Chinese literature and history
Recent papers in Chinese literature and history
This article explores the literary genre of Buddhist bell inscriptions in Song Dynasty China and discusses them in the broader context of Song ‘bell culture.’ These inscriptions were written to commemorate the casting of a temple bell –... more
"Wen zhi" (Form and Content) is a term widely used in traditional Chinese literary criticism. Informed by Occidental literary studies, modern Chinese scholars specialising in literary theories, Chinese literary criticism, the dynastic... more
The same sex phenomenon has existed in ancient China all the time and has the characteristics of The Times. When it developed to the Ming Dynasty, especially in the middle and late Period of the Ming Dynasty, it once became a kind of... more
In this introductory chapter of the book Between History and Philosophy, Paul van Els and Sarah A. Queen discuss characteristic features of early Chinese anecdotes. They first outline a more general understanding of anecdotes, based on... more
Times Literary Supplement. 7 Nov. 2018. Web.
Chen Yinke's research focuses on ancient and modern, as well as Chinese and foreign scholarship. Throughout his tenure as a professor in the Tsinghua University Departments of Chinese and History starting in 1931, he was constantly... more
本文以《海公案》71回案例的罪案發生地爲觀察,梳理罪案地點與判官海瑞之關係,並校對明清善本書、現當代電腦排印本對罪案地點的錯置現象。文中指出:《海公案》對71回案例的罪案地點,是以第56回爲分界,採用「先浙江,後南京」的序位結構,呼應著海瑞官職升遷的歷程。此序位的結構特色,爲《海公案》創造「一種功能和意義的標誌,一種只憑其位置,不需用語言說明,而比起用語言說明更爲重要的功能和意義的標誌。」其次,運用上述的觀察,校對明清善本書、現當代電腦排印本對罪案地點的錯置現象。這些錯置現象... more
虛無黨小說在晚清經由翻譯輸入中國,內容經常描寫虛無黨成員與專制政府對抗,盛極一時。陳冷血(陳景韓,1878-1965)、周瘦鵑(周祖福,1895-1968)等作家都曾從事翻譯或創作虛無黨小說。中國當時所見的虛無黨翻譯小說,多出版於英國,通過日本翻譯,被譯介到中國。換言之,虛無黨小說實際上通過了兩種語言的翻譯,才成為當時中國人所能見到的文本。本文以英國葛威廉所作的虛無黨小說Strange Tales of a... more
This writing project hopes to explore (Ikenobō 池坊) Ikebana's 生け花 aesthetic principles including its conception of space and time to analyze its religious/philosophical underpinning. To historicize and contextualize the analysis, this... more
Same-sex intimacy was commonplace throughout the Han dynasty, including the turbulent Three Kingdoms era.