Strategic Communication
Recent papers in Strategic Communication
Με ποιους τρόπους μπορούν τα περιφερειακά μουσεία τεχνών να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες παγκόσμιες προκλήσεις και κοινωνικές ανάγκες για μάθηση και αναψυχή; Πώς αξιοποιούν τις νέες τάσεις στην πολιτιστική επικοινωνία και τα ψηφιακά μέσα; Πώς... more
Influence and persuasion are gaining increased attention in warfare, but often social psychology approaches remain underused or neglected while this academic field has provided useful insights into this approach, especially as a... more
The concept of political communication refers to both a set of professional practices and a theoretical and scholarly discipline. As a professional practice, the term "political communication" suggests a series of communication processes... more
As an organizational function, internal communication is gaining in importance, meriting a special issue on the topic. This importance is evident in many recent efforts among practitioners in Europe and the US to seek recognition of this... more
Beat reporting in Nigeria grew from the early 1980’s, onto the 90’s and onwards. It was out of an attempt to perfect news reporting, by encouraging specialization amongst reporters. This paper analyses the expansion of the trend, from... more
This article aims at analyzing and identifying the contributions of the strategic organizational communication for the mining company Samarco sustainability policy. Based on the concepts of strategic organizational communication and... more
Strategic communication, in contrast to everyday public relations, concentrates on the core drivers of organizational success. It also expands the traditional set of institutionalized communication measures in order to manage meaning in... more
Modernism period had been passed due the up coming of the globalization euphoria that begin to decreasing the state role in society (Habermas, 1999). Public sphere in a democracy life retained an integrated communication in the political... more
The increased need for counseling services is evident with the steady rise in mental health conditions in college-aged students. However, a number of factors inhibit students from seeking help. This study argues that mental-health... more
Recently interview by the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS) on the topic of "Strategic Communication: Influencing Public Perception." In the interview, Walker discusses the role of strategic communication... more
A strategic communications plan for Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture to reach a larger audience and grow its audience, which works collaboratively on projects benefiting birds throughout the Pacific.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) research indicates that consumers are skeptical of a company’s support of social causes unless they can determine that the efforts are legitimate and authentic. One way companies can demonstrate... more
Work in progress communication professionals perceive and work with strategic communication been bigger.
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks the term "strategic communication" became widely used by political and military leaders as well. Shortly it became a kind of a 'buzzword' As a result, today there are many definitions in use to describe... more
This conceptual article proposes a new integrative model of the country image by drawing on advances from the fields of business studies, social psychology, political science, and communication science. To interrelate different... more
This is the second part of the essay "The Measurement of Trust in Communication Research" (continued from Part 1 published in December 2020). The aim of the essay was to review the last 100 years of the measurement of trust in... more
The academic community cannot ignore the growing opportunities offered by artificial intelligence. Especially relevant are developments in this ares against the background of growing challenges and threats arising from the use of the... more
Organizations have found a channel in social networks to reach their target audience. However, not all of them have an efficient communication strategy. In the present study, was chosen to analyze the content it publishes on its... more
Violent extremism has become the global concern especially after the beginning of 21st Century. Therefore, understanding the various aspects of violent extremism particularly multifaceted communication strategies which will be fit to... more
Scholars have paid little attention to the role of media scandals in U.S. foreign policy discourse. This article suggests that journalists’ treatment of foreign policy failures as scandalous bears little relationship to the nature or... more
In the article are analyzed some aspects of strategic communication of Russia in Latin America. Special attention is given to key messages of the leadership of Russia to the countries of the region, the practice of public diplomacy,... more
Несмотря на заметный экономический, политический и моральный упадок США, эта страна продолжает играть роль ведущей силы в мировой экономике и международных отношениях и стремится не допустить дальнейшего ослабления своей мощи. Важное... more
What is hybrid warfare? And what role does information play in today's conflicts? In the context of the technological/information revolution of the last two decades--which has greatly amplified the danger posed by nonmilitary means of... more
Les relations publiques (ou publics) sont au coeur de la communication des organisations. À l’heure du 2.0, la relation est centrale. Les entreprises dialoguent avec des acteurs de plus en plus diversifiés, exigeants et imprévisibles... more
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks the term "strategic communication" became widely used by political and military leaders as well. Shortly, it became a kind of a 'buzzword'. As a result, today there are many definitions in use to describe... more
The following paper offers new insight into marketing research in the currently vastly growing fashion second-hand and resale economy. This study aims to contribute to the development of successful marketing strategies for the fashion... more
The digital environment has brought new forms of activism, but television remains the privileged mean to access information for most citizens in Portugal and Europe. In this study we analyze the TV news reports that journalists identify... more
Digital natives (also known as “Generation Y” and “Millennials”), a generation born during of after introduction of digital technologies, 1980s and after, have mixed preferences for media use in personal and professional lives. A study by... more
With a number of Asia-Pacific countries among the fastest growing in the world, the requirements for public relations and communication management are also growing in terms of both demand and professionalism. It is essential that... more
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
Gender equality is an extremely important issue for all businesses, nevertheless the fast fashion industry, which targets mainly the female population, faces major challenges related to women wellbeing and labor rights, employees... more
In the last few years, Trader Joe's has fallen to number three among America's favorite grocery stores. In order to increase brand awareness, brand engagement and word of mouth about the brand, ultimately increasing customer base and... more
A comunicação no contexto das organizações está em constante reconfiguração. As novas formas de informação, de interação, de partilha e de consumo que caracterizam as sociedades atuais trazem novos desafios às organizações e às suas... more
Imagine that you're a black woman who wants to work for a major U.S. company with hundreds of employees. But you notice something strange: the company doesn't seem to hire black women. They're just not there. Seems like an obvious case of... more
Previamente al formidable boom de Internet y de las comunicaciones digitales extendidas, dos grandes paradigmas del pensamiento administrativo influían decisivamente en la gestión empresarial: la dirección por objetivos y el desarrollo... more
Purpose: This study aims to understand factors that may stimulate or inhibit communication practitioners when it comes to measurement and evaluation (M&E) of communication initiatives at the outcome level (i.e., impact on stakeholder... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
Corporate action is subject to more scrutiny than ever. An attempt to legitimize the corporate role is seen in corporate social responsibility as a part of a triple bottom line framework. Corporate principles are communicated in various... more