History and civilisation of the Huns, Scythians
Recent papers in History and civilisation of the Huns, Scythians
Опублікований лист з архіву керівника розкопок Мелітопольського кургану Олексія Івановича Тереножкіна, який є не лише цікавим курйозом з історії дослідження цієї визначної пам'ятки і документом епохи, а й джерелом до вивчення стану... more
An abbreviated translation of a lecture given in English at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal on 29 June 2016.
Desde Escitia a la Península Ibérica, de la Edad de Bronce -si no antes- a los primeros siglos de nuestra Era, diversos seres antropomorfos, humanos o mitológicos, han sido representados luchando contra el grifo -id est, la grifomaquia- a... more
SADAQSHILIQ: THE ART OF MAKING AND SHOOTING THE KAZAKH HORSEBOW In Kazakhstan the art of archery existed from the prehistoric times, when the first areas of Andronovo culture started appearing at the territory of the republic. Since then... more
Papers devoted to the typology of certain categories of the material culture need the close cooperation with the local schemes. A change of researching “optics” is likely to have a positive effect on the process of studiing the general... more
Elinizdeki kitabın temel iddiası da, en eski tarihî devirlerden ortaçağlara ve modern döneme, Türkler ve İskitlerin aynı halklar olduğudur. Bu iddia, atlı-savaşçı Türk-İskitlerin konar-göçer yaşam tarzı unsurları ve eklemeli dilleri... more
This is the English version of the article I published in two parts, in French, in the Luchnos in January and July 2007, France. I have enlarged the article in this version, added illustrations and maps.
У каждого народа есть своя легендарная история и «предфилософия»: у индусов – «Ригведа», у иранцев – «Авеста», у евреев – «Пятикнижие» и т.д. У тюркских народов Турана таковым является древнее учение «Жасау ізі» («Яссы», «Тропа... more
Бабенко Л.И. Коллекция Александропольского кургана в собрании Харьковского исторического музея имени Н.Ф. Сумцова // Полин С.В., Алексеев А.Ю. Скифский царский Александропольский курган IV в. до н.э. в Нижнем Поднепровье. Киев–Берлин:... more
The research regarding the depictions of Scythian females in the Scytho-Sarmatian and Greek art shows that there is a division between images of armed Scythian females (who are represented as ordinary people) and Scythian females without... more
The Significance Of Women İn The Scythian Turks Abstract The women of Scythian Turks with their importance in the social, political, military and economic life, belonged to one of the most powerful nations of the Ancient Ages, still... more
The excavations carried out lately at Yassıhöyük/Gordion, Boğazköy/Büyükkaya, Kaman-Kalehöyük, Çadırhöyük, Porsuk and Liman Tepe and also the survey at Hydas and Hisarlık Tepesi/Troya VIIb2 and Tel-el Cüdeyde excavations of which findings... more
Збірник наукових праць Б. А. Шрамка (1921–2012), присвячений 95-річчю від дня народження зна- ного археолога. Видання містить опубліковані в різні роки статті та тези доповідей і повідомлень, у яких представлені результати багаторічних... more
Avrupa Hun hükümdarı Rua 434’te ölünce onun kardeşinin çocukları Bleda ve Attila, imparatorluğun yönetimini birlikte devralmışlardır. Attila, selefleri tarafından yürütülmekte olan Doğu Roma İmparatorluğu’nun sürekli baskı altında... more
This is the main part of my work. It is the highlight of my studies. I explained how the upper structure of Roman society, the Church, survived and made deal with barbarians, how all old science and culture went down and under a new... more
Numerous legends are known in Eurasia, in which one or more hunters are trying to get a stag, and then the hunters will find a new homeland, or establish a new cathedral at the location where the deer appeared earlier. According to the... more
This article deals with the evolution of the terms Scythia and Scythians in the geographical and rhetorical milieu. The article consists of two chapters: (1) Scythia and Sarmatia in imperial Latin and Greek literature of the 1st – 2nd... more
Ornithomorphic motifs in design of Scythian akinakai still appear in early 6th c. BC. Specific form of a pommel stylized with bird heads (or claws of a bird of prey) with an eye at the bottom is the stylistic development of earlier types... more
Türklerin, kutsal elementi hiç şüphesiz "demir" dir. Demirin kutsiyeti ise; eski Gök-Tanrı inancı ve Şamanizm ile alakadardır. Zira Türkler Demirin Gökyüzünden Tanrı tarafından indirildiğine inanmaktaydılar. Bu yüzden demire Türkler... more
Öz: İskit kraliçesi Tomyris hakkında antik yazarlarda hem kısıtlı hem de birbirinden farklı bilgiler vardır. Bunların tümü Tomyris ve Pers kralı Kyros arasındaki savaşla ilgilidir. Bu savaşta uygulanan iki savaş hilesi söz konusudur.... more
En önemlisi 948-952 yılları arasında yazdığı bir siyasetname ve milli güvenlik siyaset belgesi niteliğindeki kitabı De Administrando Imperio (DAI) olmak üzere, bize üç kitap bırakan Bizans'ın imparator yazarı 7. Konstantinos... more
СЛЕДЫ ГУННОВ В ИБЕРИИ Великий союз всадников-гунны-создали сильную империю во Внутренней Азии. Некоторые их ветви постепенно переместились на запад с I века до н.э., и достигли края Европы или Кавказского региона, где и обосновались.... more
The women of Scythian Turks with their importance in the social, political, military and economic life, belonged to one of the most powerful nations of the Ancient Ages, still countinue their name today known as the famous " Amazons "... more
In general for the Great Steppe the clusters of necropolis of a certain period (where several women with weapons were buried) were founded in the Lower Dnepr (the 4th c. BCE) and in the Lower Don (the late 1st c. BCE – the mid. 3rd c.... more
Mátyás Bél (1684–1749), the famous historian from Hungary, paid a good deal of attention throughout his life to the genesis of the Hungarian language and alphabet, as well as to the origins of the Hungarian nation itself. As for the... more
Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 2017. Skify, sarmaty, meoty, skandinavy i slavyane (The Scythians, Sarmatians, Meotians, Scandinavians and Slavs; in Russian). Hermonassa, 3, pp. 3-12. Keywords: Scythia, Scythian, Sarmatian, Meotian, Slavonic,... more
Fax: 310 16 98 http://www.ttk.gov.tr [email protected] ISSN 0041-4255 Yerel Süreli, Hakemli dergidir. Ağustos 2016 -ANKARA Belleten'i indeksleyen uluslararası indeks ve abstraktlar: America, history and life 0002-7065 1963-;... more
Scythian weaponry is one of the most original components of the material culture of the population of Eastern Europe of 7th–4th centuries BC and it could be called a “visit card” of the early nomads of Eurasia. The number of finds of... more
One of the features of Scythian archaic blade weaponry is the use of bronze, often in the combination with iron. This technologe of Early Scythian bimetallic akinakai goes back to “Cimmerian scheme”. Within the framework of that scheme... more
Рахно К.Ю. Осетинские мотивы в украинском фольклоре // Вестник Владикавказского научного центра. – Владикавказ: ВНЦ, 2014. – Том 14. – № 1. – С. 13-18.
This monograph proposes a reconstructive chronology of South Asia’s history in the late fifth century CE. It shows how the Gupta lands up to Yamuna and Narmada were encroached by Alchon Hun Khiṅgila, et al. Other powerful dynasties such... more
Miklós Banai PhD and Prof. Béla Lukács PhD, held a lecture about their research on the origins of Central Europe's peoples, by the invitation of the Széll Kálmán Foundation, on the 28th of November, 2014. They have established the fact... more