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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAlbanian StudiesGreek Archaeology
Votive objects or ex-votos are a broad category of material artifacts produced with the intention of being offered as acts of faith. Common across historical periods, religions, and cultures, they are presented as tokens of gratitude for... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ReligionEthnographyAnthropology Of Art
The results of the analysis of hair remains from a hunter-gatherer grave from northern Patagonia are presented in this paper. One of the samples analyzed consisted in hair that remained attached to the hide used to manufacture a small... more
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      Animal ScienceZooarchaeologyMortuary archaeologyZooarqueologia
Textiles comprise a vast and wide category of material culture and constitute a crucial part of the ancient economy. Yet, studies of classical antiquity still often leave out this important category of material culture, partly due to the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyHistory of DressAncient ReligionAncient Greek Religion
Vengono presentate tre campagne di scavo archeologico condotte alla Sella del Valoria, il valico della Cisa in epoca romana repubblicana e tardoantica
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      Roman roadsLate Roman ArchaeologyRoman coinsSmall votive bronzes (Etruscan and Italic cultures)
Impressive about the finds from ancient Erochos (mod. Polydrosso) in Phokis is the broad time-span they represent. Artistic production ranges from subtle bronze-work to terracotta figurines of rich typology and iconography. Located not... more
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      Religion and CultureCult of Demeter and KoreParnassosCountryside
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionTerracotta FigurinesGreek sanctuaries
ABSTRACT: This lecture, which forms part-1 of two parts, includes a discussion and illustration of the following topics: (1) How the Ancient Egyptians conceived of the tomb and its component parts; (2) How a typical middle-upper class... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptology
The paper discusses the relationship between votive coroplastic and ritual systems, through the analysis of Late Classic and Hellenistic terracottas from Metaponto representing a Nymph with Pan or Silenos. A functional approach to the... more
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      Greek colonies in Magna GraeciaCoroplastic StudiesArchaeology of cultVotive offerings
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryLandscape Archaeology
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      Classical ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyWetland Archaeologyarchaeology of Balt tribes
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      CriminologyLawAestheticsVisual Studies
Udgravning ved en helligkilde, der har været i anvendelse fra middelalderen og op til nyere tid. Herved fundet mønter, lerkarskår, glasskår, knapper m.v., der vidner om aktiviteter i tilknytning til kilden. Fundene er først og fremmest... more
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      Votive practiceCoins finds as archaeological artefactsSacred SpaceCoins
Das Thema Gesundheit und Krankheit hat durch die COVID19-Pandemie noch einmal mehr Bedeutung gewonnen, als wir es uns zu Beginn des Jahres hätten vorstellen können. Plötzlich müssen wir uns mit mikroskopisch kleinen Erregern, mit einer... more
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      Votive practiceHealing and ReligionVotive offeringsHealing cults
From workshop to sanctuary and grave. New trends in the study of Greek terracottas. Research on Greek terracottas has been considered for a long time as a minor field of Art History. Things are now changing with new approaches. The... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyIconographyGreek Archaeology
This paper revisits some of the Roman-period discoveries made on Bullock Down, near Eastbourne, East Sussex. It aims to re-assess some of these discoveries and to update interpretations made in the past. As an example, this paper... more
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      Roman BritainCoin HoardsVotive offeringsRoman Sussex
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      PaleometallurgyGallo-roman archaeologyVotive offeringsGallo-roman sanctuaries
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyCypriot ArchaeologyGreek Archaeology
Version française de l'article publié Archaeological Reports 64 (2017-2018), p. 153-169.  À travers 30 ans de bibliographie, état de la recherche sur la coroplathie grecque, qui s’est constituée en domaine de recherche autonome. Les... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchaeology of ReligionFuneral Practices
In some Funen cemeteries from the Roman Iron Age weapons, personal equipment and tools have been buried without connection to specific graves. In many cases the objects have been burnt and/or destroyed before the deposition. At several... more
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      Funeral PracticesIron AgeEarly Iron AgeRoman Iron Age
Redazione: Maurizio Caperna (coordinatore), Flavia Colonna, Andreina Palombi GraJca e impaginazione: Roberto steve Gobesso Per la corrispondenza: Dipartimento di Storia dell'hchitettura e Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici, piazza... more
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      Comparative ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
Mainly we study the Iberian phase (fourth century BC) of one of the caves in the Sierra de los Hermanillos, identified as a sanctuary-cave, which is a new thing in Murcia, although these caves are well known in the surrounding areas of... more
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      ArchaeologyMaterial culture of religionAncient Mediterranean ReligionsAncient Mediterranean Religions
Mainly we study the Iberian phase (fourth century BC) of one of the caves in the Sierra de los Hermanillos, identified as a sanctuary-cave, which is a new thing in Murcia, although these caves are well known in the surrounding areas of... more
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      ArchaeologyMaterial culture of religionAncient Mediterranean ReligionsAncient Mediterranean Religions
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyWetlandsFunerary Archaeology
Grâce à des exemples empruntés à l'Antiquité (Grèce) puis à l'époque contemporaine (Espagne, Wallonie, Grèce), on s'est attaché à comprendre comment le rite votif a pu évoluer au sein des manifestations de piété populaire. En Grèce... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionRitual
Roman helmets with face-masks constitute a category of military equipment that is rare and at the same time spectacular. They imitate human heads, bare or helmeted; rich decorations include mythological motives and apotropaic elements.... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionAncient ReligionRoman military archaeology
Traendo ispirazione dalla pubblicazione del motuproprio di papa Francesco «Maiorem hac dilectionem sull’offerta della vita» con cui viene aperta una nuova via di santità, il saggio tenta di delineare la forma di spiritualità coinvolta dal... more
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      Edith SteinSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)St Therese of LisieuxSanta Teresa de Ávila
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      Greek PotteryVotive offeringsVotive offerings, Greek sanctuaries
Ritual Practices of the Pomeranians in the Early Middle Ages. An Archaeological Study
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      Pagan StudiesRitual StudiesSlavic StudiesAmulets
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      FolkloreVotive practiceVolkskundeEx-Voto
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      Greek ArchaeologyGreek sanctuariesAncient Weapons and WarfareVotive offerings
In: Revealing and Concealing in Antiquity: Textual and Archaeological Approaches to Secrecy, edited by E. Mortensen & S. G. Saxkjær, 161-178. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2015.
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      SecrecyGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaMysteries (Greek Religion)Ancient Greek Religion
Redaktion: Claudia Nickel, Marie Röder (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Claudia Nickel (RGZM)
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      Greek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)Greek sanctuariesAncient Weapons and WarfareVotive offerings
The Parthenon has long been seen as the crowning glory of the classical Athenian acropolis. In antiquity, as now, it stood out above the city in all it's splendour for all to see. However, there have been many questions posed about its... more
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Gaul’s annexation into the Roman Empire in the mid-first century BCE caused the development of new religious practices, including the practice of offering votive objects representing either parts of the body or the entire body at healing... more
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      ArchaeologyGender ArchaeologyArchaeology of Roman ReligionRoman Gaul
Attending, as a student, the excavation of the ancient Gymnasium at Delphi by Vangelis Pendazos in 1992, I was particularly impressed by the palaestra, which, from a wrestling bout for the physical encounter of athletes, was gradually... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyThe Classical TraditionGreek Oracles and DivinationTravelling artists
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyRed SeaCopper extraction and production
EGeA VOL.3 'ROMANIZZAZIONE' EGeA VOL.3 ABERSON, BIELLA, DI FAZIO, SÁNCHEZ, WULLSCHLEGER Nel 2011 Michel Aberson, Maria Cristina Biella, Massimiliano
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      ArchaeologyVotive offeringsSanctuaries in Ancient Rome and Italy
Ireland, presents extraordinary new evidence linking the location ofbog bodies and other itual depositions to ancient tribal boundaries which are recognisable in today's barony boundaries.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyWetlandsFunerary Archaeology
A large scale research project Celtic Coin Finds from Switzerland has recently been published. The assessment shows numerous aspects of the diverse coin use in regional, chronological and functional respect. Some of the results are... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRitualNumismatics
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAlbanian StudiesAncient Religion
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyWetlandsFunerary Archaeology
Les fouilles extensives menées dans l’aire maya ont mis au jour tout un ensemble de dépôts rituels associés aux édifices. Cette connexion entre dépôts et architecture est soulignée par le caractère intentionnel de leur placement au sein... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ritual
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The paper presents the results of recent research into Irish Bog Bodies in particular mythological material that appears to relate to a bog body found in a bog at Moydrum, Co. Meath.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyCeltic StudiesFunerary Archaeology
Gaul’s annexation into the Roman Empire in the mid-first century B.C.E. caused the development of new religious practices, including the practice of offering votive objects representing either parts of the body or the entire body at... more
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      Archaeology of ReligionGender ArchaeologyArchaeology of Roman ReligionRoman Gaul
Korkyra (Korfuzi) themeluan qytetin e Epidamne në territorin ilir të taulantëve. Situata e favorshme si port dhe prapatoka e pasur i dhanë qytetit një zhvillim të shpejtë që e ktheu atë në një qendër të rëndësishme të shkëmbimeve midis... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAlbanian StudiesAncient Religion
Volume 1 des actes du colloque d'Izmir. Il regroupe 32 contributions, regroupées en deux parties. La première , intitulée "De la fabrication à la collection et à l'étude" envisage les officines, les techniques et outils de production, la... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyIconographyAnatolian Studies
This paper presents on going research, and is a work in progress. It was presented at the Spartan Austerity panel at the Celtic Conference in Classics, 21.7.2017, Montreal. "My argument is that the lead votives, as tempting as it is,... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologySpartaAncient Greek Religion