Contemporary Graffiti
Recent papers in Contemporary Graffiti
Interview with George Freeman from radio station 95bFM on The Wire program. Broadcast on March 27, 2015 [Duration: 12 minutes, 47 seconds]. Audio recording:
This panel set out to explore the popular and scholarly literature on graffiti and street art, to assess what has been accomplished in these fields, and where scholarly research in the fields of criminology, criminal justice and allied... more
Keynote presentation based on my most recent book, "Street Art and the Environment".
Political Protest Graffiti is an increasingly visible form of rhetoric that provides a democratizing space to enable its disenfranchised peoples to articulate their own narratives. As a form of visual activism, the George Floyd Protest... more
Talk about street art's democratic impact and ability to encourage people to explore their everyday environments. Given in connection with the opening of Danish photographer Søren Solkær's exhibition "Surface" at Øksnehallen in Copenhagen... more
In this chapter, I propose that indigenous graffiti and street art are interconnected with the political mobilization of indigenous groups who actively oppose the structural and systemic histories of violence suffered by indigenous people... more
In this article, we describe how antithesis and metaphoric conceptualization interact with each other and which rhetorical effects this interaction brings about. We illustrate this interaction with an analysis of seventeen graffiti... more
Presentation about the difficulties involved when attempting to represent graffiti and street art in an institutional context. The presentation was given at the workshop "From City Streets to Museum Galleries: Discussing Street Art and... more
Constrained by the concepts of Shangri-La, Tibetans are forced to strategically use peaceful means of protest. Graffiti offers an excellent option
Review of Peter Bengtsen's book The Street Art World (2014) on the blog of the independent quarterly art magazine VNA (Very Nearly Almost).
In this anthology chapter, I relate Miwon Kwon's different definitions of sites and site specificity to the field of street art. The case being studied is a photograph of two stencil works by the British artist Banksy and the artist... more
Drawing extensively from interviews conducted with 20 New York City graffiti writers and from unobtrusive observations, this article seeks to further our understanding of graffiti writing culture in two important respects. On the one... more
This paper applied an ecocritical perspective on street art to expand on the notion that street art can have an impact on how we relate to urban public space. In doing so, it argued that street art is particularly well positioned to... more
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
Since the early 1980s, in addition to the increase in graffiti and street art in many urban contexts, a number of movies have been made that have either examined this phenomenon and the people who engage in this activity, or used graffiti... more
This anthology chapter examines the removal of and trade in street artworks.
A lecture by one of the leaders of Cartografía Sur and Graffiti Mujer, Karina Santos Matiz, about the use of graffiti to promote a culture of non-violence towards women and establishing women as political subjects in the Colombian... more
Interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen for Inchiesta about the exhibition “Street Art – Banksy & Co. L’arte allo stato urbano” in Bologna and the resultant removal by the Italian artist Blu of all his remaining... more
El graffiti que se generó durante el Estallido Social, entre octubre 2019 y marzo 2020, en Santiago de Chile, fue un elemento muy presente en las nuevas experiencias urbanas y formas de percibir la ciudad durante esta crisis. El graffiti,... more
Notes on Bruno Latour, Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, with some consideration of compositionism. These ideas are developed with ideas and concepts from cognitive science, literary studies, music, and... more
Graffiti and street art are unique forms of cultural heritage which have not yet received the scientific attention they deserve. The potential of graffiti research to answer a variety of social and cultural research questions is... more
Para que el graffiti se instale la ciudad tiene que colaborar. ¿Cómo? Proporcionando viviendas ociosas, terrenos baldíos y otros espacios abandonados que el movimiento graffitero utiliza para intstalarse y crecer. El libro analiza las... more
This article examines street art as a specific type of public art. With Patricia C. Phillips’ idea of the failing »public art machine« as a point of departure, it contextualises the discussion of public art as a phenomenon that goes... more
Presentation at the Second Cross-disciplinary Seminar of the Nice Street Art Project NSAP #4.
This chapter presents an ecocritical reading of street artworks by Spanish artist Isaac Cordal. The chapter is part of a larger project that focuses on environmental street art. The project will culminate with the publication of a... more
All graffti is low-level dissent but stencils have an extra history. They’ve been used to start revolutions and to stop wars. They look political just through the style. Even a picture of a rabbit playing a piano looks hard as a stencil.... more
Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale... more
Chapter about the collaboration between fashion brands and artists, including Takashi Murakami for Louis Vuitton and BAST for Marc Jacobs.
This paper discusses the history of the acronym A.C.A.B. in the Italian language. It examines the mechanisms that have brought the acronym from the streets to literature and the role of the Skinhead and football Ultras sub-cultures in the... more
A result of my research in Artexte's collection in Montreal, Canada, this bibliography is a reference tool on street art and all the urban artistic practices associated with it. It presents a selection of publications and documents on the... more
The present paper focuses on the concepts of urban and linguistic space. It considers the city as a diamesic melting pot. Graffitism is seen as a communication channel that needs to be examined in order to better understand the urban... more
In authoritarian states, opposition movements and members of civil society lack unrestricted and uncensored access to the mainstream media and subsequently to the public sphere. As a result, those wishing to express their political... more
When graffiti writing was transferred onto canvas for sale during the Manhattan art boom of the 1980s, it was widely felt to have ‘sold out’ to the exploitative interests of the art establishment and become a ‘post‐graffiti’ art movement.... more
The study focuses on the republican murals painted on the walls of two cities, Belfast and Derry, in May 2009. The idea for the study was born during a trip to Northern Ireland during which I had the opportunity to observe the murals and... more
Tesis para obtener el grado de Doctor en Antropología Social
In the contemporary city, the graffiti is increasingly present as it is exposed in public and private spaces, building symbolic urban landscapes. These urban graphics are rich in colors, shapes and discourse. They represent the speak of a... more
En este libro nos adentramos a lo largo del laberinto de la historia para conocer qué es y qué funciones, constantes y matices ha tenido el grafiti de firma en distintas circunstancias. Una actividad cultural hija de la civilización que... more