Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Looking back and looking forward...

I have Thanksgiving on my mind these days!  This cake was SO delicious last year and I hope we have one again this year!

This was the group pic from last year!  I love doing this every time we are all together!

I always know that we will have some GREAT food!  YUMMILICIOUS!

Everyone will be talking about getting ready for Christmas, who is shopping on Black Friday etc...

My Sister Cindy and my daughter Tracy... bestest of friends:)

And my Grandchildren and their Parents, heading out for another dinner!

November 2012... I ran across this picture and just had to post it!  Alex has grown 2 feet since then!  She is an awesome artist and loves to draw!

That's it!  REALLY cold outside!  I must run out to the Grocery Store at some point today and I am not looking forward to getting out of the house!  I stayed in ALL day yesterday, cooked soup for dinner and watched DWTS!  Tommy left last night and while he was a fan favorite, he definitely wasn't good enough to make it to the finals!  If you watch, who is your favorite?

Enjoy your day dear friends!  SO many are buried in snow and cold!  Stay warm!  Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!


  1. Your food photos make me hungry! That cake is awesome! Love Alex's artwork and wow, how she has grown. I'm watching The Voice this year, rather than DWTS. I have an aft. dr. appt. and I dread getting out in the cold too!!!

  2. What a great time with family, friends and.....food.
    Enjoy the week, Ganky.

  3. My daughters and I look forward to black Friday shopping, but we usually only go to one or two stores and no longer wait in line at midnight. Everything is still there and on sale whenever you go :-)

  4. Nice family photos. That photo of Alex makes me want to put some socks on her feet, though. It's mighty cold here. lol And I do love to see budding artists. It's a wonderful gift.

  5. What a nice family. Oh how I wish it was still like that with mine. Ours was never that big but my husband's was/is. There's just not the peace there that there should be at Thanksgiving and every time of year. I'm so sad. Thanksgiving was always my favorite time of year. My Christy and Troy will be home so that will be good.

  6. Oh that cake... If it's at your dinner, PLEASE Save a piece for me :)
    Your little one certainly has grown up. I think that every time you post a pic of her!
    It's cold here too. I had to pump gas in my car tonight. It's SO cold, I thought I'd freeze to death til the tank was filled. It's windy too which makes it feel so much worse.
    Take care, Theresa. Hope you are toasty warm by the fire :)

  7. Oh yum, that cake looks luscious! Sigh! Such fun with the phamily. Love the photos. Hugs, Anne
