Organ And Historical Keyboards (E.G., Harpsichord)
Recent papers in Organ And Historical Keyboards (E.G., Harpsichord)
The batalla is often considered as one of the most distinguishable genres of the Iberian Baroque organ literature. Paradoxically it is, from all genres of Hispanic organ music, the one on which praxis less information is known. The data... more
Intervista al clavicembalista, organista e direttore d'orchestra olandese in occasione di una masterclass a Brescia. Citata in "Bach al cembalo Mietke"
An anthology of English keyboard music c.1650-1695 containing pieces by Anon, John Blow, Albertus Bryne, John Cobb, Giovanni Battista Draghi, Robert King, Thomas Farmer, Francis Forcer, Orlando Gibbons, Daniel Henstridge, John Hingeston,... more
Présentation Douzième volet de l’intégrale Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) pour clavier, le second volume du Clavier bien tempéré est présenté en deux récitals, chaque fois au clavecin, à savoir les préludes et fugues 1 à 12 (BWV 870... more
PROFESORES: GLADYS CICALA JORGE IGLESIAS ALUMNA: GABRIELA BERDUN "La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana y el fortalecimiento del respeto a los derechos humanos y a las libertades fundamentales;... more
Fifths and major thirds beat rate characteristics of famous historical temperaments are analysed. It appears that beat rate characteristics might be the actual determining factors for Baroque temperaments, mainly because beat rates are of... more
The famous J. B. Le Picard Organ (1750-1752) in the Basilica in Tongeren, reconstructed/restored by the Manufacture d'orgues Thomas (1997-2002) is without any doubt one of the most interesting historical organs in the region.... more
The purpose of this project was to build a hammered clavisimbalum after Arnaut de Zwolle c. 1440 that will be used in actual musical practice rather than primarily advancing the corpus of organology knowledge regarding the original... more
Este artigo dá uma visão dos tipos de instrumentos de teclado que se desenvolveram desde a Antiguidade até o período Barroco, dando início a uma série de artigos a serem publicados na "Revista Teclas e Afins" (Brasil), no intuito de... more
The four notes forming the name 'Bach' occupies the exact center of the 56 notes harpsichord keyboards that Bach knew and used. This extraordinary fact seems to have escaped so far, but Bach himself can hardly fail to notice. If, as is... more
(EN) Tongeren, a nice little town in the south of Limburg, is the oldest town in Belgium. The original settlement (15 AD) developed from a military camp to a gallo-roman settlement. In later years it became an important pillar in the... more
Claudio Santoro's (1919-1989) works are objects of study of a significant relation of written papers. His great relation of written and executed Works demonstrates extremely importance for the history of contemporary Brazilian music. The... more
El presente trabajo muestra la evolución de la interpretación de la obra “Passacalles II de Primer Tono” de Juan Cabanilles a través de un análisis comparativo de registros sonoros de músicos de los siglos XX y XXI. Recogiendo de la... more
I n the past few years, a considerable re-awakening of interest has been noted in the hydraulic musical automata which, from the Late Renaissance Italy and subsequently in other European countries. The present volume aims at documenting... more
The organ music of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710-1784) has thus far received considerable attention, above all visible in the form of no less than four so-called complete editions (Biggs/Weston 1947; Brandts-Buys c1955; De Nys c1960;... more
The Ms. Cary 703, purchased by the Morgan Library of New York, has brought about the discovery of a few unknown sonatas attributed to Domenico Scarlatti as well as 29 unknown sonatas by Antonio Soler composed in his earlier years in... more
De forma geral, órgãos da Idade Média não possuiriam notas cromáticas, com exceção ao Si bemol. Quase todo o entendimento que se tem sobre órgãos medievais é especulado a partir de iconografia de época, abundante na forma de ilustrações... more
The keyboard toccatas of J. S. Bach, BWV 910-916, present a formidable challenge of interpretation to the modern-day performer. These works contain some of the most unusual compositional techniques to be found in Bach’s output due to... more
Abschnitt 4: Zwei Stiicke aus Ammerbachs Anthologien 3f»| >ru<f i(f)tiiui bulj Uflin.
Altough the organ was involved in the continuo practice in a much larger measure than the harpsichord or other instruments, there is a noticeable scarcity of studies on this subject. This article intends to present a series of documents... more
Ce texte décrit les étapes successives de la restauration avec remise en état de jeu d’un clavecin français anonyme, en noyer et à double courbe, rare spécimen de la facture française du début du règne de Louis XIV. Cette facture demeure... more
SUMMARY To date, only two instruments testify to the production of harpsichords in Switzerland in the 18th century: a double manual harpsichord with the inscription «P Hellen à Berne 1759», which belongs to the Württemberg... more
Allargamento tonale nelle composizioni per tastiera al tempo di Frescobaldi Con sviluppi tardo-seicenteschi verso temperamenti di tipo circolante FONTI Strumenti a tastiera e pratica musicale Fonti e documenti dal XV al XVII secolo IV:... more
Del genere diatonico, cromatico ed enarmonico sugli strumenti al tempo di Carlo Gesualdo tratto da "Quaderni Gesualdiani", Atti della giornata di studio "iN…Giornata Gesualdiana", a cura di A. Caroccia e M. Columbro, Edizioni ilCimarosa,... more
Abstract This article investigates the monkey-decorating of a prestigious harpsichord signed in 1733 by the Parisian harpsichord maker F.E. Blanchet, adorning the salon of the Château de Thoiry (Yvelines, Ile-de-France) since the 18th... more
The Concert champêtre on the 1628 Joannes Ruckers harpsichord, a rare testimony of the painted corpus by Robert Bonnart (1652-1733) Marie-Christine ANSELM The Museum of the Château de Versailles nowadays preserves one of the most... more
This text describes the successive steps of the restoration to playing condition of an anonymous French harpsichord, in walnut and with double-bendside, a rare specimen of French harpsichord making of the beginning of the reign of Louis... more
Introduction to the edition of Andrea Antico "Frottole intabulate da sonar organi", ed. Ut Orpheus, Bologna. Italian and English version
French double-manual harpsichords are in wide use today, especially those based upon the widely admired extant originals by Pascal Taskin. In this paper the scaling and original stringing of Taskin’s instruments—and a few other French... more
Most harpsichords (unlike virginals and spinets) can play two or three strings using the same key. To avoid a heavy action, these strings are plucked at different points along the key dip: this regulation is called “staggering”. The... more
While serving at the court of Anhalt-Köthen, J.S. Bach composed much of his most important instrumental works, focusing especially on the harpsichord, both solo and in ensemble. The 5th Brandenburg Concerto, with its large cadenza for... more
Der Versuch einer Erforschung der in Indien oder unter Indiens kulturellem Einfluss entstandenen Werke für Tasteninstrumente, besonders derjenigen bis 1820, aber auch nach der bengalischen Renaissance.
This brief paper "Petit prélude à l'étude des clavecins français du XVIIe siècle" par Alain & Marie-Christine Anselm, was published in 1996 in the journal Musique-Images-Instruments (n°2), a publication of the CNRS. At the time we felt... more
Questo sintetico contributo mira a documentare l'attribuzione a Giuseppe I Serassi del più antico registro organistico di "Flauto armonico" fino ad oggi noto e a confrontare tale sua soluzione con quella che quasi esattamente un secolo... more
Peu d'instruments nous sont parvenus de Joseph Anton Moser (1731-1792), facteur d'orgues et d'instruments à clavier originaire de Bischofszell, établi à Fribourg et fondateur d'une dynastie de facteurs suisses de l'importance des... more
Dopo elencare pregi e difetti del Harpsichord Method di M. Boxall, si definiscono le antiche scuole di diteggiatura per la tastiera. Si descrivono i diversi vantaggi di suonare pezzi barocchi con le diteggiature storiche. Si descrive... more
The curious disposition of the original double-manual harpsichord has been the subject of considerable speculation since 1739, but especially so over the past fifty years. The problem, simply stated, runs as follows.
Pochi altri organi europei hanno stimolato l'interesse di viaggiatori e di scrittori quanto lo strumento dei benedettini di Catania: per oltre un secolo dalla sua costruzione, il celebre organo di Donato Del Piano è stato uno dei... more