Palacio Real of Ma... more The analysis of a manuscript atlas of the State of Milan at the Biblioteca del Palacio Real of Madrid allows to analyze its content in relation to its printed version in 1707. The study of both versions, dedicated to Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736), as well as the analysis of the catalogues of the prince’s library, have allowed to determine his collector interests, even in cartographic collections related to the Iberian Peninsula. The article also analyses the professional trajectory of its author, the Milan engineer Giovanni Battista Sesti (1633 - ca. 1725), in the service of the Spanish crown.
in Bernardo J. García García, Ángel Rodríguez Rebollo (eds.), Apariencia y razón. Las artes y la arquitectura en el reinado de Felipe III, Madrid, Ediciones Doce Calles, 2020, pp. 275-314., 2020
Nuova Antologia Militar, 1, pp. 5-28. , 2020
The War of the Quadruple Alliance (1717-1720) favoured the explosion of a new cartographic cultur... more The War of the Quadruple Alliance (1717-1720) favoured the explosion of a new cartographic culture that will interest the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. This paper analyses the graphic and documentary testimonies that contribute to enriching the production of the military manuscript mapping of the South of the Italian peninsula. Emphasis will be placed on the exchange of technical and scientific information between the two islands and the Court of Madrid. The collections of maps preserved in Madrid and Valladolid institutions will be analysed. In addition, from these drawings, the study focuses on the authors of the cartographic products: the military engineers. These technicians dedicated themselves to carrying out new cartographic surveys of Sardinia and, above all, of Sicily, which express an extraordinary ability to make images of great visual impact.
in Matteo Mancini, Álvaro Pascual Chenel (eds.), Imbricaciones. Paradigmas, modelos y materialidad de las artes en la Europa habsbúrgica, Madrid, Sílex Ediciones, 2019, pp. 327-347.
El presente estudio examina la documentación archivística, en gran medida inédita, que hace refer... more El presente estudio examina la documentación archivística, en gran medida inédita, que hace referencia a proyectos y reportes recientemente identificados en relación con los cuatro dibujos atribuidos al ingeniero militar Domenico Bruno, elaborados entre 1642 y 1644, que representan las ciudades de Cagliari y Alguer y que actualmente se conservan en el Archivo de la Corona de Aragón. Esta investigación no solo aporta una nueva perspectiva sobre la obra de Bruno, sino que también enriquece el conocimiento sobre el contexto histórico y cartográfico de ambas ciudades en el siglo XVII, ofreciendo claves significativas para la comprensión de las dinámicas militares y urbanísticas de la época.
in Imago Mundi. The International Journal for the History of Cartography, Vol. 71, Part 1, 2019, pp. 65–80.
The Colección de cuadros y planos sobre de Cerdeña y Sicilia en los anõs 1717, 1720 (Madrid, B... more The Colección de cuadros y planos sobre de Cerdeña y Sicilia en los anõs 1717, 1720 (Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España MSS 6408) is an archive of military maps complementing the Memorias written by Jaime Miguel de Guzmán-Dávalos, second marquis of la Mina, who had participated in these campaigns. The Colección illustrates some of the most important events of the Italian campaigns against the Quadruple Alliance of Britain, France, Austria and the Dutch Republic (1717–1720). Comparison of the maps and other drawings with details in la Mina’s Memorias allows us to clarify his main objective in compiling the text, which was to record the operations faithfully for use in military education.
in Mercedes Gómez Ferrer, Yolanda Gil Saura (eds.), Ecos culturales, artísticos y arquitectónicos entre Valencia y el Mediterráneo en Época Moderna, Valencia, Universitat de València, 2018, pp. 207-225, 2018
El presente estudio analiza el contexto histórico y la cultura cartográfica de la isla de Cerdeña... more El presente estudio analiza el contexto histórico y la cultura cartográfica de la isla de Cerdeña durante la Guerra de la Cuádruple Alianza (1717-1720) y se presentan datos archivísticos y documentos cartográficos inéditos hasta la fecha. Por último, se analizan los artífices de los siete mapas de Cerdeña, haciendo más hincapié en la figura del ingeniero italiano Felipe León Maffey y en su producción cartográfica.
in Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo, n. 26-27, 2018, pp. 33-42. , 2018
This paper investigates an unpublished manuscript atlas of the kingdom of Sicily composed of seve... more This paper investigates an unpublished manuscript atlas of the kingdom of Sicily composed of seven drawings and entitled Carta corographica del Reyno de Sicilia con los Planos de sus Principales Plazas el año 1707. After examining the cartographic production of Sicily under the influence of the Spanish empire, the study focuses on the analysis of the Atlas itself. The set of the plans offers information of high strategic and military level. The cartouches and the drawings that con- stitute the Atlas allows binding its creation to the military culture of the time.
in Eikonocity, vol. 3, n.1, pp. 11-30., 2018
This article analyses North African views of the 16th century focusing on Georg Braun and Franz H... more This article analyses North African views of the 16th century focusing on Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg Civitates orbis terrarum images, through a comparative analysis with other graphic materials. The purpose is to deepen our understanding of the image of the city by looking at the methods used to represent the city during the Renaissance, the importance and degree of verisimilitude that these views were expected to achieve through a language that relied on direct, in-situ observation.
in Magnificencia y Arte. Devenir de los tapices en la historia, Miguel Ángel Zalama (dir.), Jesús F. Pascual Molina, María José Martínez Ruiz (coords.), Gijón, Trea, 2018, pp. 203-218, 2018
Vistas, mapas y paisajes empezaron a ser exhibidos de manera sistemática en un entorno doméstico ... more Vistas, mapas y paisajes empezaron a ser exhibidos de manera sistemática en un entorno doméstico o en las paredes de las residencias palaciegas de la Corte (el Alcázar de Madrid, el Buen Retiro, El Pardo, El Escorial, etc.) donde se mezclaban criterios iconográficos diferentes. En este sentido resulta interesante notar cómo la cultura del retrato urbano invade también la producción de tapices, tema que apenas ha interesado a los historiadores, de aquí la necesidad, a través de este estudio, de un acercamiento crítico al estudio de la iconografía urbana a través de los tapices, especialmente aquellos de tema bélico, y su producción en el contexto español y de otros marcos culturales y geográficos europeos.
in Víctor Echarri Iribarren (Ed.), Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII Centuries, vol. V, Alicante, Universitat d’Alacant, 2017, pp. 191-197, 2017
Efficiency and maintenance of the defensive apparatus was systematically entrusted to engineers- ... more Efficiency and maintenance of the defensive apparatus was systematically entrusted to engineers- architects, often involved in tasks very different from each other. In the case of the dominions of the Hispanic monarchy, technicians were committed to the idea of interacting with urban issues on a large territorial scale. The necessary interventions to ensure the defences efficiency of the territories determined the periodic displacement of the military technicians from strength to strength, involved in new missions that responded to the priorities of the cities, aiming at improve their fortifications. This contribution tries to construct or make known new biographical data on the technicians who participated in the fortifications sponsored by the Habsburgs. The archival sources shed new light on the figure and activity of Milanese engineer Giovanni Paolo Sesti and that of his son, Giovanni Battista, technicians specialized in military works between Italy and Spain.
El Legado de las obras de arte. Tapices, pinturas, esculturas...Sus viajes a través de la Historia, Miguel Ángel Zalama, María José Martínez Ruiz, Jesús Félix Pascual Molina (Coords.), Valladolid, 2017, pp. 81-92., 2017
Book by Valeria Manfrè
Articles & Book Chapters by Valeria Manfrè
During the early modern age, the increasing fascination for urban iconography met the appearance of the literary genre of the chorography description; an example of the connection between historical and geographic knowledge to which the authors add personal field investigation to legitimate the represented chorography through empirical data. Analyzing this dual source of information, graphical and written representation, we can approach the function that temporal (historical) and spatial (geographical, chorographical) elements have as support to urban representation, casting itself towards a heterogenic narration that reorganizes narrative and represented space. Studying the processes of knowledge construction that also concretize as literary genres helps to observe the plurality of information that must have been gathered, systematized, and used to create a heterogenic iconographic corpus. The session aims to inspect and provide a relevant framework about the criteria, the perception of the city and its monuments, both written and represented, as well as about the value system adopted starting from the early modern age.
artístico femenino en la Edad Moderna. Delimita un
recorrido por los temas, las prácticas y los mecanismos
con los que las mujeres se afanaron en su
«autoconstrucción». La pregunta fundamental es ¿cómo
se construyó la identidad de género femenina y cómo el
arte y la cultura fueron sus medios? tanto a través del
patronazgo, del coleccionismo como en sus variadas
formas de relación con el arte: en sus actuaciones como
artistas o a través de las imágenes femeninas.
Las ponentes convocadas, con una dilatada experiencia en
esta área de la investigación, afrontarán el estudio de
cuestiones relevantes para entender la visibilidad de la
mujer en la Edad Moderna y, para ello, pondrán en
evidencia las características físicas y estéticas de piezas
artísticas ideadas en este periodo.
El curso se completa con cuatro horas de consulta de
materiales y participación activa del estudiante en el foro
del curso virtual