
Saturday, September 13, 2014


I am thinking I should re-title my blog, "The Occasional Post".  Life is definitely busier since Amanda has begun another year of teaching.  Dolly just watches it all with interest and participates when she can - -  like getting to ride to town in the morning to pick up Benjamin . . . . or watching Bill work in the yard.

She is the best-natured dog we have ever known.

Benjamin is now two and it is fun to take him to activities like Soccer Shots once a week.  This is an excellent program that begins with preschoolers.  It covers a lot of beginning sports skills in an extremely fun way.  Benjamin would be the child with his LEFT foot on the ball.  He is left-handed as is his dad and my husband.

Here he is waiting his turn to kick the ball with his feet.
Grammy (me) has discovered that playgrounds are virtually empty at 8 in the morning!!!

On Labor Day Weekend, my sister and I went to Blue Ridge - - not on the train - - in my car - - quicker and more economical plus we could make many stops to and from.  The best stop was at my daughter's house where her husband had grilled food for us.  Very YUMMY!

If you're ever in that area, consider a visit to this quilt shop - - - LOTS of fabric - -   beautifully displayed.

Our church's preschool director has Discovery Days once a month.  During our apple "exploration", we discovered Benjamin prefers the taste of Granny Smith apples over Delicious!
Kindermusik is a weekly class that is enjoyed by both of us.  He loves Mrs. Dee and is an activity participant during class.  Afterwards, he and many of the other children play on the playground at the church where we have just met.

At the beginning of the semester, you receive two books, a CD with all the songs, and a musical instrument.  See the stamp on Benjamin's right hand?  Both hands get stamped as the teacher sings "Good-bye" to them.  The children rush to get in line for the stamp - - so cute.
And it's obvious I didn't crop pics.  They were taken with my phone, too - - - what was quickly available at the time.  I'm impressed I got some still shots of our very active grandson.

Also - - no pics  - - but attended a library conference last week with Amanda and heard author, Nancy Rue, speak.  If you get an opportunity, go and listen to her.  She's phenomenal.  My favorite books of hers are the "Sullivan Crisp" Series and also "The Reluctant Prophet" Series.  If you have elementary age girls, get her "Lily" Series.

And - - - most of us have now had the lovely respiratory virus being passed around.  That killed a weekend!  It hits fast and hard like a sinus flare-up.  One thing I hope to avoid again this winter is the flu - - - got my immunization against it two days ago!

Will hang you up now - - - if anyone is still left reading after me trying to give you a month of information in one post!  Talk to you soon.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Better- After Ugly Lamp Contest

The link to the blog below USUALLY has make-over results of rooms or furniture but once a year she does an ugly lamp contest.  The entrees get "uglier/stranger" each year.  If you don't follow her blog, you might want to this week for fun.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Cookie Jar Cafe

If you follow me or Betsy on FB, you will know my husband and I met her and George for the first time "in person" at The Cookie Jar Cafe in Dunlap, TN.  (George took all the pictures you see.)  For my local friends, it is a beautiful drive through the mountains to get to this farm.  The food is delicious southern cooking and very reasonably priced.
We had a WONDERFUL time visiting together.  Betsy and I even let the guys talk once or twice!  Outside the restaurant is a short walking track with a couple of children's playhouses, playground, and some penned farm animals for petting.  The website said they do hayride tours in the fall.  We are looking forward to the autumn colors on those mountains in a couple of months.
The picture below is an amazing shot.  George improvised a tripod and used his remote to take this.  You may or may not have noticed that Bill and I have lost weight since my retirement just over 18 months ago.  Mine has been about a pound a month.  He has lost 35.  We feel so much better!
George and Betsy, thanks again for making the trek over the mountain and thank your FB friend, too for the delicious location.  We will return there soon for another meal followed by more cupcakes as well as sweet fellowship!
If you don't know Betsy and George, you can find them at these locations.
And Betsy's FB link won't copy over for some reason but she is Betsy from Tennessee.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Comeback Kid?

 School is back in session so Benjamin is with us each week again while his mom teaches.  She does a great job with her students.  Of course, we have a fun, fun time with Benjamin whether it is just running errands or going to the indoor playground at our church.
Bill and I found time for fun, too - - a day trip here and there.  This one was at Gibbs Gardens in Ballground, GA. These cloth coyotes are moved around the area to discourage deer from eating the beautiful landscapes.  They didn't get to keep Bill - - that's my privilege.
We did some more outside painting.  It's amazing how paint can dress up furniture!
This is the current project in a hallway.  All the "popcorn" is off the ceiling now but we are still sanding and spackling.  It takes time - - - more than a person plans.
And the yardwork - - - never-ending.  That is why you have not heard from me since the beginning of summer.  I can't promise I'll be back on a regular basis - - - but I would like to work it into the schedule.  These pics are from my phone - - - - only mediocre on a couple cuz it was on the wrong setting.  My daughter discovered that for me.  I am still reading the majority of blogs but haven't had a lot of time for comments - - - so I am not offended if  you don't write on mine.  I really do enjoy hearing about what's happening in your lives.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer Time!!!

School was out for the summer on May 23.  That means I am not babysitting everyday again until about July 28.  Benjamin is happy, too because he gets to spend more time with Mom and Dad.

I know this pic needs cropping - - but my pics are on a different photo program than before and sometimes it's not worth the time that day to learn something else.  It's a choice between posting or playing on the computer.

We are doing fine - - - just been super busy with this overgrown yard/woods of ours.  It will be drought weather soon and the growth will slow down.

I am careful about ticks (and of course poison ivy) when chopping stuff down.  I got tick-bit a few years ago and you may remember it caused a beef/pork allergy.  It's called Alpha-gal and can be life threatening if you're not careful.  When it's aggravated enough, an outbreak of hives is the result - - no fun at all.

Anyway - - - we eat more poultry because of it.   (Better for cholesterol anyway.)  One new product that we found and LOVE is the chicken items from Aidells.  Samples were given out one day at Publix.
We haven't tried their sausage yet but have been repeat customers on the chicken meatballs.   We tried them alone but they are more delicious in a sauce - - - like spaghetti.  If you ever see them on sale (or not), try them.

Till next time - - - and it should be sooner than the last post - - - - 

Also, I am on FB some days now - - search for Lynda W Harrington, Cleveland, TN 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Links

I am on my husband's computer but life is getting normal again for us in the technology world.  We are going to share Bill's machine for a while because his computer has a huge capacity.  He is gone all day at work so that will help our schedule for sharing.  The budget thought this was the wisest decision at this time since we have some appliances and A/C unit that have lived a long life.  We are just being a bit cautious.

Here are some links you might enjoy.  The first is our church's worship service.  It is music and some narration.  Our 125 member choir is phenomenal.  Listen and see if you agree.  You can see it live at 5 or 6:30 tonight and then three different times on Easter Sunday morning. 

Here is something fun called Easter Bunny Rap.  Theresa posted it earlier.  You can find her at this link.

Another blogger friend, Terri, posted a link to her co-worker, Gregory.   He is a "techie", photographer, and sculptor.  I met Terri last summer.  She and her husband, Joe, are great people and feel like old friends the first time you meet them.

You can get Gregory's website from her blog or go to this link.  Those interested in PHOTOGRAPHY might want to see his suggestions on camera equipment.  He has contact information there for questions, too.

 - - - - praying you all have a glorious celebration of our Resurrected Savior and Lord, Precious Jesus!!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bye, Bye Computer

My old computer has Windows XP which is an internet death sentence beginning tomorrow - - - - so I have been copying pictures and files to flash drives and deleting them from my hard drive as well as uninstalling programs.  I will completely unplug the computer later today.

We still have my husband's good computer but have gotten spoiled and used to having our own machines.  He talked with his IT guy and we know what we will be ordering for me.  That will be done in the next few days and then we will have to install some software before I am back to blogging again.  My thought is my visits to you will be sporadic again for a couple of weeks and probably no posting.

It won't be too abnormal of me but wanted you to know ahead of time.

Talk to you again soon my dear friends!