Books by Violeta Moreno Megías
You may download the full PDF eBook via this link: more You may download the full PDF eBook via this link:
Seven papers read at the international conference "Interdisciplinary research on pottery from the Iberian Peninsula (Poznań, 2019)" deal with various aspects of Iron Age pottery including technology, decoration, chemical and mineralogical properties, commerce and social use through archaeological science and the presentation of ongoing fieldwork.
The Iberian Peninsula in the Iron Age through Pottery Studies showcases the potential of interdisciplinary studies of pottery from the Iberian Peninsula to a wide scientific readership. The book consists of seven papers read at the international conference, Interdisciplinary research on pottery from the Iberian Peninsula, held in Poznań in June 2019. The chapters deal with various aspects of Iron Age pottery including technology, decoration, chemical and mineralogical properties, commerce and social use through archaeological science and the presentation of ongoing fieldwork. The principal methods employed are contextual archaeology, typology, SEM, XRF, petrography.
Esta obra trata la difusión de un tipo cerámico con origen en la Gadir púnica, la cerámica de tip... more Esta obra trata la difusión de un tipo cerámico con origen en la Gadir púnica, la cerámica de tipo Kuass, en el área cultural turdetana del Bajo Valle del Guadalquivir entre finales del siglo IV y el siglo I a.C. Esta vajilla de mesa, inspirada en las lujosas formas áticas de barniz negro, supuso la introducción de nuevas tendencias formales y decorativas en los contextos turdetanos, hasta el punto de provocar el surgimiento de una producción de imitación local. En esta obra se analizan las consecuencias que conllevó la importación, primero, y la imitación propia, después, de este repertorio de vajilla, no sólo desde el punto de vista del catálogo formal de las mesas turdetanas, sino también desde la perspectiva cultural, económica, y social de esta área durante la Segunda Edad del Hierro y los primeros momentos de la conquista romana.
Papers by Violeta Moreno Megías
C. Aguarod, C. Heras & C. Sáenz (eds.) VI Congreso Internacional de la SECAH (Zaragoza, 2022), 2024
The Ergasteria project. Experimental and Virtual Archaeology for the study of the production proc... more The Ergasteria project. Experimental and Virtual Archaeology for the study of the production processes and trading of amphoras during Protohistory, gathers the results of a long research career on pottery workshops and typologies of containers from Southwestern Iberia, both in the coast (Bay of Cadiz) and the Lower Guadalquivir hinterland. It contributes with fresh ethnoarchaeological and experimental data from relevant case studies to the state of the field and previous research, excavations, typological studies, systematizations and archaeometric analyses conducted in the area. The main result has been to estimate the resources (manpower, raw materials, timing) necessary for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Phoenician-style workshops and kilns of the 5th-3rd centuries BC in the region, through the design of digital and analogical ex- periments, such as the construction and testing of a full-scale kiln, the replica of potter's wheel and stamping tools, etc.
Gradus. Rivista di Archeologia, Beni Culturali e Restauro, 2022
This paper aims to be a proposal for analyzing the achievements and possibilities of archaeometri... more This paper aims to be a proposal for analyzing the achievements and possibilities of archaeometric analyzes applied to the Dressel 20 amphorae. These amphorae can be considered a privileged and unique case study for the abundance of archaeological information combined with their presence in the archaeological record. Despite this, the analysis of Dressel 20 production still has challenges around the lesser-known workshops along the Baetic coast, which are the ones that could more benefit this type of analysis. The archaeometric data on the technological aspects of the operational chain, its modifications, the origin of the
dissemination of know-how, the artisanal knowledge of the production sequence and the innovation that these amphorae represent compared to the first Roman forms produced in the Iberian Peninsula. These aspects could yield complementary data to all the epigraphic, typological and more generally archaeological knowledge of this production. This analysis will allow to shed a new light on internal chronological development of transformations in manufacturing activity.
Metal Ages / Âges des métaux, 2023
Nous présentons un bref aperçu des résultats d’un programme de recherche archéométrique4 qui au c... more Nous présentons un bref aperçu des résultats d’un programme de recherche archéométrique4 qui au cours des dernières années a étudié la composition pétrographique et chimique des poteries du premier âge du Fer du sud-ouest de l’Ibérie, principalement de la région du bas Guadalquivir en Andalousie occidentale. Le but de cette recherche était d’établir une base scientifique pour distinguer entre la poterie phénicienne importée et ses imitations indigènes, d’identifier le transfert de connaissance technique entre les deux parties, et finalement d’établir la provenance des céramiques en question et d’identifier leurs centres de production. Nous discutons également des perspectives pour un projet de suivi qui s’ appuiera sur les résultats obtenus dans cette recherche.
Boletín de la Sociedad española de cerámica y vidrio, 62, 2023
b o l e t í n d e l a s o c i e d a d e s p a ñ o l a d e c e r á m i c a y v i d r i o 6 2 (2 0 ... more b o l e t í n d e l a s o c i e d a d e s p a ñ o l a d e c e r á m i c a y v i d r i o 6 2 (2 0 2 3) 174-186
Krueger, M. (2023): La necrópolis de Setefilla: aspectos rituales y sociales. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Bogucki, ISBN 978-83-7986-444-7, 2023
El estudio arqueométrico de la cerámica procedente de los yacimientos de la necrópolis y el pobla... more El estudio arqueométrico de la cerámica procedente de los yacimientos de la necrópolis y el poblado protohistóricos de Setefilla (Lora del Río, Sevilla) ha sido una oportunidad abierta recientemente a la investigación con motivo de la revisión de los nuevos y viejos datos arqueológicos de dichos enclaves. El conjunto cerámico brinda una ocasión única para aplicar los métodos analíticos que ya vienen siendo habituales en el estudio del registro material, pero que en este caso se ven enriquecidos por la calidad del contexto arqueológico del que proceden los especímenes estudiados: artefactos en buenas condiciones de conservación, procedentes de ambientes cerrados o en su defecto bien documentados, de gran relevancia para la interpretación histórica (y con ello entendemos social, cultural, económica y religiosa) de los grupos humanos a los que se asocian, información estratigráfica de largo recorrido en algunos casos, dataciones absolutas en otros, consistencia en el registro cerámico y en los modos de deposición y, por último, amplias perspectivas en la aplicación futura de distintas metodologías de investigación que vendrán a incrementar las respuestas que ofrece este enclave arqueológico.
cupauam 47|2|, 2021
Desde los inicios de la presencia fenicia en el estuario del Tajo se asiste al desarrollo en la a... more Desde los inicios de la presencia fenicia en el estuario del Tajo se asiste al desarrollo en la antigua Olisipo de un denso tejido productivo, que tendría en la fabricación de recipientes anfóricos una de sus principales actividades. Estos estarían destinados a envasar y comercializar los excedentes agropecuarios producidos en la región, conviviendo con las importaciones meridionales, procedentes principalmente del área del Estrecho, que les sirvieron de prototipo. La vitalidad de esta industria se mantuvo e incluso se incrementó durante la II Edad del Hierro, coincidiendo con la expansión de las explotaciones rurales en el interior de la península de Lisboa. Ello se refleja en la aparición de nuevos tipos anfóricos, actualmente en proceso de caracterización, y su predominio absoluto en los contextos de consumo. Por el contrario, se aprecia una reducción de los contenedores importados, lo que ha llevado a pensar en un cambio de orientación económica. Sin embargo, estos no están totalmente ausentes, como demuestra el hallazgo de algunas ánforas de origen turdetano. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto profundizar en este fenómeno a partir del estudio de un conjunto de ejemplares de ánforas tanto de producción local como de importación, procedentes de varias intervenciones llevadas a cabo en las laderas del cerro del Castelo de São Jorge de Lisboa. Además del estudio morfotipológico y de la caracterización macroscópica de las pastas cerámicas, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio petrográfico a través de láminas delgadas, así como análisis químicos (XRF) y mineralógicos (XRD) a una selección de 14 muestras. Los resultados obtenidos permiten avanzar en la adscripción geográfica de estas producciones y sacar a la luz nuevos detalles sobre los procesos tecnológicos de elaboración.
Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th–14th, 2022
According to the available archaeological evidence, the development of a remarkable industry for ... more According to the available archaeological evidence, the development of a remarkable industry for fish sauces and salted fish in central Italy, more concretely Etruria and Lazio, started only during the Augustan period. In this sense, the arrival to Rome of fish sauce amphorae from Baetica as the main alimentary import from the provinces during the Late Republican period has been understood as a response to the scarce local production in Lazio in the previous years.
This interpretation considers that the quantitative significance of this type of amphorae during the end of the Republican period is linked to the gradual establishment of the cultural taste for the consumption of fish-derived products among the Latin people. The contact with the Hellenistic culture, where this kind of products from the western Mediterranean was extremely appreciated, would have promoted the expansion of this trade. Moreover, the initial absorption of this cultural trend could be somehow considered a reflection of the diffusion of luxury not
only as a symbol of social status but also as an active process in the Roman economy. At the same time, it represents the consequence of the new commercial opportunities for Italics to exploit the already existing fish-processing activity of the western Mediterranean areas. This paper will review this interpretation regarding the archaeological visibility of amphorae as economic markers, considering the relevance of local containers during the Republican period and other possible perishable containers, and the probable variety of contents of the initial imports from the western Mediterranean.
García Fernández, E., Moreno Megías, V. y García Vargas, E. (2021): "Las ánforas turdetanas “tipo... more García Fernández, E., Moreno Megías, V. y García Vargas, E. (2021): "Las ánforas turdetanas “tipo Macareno” en el Bajo Guadalquivir". En F. J. García Fernández y A. M. Sáez Romero (corrds.) Las ánforas turdetanas. Actualización tipológica y nuevas perspectivas. Spal Monografías XXXIX, Sevilla, EUS: 33-61.
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología , 2021
From the beginning of the Phoenician presence in the Tagus estuary, a dense productive network de... more From the beginning of the Phoenician presence in the Tagus estuary, a dense productive network developed in ancient Olisipo, where the manufacture of amphorae was one of its main activities. These were intended for packaging and commercialising the agricultural surpluses produced in the region, coexisting with imports from the south, mainly from the Straits of Gibraltar, which were used as prototypes. The vitality of this industry was maintained and even increased during the Late Iron Age, coinciding with the expansion of rural settlements in the interior of the Lisbon Peninsula. This is reflected in the appearance of new amphorae types, currently in course of characterisation, and their absolute predominance in consumption contexts. On the other hand, there was a reduction in the number of imported containers, which has led to the suggestion of a change in economic orientation. However, these are not totally absent, as demonstrated by the discovery of some amphorae of Turdetanian origin. The aim of this paper is to examine this phenomenon in greater depth by studying a group of amphorae, both locally produced and imported, from various excavations carried out on the slopes of the hill of Castelo de São Jorge in Lisbon. In addition to the morphotypological study and the macroscopic characterisation of the ceramic pastes, a petrographic study of thin sections was carried out, as well as chemical (XRF) and mineralogical (XRD) analyses on a selection of 14 samples. The results obtained allow further progress in the geographical attribution of these productions and bring to light new details about the technological processes involved in their production.
Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, 2021
Setefilla (Lora del Río, Seville) is an emblematic site for Spanish Protohistory historiography, ... more Setefilla (Lora del Río, Seville) is an emblematic site for Spanish Protohistory historiography, as it represented a milestone for the study of the transition from the Bronze Age to the Orientalizing period in Western Andalusia (South‑Western Iberian Peninsula). This paper aims to present the preliminary results of the archaeometric analysis performed on ceramic materials from a stratigraphic sequence of the site.
More concretely, the selected samples were found in the stratigraphic levels corresponding to the Bronze Age, Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age of the Sector 3 of Mesa de Setefilla (campaign 1979). The study has taken into consideration thin‑section petrographic analysis and X‑ray spectrometry, besides the more traditional morpho‑typological description, in order to outline the evolution of the compositional definition of the pottery of Mesa de Setefilla. It is the first time that the ceramic materials from this interesting context have been archaeometrically studied and interpreted from a diachronic perspective.
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Apr 12, 2021
El presente trabajo aporta una investigación arqueométrica sobre piezas cerámicas de los siglos I... more El presente trabajo aporta una investigación arqueométrica sobre piezas cerámicas de los siglos III-I a. C. halladas en contextos alfareros de la ciudad de Sevilla (Palacio Arzobispal) y Carmona (zona del Arrabal), pertenecientes en su mayoría a ánforas de tradición púnica y turdetana, o bien ya romanizadas. Entre los principales objetivos se ha pretendido su caracterización tecnológica y composicional, la comparación de las características de cada tradición productiva y la confirmación de la posible procedencia local de estas producciones.
En total, han sido 13 las muestras estudiadas con análisis petrográfico de láminas delgadas, análisis químico mediante fluorescencia de rayos X y análisis mineralógico por difracción de rayos X. Los resultados químicos muestran su carácter sílico-aluminoso y cálcico, con contenidos variables de óxido de hierro, así como otros elementos minoritarios y trazas. El tratamiento estadístico ha diferenciado 3 conglomerados y una muestra que se distingue del resto. El análisis mineralógico ha identificado 8 fases cristalinas, unas ya presentes en las materias primas y otras formadas por tratamiento térmico. Destacan la illita, identificada como fase deshidroxilada, anortita, diópsido y gehlenita. En cuanto al análisis petrográfico, se han identificado tres grupos petrográficos que se corresponden composicionalmente con el contexto de origen de las muestras, diferenciando entre las piezas procedentes de Sevilla, las formas romanizadas de Carmona y la cerámica común y formas de imitación de este mismo enclave.
Se realiza una estimación de las temperaturas de cocción, entre unos 820 °C y 850 °C en atmósfera oxidante. Por último, se ha discutido la procedencia de las materias primas empleadas, proponiéndose materias primas illítico-calcáreas con un origen localizado en el valle del Guadalquivir. Los resultados permiten corroborar la procedencia local de estas piezas, probablemente relacionadas con los hornos donde aparecieron, y aportan nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de la tradición alfarera local y los cambios que se operan con la implantación productiva romana.
Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, 2021
En los últimos años se ha puesto de relieve la existencia de un denso tejido alfarero en el estua... more En los últimos años se ha puesto de relieve la existencia de un denso tejido alfarero en el estuario del Tajo durante la Edad del Hierro y en concreto en el área de Lisboa, que responde a un proceso de intensificación económica estimulado por la presencia de comerciantes fenicios. Uno de los productos más conspicuos son los envases anfóricos, recientemente identificados y clasificados a partir de los ejemplares registrados en distintas excavaciones arqueológicas. En los mismos contextos han aparecido también ánforas importadas procedentes en su mayoría del sur peninsular. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto profundizar en la caracterización de estas producciones, tanto locales como importadas, a través del análisis de 14 muestras procedentes de varias excavaciones llevadas a cabo en las laderas del cerro del Castelo de São Jorge de Lisboa. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio petrográfico a través de láminas delgadas, así como análisis químicos (FRX) y mineralógicos (DRX) a la totalidad de los fragmentos. A los datos químicos se les aplicó un análisis clúster. Como conclusión, se observa un alto grado de coincidencia en los resultados de estos 3 análisis y su coherencia con la adscripción geográfica y tipológica previa, propuesta a partir del examen macroscópico.
Ophiussa, 2020
Se presenta un recorrido por las estructuras arqueológicas relacionadas con funciones de producci... more Se presenta un recorrido por las estructuras arqueológicas relacionadas con funciones de producción y comercialización de mercancías agropecuarias en la Turdetania durante la Segunda Edad del Hierro, entre los siglos VI y II a.C. En concreto, se analizan tanto hornos cerámicos como las estancias auxiliares anexas a ellos, los edificios interpretados como almacenes de productos alimenticios y los paralelos en cuanto a estructuras de procesamiento de la materia prima antes de la fase de envasado, haciendo especial énfasis en los espacios que cuentan con ánforas de tipología similar a las turdetanas en su registro material. A través de estos elementos y, sobre todo, de las lagunas en las evidencias arqueológicas, se plantea una reflexión acerca del grado de información actual sobre el sistema económico turdetano, su continuidad desde la Primera Edad del Hierro y su viraje comercial a partir del siglo IV a.C.
Making Wine in Western-Mediterranean. Production and the Trade of Amphorae: Some New Data from Italy, 2020
Rome was an extraordinary centre of consumption and attracted an incredible amount of goods arriv... more Rome was an extraordinary centre of consumption and attracted an incredible amount of goods arriving through its ports (Ostia and Portus). One of the first peripheral regions to undertake the distribution of its agricultural surplus to the capital was Hispania, especially the Baetica province, which underwent a radical transformation in the organization of the exploitation and commercial trade of their resources from the Second Punic War to the Augustan age. After drawing up a comprehensive balance of Hispanic imports to Ostia transported by amphorae (wine, oil, salsamenta and fish sauces), the focus will be on a case study. An important sample area in the region of Ostia is the context of Binario Morto (about 50 BC-50 AD) where remains of a wooden waterwheel and a structure with amphorae used to drain the groundwater have been found. The study of the 335 amphorae shows a significant majority of Hispanic productions. Petrological and chemical analyses have permitted to determine the origin of the amphorae from specific workshops located in the areas of the Guadalquivir Valley and around Cádiz and on the northern coast of Catalonia.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020
This paper presents the study of two sets of Late Iron Age amphorae from the south western Iberia... more This paper presents the study of two sets of Late Iron Age amphorae from the south western Iberian Peninsula through petrographic and Neutron Activation analysis. The first assemblage includes Turdetanian amphorae from the Guadalquivir Valley, studied in relation to nearby production centres. The second group comprises similar amphorae from consumption centres located along the Portuguese coast, whose fabrics have suggested both the import of Turdetanian containers and local production in workshops around the Tagus and Sado estuaries.
This study demonstrates the existence of commercial exchange involving foodstuffs between the lower Guadalquivir Valley and the central coast of Portugal. Furthermore, it represents the first petrographic and chemical characterisation of this type of amphora produced around the rivers Sado and Tagus.
Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2020
In this paper, we establish a baseline for the chemical and petrographic characterization of indi... more In this paper, we establish a baseline for the chemical and petrographic characterization of indigenous LBA/EIA funerary urns from south-western Iberia. In this, we focus primarily on the morphological category of biconical vases, one of the most iconic vessel types known from Tartessian burial sites. In comparison to other types of ceramic urn vessels from archaeological sites of the Orientalizing period in Andalusia, biconical vases are relatively rare but are generally recognized as the earliest type of funerary vessel within the Tartessian sequence, clearly predating the introduction of new ceramic technologies in the wake of the Phoenician colonization. Eleven samples of biconical vases from the key site of Setefilla are analyzed through XRF and thin-section petrography, in order to determine the chemical composition and technological properties of the samples. To contextualize the results from the chemical analyses, sixteen further samples from other hand-made vessel types, also from Setefilla, are likewise analyzed through XRF. The results indicate a high level of homogeneity in the make-up of biconical vases and a somewhat different chemical signature from other types of hand-made vessel. It remains to be established if minor variations that exist in the petrographic make-up of biconical vases follow a chronological gradient or if they are related to other factors.
Rivista di Studi Fenici, 2019
This paper presents the preliminary results of a study of wheel-thrown ceramics from three archae... more This paper presents the preliminary results of a study of wheel-thrown ceramics from three archaeological sites located in western Andalusia: El Carambolo, Huelva (La Joya) and Setefilla, combining X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and thin-section petrography. The analysis undertaken provides useful data to define clay matrix, temper and elemental composition of local Phoenician style ceramics. The first results indicate a link between archaeological sites and the elemental composition of the analyzed sherds. This study shows that the ceramic wheel-thrown pottery gathered from the investigated sites is not homogeneous and presents a variability of petrographic and chemical properties.
Books by Violeta Moreno Megías
Seven papers read at the international conference "Interdisciplinary research on pottery from the Iberian Peninsula (Poznań, 2019)" deal with various aspects of Iron Age pottery including technology, decoration, chemical and mineralogical properties, commerce and social use through archaeological science and the presentation of ongoing fieldwork.
The Iberian Peninsula in the Iron Age through Pottery Studies showcases the potential of interdisciplinary studies of pottery from the Iberian Peninsula to a wide scientific readership. The book consists of seven papers read at the international conference, Interdisciplinary research on pottery from the Iberian Peninsula, held in Poznań in June 2019. The chapters deal with various aspects of Iron Age pottery including technology, decoration, chemical and mineralogical properties, commerce and social use through archaeological science and the presentation of ongoing fieldwork. The principal methods employed are contextual archaeology, typology, SEM, XRF, petrography.
Papers by Violeta Moreno Megías
dissemination of know-how, the artisanal knowledge of the production sequence and the innovation that these amphorae represent compared to the first Roman forms produced in the Iberian Peninsula. These aspects could yield complementary data to all the epigraphic, typological and more generally archaeological knowledge of this production. This analysis will allow to shed a new light on internal chronological development of transformations in manufacturing activity.
This interpretation considers that the quantitative significance of this type of amphorae during the end of the Republican period is linked to the gradual establishment of the cultural taste for the consumption of fish-derived products among the Latin people. The contact with the Hellenistic culture, where this kind of products from the western Mediterranean was extremely appreciated, would have promoted the expansion of this trade. Moreover, the initial absorption of this cultural trend could be somehow considered a reflection of the diffusion of luxury not
only as a symbol of social status but also as an active process in the Roman economy. At the same time, it represents the consequence of the new commercial opportunities for Italics to exploit the already existing fish-processing activity of the western Mediterranean areas. This paper will review this interpretation regarding the archaeological visibility of amphorae as economic markers, considering the relevance of local containers during the Republican period and other possible perishable containers, and the probable variety of contents of the initial imports from the western Mediterranean.
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This article reflects on the pre-Roman pottery tradition of Turdetania and changes to that tradition resulting from the Roman conquest, within the framework of transformations understood as Romanization. The relationship between both pottery traditions is analysed on the basis of not only morpho-typological but also technological aspects (scarcely addressed in previous research) and their social readings. This work proposes a perspective that derives from the craftsmen’s role as actors in the interpretation of various aspects of the local population’s material expression in the face of Roman cultural influence. Finally, new lines of research are identified that can develop the aspects raised.
More concretely, the selected samples were found in the stratigraphic levels corresponding to the Bronze Age, Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age of the Sector 3 of Mesa de Setefilla (campaign 1979). The study has taken into consideration thin‑section petrographic analysis and X‑ray spectrometry, besides the more traditional morpho‑typological description, in order to outline the evolution of the compositional definition of the pottery of Mesa de Setefilla. It is the first time that the ceramic materials from this interesting context have been archaeometrically studied and interpreted from a diachronic perspective.
En total, han sido 13 las muestras estudiadas con análisis petrográfico de láminas delgadas, análisis químico mediante fluorescencia de rayos X y análisis mineralógico por difracción de rayos X. Los resultados químicos muestran su carácter sílico-aluminoso y cálcico, con contenidos variables de óxido de hierro, así como otros elementos minoritarios y trazas. El tratamiento estadístico ha diferenciado 3 conglomerados y una muestra que se distingue del resto. El análisis mineralógico ha identificado 8 fases cristalinas, unas ya presentes en las materias primas y otras formadas por tratamiento térmico. Destacan la illita, identificada como fase deshidroxilada, anortita, diópsido y gehlenita. En cuanto al análisis petrográfico, se han identificado tres grupos petrográficos que se corresponden composicionalmente con el contexto de origen de las muestras, diferenciando entre las piezas procedentes de Sevilla, las formas romanizadas de Carmona y la cerámica común y formas de imitación de este mismo enclave.
Se realiza una estimación de las temperaturas de cocción, entre unos 820 °C y 850 °C en atmósfera oxidante. Por último, se ha discutido la procedencia de las materias primas empleadas, proponiéndose materias primas illítico-calcáreas con un origen localizado en el valle del Guadalquivir. Los resultados permiten corroborar la procedencia local de estas piezas, probablemente relacionadas con los hornos donde aparecieron, y aportan nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de la tradición alfarera local y los cambios que se operan con la implantación productiva romana.
This study demonstrates the existence of commercial exchange involving foodstuffs between the lower Guadalquivir Valley and the central coast of Portugal. Furthermore, it represents the first petrographic and chemical characterisation of this type of amphora produced around the rivers Sado and Tagus.
Seven papers read at the international conference "Interdisciplinary research on pottery from the Iberian Peninsula (Poznań, 2019)" deal with various aspects of Iron Age pottery including technology, decoration, chemical and mineralogical properties, commerce and social use through archaeological science and the presentation of ongoing fieldwork.
The Iberian Peninsula in the Iron Age through Pottery Studies showcases the potential of interdisciplinary studies of pottery from the Iberian Peninsula to a wide scientific readership. The book consists of seven papers read at the international conference, Interdisciplinary research on pottery from the Iberian Peninsula, held in Poznań in June 2019. The chapters deal with various aspects of Iron Age pottery including technology, decoration, chemical and mineralogical properties, commerce and social use through archaeological science and the presentation of ongoing fieldwork. The principal methods employed are contextual archaeology, typology, SEM, XRF, petrography.
dissemination of know-how, the artisanal knowledge of the production sequence and the innovation that these amphorae represent compared to the first Roman forms produced in the Iberian Peninsula. These aspects could yield complementary data to all the epigraphic, typological and more generally archaeological knowledge of this production. This analysis will allow to shed a new light on internal chronological development of transformations in manufacturing activity.
This interpretation considers that the quantitative significance of this type of amphorae during the end of the Republican period is linked to the gradual establishment of the cultural taste for the consumption of fish-derived products among the Latin people. The contact with the Hellenistic culture, where this kind of products from the western Mediterranean was extremely appreciated, would have promoted the expansion of this trade. Moreover, the initial absorption of this cultural trend could be somehow considered a reflection of the diffusion of luxury not
only as a symbol of social status but also as an active process in the Roman economy. At the same time, it represents the consequence of the new commercial opportunities for Italics to exploit the already existing fish-processing activity of the western Mediterranean areas. This paper will review this interpretation regarding the archaeological visibility of amphorae as economic markers, considering the relevance of local containers during the Republican period and other possible perishable containers, and the probable variety of contents of the initial imports from the western Mediterranean.
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This article reflects on the pre-Roman pottery tradition of Turdetania and changes to that tradition resulting from the Roman conquest, within the framework of transformations understood as Romanization. The relationship between both pottery traditions is analysed on the basis of not only morpho-typological but also technological aspects (scarcely addressed in previous research) and their social readings. This work proposes a perspective that derives from the craftsmen’s role as actors in the interpretation of various aspects of the local population’s material expression in the face of Roman cultural influence. Finally, new lines of research are identified that can develop the aspects raised.
More concretely, the selected samples were found in the stratigraphic levels corresponding to the Bronze Age, Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age of the Sector 3 of Mesa de Setefilla (campaign 1979). The study has taken into consideration thin‑section petrographic analysis and X‑ray spectrometry, besides the more traditional morpho‑typological description, in order to outline the evolution of the compositional definition of the pottery of Mesa de Setefilla. It is the first time that the ceramic materials from this interesting context have been archaeometrically studied and interpreted from a diachronic perspective.
En total, han sido 13 las muestras estudiadas con análisis petrográfico de láminas delgadas, análisis químico mediante fluorescencia de rayos X y análisis mineralógico por difracción de rayos X. Los resultados químicos muestran su carácter sílico-aluminoso y cálcico, con contenidos variables de óxido de hierro, así como otros elementos minoritarios y trazas. El tratamiento estadístico ha diferenciado 3 conglomerados y una muestra que se distingue del resto. El análisis mineralógico ha identificado 8 fases cristalinas, unas ya presentes en las materias primas y otras formadas por tratamiento térmico. Destacan la illita, identificada como fase deshidroxilada, anortita, diópsido y gehlenita. En cuanto al análisis petrográfico, se han identificado tres grupos petrográficos que se corresponden composicionalmente con el contexto de origen de las muestras, diferenciando entre las piezas procedentes de Sevilla, las formas romanizadas de Carmona y la cerámica común y formas de imitación de este mismo enclave.
Se realiza una estimación de las temperaturas de cocción, entre unos 820 °C y 850 °C en atmósfera oxidante. Por último, se ha discutido la procedencia de las materias primas empleadas, proponiéndose materias primas illítico-calcáreas con un origen localizado en el valle del Guadalquivir. Los resultados permiten corroborar la procedencia local de estas piezas, probablemente relacionadas con los hornos donde aparecieron, y aportan nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de la tradición alfarera local y los cambios que se operan con la implantación productiva romana.
This study demonstrates the existence of commercial exchange involving foodstuffs between the lower Guadalquivir Valley and the central coast of Portugal. Furthermore, it represents the first petrographic and chemical characterisation of this type of amphora produced around the rivers Sado and Tagus.
puede tener procedencia local y se han aportado pruebas que sugieren la presencia de una fase de hornos cerámicos posteriores a los documentados en las campañas de 1974-1976. Por último, nuevos análisis arqueométricos han permitido caracterizar los tipos de pastas locales recurrentes en Cerro Macareno, aportando datos para la reflexión del papel económico del yacimiento.
The main goal of the conference is to bring together researchers working all around the Mediterranean and adjacent areas to discuss the development of East-West connections in the Late Classical and Hellenistic periods through ceramics. Evidence for these developments may be revealed through typological changesto vessels and ceramic assemblages, as well as by archaeological evidence from shipwrecks and other specialized contexts related to production, consumption and trade patterns.
During the next four days, researchers will be sharing their works through ve different topic sessions, two specialized panels and video posters available all along the conference. Although we are looking forward to meeting again face-to-face, we hope that this virtual experience will be satisfying for you all.
Ce congrès se propose de réunir les membres de la communauté scientifique internationale attachés à l’étude de la Méditerranée antique et des régions adjacentes, afin de discuter du développement des connexions Est-Ouest durant la fin de l’époque classique et la période hellénistique. Les indices de ces phénomènes peuvent être observés au travers des changements typologiques qui ont touché les assemblages céramiques, ainsi que par les données archéologiques offertes par l’étude des épaves et autres contextes spécifiques en lien avec les particularités des modes de production, celles des pratiques de consommation et le commerce.
Topics of the Conference:
– Long-distance Trade Networks and Local Markets
– The Attic Legacy: Regional Development of Fine Ware Production
– Amphorae, Stamps, Tituli Picti and Graffiti: from Kiln Sites to Marketplaces
– Cuisine, Kitchens and Cooking Wares
– “Romanizing” the “Hellenized” Mediterranean? Evidence for Changing Tastes in the Late Hellenistic Period.
You may give a paper or a poster related to one of the above topics or participate in an organized
panel which is a new feature of this conference. You find details on the panels in the "Call for Papers" attached below. Each participant in the conference may give no more than two presentations, e.g. one paper in topic session and one poster or one paper in a topic session and one in a panel, etc. If you wish to submit a proposal for a panel or to present a paper or a poster, please send a completed registration form as well as a short abstract (max. 500 words) by the 31st of October 2020 to: [email protected]
The conference languages are English, French, German, Italian and exceptionally for the purposes of the 5th IARPotHP conference in Seville Spanish and Portuguese as well. Abstracts and texts in PowerPoint presentations will be in English.
Conference fee: for non-IARPotHP members € 50 (payment details will be announced later).
En este contexto, los cursos de Arqueología han sido un curioso medio de difusión de nuevas técnicas y métodos. Analizamos el ejemplo de Ampurias, paradigmático por ser un yacimiento de larga trayectoria, influencia internacional y amplia financiación. Los cambios en el registro arqueológico, sobre todo el revolucionario método estratigráfico Harris, a finales de la década de 1970, deben a estos cursos gran parte de su divulgación en España. Más recientemente, se ha difundido el conocimiento de técnicas como las prospecciones electromagnéticas o de georadar.
El papel de los cursos fue clave para la modernización de la Arqueología en España, pero cabe preguntarse si esto no debería ser tarea de la enseñanza universitaria. Asumir la renovación de la disciplina y aplicarla a los programas de formación pasa por plantear una actualización metodológica del propio profesorado universitario, reflexiones que creemos convenientes en lugar de obligar al alumnado a procurarse de forma externa la especialización que no se le ofrece.
Palabras clave: metodología arqueológica, formación universitaria, cursos de Arqueología, historiografía
Este proyecto ha sido aprobado y financiado por la Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento) en el marco de los Proyectos I+D+i FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 (Referencia: US-1266376), y es codirigido por A. Sáez Romero y E. Ferrer Albelda. Website:
Tradizionalmente, le evidenze archeologiche nel Mediterraneo Occidentale tra il VI e il II secolo a.C. sono state presentate, in molte regioni, come un elemento di transizione tra la colonizzazione fenicia e la conquista romana. Tuttavia, tale fase non fu una semplice parentesi tra due culture esterne, ma lo scenario nel quale sorsero nuove forme di organizzazione sociale, di occupazione del territorio e di manifestazioni religiose, in grado di produrre identità sociali, culturali ed economiche, caratterizzate da una propria originalità e autonomia. Il contesto tecnologico mostra più di ogni altro fattore l'importanza della colonizzazione fenicia durante tale fase. Il knowledge transfer che si registrò verso la fine dell'Età del Bronzo introdusse nuovi modelli territoriali e realtà materiali, dall'architettura quadrangolare, all'ordinamento urbanistico, dall'introduzione del tornio per la ceramica, ai nuovi processi legati alla metallurgia. Qual'è il fattore che caratterizza l'inizio di una nuova fase storica, per ogni zona geografica? Esiste una nuova caratterizzazione archeologica per i dati materiali, dal punto di vista tecnologico e sociale? Il presente seminario analizzerà queste e altre questioni, fondamentali per capire le società del Mediterraneo centrale e occidentale, che entrarono in contatto con Roma. Due aree diverse, la Penisola Iberica e l'Italia, saranno i casi di studio relativi al periodo in questione, tenendo in considerazione i contesti tecnologici, economici e culturali.
One of the most dynamic zones was certainly the South Western Iberian Peninsula, including the sphere of Gadir and the internal area of present Andalusia. However, it was a region of intricate political, social and, over all, cultural complexity. We can differentiate among the Turdetan culture - a legacy of the orientalizing period - the western Punics and, from at least the early 3rd century BC, the influence of Carthage. This reality also affected the economic system and the alimentary patterns reflected in material culture, especially amphorae, which reveal trade networks and commercialized products.
Firstly, the coastal Punic area distributed local products under the direct control of Gadir. In turn, the main cities of the Guadalquivir Valley received those products while trading their own agricultural surplus on a regional scale. Finally, the Central Mediterranean centers, mainly Carthage, Sardinia and Ibiza, provided additional supply redistributed from Gadir to the Guadalquivir cities and other areas under Punic influence.