Antonio Pucci
Recent papers in Antonio Pucci
"The Medieval Dream Dictionary. The Somniale Danielis in Literary Manuscripts." The Medieval Dream Dictionary is composed of entries coming from Latin and vernacular Italian versions of the Somniale Danielis – known as The Dreambook of... more
In the De casibus and in the Genealogie, Bocaccio demonstrated his familiarity with Greek and Latin oneirology, a knowledge that he applies, in conjunction with oneiromancy, in his literary production in order to offer symbols readable to... more
This essay compares three premodern tales of female same-sex marriage, asking how each story theorizes what is at stake when same-sex eroticism becomes visible in its particular fi ctional world. Ovid's "Iphis and Ianthe," the Old French... more
Settembre 2016 pp. 532, 16 tav. ft b/n 17x24 cm, bross.
Antonio Pucci alla luce della Poetica storica dello studioso russo Aleksandr N. Veselovskij
Like medieval bestiaries, dream-books constitute compelling tools to investigate the collective imagination of the Middle Ages. These manuals, such as the widely circulated Somniale Danielis, were usually structured so that key terms in... more
The article focuses on the figure of Nicolò Benzoni da Crema, the copyist of ms. Trivulziano 1058, and seeks to improve our understanding of his literary culture through an analysis of the manuscript’s sources as well as extant historical... more
In MS Vaticano Rossiano 947, Boccaccio’s Decameron is followed by the Dream-book of Daniel (Somniale Danielis), a manual of the interpretation of the most common dream symbols in the Middle Ages. The copyist of this codex, Domenico... more
Progetto finanziato con fondi di ateneo (Sapienza 2016)
L'articolo saluta come meritoria l'edizione dei cantari dell'Apollonio di Tiro fornita da Renzo Rabboni per la Commissione dei Testi di Lingua di Bologna, pur discutendone alcune scelte, a cominciare dallo statuto dello stemma, che appare... more
The Somniale Danielis is one of the most common dream manuals of the Middle Ages and has been translated from Greek into numerous vernacular languages, both in Europe and the Middle East. However, its Italian translation has been... more
L'articolo ricostruisce la vicenda di un misterioso codice Volpini, contenente i "Cantari della Reina d'Oriente di Pucci", e in vendita a Livorno nell'asta della collezione del pittore Augusto Volpini.
L'autore prende in esame i racconti che condividono con i Cantari della Reina d'Oriente di Antonio Pucci significativi nuclei tematici, dalla Chanson d'Yde et Olive, continuazione dell'Huon di Bordeaux, al Miracle de la fille d'un roy,... more
Descrizione, analisi e tentativo di ricostruzione della storia di un manoscritto miniato contenente esclusivamente i Cantari della Reina d'Oriente di Antonio Pucci, scoperto da Corrado Bologna tra le carte lasciate da Ernesto Monaci alla... more