Flavius Aetius
Recent papers in Flavius Aetius
Battle of the Catalaunian Plains The last victory of the Romans. By Ziv Yoffe. אחרי שהשפיל את קונסטנטינופול והמזרח בשנת 449 , אטילה ההוני החל להביט לכיוון מערב. ניצחונותיו הרבים והפחד שזרע ברחבי שתי האימפריות נתנו לו כבר בשלב זה את... more
This is a complex analysis of the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields. It utilizes the latest in research on the Late Roman Period, as well as research in Roman, Germanic, and Steppe tactics, to reconstruct the campaign and battle as... more
Situation politique : En l'An 451 de notre ère, tout l'Empire Romain tremble sur ses fondations, en proie à un schisme important, à la menace toujours plus forte des Germains et à la terreur d'être envahi par Attila, dont la sinistre... more
Comprender la realidad política de los últimos años del Imperio Romano pasa por explorar la figura de Flavio Aecio. Como muchos otros antes que él, el patricius actuó en pos de la supervivencia de una realidad que parecía desvanecerse,... more
onform unei tipologi a ştampilelor tegulare ce aparţin legiunii a xI-Claudia 1 , s-a stabilit că tipurile care au fost emise şi au cirulat în spre sfârşitul secolului al III-lea p.Chr. şi începutul secolului al Iv-lea p.Chr., au fost:
The article portrays late ancient figure of Sangiban, Alan king from the region around Aurelianum. This nomad chieftain joined the anti-Hunnic coalition (composed mostly of Romans and Germans under the command of the Roman general Aetius)... more
The article presents Goar, one of the kings of the Alans. Until the crossing of the Rhine at the beginning of 407, he was one of the allies of the German-Alan coalition, when for unknown reasons, he came down on the side of Roman and... more
ABSTRACT: The life of Flavius Aetius, a Roman general of the 5th century, has remained closely linked to the last fate of the Western Empire. His figure, recognised in history for his victory over Attila in the decisive battle of the... more
Review of Mischa Meier, Der Völker ins Auge blicken. Individuelle Handlungsspielräume im 5. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (Heidelberg: Verlag Antique, 2016): Sehepunkte (2016) (http://www.sehepunkte.de/2016/12/ 28885 html)
A more detailed version of this talk can be found in my paper "Goten in Gallien. Aufstieg und Untergang des Tolosanischen Reiches", in: Zur Debatte. Themen der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern. Sonderheft zur Ausgabe 2020/4 (2020), pp.... more