Attila the Hun
Most downloaded papers in Attila the Hun
This thesis examines the evidence surrounding the Battle of Nedao, an engagement between Ardaric, leader of the Gepids and other rebelling tribes, and Ellac, the eldest son of Attila. It argues against the claim that, after Attila’s... more
As archaeological evidence confirms, the Germanic groups who established kingdoms in northwest Europe during the Age of Migrations were participants in a broad cultural zone extending well into Eurasia. Elements of Anglo-Saxon culture in... more
In: Hünüügijn ezent uls ba Mongolyn ertnij tüühijn sudalga. (Hsiung-nu Empire and the Study of Ancient Mongolian History). Ulaanbaatar, Mongol Uls, ShUA Tüühijn Hüreelen, 2012 (2014), pp. 31-43.
From the fourth century CE onwards, the Western half of the Roman Empire experienced a chain of dramatic events and developments. The last Western emperor was deposed in 476 CE and Justinian abolished the Western court in 554 CE. These... more
Attila is one of the important historical personage of Turkish political life and he has also been a very curious figure for the western world. Attila's name, place and date of birth, his youth and his reign are the historical points that... more
The Huns are perhaps the most intriguing adversaries of the later Roman Empire. This paper examines the account of Priscus, which details his personal interactions with Attila, and compares it to other accounts of nomadic barbarians.... more
The cult of the past is a very common topos not only in the humanistic Quattrocento but also in the Middle Ages, and it represents a strong propaganda tool in profane art associated with astronomical and moralistic allegories, frequent in... more
Atila y los hunos en la cuenca de Panonia. Una revolución geopolítica, amenaza y cambio frente a la identidad del Imperio bizantino del siglo V, 449-452.
Öz: Türklerin çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı anayurtlarından ayrılmaları ile başlayan kavimler göçü neticesinde Batı Roma İmparatorluğu'nun sonunu hazırlayan birtakım olaylar cereyan etmiştir. Türklerin önlerinde bulunan Germen kavimlerini... more
Avrupa Hun hükümdarı Rua 434’te ölünce onun kardeşinin çocukları Bleda ve Attila, imparatorluğun yönetimini birlikte devralmışlardır. Attila, selefleri tarafından yürütülmekte olan Doğu Roma İmparatorluğu’nun sürekli baskı altında... more
Examined is the discovery of an engraved rock crystal evidently serving as the master prototype for a quantity of late 15th century bronze plaquettes. A relationship of the rock crystal with Lorenzo de’ Medici is drawn by way of a... more
This essay, based on the newest researches about Huns and their costumes, analises Huns' origins and their long voyage to Europe. They were considered 'barbarians' as we today consider refugees and migrants and their king, Attila, has... more
M.S. V. yüzyılda Attila’nın doğumuyla birlikte tarih sahnesinde adından sıkça söz ettiren Hunlar, Romalıların karşılaştıkları en korkutucu ve müca-dele etmesi oldukça çetin bir rakip olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Doğu Roma... more
Óbuda has been subjected to a fringe argument that denies its very existence. Rather than merely dismissing these claims as being historically erroneous, this study examines how they arose in order to comprehend how such unhistorical... more
This is a complex analysis of the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields. It utilizes the latest in research on the Late Roman Period, as well as research in Roman, Germanic, and Steppe tactics, to reconstruct the campaign and battle as... more
ABSTRACT In ancient literary texts written in Greek and Latin in AD IV-VII centuries, we see that Turkish communities of Turks, Avars, Huns, etc. have gained an important place in the history of Rome. A chapter of the works of many... more
A história dos godos de Jordanes – ou Getica – é a mais antiga das histórias restantes de um povo “bárbaro” pós-romano, mas o seu autor alega que ela é um resumo da história gótica escrita por Cassiodoro, que não atravessou a Idade Média.... more
The article portrays late ancient figure of Sangiban, Alan king from the region around Aurelianum. This nomad chieftain joined the anti-Hunnic coalition (composed mostly of Romans and Germans under the command of the Roman general Aetius)... more
Dieses Buch bietet ein großartiges Panorama von 1000 Jahren germanischer Geschichte. Die spannende Darstellung reicht von den ersten Konflikten der Germanen mit den Römern über die Völkerwanderungszeit und den Untergang des Imperium... more
En este trabajo analizo cómo la imagen de Atila que nos transmitió la Antigüedad ha pasado al cine, y de ahí al imaginario colectivo actual.
Introduzione, testo latino con traduzione italiana a fronte a cura di Elena Necchi. Due celebri leggende, quella di Attila ‘flagello di Dio’ e quella delle origini della città di Venezia, si intrecciano in questo romanzo cavalleresco, in... more
Comunicação apresentada durante o II Colóquio LEIR-UFOP & Universidade de Coimbra, realizado entre os dias 2 e 3 de junho de 2016, em Mariana-MG.
Situation politique : En l'An 451 de notre ère, tout l'Empire Romain tremble sur ses fondations, en proie à un schisme important, à la menace toujours plus forte des Germains et à la terreur d'être envahi par Attila, dont la sinistre... more
Could the Bructeri people join Attila’s Gallic campaign? The participation of the Bructeri warriors in Attila’s Gallic campaign 451 AD is a matter of historiographical debate. While Sidonius Apollinaris mentions that they were a part of... more
Türk tarihini yakından ilgilendiren Mete Han, Attilâ ve Cengiz Han ile ilgili 2000’li yıllara kadar çok az sayıda roman yayımlanmıştır. İslamiyet öncesi dönem hakkındaki romanların ilk örneklerinden birisi Peyami Safa’nın Attilâ’sı... more
'Autobiografia' di Giusta Grata Onoria, figlia di Galla Placidia e sorella di Valentiniano III, fedelmente ricostruita sulla base dei testi dei cronisti del V-VIII secolo. Questa è un estratto. Il testo completo, di 144 pagine con circa... more
Module Description Since his invasions of the Roman Empire in the 440s and 450s CE, Attila the Hun has become a byword for cruelty and wanton destruction of civilisation. He stands in a long line of nomad conquerors, of whom he, Genghis... more
Bu çalışmada, bozkırın yetiştirmiş olduğu üç büyük şahsiyet hakkında kısaca bilgiler, kişilikleri ve siyasi olayları aktarmaktadır.
This paper intends to discuss the proactivity, originality, degree of success and historical-political implications of the diverse diplomatic initiatives implemented by the imperial administration in the Balkan provinces of the Eastern... more
Review of Mischa Meier, Der Völker ins Auge blicken. Individuelle Handlungsspielräume im 5. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (Heidelberg: Verlag Antique, 2016): Sehepunkte (2016) ( 28885 html)
The Catalaunian Fields is a battle well known for the role of terrain in the battle, with Jordanes' description of the engagement focusing almost in its entirety on the hill. With the location of the battlefield now known and new research... more
The medieval Latin poem ‘Waltharius’ is a Germanic saga transformed into a traditional Latin epic. This transformation has been effected, not just by the use of Latin hexameters, but also by the appropriation of complete lines and... more
The author reconsiders some well-known facts about Dark Ages and offers a consistent picture of the events in the history of Eurasia. According to the received picture, the Buddhist's role in the events of The Migration Period (German... more
Dominae dominique, magistri, sodales amicique, salvete! Latine loquar. Latine loqui conabor. Indulgentia vestra pro meo barbarico sermo peto.
Въпреки многобройни и непрестанни усилия, досега изследователите не са могли да открият почти никакви детайли относно националността на хуните, тяхната култура, език и държавна организация. Въпреки това, всички знаем със сигурност, че... more