Books by Przemyslaw Tacik
Leiden and Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2023
The right of peoples to self-determination seems well-settled and covered extensively in the scho... more The right of peoples to self-determination seems well-settled and covered extensively in the scholarly record. Yet old Trotsky’s question – of whom is this right and to what? – haunts the self-determination literature. Somehow almost every work on it begins with an expression of puzzlement. This right turns out to be elusive, underdefined in its scope and content, paradoxical in almost every aspect. This book mobilises all powers of critical legal theory and modern philosophy to take the bull by its horns. Instead of ironing out the paradoxes, it aims to finally give them a proper explanation based on the concept of exception.
Bloomsbury Academic, 2021
Tackling important philosophical questions on modernity – what it is, where it begins and when it... more Tackling important philosophical questions on modernity – what it is, where it begins and when it ends – Przemyslaw Tacik challenges the idea that modernity marks a particular epoch, and historicises its conception to offer a radical critique of it. His deconstruction-informed critique collects and assesses reflections on modernity from major philosophers including Hegel, Heidegger, Lacan, Arendt, Agamben, and Žižek. This analysis progresses a new understanding of modernity intrinsically connected to the growth of sovereignty as an organising principle of contemporary life. He argues that it is the idea of 'modernity', as a taken-for-granted era, which is positioned as the essential condition for making linear history possible, when it should instead be history, in and of itself, which dictates the existence of a particular period. Using Hegel's notion of 'spirit' to trace the importance of sovereignty to the conception of the modern epoch within German idealism, Tacik traces Hegel's influence on Heidegger through reference to the 'star' in his late philosophy which represents the hope of overcoming the metaphysical poverty of modernity. This line of thought reveals the necessity of a paradigm shift in our understanding of modernity that speaks to contemporary continental philosophy, theories of modernity, political theory, and critical re-assessments of Marxism. Focusing on the unique crossover between the philosophical, political, and legal history of modernity, this book ambitiously re-orients our understanding of what modernity is and proposes a way to move beyond its theoretical limitations with renewed attention on the ethics of contemporary life.
Peter Lang, 2019
Edmond Jabès was one of the most intriguing Jewish thinkers of the 20th century – a poet for the ... more Edmond Jabès was one of the most intriguing Jewish thinkers of the 20th century – a poet for the public and a Kabbalist for those who read his work more closely. This book turns his writings into a ground-breaking philosophical achievement: thinking which is manifestly indebted to the Kabbalah, but in the post-religious and post-Shoah world. Loss, exile, negativity, God’s absence, writing and Jewishness are the main signposts of the negative ontology which this book offers as an interpretation of Jabès’ work. On the basis of it, the book examines the nature of the miraculous encounter between Judaism and philosophy which occurred in the 20th century. Modern Jewish philosophy is a re-constructed tradition which adapts the intellectual and spiritual legacy of Judaism to answer purely modern questions.
The book is a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of all relevant aspects of the EU accession to ... more The book is a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of all relevant aspects of the EU accession to the ECHR.
Książka jest przekrojowym omówieniem wszystkich istotnych kwestii związanych z przystąpieniem Unii Europejskiej do Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka. Akcesja UE do EKPCz to projekt już ponad czterdziestoletni, który wciąż nie doszedł do skutku, mimo długoletnich przygotowań. Ma ona wreszcie ustanowić formalną prawną więź pomiędzy najważniejszą i najbardziej zaawansowaną organizacją międzynarodową na kontynencie europejskim a najskuteczniejszym instrumentem ochrony praw człowieka na świecie. Akcesja to od 2009 roku prawny obowiązek UE, jednak jej realizacja wciąż napotykała przeszkody. Obecnie, kiedy przygotowywany jest nowy projekt umowy, na mocy której Unia ma stać się stroną Konwencji, temat ten jest aktualny jak nigdy dotąd. Jego doniosłość daleko wykracza poza zagadnienia prawa unijnego i prawa konwencyjnego. Przystąpienie organizacji międzynarodowej do EKPCz, zaprojektowanej dla państw, stwarza niespotykane dotąd problemy. Porusza wątki z zakresu prawa międzynarodowego i konstytucyjnego, dotyka zagadnień pluralizmu prawnego i multicentryczności systemu prawa, komplikuje system
ochrony praw człowieka w Europie. Każe na nowo przemyśleć relacje pomiędzy źródłami prawa i interpretującymi je sądami w jednej europejskiej przestrzeni prawnej. Celem niniejszej książki jest uporządkowanie tych złożonych problemów i odpowiedź na pojawiające się pytania co do natury i kształtu akcesji. W tym celu wykorzystano bogaty dorobek doktryny w sześciu językach, jak również rozległy wybór orzecznictwa.
The aim of the book is twofold. Firstly, it proposes a thorough philosophical interpretation of E... more The aim of the book is twofold. Firstly, it proposes a thorough philosophical interpretation of Edmond Jabès' work, which aims at presenting this author as a powerful modern Jewish philosopher, equal with the greatest thinkers of the 20th century. In this light Jabès appears as an answer of Jewish philosophy to the key problems of modernity, especially to the degradation of ethics through radical spiritual impoverishment. Secondly, the book offers a new way of perceiving modern Jewish philosophy. For this purpose, a new term - "Jewish philosophy of modernity" - is coined and elaborated. The concept of "Jewish philosophy of modernity" aims at grasping this philosophy not as a revived version of the old tradition, finally triumphing over the "Greek thought", but in its true mechanisms - namely in its radical entanglement in modern overdetermination, in which no tradition might stand. Why does Judaism thrive in contemporary philosophy? Why does the Kabbalah seem so thought-provoking in the late modern milieu? The answer to these questions lies in the essence of all-encompassing perpetual crisis, whose name is modernity.
Zygmunt Bauman jest socjologiem. Lecz na pewno nie w takim sensie, jak Anglia jest wyspą: oto bow... more Zygmunt Bauman jest socjologiem. Lecz na pewno nie w takim sensie, jak Anglia jest wyspą: oto bowiem jego socjologia stanowi punkt wyjścia i nieustającego odniesienia dla intelektualnej wędrówki, podczas której zahacza się jednak o wiele miejsc i próbuje wielu języków. Czy Musil lub Lévinas mieliby być gorszymi socjologami niż Durkheim lub Weber? W namyśle Baumana nie jest ważne pochodzenie idei bądź jej akademickie zaszufladkowanie. Jedynym celem, który prowadzi myślącego, jest zrozumienie człowieka i jego życia.
Edited Collections by Przemyslaw Tacik
Following the 100th anniversary of Pashukanis' General Theory of Law and Marxism (1924), this vol... more Following the 100th anniversary of Pashukanis' General Theory of Law and Marxism (1924), this volume aims to breathe new life into the main category of Pashukanian legacy, the concept of legal form. This book offers new, deeper and more general, ways in which the concept of legal form can be used to push forward Marxist-post-Marxist or hauntingly Marxist-legal theory. Accordingly, this book does not pledge allegiance to reconstructing and reconsidering the official interpretative legacy of the legal form. Instead, it mobilises the revolutionary conceptual potentialities that this term contains. When investigated thoroughly, and in many dimensions, the legal form becomes a privileged vantage point not only into the greatest law-related riddles of Marxism (such as the relation between economy and the state or withering away of statal apparatuses), but the whole of modernity as the epoch determined by-if not overlapping withcapitalism. This book aims to think with the legal form rather than explain this concept. In so doing, it offers a panoply of theoretical perspectives that address legal subjectivity, abstraction, autonomy of the law and, last but not least, withering away of the law. This contemporary interrogation of the relevance of the concept of legal form will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of legal and political theory.
This is the table of contents of the forthcoming edited volume States of exception: Law, History,... more This is the table of contents of the forthcoming edited volume States of exception: Law, History, Theory (Routledge, 2020).
Papers (law) by Przemyslaw Tacik
in Cosmin Cercel, Gian-Giacomo Fusco, Przemysław Tacik (eds), Legal Form and the End of Law Pashukanis's Legacy (Abingdon & New York: Routledge), 2024
This chapter offers a thorough re-elaboration of the concept of the legal form as inherently link... more This chapter offers a thorough re-elaboration of the concept of the legal form as inherently linked to some elementary propensities of modernity. To this purpose, it theorises the link between the creation of modern subjectivity – with the use of mechanisms of sovereignty – and the law. First, the chapter situates Marxist critique of the law, abstraction and artificial subjectification in the lineage of modern philosophy, especially the legacy of the distinction between Verstand (understanding) and Vernunft (reason). By doing so, it asks the metareflective question of whether the legal form is a concept that reveals structures of the law itself, or whether it is in itself a modern device applied to the category of the law. Second, it strongly advocates the view that the legal form is inherently modern. Only such a perspective allows of understanding how the legal form becomes part of the framework which establishes modern subjectivity. To prove this point, the author applies a thorough re-reading of some texts by Immanuel Kant that demonstrate how subjective freedom is inherently bound with legality. Third, the legal form is analysed as counterpart to capitalist exchange precisely in the point where both require the subject as an axis of spending and reproducing power, either political or economic. Fourth, the chapter presents the emergence of human rights as a crucial symptom of how modern legality arrogates the power to define and establish human life as such. Finally, re-assessing these considerations the chapter presents modernity as inherently linked with the legal form and creation of subjectivity through the law.
in Cosmin Cercel, Gian-Giacomo Fusco, Przemysław Tacik (eds), Legal Form and the End of Law Pashukanis's Legacy (Abingdon & New York: Routledge), 2024
The Introduction elaborates a new theoretical perspective of addressing the legal form. Instead o... more The Introduction elaborates a new theoretical perspective of addressing the legal form. Instead of taking it for a starting point of elucidating Evgeny Pashukanis’s thought, it presents it as a conceptual event – a concept that evolves in time retroactively reinterpreting Marxist legal jurisprudence. In particular, the legal form can be a foothold for re-addressing Marx’s own position in relation to Kant and Hegel. As argued in the Introduction, the legal form is strictly linked to modernity (although with Hegelian paradoxes of history). What it grasps is the process of abstraction and equalisation which Kant and Hegel had noticed before Marx, although without his critical edge. The legal form corresponds to the processes of rendering certain social relations visible or invisible, according to class interests. The law becomes an indispensable element of capitalism as a structural force of abstracting and managing normatively constructed subjects. With these recognitions the Introduction presents the volume as an attempt to think with the legal form.
in Elena Calandri, Karolina Golemo, Jesús Ventura-Fernández (eds) Routledge Handbook on Cooperation, Interdependencies and Security in the Mediterranean (London: Routledge), 2024
The article offers an overview of human rights protection issues in the Mediterranean countries o... more The article offers an overview of human rights protection issues in the Mediterranean countries of the EU. First, it focuses on the region's borderline specificity, trying to locate it on the map of European hegemonies and demonstrate how often it is turned into a fortress zone. This specificity determines human rights protection in two dimensions. As far as 'internal' violations are concerned, the article juxtaposes major countries of the EU Mediterranean in search of violation patterns deducible from the ECtHR's jurisprudence. Then 'external' violations are presented - that is, the dimension of violations against refugees and migrants. In this respect the Mediterranean is effectively framed as a battlefield for the Schengen area, with all the consequences for producing border zones. Finally, the article seeks the role of contemporary Mediterranean as a cultural and geographical community dissected by relations of power and domination.
Panu-Matti Pöykkö, Pamela Slotte Russo und Viljami Salo (eds), Political Violence. Historical, Philosophical and Theological Perspectives (Berlin & Boston: DeGruyter Oldenbourg) , 2024
The role played by the right of peoples to self-determination in international law after decoloni... more The role played by the right of peoples to self-determination in international law after decolonization demonstrates that violence is to be found not only outside the law or at its foundations, in the law-establishing act, but also within zones created by the law itself. What is so striking about this right that it does not correspond to any concrete entitlement that is invokable or enforceable within international law. It corresponds to a proper abyss: a politico-moral slogan that only when fought with and through violence materializes itself as a right that has been exercised. In this sense, the right to self-determination exists only once exercised and thus covers up the exceptional zone of violence. During the conflict itself, it is nothing but a claim in the name of which the secessionists raise their arms. Through the right to self-determination international law attempts to cordon off and obfuscate something that it cannot properly grasp: the sphere of factual violence used to create a state through secession. This right is not created by violence, but exercised through its use. In this sense, the right to self-determination neither bans violence nor is established by it: it exists only as a vague principle until violence brings it to the proper status of a right. Unlike typical rights, the right to self-determination does not construct a simple tri-partite syllogism: (1) general norm, (2) factual situation and (3) concretization of a general norm. The form this right has before application is incommensurate with what it is transformed into after this act. Violence mediates between the principle and the right, allowing the latter to constitute itself retroactively as a seemingly exercisable norm.
Hague Yearbook of International Law, 2022
The paper offers a deconstructive study of the right of peoples to self-determination. First it d... more The paper offers a deconstructive study of the right of peoples to self-determination. First it discusses the legacy of Derrida’s deconstruction in international law scholarship, pointing to simplifications that happened to this paradigm of thinking when reduced to a set of conceptual tools. On the basis of such critique it builds a more solid deconstructive methodology adapted to analysis of self-determination. This area of international law is particularly afflicted by unresolved dilemmas and underdetermined theorisation. In a deconstructive account, such a problematic status is not taken as a practical problem to be solved, but it is seen as part of a larger framework in which aporias of self-determination need to be identified and described without artificial reconciliation. In this light self-determination appears as a right that contains in itself a fundamental and non-accidental obstacle to its own applicability. Second, on the basis of deconstructive critique, the paper adapts Giorgio Agamben’s theory of the state of exception to the rights of self-determination in order to demonstrate that its aporeticality has a particular function in distributing and organising power within the international community. The use of Agamben’s theory allows of grasping the role that sovereign decisions play in self-determination. The right of peoples to self-determination is presented as a key element of international law that regulates its entry points.
Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 2024
In this paper I develop a theory of judicial subjectivity based on Lacan’s psychoanalysis. This t... more In this paper I develop a theory of judicial subjectivity based on Lacan’s psychoanalysis. This theory is enriched with a theoretical confrontation with the abyssal laboratory of populist governance which has been created by the far-right majority in Poland since 2015. By adding this empirical context, I enquire how agency of judges is being created by the split legal system. The subjectivity of the judicial function implies speaking modestly in the name of the law, but at the same time involves being addressed by the demands of the Big Other. Yet at the same time the judge holds in her hands the jouissance of the law: it is the judge that can ultimately – with the effect of recognition within the Symbolic – acknowledge or refused validity of the law. It is in the judge’s subjectivity that the law can be recreated or can collapse. The peculiar link between the judge and her master is located in judicial conscience: the place where the subject’s structural emptiness corresponds to the lack within the law. As I argue in the paper, this role comes to the fore in case of split legal systems – such as the Polish one – which address judges with contradictory norms. In such moment the judge becomes ‘a judicial Antigone’ in Lacanian interpretation: a person on whose personal self-identification the legal system itself depends. Such a judicial Antigone – with empirical examples of Polish judges – is both the utmost hero and the utmost victim of the law.
in Rafał Mańko, Adam Sulikowski, Przemysław Tacik and Cosmin Cercel (eds.), Law, Populism, and the Political in Central and Eastern Europe, 2024
The 'really existing populism' in CEE / SEE arises from the juxtaposition of universal affliction... more The 'really existing populism' in CEE / SEE arises from the juxtaposition of universal afflictions of contemporary democracy with the local, semi-peripheral and post-socialisation states. The specificity of their regimes cannot be grasped without this interposition of contexts; otherwise it is all-too-easy to fall into the trap of the 'Eastern backwardness story'. The concept of the European legal war allows of inscribing the current transformations into the long chain of fights for (de/re)politicisation that cut across the entire Europe, but for historical and geopolitical reasons are most eminent in its Eastern part. Populism, therefore, is not a phenomenon anyhow inherent in 'the new Europe': on the contrary, its elements are to be found in the West as well. In its development, it is dependent on the crumbling liberal hegemony that itself slides into sovereigntism. What seems a raw irruption of the political appears as such only against the background of the liberal vision of curbing the political by the law. This situation poses a crucial challenge to legal scholarship. Contemporary populism in CEE / SEE should be analysed as a floating signifier which is deeply mired in ideological struggles from which the academia cannot be free. Instead, however, of active participation in the struggle between imaginary 'liberal' and 'illiberal' camps, legal studies may and should engage in revealing the multidimensionality of the conflicts that cut through the EU, its member states and their societies. These conflicts tend to oscillate around the question of the rule of law not because it is inherently central to them, but because it is the scene where the struggle for redefinition of boundaries of politicisation is fought. For this reason legal scholarship should reconsider its own position and foundations. Instead of declaring contemporary populism a particular state of exception, it should rather see it as the current chapter in the history of a long war.
"Kobieta, ciąża, zarodek, dziecko. Prawne aspekty przerywania ciąży", red. Magdalena Grzyb i Katarzyna Sękowska-Kozłowska, Kraków: WUJ, 2023
Artykuł analizuje orzeczenie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego ws. dopuszczalności aborcji w Polsce (K 1/... more Artykuł analizuje orzeczenie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego ws. dopuszczalności aborcji w Polsce (K 1/20) z 2020 r. przez pryzmat pojęcia biopolityki. Zastosowano w nim perspektywę krytycznej teorii prawa, by odsłonić przesunięcie znaczeniowe, za sprawą którego TK zabsolutyzował pojęcie "życia" w sensie czysto biologicznym. Podejście TK mocno kontrastuje z perspektywą Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka. ETPC celowo utrzymuje pojęcie „życia” w stanie podwójnego niedookreślenia: po pierwsze, nie przesądza, w jaki sposób stosuje się ono do płodu, a więc nie pozwala na wytworzenie ogólnego i jednolitego terminu „życie” w rozumieniu art. 2 EKPC. Po drugie, zalicza do życia także inne jego aspekty, związane z „jakością” życia, które
w Agambenowskim ujęciu należą do bios: ta sfera objęta jest ochroną w ramach art. 8 Konwencji. Między „życiem” a „życiem prywatnym” utrzymuje się więc wyraźna równowaga, niepozwalająca na redukcję całej sfery ludzkiej egzystencji do nagiego życia-zoe. Na tle takiego podejścia orzeczenie K 1/20 zaliczyć trzeba do radykalnego
biopolitycznego konstytucjonalizmu. Sama treść jego uzasadnienia jest już tylko konsekwencją uprzedniego rozstrzygnięcia, polegającego na absolutyzacji pojęcia „życia” poprzez sprowadzenie go do czystego zoe. W takim ujęciu jego treść zostaje radykalnie zubożona o wszystkie elementy, które objęte są w ramach ochrony praw człowieka pojęciem „życia prywatnego”. W rozumieniu polskiego TK życie jest biologiczną egzystencją, która w identyczny sposób przysługuje kilkudniowemu zarodkowi i dorosłej kobiecie. „Życie” sprowadza się do ochrony udzielonej na podstawie art. 38. W tak ukształtowanym polu mechanizmy prawa antydyskryminacyjnego oraz klauzula proporcjonalności z art. 31 ust. 3 Konstytucji funkcjonują już tylko jako wspomożenie tego uniwersalnego zrównania. Można przewidywać, że ścieżką przyszłego polskiego konstytucjonalizmu będzie przeniesienie zuniwersalizowanego nagiego życia do rangi aksjologicznej podstawy całej Konstytucji i przemienienie go w narzędzie uzasadniające odmowę przestrzegania prawa międzynarodowego. W ten sposób domknie się zwarcie pomiędzy biowładzą a radykalnie postrzeganą suwerennością państwa.
Migration Studies - Review of Polish Diaspora, 2022
The paper attempts to grasp conceptually the nature of law application in zones of confined life.... more The paper attempts to grasp conceptually the nature of law application in zones of confined life. Drawing upon empirical research, it uses the example of closed centres for foreigners. Approaching the topic with methods of sociology of law and legal anthropology, as well as drawing on Agamben's conceptualisations of law and life, I would like to propose a more general understanding of the role that law plays in total institutions such as detention centres. A great majority of legal provisions pertaining to them is stipulated with the intention of defending the detainees from abuses of power. Nonetheless, the positivist view of the law which translates noble principles, enshrined in constitutions and international law, into low-rank acts and then regulates the behaviour of officers, is at odds with the practice revealed by the sociological and anthropological research. The law remains a foreign body to officers: it is acknowledged as a body of rules which officially regulate all the actions of the institution, but in truth it functions rather as the Other's gaze. It embodies external control and the possibility of intervention. As such, it never regulates the actions per se (it is too unfamiliar to do so), but rather constitutes an external foothold which stops officers from applying all the methods of discipline that they spontaneously invent. It also provides a free object of criticism which mediates between officers' projected goals of border guards and their expected practice. Consequently, the vision of the law as a tool that 'regulates' detention centres is empirically contradicted. The paper addresses this relation with the use of Agambenian conceptuality, seeking points of contact between the law and life as well asking to what degree life is lawrepellent in confined zones.
Common Market Law Review, 2022
The Żurek ruling constitutes a significant development in the ECJ’s rapidly growing body of case ... more The Żurek ruling constitutes a significant development in the ECJ’s rapidly growing body of case law on the rule of law. It addresses the complex issue of what status ought to be ascribed to rulings issued by persons whose judicial appointments are considered irregular. This issue, for a long time pertaining to marginal cases in democratic States, has great practical significance, especially in Poland. There, the quality of an independent and impartial tribunal established by law has been questioned in the case of persons who obtained judicial appointments on the recommendation of the National Council of the Judiciary (NCJ) following a change in its composition in 2018. Such nominees, whose number at the time of writing amounts to 1788, have delivered thousands of rulings. Therefore, deciding on the status of their decisions raises important issues of the rule of law, res judicata, and legal certainty. The ECJ’s decision in the commented judgment could be read as developing the principle of primacy to a point where it requires, in certain situations, to consider rulings issued by persons irregularly appointed to judicial office as legally non-existent by virtue of EU law.
Romanian Journal of Comparative Law, 2021
The paper aims to formulate a more general theory of exceptionality that would be able to address... more The paper aims to formulate a more general theory of exceptionality that would be able to address it first as a focal point within the legal and, second, as a chain of events developing in longue durée. This theory is used in order to grasp the specificity of Covid-related emergency legislation adopted in Poland in the years 2020-2022. The paper argues that this legislation can be properly understood only as a part of a long process of expansion of exceptionality that each time strives to address new self-defined necessities. The theoretical part proposes two new terms: exceptionality (which describes phenomena based on the structure of the exception, although not necessarily confined to targeted legal devices such as the state of exception) and exceptionalisation (which connotes the dynamic process of production, reproduction and reconfiguration of exceptionality within the legal system). This conceptual grid is later used in order with a view to demonstrate how exceptionality possesses its own autonomous history within the legal. Finally, theoretical conclusions are drawn from the history of Polish Covid-19 emergency legislation as a follow-up to exceptional forms of populist governing.
Human Dignity and Democracy in Europe Synergies, Tensions and Crises, ed. by Daniel Bedford, Catherine Dupré, Gábor Halmai, and Panos Kapotas, 2022
The example of Polish populist authoritarianism demonstrates that an illiberal turn still within ... more The example of Polish populist authoritarianism demonstrates that an illiberal turn still within some basic framework of liberal democracy is a multi-dimensional and bottom-to-top approach process. Contrary to what liberal scholars might expect, it does not begin (or at least does not have to begin) with the imposition of a new constitutional axiology on which a new institutional framework could be built. It develops at two entangled levels: (1) the interception of institutions, especially constitutional courts and the judiciary; and (2) dismantlement of the effectiveness of law and the centripetal force of constitutional values, such as dignity.
Post-WWII mild positivism in its relation to the political resembles a water-immersed submarine: it is surrounded by it but aims to enclose the chaos of the political in a solid construction. As far as the most fundamental political choices are concerned, it communicates with its outside only through carefully designed valves that attempt to filter the political through legally anchored values. They allow the legal system to draw from foundational values, seek legitimacy in them and, occasionally, modify unjust or ethically inacceptable consequences.
In the line of this metaphor, the populist assault on the rule of law consists in boring as many holes in the hull as necessary, so that the distinction between the law and the political becomes blurred. Consequently, constitutional axiology (and human dignity) loses its stabilising force for the law/political membrane. The safety valves which carve the constitutional framework out of the chaos of all possible political choices also become inundated with redefined axiological concepts. The political colonises the law both from the outside (by dismantlement of its effectiveness) and from the inside (by interception of its in-built values).
Books by Przemyslaw Tacik
Książka jest przekrojowym omówieniem wszystkich istotnych kwestii związanych z przystąpieniem Unii Europejskiej do Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka. Akcesja UE do EKPCz to projekt już ponad czterdziestoletni, który wciąż nie doszedł do skutku, mimo długoletnich przygotowań. Ma ona wreszcie ustanowić formalną prawną więź pomiędzy najważniejszą i najbardziej zaawansowaną organizacją międzynarodową na kontynencie europejskim a najskuteczniejszym instrumentem ochrony praw człowieka na świecie. Akcesja to od 2009 roku prawny obowiązek UE, jednak jej realizacja wciąż napotykała przeszkody. Obecnie, kiedy przygotowywany jest nowy projekt umowy, na mocy której Unia ma stać się stroną Konwencji, temat ten jest aktualny jak nigdy dotąd. Jego doniosłość daleko wykracza poza zagadnienia prawa unijnego i prawa konwencyjnego. Przystąpienie organizacji międzynarodowej do EKPCz, zaprojektowanej dla państw, stwarza niespotykane dotąd problemy. Porusza wątki z zakresu prawa międzynarodowego i konstytucyjnego, dotyka zagadnień pluralizmu prawnego i multicentryczności systemu prawa, komplikuje system
ochrony praw człowieka w Europie. Każe na nowo przemyśleć relacje pomiędzy źródłami prawa i interpretującymi je sądami w jednej europejskiej przestrzeni prawnej. Celem niniejszej książki jest uporządkowanie tych złożonych problemów i odpowiedź na pojawiające się pytania co do natury i kształtu akcesji. W tym celu wykorzystano bogaty dorobek doktryny w sześciu językach, jak również rozległy wybór orzecznictwa.
Edited Collections by Przemyslaw Tacik
Papers (law) by Przemyslaw Tacik
w Agambenowskim ujęciu należą do bios: ta sfera objęta jest ochroną w ramach art. 8 Konwencji. Między „życiem” a „życiem prywatnym” utrzymuje się więc wyraźna równowaga, niepozwalająca na redukcję całej sfery ludzkiej egzystencji do nagiego życia-zoe. Na tle takiego podejścia orzeczenie K 1/20 zaliczyć trzeba do radykalnego
biopolitycznego konstytucjonalizmu. Sama treść jego uzasadnienia jest już tylko konsekwencją uprzedniego rozstrzygnięcia, polegającego na absolutyzacji pojęcia „życia” poprzez sprowadzenie go do czystego zoe. W takim ujęciu jego treść zostaje radykalnie zubożona o wszystkie elementy, które objęte są w ramach ochrony praw człowieka pojęciem „życia prywatnego”. W rozumieniu polskiego TK życie jest biologiczną egzystencją, która w identyczny sposób przysługuje kilkudniowemu zarodkowi i dorosłej kobiecie. „Życie” sprowadza się do ochrony udzielonej na podstawie art. 38. W tak ukształtowanym polu mechanizmy prawa antydyskryminacyjnego oraz klauzula proporcjonalności z art. 31 ust. 3 Konstytucji funkcjonują już tylko jako wspomożenie tego uniwersalnego zrównania. Można przewidywać, że ścieżką przyszłego polskiego konstytucjonalizmu będzie przeniesienie zuniwersalizowanego nagiego życia do rangi aksjologicznej podstawy całej Konstytucji i przemienienie go w narzędzie uzasadniające odmowę przestrzegania prawa międzynarodowego. W ten sposób domknie się zwarcie pomiędzy biowładzą a radykalnie postrzeganą suwerennością państwa.
Post-WWII mild positivism in its relation to the political resembles a water-immersed submarine: it is surrounded by it but aims to enclose the chaos of the political in a solid construction. As far as the most fundamental political choices are concerned, it communicates with its outside only through carefully designed valves that attempt to filter the political through legally anchored values. They allow the legal system to draw from foundational values, seek legitimacy in them and, occasionally, modify unjust or ethically inacceptable consequences.
In the line of this metaphor, the populist assault on the rule of law consists in boring as many holes in the hull as necessary, so that the distinction between the law and the political becomes blurred. Consequently, constitutional axiology (and human dignity) loses its stabilising force for the law/political membrane. The safety valves which carve the constitutional framework out of the chaos of all possible political choices also become inundated with redefined axiological concepts. The political colonises the law both from the outside (by dismantlement of its effectiveness) and from the inside (by interception of its in-built values).
Książka jest przekrojowym omówieniem wszystkich istotnych kwestii związanych z przystąpieniem Unii Europejskiej do Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka. Akcesja UE do EKPCz to projekt już ponad czterdziestoletni, który wciąż nie doszedł do skutku, mimo długoletnich przygotowań. Ma ona wreszcie ustanowić formalną prawną więź pomiędzy najważniejszą i najbardziej zaawansowaną organizacją międzynarodową na kontynencie europejskim a najskuteczniejszym instrumentem ochrony praw człowieka na świecie. Akcesja to od 2009 roku prawny obowiązek UE, jednak jej realizacja wciąż napotykała przeszkody. Obecnie, kiedy przygotowywany jest nowy projekt umowy, na mocy której Unia ma stać się stroną Konwencji, temat ten jest aktualny jak nigdy dotąd. Jego doniosłość daleko wykracza poza zagadnienia prawa unijnego i prawa konwencyjnego. Przystąpienie organizacji międzynarodowej do EKPCz, zaprojektowanej dla państw, stwarza niespotykane dotąd problemy. Porusza wątki z zakresu prawa międzynarodowego i konstytucyjnego, dotyka zagadnień pluralizmu prawnego i multicentryczności systemu prawa, komplikuje system
ochrony praw człowieka w Europie. Każe na nowo przemyśleć relacje pomiędzy źródłami prawa i interpretującymi je sądami w jednej europejskiej przestrzeni prawnej. Celem niniejszej książki jest uporządkowanie tych złożonych problemów i odpowiedź na pojawiające się pytania co do natury i kształtu akcesji. W tym celu wykorzystano bogaty dorobek doktryny w sześciu językach, jak również rozległy wybór orzecznictwa.
w Agambenowskim ujęciu należą do bios: ta sfera objęta jest ochroną w ramach art. 8 Konwencji. Między „życiem” a „życiem prywatnym” utrzymuje się więc wyraźna równowaga, niepozwalająca na redukcję całej sfery ludzkiej egzystencji do nagiego życia-zoe. Na tle takiego podejścia orzeczenie K 1/20 zaliczyć trzeba do radykalnego
biopolitycznego konstytucjonalizmu. Sama treść jego uzasadnienia jest już tylko konsekwencją uprzedniego rozstrzygnięcia, polegającego na absolutyzacji pojęcia „życia” poprzez sprowadzenie go do czystego zoe. W takim ujęciu jego treść zostaje radykalnie zubożona o wszystkie elementy, które objęte są w ramach ochrony praw człowieka pojęciem „życia prywatnego”. W rozumieniu polskiego TK życie jest biologiczną egzystencją, która w identyczny sposób przysługuje kilkudniowemu zarodkowi i dorosłej kobiecie. „Życie” sprowadza się do ochrony udzielonej na podstawie art. 38. W tak ukształtowanym polu mechanizmy prawa antydyskryminacyjnego oraz klauzula proporcjonalności z art. 31 ust. 3 Konstytucji funkcjonują już tylko jako wspomożenie tego uniwersalnego zrównania. Można przewidywać, że ścieżką przyszłego polskiego konstytucjonalizmu będzie przeniesienie zuniwersalizowanego nagiego życia do rangi aksjologicznej podstawy całej Konstytucji i przemienienie go w narzędzie uzasadniające odmowę przestrzegania prawa międzynarodowego. W ten sposób domknie się zwarcie pomiędzy biowładzą a radykalnie postrzeganą suwerennością państwa.
Post-WWII mild positivism in its relation to the political resembles a water-immersed submarine: it is surrounded by it but aims to enclose the chaos of the political in a solid construction. As far as the most fundamental political choices are concerned, it communicates with its outside only through carefully designed valves that attempt to filter the political through legally anchored values. They allow the legal system to draw from foundational values, seek legitimacy in them and, occasionally, modify unjust or ethically inacceptable consequences.
In the line of this metaphor, the populist assault on the rule of law consists in boring as many holes in the hull as necessary, so that the distinction between the law and the political becomes blurred. Consequently, constitutional axiology (and human dignity) loses its stabilising force for the law/political membrane. The safety valves which carve the constitutional framework out of the chaos of all possible political choices also become inundated with redefined axiological concepts. The political colonises the law both from the outside (by dismantlement of its effectiveness) and from the inside (by interception of its in-built values).
On peut se leurrer que l’hybridité des régimes populistes – autant que le caractère de leur légalité, parasitaire par rapport à la démocratie libérale – soient signes de leur faiblesse. Certes, il semble que la gouvernementalité populiste n’aie pas inventé ses propres formes juridiques. Cependant l’hybridité est aussi sa force : en niant les standards libéraux, elle profite toujours de l’appartenance à la famille libérale. L’hybridité, la déstabilisation et l’inopérativité peuvent marquer l’avenir des démocraties européennes si elles n’y répondent pas à temps.
incapable of addressing this return, let alone of enforcing responsibility of China for infringing WHO rules. As a conclusion the paper argues that COVID-19 opened new-old paths of governing the living that will play a planetary role in the future fights for dominance and imposing a new face of capitalism.
The chapter enquires into this twofold functioning of the tsimtsum as part of a broader problem, namely the relation of modern philosophy to its inherent crisis triggered by the discovery of historicity. It might be argued that continental modern philosophy is split into two approaches: the first one actively refers to history as a part of philosophical riddle (this approach is best exemplified by Hegel and Heidegger), whereas the second one abstains from speculating on meanings of history and prefers perceiving history as neutral framework within which different philosophical ideas have origins and development (this approach emerged in opposition to Hegelianism and gave rise to history of ideas). Both these approaches are also reflected in modern Jewish philosophy: one can either treat the development of Jewish thought in the modern, secular era as a philosophical riddle (like Scholem did) or perceive only factual relations between various Jewish philosophies created in modernity.
In this sense, in the deadlock between the not-so-much-explaining, but sober historical approach and the quasi-metaphysical (however implicit and cautious) assumption of some affinity between the tsimtsum and modernity, Jewish philosophy would share the fate of general modern philosophy. The chapter attempts to demonstrate both inherent limits of both approaches and their mutual entanglement, using the Freudian term of Traumnabel (“dream’s navel”). Tsimtsum functions as the Traumnabel of modern Jewish philosophy, namely as an obscure negative joint of history and thinking.
Using the concept of Traumnabel, I present this affinity as a threshold of differentiation between the concept and its history. Tsimtsum is an idea which, once conceived, deforms the very dimension of history in which we would like to perceive it. It is neither just a theological and philosophical concept nor a description of an event which might stand at the dawn of modernity. It is. When we ‘use’ it, history becomes real in all contradictory meanings of this word.
niedoszacowany, choć w ramach tradycyjnej humanistycznej praktyki oszacowany być nie może. Tutaj właśnie kategoria wpływu traci
swe prawo, parafrazując Nietzschego, i ustąpić musi pojęciu widma. Być może powinniśmy się pogodzić z konstatacją, że bezmiaru Jabèsowskiego ciążenia nad tekstami Derridy nie poznamy nigdy
w jego właściwym wymiarze: byli oni sobie bliscy, jednocześnie przebywając obok siebie w sposób zbyt widmowo nieprzejrzysty, by dało
się dorysować do końca kontury ich relacji. Stąd w miejsce obszernej – i wikłającej się we własne spekulacje – rozprawy, którą należałoby temu związkowi poświęcić, spróbujmy na razie zadowolić się tym,
co daje się naszkicować w sposób najpewniejszy.
Artykuł dąży do – przynajmniej częściowego – uwolnienia kanonicznego dzieła Stirnera, Jedynego i jego własności, spod jarzma narzuconej przez historię filozofii sztucznej przezroczystości tekstu. Przy bliższej lekturze tekst Stirnera ujawnia swoje strukturalne niespójności. Autor nie może się opanować przed interwencjami w pismo, sugerując, że jest ono tylko medium myśli i powinno być odrzucone – ale zarazem nie potrafi sobie poradzić bez niego. Ten paradoks odzwierciedla fundamentalną Stirnerowską aporię: jak pogodzić bycie-Jedynym z chęcią (lub koniecznością) wyrażenia tego stanu w uniwersalnym języku? Aby zgłębić tę aporię, artykuł sięga po kategorię sein – w języku niemieckim zarazem czasownik „być”, jak i zaimek „jego”, którego dwuznaczność myśl niemiecka rozgrywała od Schellinga po Kafkę. Analiza tej kategorii w stosunku do Stirnera pokazuje, że „Jedyny”, wbrew buńczucznym twierdzeniom filozofa, jest zawsze zależny, nigdy nie suwerenny – i domaga się suplementu w postaci „własności”. Zależność u Stirnera jest wyraźnie teoretyzowana przez kategorie „ducha” i „widma”. Jednak w tej wizji ma wyraźnego wypartego przeciwnika: judaizm. Artykuł tropi struktury antysemickiego myślenia u Stirnera, które prowadzą go od przednowoczesnego antyjudaizmu do proto-rasistowskiego imaginarium. Ten rys zdaje się bowiem ściśle powiązany z niemożliwą i niespójną konstrukcją suwerennego Jedynego, zbudowaną na źródłowym wyparciu.
however subjectively unconvincing it would seem. Suspicious of the notion of truth, Nietzsche reverses the post-Cartesian model. Objective thinking, neatly separated from illness, as well as rational diagnoses appear to him as a fetish supporting those
who cannot deal with their own corporeality. They repress their weaknesses, assuming the unfounded belief in objective thinking, which can be practised irrespective of personal malaise. However, Nietzsche’s suffering, which recurred irregularly and had
no detectable grounds, couldn’t be separated not only from thinking, but from life as such. The philosopher was thus lead to advance a concept of “diet”, construed as broadly as possible, including the selection of food, lectures and embraced thoughts.
The diet is the uttermost refutation of diagnosis, as it treats the mind and the body as a unity changing in time. The illness, which accompanies life inevitably, serves as a permanent yardstick of quality of our thoughts. Moreover, it gives us the opportunity to experience pure becoming.
Czy bowiem myśl wiecznego powrotu nie jest jego pułapką, pułapką, która obiecuje filozofowi wszystko, w zamian za co tu i teraz rujnuje go do szczętu?
In this time of twilight the past returns as a distorted misrepresentation. We know what Fascism was as much as we fear what current nationalism and authoritarianism might develop into, but we cannot dare a clear diagnosis. We know what the Left aspired to, we see how much it is needed now, but we hardly know how to revive it. We seem to recognise where the Left failed, but we are often more tempted to praise the socialist history. The past is to us nothing but a shadow─one more elements in postmodern play of puzzles─even if this shadow is very long and makes us suffocate under outdated categories.
In twilight times, the law is a crucial battlefield of liberalism and right-wing authoritarianism. It not only carries the burden of the past, but also supports the almost-ancien régime by withholding the boiling upheaval. At the same time, it contributes to distorting history by misrepresenting the socialist legacy. In these uneasy times we invite critical legal scholars to the second symposium which aims to provide a Central-Eastern European perspective on contemporary law and politics.
We would like to encourage you to think about the following topics:
• the nature, character and future of the current transformations of law and politics
• new social riots (e.g. “gilets jaunes”) from a legal perspective
• perspectives of the legal critique and of the Left
• what’s the difference between the red and the brown, especially in law?
• possibilities and impossibilities of the Revolution from the legal perspective
• past failures of the Left and what can be learned from them
• contemporary nationalisms, authoritarianisms and the law
• legacy of the Enlightenment and shared values of the Left and liberalism
• role of the past in contemporary law
• hope and the law
Abstracts up to 300 words together with short biographical notes should be sent to the address: [email protected] until 15 February 2019.
The symposium will consist of maximum 30 participants. We hope to continue and expand our collective think tank. Selected participants will be notified about their acceptation until 20 February 2019.
We strongly encourage submissions by women and other groups underrepresented at the academy.
There is no conference fee.
Should you have any questions, please write to: [email protected].
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1st July 2018. Abstracts containing up to 1000 characters should be sent with affiliation to: [email protected]. The organizers reserve the right to select the applications. The information about the admission will be sent until 31st July 2018. The conference will be held in a barrier-free venue. We do not provide accommodation. There is no conference fee.