Editing of Journals
Recent papers in Editing of Journals
Specific - Knowledgeable - Kind heuristic for peer reviewers - presentation presented at ATTW 2019 in Pittsburgh, PA Full citation: Alexander, J., Cheek, R., Itchuaqiyaq, C. U., Shirley, B., & Walton, R. (2019, March 13). Specific,... more
En los últimos años, las aplicaciones móviles han penetrado todos los mercados de cualquier industria, razón por la que cada vez es más importante para los desarrolladores conocer las técnicas y métodos de prueba específicos para... more
Significance of proofreading If a paper is not proofread meticulously before it is submitted, it will earn poor marks due to careless mistakes including misspelled words, typo errors, misplaced commas, a problem with subject-verb... more
Las actividades en los procesos editoriales de las revistas científicas Cuauhtémoc Jiménez Pérez Mesa: Técnicas y procesos editoriales Resumen Es innegable la necesidad de profesionalización de los equipos editoriales que llevan a cabo... more
The work of an academic researcher is multi-faceted, and it takes determination and willpower in order to build a reliable and professional reputation. A researchers’ path into the coveted world of academic recognition, both on national... more
Книгата представлява теоретично изследване върху същността и типологията на стилистичните грешки – един от най-значимите, но недостатъчно разрешени проблеми в българското езикознание. Ориентирана е предимно към студентите от хуманитарните... more
Learning to communicate research with scholarly and scientific impact requires effective writing. This demands clear, active narrative and engaging explanation. Researchers must explain the issues they address and the actions they take to... more
Literary memoirs of working class childhood, Worcester, Oxford, Sydney, Leavisites, editing, publishing
This e-learning/ self-directional learning Module includes four Units, namely Unit 1: Introduction to Scholarly Communication; Unit 2: Communicating with Peer Review Journals; Unit 3: Electronic Journals and Databases; Unit 4: Serials... more
In ‘An Argument for Holism Part 1’ (Nunn, 2013), I focused on the meaning of holism within applied language studies considering in detail the relationship between focused atomistic studies and holistic views of epistemological diversity... more
Definitions of ‘holism’ in applied language studies need to remain broad enough to allow for true epistemological diversity and reject prematurely coherent impermeable systems that do not reflect the present state of knowledge in our... more
The paper describes about the usage of E-Resources available under the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium and DeLCON Consortium by the scientific community Library Users of Assam University, Silchar representing from Bio-Medical... more
First issue of new academic journal. Studia Turkica Mongolica Tibetica Manchurica Sibirica Russica et cetera. Tartaria Magna is a peer reviewed e-journal in Russian. Editors accept papers and reviews in English and provide Russian... more
Автор представляет в этой статье краткую историю журнала "Восток. Афро-азиатские общества: история и овременность", подробно описывает редакционный цикл статьи в журнале, раскрывает особенности процесса планирования номеров, экспертной... more
VIDEO: https://www.ichnfm.org/journal2019a TRANSCRIPT: "Hello everyone, Dr. Alex Vasquez here, and today I'm going to start a different series of videos, and this time the conversation is going to focus around journal editing and writing.... more
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More details please visit- www.jankritipatrika.com
תרגום טקסט אקדמי לאנגלית לעבודתו של חוקר באקדמיה פנים רבות וקריירה אקדמית היא קריירה בעלת שלבים רבים אותם יש לצלוח כדי לבנות מוניטין מקצועי אמין ומבוסס. דרכו של החוקר אל ההכרה המיוחלת בזירה האקדמית המקומית והבינלאומית היא ארוכה ומאתגרת... more
Abstract: This article, written for the Polygraph Journal, is a condensed compilation of a germinal study that provided current successful methods for obtaining confessions during interrogations. The foundation of the study derived... more
A cosa serve l’editing? Come si realizza un progetto editoriale? Che differenza c’è tra contratto “per edizione” e contratto “a termine”? Questo manuale non solo risponde alle domande più frequenti di scrittori e traduttori ma offre una... more
The paper explores the lights and shadows of the process of peer reviewing, which constitutes a crucial stage of the editorial work in academic journals and scientific publishing in general. Albeit entered recently in the Italian... more
Editorial publicado na revista Varia Historia, v. 38, n. 76 (jan./abr. 2022).
For Citation: Salem, H.S. 2015. Plagiarism (Theft of Intellectual Property) Is A Crime Representing Violation of Law, of Intellectual Property Rights, and of Human Rights and, Accordingly, It Must Be Punished. Published online at:... more
This study addresses reviewer development programs at 2 Asia-based English language teaching (ELT) journals which aim to raise awareness of peer review language. Little discussion or research about competence or standards in peer review... more
Writing and Unrecognized Academic Labor acknowledges that much of the work we do to sustain the academy remains without recognition. It demonstrates that it is not only published work that influences development and innovation in... more
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The paper shows how error statistical theory can be deployed to grasp the deeper epistemic logic of the peer-review process. The intent is to provide the readers with a novel lens through which to make sense of the practices of academic... more
The paper describes about the usage of E-Resources available under the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium and DeLCON Consortium by the scientific community Library Users of Assam University, Silchar representing from Bio-Medical... more
This article is the result of the most extensive audit of U.S. law review articles ever undertaken. It presents and discusses the findings of an audit of articles published in the top fifty U.S. law reviews from 2014–2018 inclusive.... more