Daniel Paul Schreber
Recent papers in Daniel Paul Schreber
The analysis of mental disorders necessarily requires careful and multilayered reflection. Psychiatry is indeed focused on complex phenomena and symptoms that can be only partly traced back to merely quantitative objectifiable data. This... more
Sass, like R. D. Laing before him, wants to make sense of schizophrenic discourse. In 'Paradoxes of delusion – Wittgenstein, Schreber and the schizophrenic mind' he uses Wittgenstein’s later work, particularly the Blue Book, to this... more
The paper aims to reconsider the psychoanalytic concept of paranoia so as to apply it to a particular mass case of this disorder responsible for the symbolic construction of “Poland” and “Polish identity” – as exemplified in a 2014’s... more
Etwas am Wort Weltanschauung ist bekenntnishaft, es transportiert einen suggestiven Mehrwert, der nicht leicht zu erfassen ist. Adorno konstatiert in der Philosophischen Terminologie, dass es häufig mit einem Possessivpronomen versehen... more
The main research aim of this dissertation is to show the complex and diverse relations between a catastrophic imagination and the so‑called homosexual panic stimulated by homophobically‑oriented reality. More generally, the work... more
É célebre a tese de Freud, retirada da leitura do livro de Schreber, de que o delírio é uma tentativa de cura do sujeito psicótico. Já a fase alucinatória da psicose, como lembra Freud, recebe, em geral, menor aprofundamento. Partindo... more
The religious experiences and religious cosmology that the psychiatric patient Daniel Paul Schreber (1842-1911) described in his memoirs have since their publication in 1903 been interpreted by psychiatrists such as Freud and Lacan as... more
University of Chicago German-Jewish studies scholar Eric L. Santner is a singular psychoanalytic thinker. His criticism stands out for the finesse with which he brings Lacanian thought into resonance with Foucault’s ideas about the advent... more
Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts wird zum ersten Mal der Typus des „Querulanten“ beschrieben. Es handelt sich um einen devianten Kläger, der mit unzähligen Schreiben die bürokratische Kommunikation stört, die Arbeitskapazität der Gerichte... more
Erschienen in: Janez Percic, Johannes Herzgsell (Hg.) Große Denker des Jesui-tenordens, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2016, S. 121--134 (genaue Seiten-angeben im Fließtext).
Respuesta a un profano en psicoanálisis sobre el concepto del Otro con mayúscula y el complejo de castración, ese Otro como parte del mundo externo, que nos trasmite el uso del lenguaje, que en un inicio es un amparador, que puede... more
Sass, like R. D. Laing before him, wants to make sense of schizophrenic discourse. In 'Paradoxes of delusion – Wittgenstein, Schreber and the schizophrenic mind' he uses Wittgenstein’s later work, particularly the Blue Book, to this... more
This paper was first presented at a conference to mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Daniel Paul Schreber, reviewed here:
ABSTRACT After Freud’s death, many psychoanalytic researchers showed a close connection between the delusional thoughts of D. P. Schreber, whose book Memoirs of My Nervous Illness was the object of a famous essay by Freud, and the... more
Ensayo de Memorias de un enfermo de nervios. D. P. Schreber. Dimensión Psicoanalítica A. C.
"Então, se através da educação instauramos a norma (busca pela introjeção da lei), educar é castrar. Estaríamos, desta forma, camuflando na Educação processos violentos de perseguição da vivacidade sob os título de nobreza e benevolência... more
, be thou anointed! [.. .] My beloved subjects, a new era is about to dawn. I, Bloom, tell you verily it is even now at hand. Yea, on the word of Bloom, ye shall ere long enter into the golden city which is to be, the new Bloomusalem in... more
Se habla de la crítica que hace Lacan a Ida Macalpine en torno al delirio de procreación, sin incluirlo en el Edipo, porque nada está por fuera de la triangularidad edípica, aunque el Nombre-del-Padre esté forcluido en lo simbólico, dada... more
despite his personal proximity to Georges Bataille, jacques lacan makes very few direct references to his work. Indeed, the only mention of Bataille’s name in the 878 pages of the Écrits is in a footnote to “on a Question prior to any... more
Im Jahr 1903 veröffentlichte der Leipziger → okkultistische Verlag Oswald Mutze ein Buch mit dem Titel Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken, in dem der Verfasser schrieb, dass er es für möglich halte, »ja für wahrscheinlich, dass die... more
Nicht allein die Entdeckung von Radioaktivität und Röntgenstrahlung führte zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zu einer breiten Begeisterung für das Emanative: Auch die Frage des Elektromagnetismus und das Auftauchen des Radios fütterte die... more
The connexion of intention and the circumstances is plainly of such a nature, as more to depend on the sagacity of the observer, than on the excellence of any role. The pains taken by the civilians on that subject have not been very... more
Memorias de una sensación-Schreber Marcelo Real "[…] todos los días gozo de ciertos momentos que se repiten bastante a menudo, durante los cuales, podría decirse, nado en la voluptuosidad; un indescriptible bienestar, comparable a la... more
Co powiedziałby Schreber, gdyby dane mu było zapoznać się z interpretacją Freuda? Czy, a jeśli tak, to w jaki sposób, wiedza ta wpłynęłaby jakoś na jego niezachwianą pewność odnośnie własnego doświadczenia? Nie chcę tu bynajmniej... more
In the ever growing mass of writing about Schreber, his wife is rarely mentioned. She is not a part of the ongoing case – unlike Schreber's father, psychiatrist, and self-appointed psychoanalyzers. She is not an accomplice, not a witness,... more
Sass, like R. D. Laing before him, wants to make sense of schizophrenic discourse. In 'Paradoxes of delusion – Wittgenstein, Schreber and the schizophrenic mind' he uses Wittgenstein’s later work, particularly the Blue Book, to this... more
Paranoia n 1. A mental disorder characterised by any of several types of delusions, as of grandeur or persecution. 2. Inf. Intense fear or suspicion, esp. when unfounded.
Georg Büchners Fragment gebliebenes Drama Woyzeck (1837/1879) stellt eine Figur mit selbigem Namen ins Zentrum, die meint, Stimmen zu hören. Nicht nur leidet Woyzeck an akustischen Halluzinationen, diese drängen ihn zudem zu einer... more
Resumen Analizar psicoanalíticamente la escritura de los paranoicos sigue siendo hoy día un campo de activos y controversiales debates, y todos ellos se originan en el análisis del libro “Memorias de un neurópata” de D. P. Schreber. La... more
Dalla 'Critica della ragion pratica' all'al di là del principio di piacere, passando per la 'Filosofia nel boudoir' e per le 'Memorie di un malato di nervi'. La psicoanalisi come clinica del godimento attraverso l'etica
On Freud's case study on Daniel Paul Schreber and Lacan's reading of it. The central aim of this paper is to trace the connection Lacan sees between the rise of modern (natural) science and the structure of psychosis in respect to his... more
This is a translation of "The Thinking Protein" by Isidor Sadger, which was originally published in German, 1897 in "Deutsche Revue". This is a working translation by Elizabeth Adams.
Cet article porte sur André Ondo Mba, personnage excentrique qui couvrent les murs de Libreville de graffitis ésotériques depuis plusieurs décennies. Sa carrière de prophète graffitomane commence par une initiation ratée. Ce ratage marque... more