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      ArtDrawingAnimal AnatomyAnimal Drawing
drawing is one of the primary ways we catch our environmental elements. It is the main fundamental expertise for some specialists. Clearly a basic strategy, it depends on the relationship between what is portrayed and the visual... more
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      DrawingArchitectural DrawingPaper and Pencil AssessmentPencil Drawings
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      Art HistoryHistory of Natural HistoryVisual CultureHistory of Science
The study analyzes the presence and the depiction of exotic animals in Florence from the late 14th century to 1492, year of Lorenzo de' Medici's death and of the discovery of the Americas. In well-documented interdisciplinary research,... more
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      Animal StudiesHistory of ArtTravel LiteratureRenaissance Italy
The handwritten hermeneia of the painter Jovan Četirević Grabovan, kept in the library of the Orthodox Church in Nyíregyháza, Hungary, contains, in addition to the main text, other records, texts, and drawings that father and son, Jovan... more
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      Early Modern Intellectual HistoryOld Master drawingsEarly Modern Art and Visual CultureByzantine and Postbyzantine icon-painting
Pencil Drawing Made Easy
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      DrawingTechnical DrawingEngineering DrawingArchitectural Drawing
Paper delivered October 30, 2021, 3pm at Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria in Florance Italy as part of Art Before Art: L'uomo Cosciente e l'arte delle origini: con e dopo Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti on the occasion of the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyArt HistoryArt TheoryGeorges Bataille
Murathan Mungan’ın masallarına insan-doğa ilişkisi ve ekoeleştirel bir perspektifinden bakıldığında modern insanın doğa karşısındaki konumlanışını aşan bambaşka bir söylemle karşılaşırız. İnsanın doğayla ve insan dışı varlıklarla kurduğu... more
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      Murathan MunganTürk öYkücülüğüPosthumanism and TranshumanismEkoeleştiri
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval ArtAnimal Drawing