Recent papers in Jung
As medieval alchemists did not distinguish between psyche and matter, so too the artist, the images, and the materials of art are partners in the process of revealing. The artist shares her process of working with the archetypal images... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf
The collective unconscious psyche of humans consists of archetypes represented through their choices, rituals and their behaviors in symbolic forms. Architecture is one of the media that can be the incidence area of unconscious psyche... more
The book I wrote on Joseph Campbell's reception of C.G. Jung. Based on my PhD thesis at university of Edinburgh, Religious Studies department, and on archival research done at Joseph Campbell library in Santa Barbara. First chapter... more
The dissertation is a 'critical edition' of a system of actor training based on three main sources: a vocabulary of movement analysis developed by Rudolf Laban in the last years of his life and mostly unknown until now; C. G. Jung's... more
"George Derfer, Zhihe Wang and Michel Weber (eds.), The Roar of Awakening. A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, 2009. (251 p. ; ISBN:... more
A short introduction to Jung's reception of the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche. For a more in-depth follow-up article to this article, see my recent article "Wotan in the shadows".
Perhaps the simplest principle in psychology is that people are motivated to feel good and to avoid negative feelings. Yet, we human beings are a complicated sort.
The 1939 family classic film, The Wizard of Oz, based on the beloved children’s tale by L. Frank Baum, represents a modern example of mythologist Joseph Campbell’s model of the hero quest myth. This two-part study begins with a... more
I wish to present a new way to view the creative process of poet William Everson. In doing so, I will outline the basic ideas of a criticism designed to view the poet as a religious figure, focusing on the poet as shaman. The poems will... more
Stando alla mitologia e alla tragedia greche antiche, siamo abituati ad associare il personaggio di Edipo al mostro della Sfinge tebana. Piuttosto, qui si tenta un paragone fra quest'ultima e l'eroina Antigone, sfortunata figlia-sorella... more
Modern science is self-limiting. It considers as data only those phenomena that can be repeatedly measured in time and space, and it attempts to approach consciousness only as an epiphenomenon arising from electrically firing neurons in... more
I. Renato Serra e Alfredo Panzini, l'Esame di coscienza di un letterato e il Diario sentimentale della guerra. Scambio testuale, dialogo abbozzato, colloquio muto, fra biciclette e trincee del primo conflitto planetario […] cotesta... more
In this article I seek to relate the psychology of Carl Jung to sociological theory, specifically Weber. I first present an outline of Jungian psychology. I then seek to relate this as psychology to Weber’s interpretivism. I point to... more
Gary Lachman (29th June, 2010) – Was Jung a mystic: The occult world of C.G. Jung. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London. (Host and compère) Throughout his long... more
«Storie avventurose di libri necessari» è una traversata del Novecento italiano. Racconta, in undici saggi, le fortune e gli infortuni, i segreti e gli intrighi delle opere che hanno dato forma a un secolo di letteratura. Racconta le... more
פלג-בנימיני תמר לשון: עריכת www.resling.co.il 64736 אביב תל ,3 בן-אבי איתמר רסלינג, 03-6956704 טל: אביב תל בע"מ, חדקל בדפוס נדפס רסלינג להוצאת שמורות הזכויות כל © 2009 בישראל, נדפס העניינים... more
This is Chapter 6 of Here Be Angels: Sojourn in a Different World
Inspired by her student’s overwhelmingly positive interpretation of Judith as a model for women’s liberation in diverse African contexts - despite the debate around the feminist value of Judith/Judith, the author deals with what could... more
Whether Jung was a Lamarckian or not has always been a hotly debated topic, both within the post-Jungian community and amongst scholars with an interest in Jung in the wider academic community. Yet surprisingly few substantial pieces of... more
The science of psychology is believed to consist of objective and meaningful knowledge about a realm of our own direct experiencing with which we are all intimate and familiar, yet about which we also feel we have very little... more
This was a brief presentation I gave to a seminar on James Hillman's book The Soul's Code. It is unedited but might be of some value for those looking for a brief, concentrated discussion of archetypal psychology or of James Hillman's work.
Interview on Jung scholarship twenty years after the publication of his books.
Jung e Ricoeur sono due autori assai diversi. Innanzitutto, Jung ha sviluppato il proprio pensiero nell'alveo della psicoanalisi, a cavallo tra terapia e speculazione, senza incontrare mai il pensiero dei "filosofi" se non in un dialogo... more
This issue’s films are for children. The Dreamstone (1990); Potsworth & Co. (1990); Princess Tutu (2002); Princess Minky Momo trans from Japanese "Mahô no purinsesu Minkî Momo" (1982)
Full document in download. Or broken up as slide-show on HuffPo link below.
9 Gennaio 2009 ore 21.30: Ciclo di conversazioni del Centro Studi Psicologia e Letteratura. Conferenza con proiezione sul mio saggio: "L'achimia delle immagini tra Bosch e Jung". Introduce Simonetta Putti presso Biblì-Roma. Originalmente... more
This paper portrays the consequences to the individual, community, society and the planet from the contemporary agenda of persecuting historically traditional forms of intuitive insights resultant from introspection. The contemporary... more
Saggio di critica letteraria di DANILO CARUSO / Palermo, febbraio 2017 Indice Introduzione pag. 1 1. Il severo monito di Seneca pag. 2 2. La Boétie: ipocrisia borghese o marxismo-leninismo? pag. 7 3. La terribile distopia di H. G.... more
Secular arabic traditions have emphasized the potential of dreams to foretell the future. Sometimes the prediction is seen as obvious and on other occasions elaborate systems of symbolic translations were consulted such as the tenth... more
Film cognition theory, technological advances and philosophic discussions of the digital context are vital to my art practice, since they affect and express collective and individual understandings of moving digital imagery in the gallery... more