Last Thursday a bunch of us met in the Common room for a gab-fest (we call our gathering 'Chat and Chew") and some lunch. We brown-bag it and then just visit.
We got to talking about how much life has changed in our lifetime. Oh, my gosh. Well, just look around you and you'll get the picture. It was more than fun to relive some of those old days although I am not sure I'd want to go back to them.
Mom didn't have a telephone 'til after I had married and left home. Being out in the country had it's challenges for sure. We could see one house... and they didn't have a phone either! Imagine now we just carry our phones in our pockets or hands wherever we go.
I was in my teens before we ever got an indoor toliet. I definately do not want to go back to the outdoor kind! Nor the Sear, Roebuck catalog toliet paper!
I was eighteen when I took my first plane ride and I was scared to get out of my seat. How, stupid is that! But, hey, I was a country girl and knew nothing about flying! It was a propeller driven plane. The first commercial jet came into service in 1952, the year I flew to San Diego from Alabama with my 3 month old daughter in tow.
We lived with my grandmother and grandpa and I remember my grandmother walking through some of the weed-grown fields near the house, her apron tail gathered in her hand so she could place in it the eggs the hens had laid out there, just anywhere they pleased.
Everyone had their own tales but me being the oldest at the chat and chew, I think mine were the most shocking.
Did any of you have things happening like that when you were growing up? Nah, probably not. I'm older than the hills, I am.
I am sure by the time all you youngsters (and that includes anyone 85 and under) you came along, you had it easier!!