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      Cultural Heritage ConservationArchaeology of Magna Graecia and SicilyArcheologia PreromanaRestauro
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Archaeology of Southern ItalyFunerary Archaeology
a cura di Giulio Ciampoltrini INDICE Indice Premessa GIULIO CIAMPOLTRINI, Le ragioni di un incontro GIULIO CIAMPOLTRINI, Culture in contano. Etruschi, Liguri, Romani nella valle del Serchio fra IV e II secolo a. C. GIULIO CIAMPOLTRINI,... more
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      Megalithic MonumentsArcheologia PreromanaArcheologia dei paesaggiLigurians, Ligures
a e b. 5 Sullo scavo del centro fortificato del Colle della Battaglia, che documenta un'occupazione tra il VIII sec. a.C. e 157
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      Roman HistoryArcheologia PreromanaAbruzzoHillforts and oppida
Il sito archeologico di Guardamonte, come è ormai noto, occupa la sommità e il versante settentrionale del Monte Vallassa in Oltrepò pavese, lungo lo spartiacque della Valle Staffora che apre verso la Valle piemontese del Curone e... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyProtohistoryPrehistoric hillfort
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesArchaeology of pre-Roman Italy
With the resumption of archaeological investigations at Satricum (Borgo LeFerriere, Latium), in 1977, a broad array of themes, methodologies and analytical approaches have been pursued. A common thread is technology, which encompasses all... more
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      Material Culture StudiesHistory of TechnologyMediterranean archaeologyArcheologia Preromana
La collegiata di S. Maria Assunta di Otricoli e le sue collezioni d’arte sono state oggetto, a partire dalle indagini archeologiche e dai restauri svolti all’interno della chiesa ormai più di mezzo secolo fa, di una costante attenzione da... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryArchaeology of pre-Roman Italy
Le ricerche nell’insediamento antico di Monte Sannace – presso Gioia del Colle (Bari) – la probabile Thuriae delle fonti letterarie, si susseguono annualmente grazie agli scavi condotti dal Ministero per i Beni Culturali con i suoi organi... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheologia PreromanaApulian ArchaeologyPreroman Italy
L’archeologo del XXI secolo non vive più di solo studio e scavo. Oggi la moderna ricerca impone di affiancare al lavoro in cantiere e ai libri in biblioteca modi sempre nuovi di indagare, comunicare e gestire l’antico. Bastano un po’ di... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical GeographyArchaeology
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyArcheologia PreromanaAbruzzoPreroman Iron Age
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      ArchaeologyItalian Cultural StudiesArcheologia PreromanaSabina
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
This thesis has the subject of the Apulo-Corinthian Helmet, a south-east Italian helmet type and what it can say about the culture in which it was used. After establishing what an apulo-Corinthian helmet exactly is and which Type’s there... more
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      ArchaeologyIron AgeBronze and Iron Ages in Italy (Archaeology)Ancient Armies
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      Landscape ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscology
La congerie di reperti etruschi e italici rinvenuti nell'Egeo, che testimonia rapporti pressoché ininterrotti tra Mediterraneo orientale e occidentale dall'età del Bronzo finale al V sec. a.C., è legata da un filo rosso diverso da quello... more
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyArcheologia PreromanaVotive offerings
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      ArchaeologyAncient ReligionArcheologia PreromanaAncient Latium
Exhibition catalogue
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    • Archeologia Preromana
ISbN ISbN DIGITALE: 978-88-913-0299-1 (PDF) © Copyright 2013 "Sapienza", Università di Roma
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    • Archeologia Preromana
Il contributo prende in esame, in via preliminare, i materiali pre-protostorici provenienti dagli scavi archeologici condotti in Valtellina tra il 1995 e il 2012 nell’ambito dell’azione di tutela svolta dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Archeologia
This volume presents a cutting-edge overview of the history and development of Etruscan studies. It offers a diachronic account of Etruscan history, culture, religion, society, art and archaeology, as well as a systematic discussion of... more
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyEtruscan ArchaeologyArcheologia PreromanaEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeology
This monographic essay analyses the transformations taking place in the rural landscape in northern Puglia (southern Italy) and a part of north-western Basilicata during the centuries of Romanization, that is to say, in the period between... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyRoman VillaeArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyRepublican Rome
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)Iron Age
La céramique dans les espaces archéologiques "mixtes" », Mario Denti et Clément Bellamy (dir.), ISBN 978-2-7535-4781-0, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, [] 31 ••
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      Greek PotteryGreek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)Archeologia Preromanaarchaic Greek Pottery
Whereas archaeological field survey is relatively fast and effective for the mapping of surface finds in Mediterranean landscapes, two challenges limit its potential for reconstructing ancient settlement patterns. First, field survey... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyArchaeological field surveyArcheologia Preromana
En el acto de entrega de los Premios Vaccea, en su cuarta edición, que tendrá lugar en el Aula Triste del Palacio de Santa Cruz de Valladolid durante el último trimestre del 2014, quedarán convocados los correspondientes a su quinta... more
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      Celtiberian HistoryArcheologia PreromanaArqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyArcheologia PreromanaEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryWar Studies
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      AmberArcheologia Preromana
Il rito funerario della cremazione in urna -se si prescinde da episodi precedenti risalenti all'età del rame e talvolta al neolitico -inizia a svilupparsi diffusamente nell'Italia peninsulare a partire dalla fase 3 del Bronzo medio e... more
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      Social ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age archaeologyEtruscan Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesArchaeology of pre-Roman Italy
Aguas mineromedicinales, termas curativas y culto a las aguas en la Península Ibérica (desde la Protohistoria a la Tardoantigüedad) VBI AQVAE IBI SALVS AGUAS MINEROMEDICINALES, TERMAS CURATIVAS Y CULTO A LAS AGUAS EN LA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA... more
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      Ancient HistoryCeltic StudiesRoman ReligionWomen in the ancient world
This article deals in detail with two related passages of the famous Iguvine Tablets (3rd-1st centuries B.C.) from the Umbrian Gubbio, which have as its content sacrificial rituals with regard to some sort of ancient league/federation... more
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesAncient economyEtruscologyUmbria
The study takes up some issues relating to the location of the workshops that produced the valuable figured ambers that marked the aristocratic burials of southern Italy from the eighth to fifth century BC. The contribution of findings... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyAmberArcheologia PreromanaPreroman Italy
This paper investigates the Italic military phenomenon in pre-Roman Calabria. Weapons can be regarded as a symbol of the ethnic and cultural identity of their users. In this light the “Samnite” belt and its presence in Calabrian funerary... more
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      Material Culture StudiesArms and Armor StudiesItalic ArchaeologyGreek Mercenaries
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      Ancient Greek ReligionEtruscan ArchaeologyAmberArcheologia Preromana
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      Funerary ArchaeologyEtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyFunerary Architecture
"The Verezzi Tower reinterpreted. Previous theory classifying the tower as a vertical axis windmill is dismissed on the basis of location, winds strenght, design and structure. The hypothesis it could likely be an ancient, pre Roman... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyHistory of the MediterraneanArcheologiaLighthouses
This contribution presents a preliminary report of the results of the research unit of the University of Milan, “Tarquinian Walls”, and an overview of the interdisciplinary undertaking of the “Tarquinia Project”. Such background... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyEtruscologyTarquiniaEtruscan studies
The district North of Temple A, intermediate between the Monumental Sanctuary, the settlement and the harbour, played a fundamental role in the urbanistic development of the Etruscan site of Pyrgi. It includes the intersection between the... more
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    • Archeologia Preromana
García Fernández, E., Moreno Megías, V. y García Vargas, E. (2021): "Las ánforas turdetanas “tipo Macareno” en el Bajo Guadalquivir". En F. J. García Fernández y A. M. Sáez Romero (corrds.) Las ánforas turdetanas. Actualización tipológica... more
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      Ceramics (Ceramics)Amphorae (Archaeology)Protohistoric Iberian PeninsulaArcheologia Preromana
Questo primo volume ha come argomento principale lo studio delle ambre figurate preromane in forma di figura femminile alata rinvenute in territorio italiano o riconducibili a tale area in base ad analisi stilistica. La ricerca... more
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      Ornament (Archaeology)Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyBronze Age (Archaeology)Iron Age
Che tutto il mondo conosciuto fosse popolato da divinità era un'idea fortemente radicata nella coscienza dell'uomo antico e la terra lo era non meno di quanto lo fosse la volta celeste. Per assicurarsi la benevolenza o la complicità di... more
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      Roman HistoryEtruscan ArchaeologyStoria RomanaReligione romana
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      History of Childhood and YouthArchaeology of ChildhoodEtruscologyItalic Archaeology
I centrotrenta anni che ci dividono dalla prima grande scoperta con cui Oppeano entra di diritto nella letteratura archeologica - il noto elmo decorato nello stile dell’arte delle situle - dimostrano come sia possibile ricostruire una... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyIron AgeArcheologia Preromana
Scavi stratigrafici recentissimi o tuttora in corso hanno sconvolto la datazione di importanti cinte arcaiche del Latium vetus e dell'Etruria meridionale. D'altra parte, se gli anni '70 e '80 segnano l'età dell'oro per l'esplorazione... more
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesArchaeology of pre-Roman Italy
El pensamiento social de un taustano ilustre, el Obispo Supervía. José Estarán Molinero - La Casa de Ganaderos de Tauste. Notas sobre su Historia Medieval y Moderna. José Antonio Fernández Otal. - Territorio y sociedad: la... more
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      Medieval HistoryIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Historia del ArteArcheologia Preromana
Studies on the Weapons of Poseidonia-Paestum (prov Salerno / I) 1 Azzurra Scarci Iron and Bronze Weapons from the Sanctuary at Monte Casale (prov Syracuse / I) as »ex voto par Transformation, ex voto par Destination« Claudio Negrini... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyItalian Iron Age ArchaeologyFunerary PracticesEtà Del Ferro
Ringrazio gli amici Martin Bentz e Christoph Reusser non solo per il gradito invito al colloquio di Bonn, ma anche per la pazienza dimostrata nell'accettazione di questo contributo. Gli atti del convegno di Roma del 1997 costituiscono un... more
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyEtruscan ArchaeologyArcheologia Preromana
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyArcheologia PreromanaPreroman Iron AgeAbruzzo; geology; historical research