Recent papers in Banksy
Street art to jeden z fenomenów współczesnej sztuki. Uwodzi rozmachem, oryginalnością, jest wyrazem nieskrępowanej wyobraźni i nieograniczonej pomysłowości twórców. Łamie konwencje, niesie ze sobą posmak rebelii, pewnej nielegalności,... more
Özet: Küreselleşme çağında enformasyon zaman ve mekân hızını aşmıştır. Küreselleşme sürecindeki yaygın medya söylemi savaşları, özgürlük mücadelelerini, ekonomik çelişkileri, gelir dağılımındaki eşitsizlikleri vb. görmezlikten... more
R. ¿Cuál es el posicionamiento de Damien Hirst y Banksy frente a la cultura del consumo? ¿Qué estrategias adopta cada uno de ellos para distanciarse del ciclo del consumismo? ¿Cómo representan el capitalismo en su obra? Grosso modo: Hirst... more
Defiance, independence and transgression for sale. On social rituals of creating and receiving the "difficult" art. According to Marshall McLuhan: "Art is anything you can get away with". To what extent is this statement correct... more
Mit dem Ziel, ein prototypisches, webbasiertes Werkverzeichnis in Form einer allgemein zugänglichen Datenbank für einen Street-Artist zu erstellen, stehen Bildwissenschaftler vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen. Einige davon möchte ich... more
Özet Postmodern dönemde sanat yapıtının müze ve sanat galerilerinden dışarıya çıkmaktadır ve gündelik yaşantıya nüfus etmektedir. Muhalif toplumsal hareketlerin ve Avangart sanat akımlarının etkisiyle birlikte sokak sanatı ortaya... more
Few direct clues exist to the everyday lives and beliefs of ordinary Jews in antiquity. Prevailing perspectives on ancient Jewish life have been shaped largely by the voices of intellectual and social elites, preserved in the writings of... more
RESUMO: A diligente marca grafiteira Banksy, que circunscreve os muros do globo desde meados da década passada, está na lanterna da diáspora artística de sua geração: exposições com residência nas potencialidades, exposições com... more
RESUMEN El presente escrito tiene como propósito indagar en algunos de los factores –y actores- que juegan un papel trascendental bajo el contexto actual de la comunicación política. Uno de los fines perseguidos es señalar lugares de... more
In this article, we describe how antithesis and metaphoric conceptualization interact with each other and which rhetorical effects this interaction brings about. We illustrate this interaction with an analysis of seventeen graffiti... more
Notes from a lecture presented at the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, University of Melbourne in 2012 (and in subsequent years) to students in the Masters of Cultural Materials Conservation program. The lecture... more
Presentation about the difficulties involved when attempting to represent graffiti and street art in an institutional context. The presentation was given at the workshop "From City Streets to Museum Galleries: Discussing Street Art and... more
In this anthology chapter, I relate Miwon Kwon's different definitions of sites and site specificity to the field of street art. The case being studied is a photograph of two stencil works by the British artist Banksy and the artist... more
IncontrI -anno I n.4 LUG/SET 2013 62 T he Guardian e The Observer lo considerano uno dei dieci maggiori interpreti della street art al mondo in una classifica del 2011, 1 mentre in Italia il dibattito sul labile confine tra street art e... more
Cedar Lewisohn, curator of the Street Art show at Tate Modern (2008), blustered in an international street art conference in Lisbon (2014) about Street Artacademics being rather fans than critical academics and most Street Art to be... more
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
When I told people in Bristol that I was writing this book everyone asked the same two questions: ‘Have you actually met Banksy?’ and ‘Does he know you are writing this book?’ Answer to the first: ‘Possibly; but how would I know?’; answer... more
Einige Urban Artists nutzen den öffentlichen Raum bevorzugt, um kritische und unzensierte künstlerische Aussagen gegen das herrschende Wirtschaftssystem und die Konsumkultur zu äußern. Besondere Bekanntheit erreichten im letzten Jahrzehnt... more
Derzeit sind Begriffe wie Street Art, Urban Art, Graffiti oder Murals in aller Munde. Banksy zählt mittlerweile zu den gefragtesten Street Art-Künstlern auf dem Kunstmarkt und seine Werke sind angesagter denn je. Doch wo beginnt Street... more
This anthology chapter examines the removal of and trade in street artworks.
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
The article traces a kind of collaboration that begins with a Situationist-styled appropriation and then approaches what the Situationists called unitary urbanism, or the detourned use of public spaces to engender the fusion of aesthetic... more
This is a presentation brief for a study presented at the 2011 PGL Conference. For this presentation, a visual analysis was done on two politically charged graffiti images by the street artist Banksy. The analytical tool utilized in this... more
Contemporary street art is often discussed in media as a phenomenon undistinguished from graffiti. This oversimplification is rather misleading. Already in the 1980s, in connection to the mainstream success of the graffiti artist... more
This chapter examines viewers’ affective encounters with street art and graffiti, with attention to the critical framework provided by Ranciere (2004) whose work suggests a method for investigating our aesthetic practices of participation... more
This article argues that contemporary street art (or graffiti) uses a unique set of resistant techniques to foreground the contours and shapes of different kinds of structural violence inscribed into, and perpetuated by, the... more
The World Atlas of Street Art and Graffiti is the definitive survey of international street art, focusing on the world’s most influential urban artists and artworks. Organized geographically by country and city, this chapter focuses on... more
This paper analyses Banksy's artwork from a semiotic point of view. The theoretical background is given through Eco's, Jakobson's and Prieto's definitions of semiotic code and context. A deeper analysis goes along through Kant's... more
L’IMMAGINE POLITICA DI JOHN HEARTFIELD , BARBARA KRUGER E BANKSY Ambra Sombo Anno 2015\2016 Dagli albori dei tempi l’artista è una... more
"...Then we have Ivan Gololobov’s “War and Piss” in which he shows how Punk is alive and kicking, not necessarily in music form and not necessarily in its motherland, through an analysis of the Russian radical art group “Voina”... more
By taking Rivasi's exhibition "1984: Evolution and Regeneration of Writing" in Modena as case study, this essay explores the possibility of including graffiti within institutional contexts. It argues for the possibility of graffiti... more
This article examines street art as a specific type of public art. With Patricia C. Phillips’ idea of the failing »public art machine« as a point of departure, it contextualises the discussion of public art as a phenomenon that goes... more
The art of today cannot be static, cannot seek permanence and must catch the eye or it will be dismissed quickly by the jaded modern viewer. The transient, striking nature of Street Art makes it a modern art for a contemporary audience.... more
Bologna, 12 marzo 2016: tarda mattina. Davanti alla facciata dell'XM24 si è appena arrivati all'apice di un terribile, per taluni, scempio, per altri di un glorioso ultimo atto di "resistenza". Il grande murale che qualche anno prima... more
In this paper, I critically discuss Riggle’s definition of street art. I argue that his definition has important limitations, and is therefore unsuccessful. I show that his view obscures a defining feature of street art, that is, its... more
This paper gives a short introduction and discussion of the term Street Art and related terms like Graffiti and Urban Art. A major part discusses my definition of Street Art and other definitions and the differences and commonalities of... more
Prankster, polemicist, painter, Banksy is arguably the world’s most famous unknown street artist. To the press and public, the question of Banksy’s identity is more intriguing than the legitimacy of his work and the price that... more
All graffti is low-level dissent but stencils have an extra history. They’ve been used to start revolutions and to stop wars. They look political just through the style. Even a picture of a rabbit playing a piano looks hard as a stencil.... more
Art, as an expression of feelings, worldviews, and personal beliefs, is a reflection of our environment and how we interact with it. In this way, urban art such as rap music and graffiti can serve as a lens through which we are able to... more
The proposal of urban artist Banksy is characterized by the recurrent and constant use of elements of the so-called "guerrilla communication", a form of expression nourished by subversive tactics that wants to fight against the power... more
Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale... more
Le vendredi 5 octobre 2018 chez Sotheby’s à Londres, à la surprise générale, une version sur toile de la célèbre Girl with balloon du street artist Banksy s’autodétruit juste après avoir été vendue pour 1,04 million de livres sterling.... more
"In 2008, Cedar Lewisohn curated the first large-scale exhibition of street art at a major museum or gallery. 'Street Art: The Graffiti Revolution' (23 May - 25 Aug 2008) involved the exhibition of works by six international street... more
L'antropologo francese Marc Augé ha interrogato il rapporto tra identità e alterità a più riprese nel corso della sua opera, a partire dai dispositivi spaziali responsabili della loro articolazione.
This paper discusses graffiti on the Israeli-West Bank wall as well as in Gaza. It looks at the various opinions that exist on this act of nonviolent dissidence and whether it yields positive or negative results.
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