Bretton Woods
Recent papers in Bretton Woods
Documento elaborado por Julián René Romero (c) 2021. Resultado de la toma de apuntes de la lectura.
This article examines the global crisis of commodity glut that came in the wake of the Fall of France and Italy's entry into the Second World War in June 1940, when the extension of the British blockade and shipping problems cut off... more
Esta monografia tem como tema central, a abordagem da evolução do sistema financeiro internacional de meados do séc. XIX até os dias atuais, evidenciando seus principais dilemas e aspectos mais relevantes que permitiram aos anos do padrão... more
In Workers, Unions, and Global Capitalism: Lessons from India, Rohini Hensman maintains that globalisation has afforded workers new opportunities for confronting capitalist exploitation. Using India as a point of departure, Hensman... more
The book presents a framework for defining the natural evolution of economic systems based on the application of the value system framework. Borrowing from the extensive works of Dr. Clare W. Graves and the theory of Spiral Dynamics, the... more
It is assumed that China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and the international developmental financing institutions (IDFIs) recently created in order to support it, are going to challenge the Bretton Woods institutions and, as a... more
In this study we are going to find out the impact of exchange rate system on foreign trade of a country. In this study we will see how foreign exchange volatility impact on a country's Import-Export Policy. We are going to see how India... more
Topic: 'How far did the international monetary and financial system of the Bretton Woods Era successfully address the problems of the interwar era?'
Kitap bölümü analizi: Uluslararası İlişkilerin Ekonomi Politiği adlı kitabı ise Türkiye dahil olmak üzere, dünyanın birçok üniversitesinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır. Kitap, özellikle uluslararası iktisat, politik iktisat,... more
Die Vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Ursachen, Wirkung und Folgen der ersten Erdölkrise 1973. Während 1973/74 realisierten die Erdölförderländer des Nahen Ostens mehrfach Preiserhöhungen gegenüber den westlichen Erdölgesellschaften und... more
Altın Para Sistemi'nin temel özellikleri: Ulusal paralar arasındaki değişim oranı, ilgili paraların altın değerine göre belirlenmektedir. Döviz kurlarındaki değişmeler, altının bir ülkeden diğerine gönderilmesi için gerekli... more
The evolution of money and banking is at the cusp of a paradigm shift in the 21st century. The introduction of digital currency built on blockchain technology enables a distributed, peer-to-peer payment system ideal for the decentralized... more
In: Nine Lives of Neoliberalism, herausgegeben von Dieter Plehwe, Quinn Slobodian, und Philip Mirowski, 197–218. Brooklyn, NY: Verso Books, 2020.
RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se pretende analizar el actual momento de crisis económica en relación con los límites del ciclo sistémico de acumulación estadounidense (iniciado en 1945) y, concretamente, con los últimos treinta años de... more
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has caused a shift in the debate on international trade issues and is questioning the basic topdown strategy. Never before has such resistance occurred concerning trade issues. So... more
Dinamika Ekonomi Politik Internasional terjadi akibat dua hal yakni interaksi antara market dan kondisi lingkungan. Sehingga banyak regulasi-regulasi yang muncul sebagai kontruksi baru karena menyesuaikan kebutuhan tiap-tiap market.... more
a d a m t o o z e a n d j a m i e m a r t i n The entanglement between war and economics revealed by the First World War was to become one of the defining features of the first half of the twentieth century. Never before had war been so... more
This dissertation aims to analyse the validity and nature of the Bretton Woods Institutions’ (BWIs) narrative of development. The main reason behind this is that for decades, the BWIs lauded Ghana as a Structural Adjustment Program (SAP)... more
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden.
he article explores the interconnections between the rise of modern monetary theory, deglobalisation and the international monetary system. It discusses the evolution of the international monetary system from Bretton Woods One to Bretton... more
A ECONOMIA MUNDIAL EM PERSPECTIVA HISTÓRICA Artigo-resenha Paulo Roberto de Almeida Publicado na Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (vol. 39, n. 2, julho-dezembro 1996, p. 136-151). Relação de Publicados n. 199. David Hackett... more
Questa tesi propone un’indagine storiografica del ruolo centrale della valuta statunitense nella politica monetaria internazionale e nel commercio globale di petrolio allo scopo di mettere in evidenza come le relazioni e le interazioni... more
Short version: published in the book; complete version still unpublished.
Relação de Publicados n. 566. Relação de Trabalhos n. 1338"
Relação de Publicados n. 566. Relação de Trabalhos n. 1338"
other. Moreover, the two benefited from one another both technically and organizationally because of the fact that both countries were located at the same economic level of development, that is, in the second phase of industrialization.... more
Con la pretensión de analizar con perspectiva crítica las grandes transformaciones de la economía mundial desde la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, se examinarán las trasformaciones del sistema de Bretton Woods y su significado en los... more
The fall of the Bretton Woods international monetary system, in 1971, has often been interpreted as a defeat of politics – namely the choices of United States – on the part of economic forces. The documents of the Nixon presidency... more
Based on an array of primary sources from the Nixon administration, this chapter argues that the divergence in the respective interests of the US and the West Europeans was not a consequence of the end of Bretton Woods but, rather, one of... more
Este capítulo busca analizar la situación económica y política de la banca de desarrollo en México. Para lo cual, realiza un estudio de caso, donde la idea principal es demostrar cómo el arreglo institucional pos Bretton Woods limita, por... more
Se hace una revisión crítica del Premio Nobel de Economía, con una recopilación del papel de Yanus Varoufakis en las negociaciones con la Unión Europea en 2015, con el apoyo de Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman y Thomas Piketty, a partir de... more
This year marks the 70 th anniversary of the epoch-making Bretton Woods institution. The breakdown of its crafted quasi-gold standard took place in crucial events which include America's unilateral suspension of the dollar's gold... more
L'articolo discute, sulla base di documenti declassificati dell'amministrazione statunitense di Richard Nixon (1969-74), le multiple ragioni che condussero Nixon a decretare la fine del sistema monetario di Bretton Woods, con particolare... more
Məqalədə beynəlxalq valyuta sistemlərinin aparıcı elementlərindən olan likvidlik təminatı məsələsinin problematikliyi, xüsusilə Bretton-Vuds mərhələsinin timsalında tədqiq edilmişdir. Araşdırmalar göstərir ki, iqtisadi kateqoriya kimi... more
A COMPARISON OF FEDERAL RESERVE AND EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK A Comparison of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank: Independence, accountability along with transparency and other responsibilities are the concepts that are... more
On the afternoon of Friday, Aug. 13, 1971, high-ranking White House and Treasury Department officials gathered secretly in President Richard Nixon's lodge at Camp David. Treasury Secretary John Connally, on the job for just seven months,... more
dalla conferenza di Berlino ai movimenti politici e sociali oggi in Africa
Dimulai dari fase dimana Perang Dunia II membawa kehancuran total, terutama pada negara-negara di wilayah Eropa. Lumpuhnya industri-industri besar, kehancuran kota-kota hingga banyaknya korban jiwa akibat Perang Dunia. Pada akhirnya,... more
Nel 1971, con la fine del gold-exchange standard - il regime monetario definito nella conferenza di Bretton Woods nel 1944, in cui si definì un regime di cambi fissi tra le principali divise mondiali e il dollaro Usa e la convertibilità... more
On the surface, through the “One Belt, One Road” and the BRICS’ New Development Bank, China is promoting a transformative vision of international order based on equality among states, fairness in international institutions and trade and... more
Despite the undeniable importance of Germany’s political economy in the global landscape, catalogued in an ever-expanding bibliography in a variety of fields, it is not very often that one encounters a study that can be described as a... more
Multilateralism has its roots in modern European history. It evolved as a pragmatic mechanism to avoid mutually assured destruction of multiple militarily matched states. From the twentieth century multilateralism and globalization have... more
On August 15th, 1971, the then-president of the United States, Richard Nixon, made an eighteen-minute speech to the country whose effects impacted the world. Among other subjects, he announced the end of the dollar-gold parity, which was... more
Los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido protagonizaron la negociación principal en el seno de los Aliados para consensuar el nuevo orden monetario internacional de Posguerra. Aunque sus planes compartían la necesidad de crear una institución... more
The nature of the contemporary American-led order itself-often called the "liberal international order"-has never been more controversial than it is today. On one side are those who believe this liberal order is exceptional-meaning it is... more
This study addresses the following puzzle: why did states in the largest emerging economies (EMEs) in Latin America and Asia not use formal institutions to cope with the 2008 crisis? During the 1990s, these economies used and established... more