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      Critical Animal StudiesBiotechnologyFeminismAntispeciesism
Many people enjoy eating meat but few enjoy harming or killing other sentient creatures. These inconsistent beliefs create a "meat paradox", people simultaneously dislike hurting animals and like eating meat. One solution to this conflict... more
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      PsychologyVeganism (Anthropology)Ethical veganismVeganism
Most contemporary scholarly work on posthumanism and transhumanism rests on the idea that both perspectives are part of an ontological continuum. This article, however, acknowledges and explores the differences between them. In order to... more
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Un libro che ha cambiato la vita di decine di migliaia di lettori. Un cult del movimento vegano e del femminismo. Tradotto in 10 lingue «Una bibbia per la comunità vegana.» New York Times «Una polemica intelligente […] argomento... more
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      EcofeminismAnimals and AnimalityAnimals & Society studiesAnimals and non-humans
Quando le rappresentazioni e le simbologie animali ridimensionano e mettono in discussione lo statuto umano, ci si trova di fronte al passaggio dal teriomorfismo alla questione animale. Ciò significa che, da semplici tropi, le figure... more
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      Italian StudiesAnimal StudiesItalian LiteratureEcofeminism
Now published in the volume "The Carol J. Adams Reader Writings and Conversations 1995-2015" edited by Carol J. Adams (Bloomsbury Academic, 2016). This interview was first published in a special issue of the journal "Animal Studies:... more
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      EcofeminismEcocriticism and EcofeminismEcological ActivismAntispeciesism
How should we theorize from a Socialist point of view the relation between private life and political engagement? A critique of the lack of understanding of capitalism by anticapitalist movements, intersectionalism and communitarianism.
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      Feminist TheoryMarxismQueer TheoryCapitalism
Se cree habitualmente que los seres humanos no poseen ninguna obligación de prevenir o aliviar los daños que los animales padecen en la naturaleza. Lo que pasa en el medio natural no es de nuestra incumbencia moral. Esta idea, que ha sido... more
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      Animal EthicsEnvironmental ManagementPopulation DynamicsAnimal Rights
Frutto del più cieco e fanatico scientismo, di un positivismo come illimitata e incondizionata fiducia nella scienza e nella tecnica quale appaiono nei film di Carl Leammle, figlio della paura e della superstizione, dell'irrazionale... more
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      FilosofíaÉtica (Filosofia)Ética e Filosofia MoralStoria della psichiatria e dei trattamnenti riabilitativi
Un posible análisis de las dimensiones más interesantes del antiespecismo actual: el mejoramiento ambiental en clave de ética postdarwiniana, la hipotética demanda de una fractura social y algunas cuestiones acerca de su ontología y su... more
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      Ortega y GassetAntispeciesismÉtica ecológicaFilosofia Ecológica
The anthropocentric destruction of nature can be viewed as a form of self-destruction, which affects individuals and also the human species. It entails active destruction of the natural surroundings that are vital for the preservation of... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyAnimal EthicsEcocideSpeciesism
In questo articolo difendiamo la tesi secondo cui l'animalismo filosofico, come teoria metafisica ed etica, risulti essere la descrizione più appropriata del contemporaneo attraverso le sue implicazioni artistiche, filosofiche, e per... more
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      OntologyContemporary ArtAnimal StudiesHuman-Animal Studies
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      Critical Animal StudiesTaxidermyAntispeciesism
"Trasformare il maschile" è un testo a più voci sul cambiamento in corso dei "modelli" maschili, a partire dai temi delle esperienze maschili pedagogiche e di cura. Nell'intervista a uno dei due curatori del volume, vengono affrontati i... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesMasculinityPatriarchyAntispeciesism
Liberazioni, rivista di critica antispecista, Anno VIII n. 30 / Settembre 2017.
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      Animal StudiesCritical Animal StudiesFeminismNew Media Art
I explore opportunities for political activism from a feminist anti­speciesist perspective. I reconcile the two often separated fields of academia and activism by examining theoretical conceptualisations of political action and their... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesCivil Society and the Public SphereFeminismActivism
La problématique du mémoire s’articule autour du cas de l’animalisme en Belgique, et plus particulièrement de la branche de la lutte antispéciste, et de ses retombées dans le monde politique. Quel pouvoir politique peuvent avoir... more
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      Political ScienceAnimal RightsBelgiumVeganism
Intervista a David Del Principe, curatore del numero speciale di Gothic Studies sull'ecogotico. Una lettura del testo di Bram Stoker che intreccia questione animale, questioni di genere e colonialismo britannico prendendo le mosse dalla... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesBram StokerCritica letterariaDracula
L’intreccio fra liberazione animale e liberazione umana è dibattuto ormai da anni e a diversi livelli, a partire dalle (eventuali) implicazioni fra le due lotte e dai rapporti fra specifici soggetti che si mobilitano nei rispettivi... more
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      Social MovementsCritical Animal StudiesIntersectionalityAnti-Racism
Hardouin-Fugier, Elisabeth ; Reus, Estivas ; Olivier, David. — Luc Ferry ou le retablissement de l'ordre / pref. Yves Bonnardel. — Lyon : Tahin party, 2002 [sept.]. — 157 p. ; 15 cm.
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      HistoryPhilosophyEthicsAnimal Studies
Il presente saggio analizza differenti discriminazioni sull'uso autonomo del sesso nella femmina umana e non-umana. Lo scopo è di indicare come l'emancipazione femminile della specie umana non dovrebbe considerarsi compiuta se non... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryQueer TheoryAnimal Studies
L’invito è a esplorare le scritture e le figurazioni animali nella letteratura, nel campo delle arti visive e plastiche, del cinema, del teatro, della performance, e in genere nei materiali estetici e negli interventi culturali. Linee... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteraturePhilosophyLiterature
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      PhotographyAnimal StudiesAnimal EthicsSocial Activism
Antispeciesism, which can be traced back to nineteenth-century activism, today comprises a range of discourse and strategies, which it is important not to oversimplify.
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      Political ScienceSocial ActivismVeganism (Anthropology)Animalism
Sale bête, sale nègre, sale gonzesse... Identités et dominations : Analyse du système des insultes Yves Bonnardel Cahiers antispécistes n°12, avril 1995 Je montre à travers une analyse du système des insultes (qu'est-ce qu'une... more
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      Animal StudiesEgalitarianismAnimals in CultureRacial and ethnic discrimination
Idée de Nature, humanisme et négation de la pensée animale Yves Bonnardel Le texte reproduit ici reprend, légèrement modifiée, la version écrite d’une intervention lors du colloque intitulé “De la négation de la pensée animale” qui... more
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      Animal StudiesAnimal EthicsEgalitarianismAnimals in Culture
¿Por qué amamos a los animales pero al mismo tiempo los tratamos como mercancía? ¿Qué prejuicios nos llevan a considerarlos inferiores? ¿Qué políticas legitiman estas actitudes? ¿Cuál puede ser la contribución de las mujeres arti(vi)stas... more
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      Cultural StudiesColombiaJoan FontcubertaJ. M. Coetzee
L’histoire de l’humanité est marquée par notre relation avec les animaux. Nous les aimons quand ils vivent dans nos foyers, nous luttons contre leur disparition s’ils sont menacés d’extinction, mais nous les mangeons pour nous nourrir... more
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      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologyAnimal Ethics
Les montées du végétarisme et du véganisme sont indéniables dans nos sociétés occidentales, et ces pratiques alimentaires sont de plus en plus perçues comme étant « mainstream ». Cet article explore l’intensification de ce phénomène :... more
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      Contemporary ArtFeminismoArtesHistoria del Arte
Colloque présenté au 7ème Congrès international en recherches féministes dans la francophonie (CIRFF) Thème : Penser Créer Agir les féminismes. De la révolution des savoirs au changement social 24 au 28 août 2015 (UQAM, Montréal,... more
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      Animal EthicsEnvironmental EthicsEcofeminismFeminism
La tassidermia e l'uso dei corpi senza vita nell'arte contemporanea Martina Silvi La tassidermia e l'uso dei corpi senza vita nell'arte contemporanea 1 Roadkill Coat (2000) è il titolo di un'opera-oggetto del duo francese Art Orienté... more
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      Contemporary ArtCritical Animal StudiesArte ContemporaneaTaxidermy
Social Sciences have paid attention to the animal issue as an element of Nature, to understand different cultural representations. Currently there is a theoretical broadening questioning the relationship among human and non-human animals.... more
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      SociologyCommunicationCritical Animal StudiesVeganism
During the Middle Ages in Western Europe, lactation and the transmission of milk were seen as a means to understand relational beings — humans, animals, and gods. Milk had the power to transmit not only nutrition, but also filiation,... more
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      CisterciansLactationBreastfeedingMiddle Ages
Ng (2016) restates his case for the importance of wild animal suffering (1995). Nevertheless, he suggests that the most effective way to reduce nonhuman suffering overall is to give short-term priority to the suffering of farmed animals.... more
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      Animal EthicsAnimal Suffering in NatureAntispeciesismWild Animal Suffering
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      Animal StudiesAnimal Rights/LiberationVegetarianismAnimal Rights
Siguiendo el concepto de especismo propuesto por Peter Singer, este artículo considera a la novela Eldest (2005) de Christopher Paolini tanto una herramienta pedagógica como un producto ideológico que critica la prevalencia... more
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      Animal StudiesCritical Animal StudiesAnimals & Society studiesHuman-Animal Studies
«Gli animali resistono, permettono,
rovinano, si prestano, limitano e
mostrano. Agiscono e significano [...]
non sono trasparenti, sono densi»
Donna Haraway,
Primate Visions
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      Feminist TheoryCritical Animal StudiesFeminist aestheticsDonna Haraway
Alors que certains artistes n’hésitent pas à mettre à mort des êtres doués de sensibilité dans le cadre de leur pratique, d’autres souhaitent au contraire interroger notre rapport de domination envers les espèces non humaines en... more
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      Animal StudiesAnimals in ArtTaxidermyAntispeciesism
L’obiettivo è quello di portare l’analisi di Genere e capitale oltre se stessa, proprio come Federici ha fatto con Marx. A inaugurare questo spazio di discussione e approfondimento, Federica Timeto propone una riflessione che interroga il... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminismMarxist FeminismNew Reproductive technologies
Federica Timeto insegna all’Università Cà Foscari di Venezia Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi. Si occupa da anni di studi coloniali, cultura visuale e femminismo. Fa parte del Centro di Studi Postcoloniali e di Genere... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesFeminism and Social JusticeAntispeciesism
Workshop a cura di Annalisa Zabonati e Barbara X
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      EcofeminismVeganism (Anthropology)AnimalismEthical veganism
Pubblished on Alfabeta2
15 March 2017
Special issue "Vita animale / 2"

Tetx "Per una nuova forma di coabitazione" by Gabi Scardi
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      Contemporary ArtVisual ArtsAnimals and non-humansArte Contemporanea
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo elaborar un índice de las personas no-hombres que han contribuido con sus ideas o acciones a la liberación animal. Existe una infrarrepresentación de las contribuciones de las mujeres, o mejor... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesFeminismFeminismoNuevos Movimientos Sociales, Ecologismo, Liberación Animal
Femminismi e antispecismi, MACAO, FestAntispecista 2017:
Silene Gambino, Marco Reggio, Chiara Stefanoni e Federica Timeto dibattono delle tematiche intersezionali tra femminismo e antispecismo.
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      Feminist TheoryPrimatologyAnimal StudiesCritical Animal Studies
Recensione del saggio "Una morale per tutti gli animali. Al di là dell'ecologia" del professore di filosofia morale Oscar Horta.
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      Animal EthicsEcologyTranshumanismMoral Philosophy
Présentation donnée dans le cadre de BistroBrain. BistroBrain est un OSBL et un regroupement étudiant de l’Université de Sherbrooke qui contribue au partage de la connaissance en organisant des 5@7 mensuels de vulgarisation scientifique... more
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      AnarchismPhilosophy of Karl MarxVeganismAnticapitalism
AbstrAct The present article is based on the assumption that consideration of non-human animals is an important element of an integral reading of Christian Scriptures. As several authors have suggested animals, as God's creation, have... more
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      ChristianityEnvironmental PhilosophyTheologyAnimal Studies
In my paper - a heartfelt tribute to the late Alessandro Bellan - I discuss what I call the "hard problem" of ethics - i.e., the difficulty of reconciling our animal life with our ethical life. The conclusion of my argument is a nuanced... more
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      Animal StudiesAnimals and AnimalityEticaAntispeciesism