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Azure routing between different subscriptions - force one, common outbound IP and share Site-to-site (IPSec) defined in Virtual network gateway

So I have 3 Azure subscriptions: Staging, Dev1 and Dev2. In the Staging I have: Virtual network with: defaultSubnet GatewaySubnet Virtual network gateway with connection ...
0Pat's user avatar
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How to Clear local-address and remote-address in MikroTik PPP Secret Using Laravel API

I'm using the evilfreelancer/routeros-api-php package to interact with a MikroTik router via API. After creating a PPP secret user with a static IP, I want to clear or unset the local-address and ...
Nafis Chonchol's user avatar
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Unable to Access FastAPI Server on Same Network Using Static IP, Works on External Network

I am running a FastAPI server on a Mac Mini, which has a static IP and a private IP address, and I’ve configured port forwarding on my Jio router. Here are the details of my setup: Server Details: ...
Amol Kittur's user avatar
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Google Cloud Reserving Specific External IP Address

I need to reserve a specific IP address such as in GCP. GCP is using dynamic IP allocation but I just want to learn if there is any way to get a specific IP address which belongs to ...
Aiden Pearce's user avatar
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django cannot redirect to index or admin after login

Can't redirect to the admin dashboard page or to the index after logging in even though the username and password are correct for from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.contrib....
iwan hermawan's user avatar
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After Start Compute VM Instance in GCP my VM external IP and SSH doesn't accessible

In Google Cloud Platform ( gcp ) I have some Compute VM where host my website. I need to stop some VM temporary. After passed some hour, I need to start VM again. My Compute VM has been started but My ...
Monzur Alam's user avatar
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How to assign a static ip address with ethernet connection on esp32?

I am working on a project that requires the use of a static ip via the ethernet connection of my ESP32-WROOM-32E on OLIMEX ESP32-PoE-ISO-Ind shield. I have already tried several codes but have never ...
4n3s1-2525's user avatar
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Google Cloud Function Shows ETIMEOUT Error When Connected To VPC Connector

I have deployed a GCP Cloud Function to make calls to Adobe APIs. Also, the same Cloud Function is making calls to Jira APIs. The Jira platform requires API calls to happen only through static IP ...
Apurva's user avatar
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Is it possible to set the source IP when sending UDP packets from node red

I am running node red on an ubuntu server and I have configured one of the network adapters to have several IP addresses, like this: network: ethernets: enp0s3: dhcp4: true enp0s8: ...
petterssonm's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there any Google Cloud product that acts as a reverse proxy?

I have a microservice that, through a cloud function, sets up various virtual machines to scrape a series of web pages. The hosts of these websites have requested all my machines to have a static IP ...
Alex Baena's user avatar
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Temporary failure in name resolution - Debian Book worm on Raspberry Pi

Recently tried to assign static IP with wireless to my Raspberry pi with Debian Book worm OS. After configuring interfaces file with static IP, IP is showing as assigned with the hostname -I command. ...
Simple Humble's user avatar
2 votes
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Allocate a static IP to Data Fusion or Cloud composer instance

I am trying to use Google Data Fusion to connect to a Microsoft SQL server database and need to have a static IP. I have tried to provision a static IP on a subnet and connect it to Data Fusion ...
user4933's user avatar
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How to go from connected with localhost on a device to connecting via IP on public internet? (socket-io, express, phaser)

I am attempting to develop an online browser game, and though I have no intention of buying a domain or cloud hosting it, I want to be able to run a server on my computer and have people play the ...
Perplexedon's user avatar
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Configure a Static IP address for WIFI using Netplan in Ubuntu Server 22.04 on a HP Pavillion Desktop 510-p051a

I recently installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu Server 22.04 on a HP Pavillion Desktop 510-p051a. The network that I'm on currently has WIFI access ONLY. I am trying to configure the WIFI interface to use ...
Billy J's user avatar
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Whitelisting an IP address for sms notification with an AWS application Load Balancer

I have my frontend & backend application in separate ec2 behind a single application load balancer with different target groups. I need to have a static IP address that can be whitelisted with a ...
Gurugeeksroyalty's user avatar
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How to fix OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 407 Proxy Authentication Required')

How do I solve the problem? If I use a proxy I get: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. If I remove the proxy, I get: status_code = 200. I want to use a proxy service, I bought 1 IP and I want to use a ...
Tornike k's user avatar
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How much memory does a single, cloned git repo occupy? [closed]

After using git for version control purely on my remote server, I am now looking to use git for version control across both my remote and local file system. My approach to doing this so far is to: ...
DevJoe's user avatar
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Why do our gRCP streams disconnect after 15 minutes after enabling static outgoing IP for our Google App Engine backends?

We recently set up a static outgoing IP address for our Google App Engine Java backends according to these instructions: Since ...
maccer's user avatar
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Error Creating Endpoint Attachment between Private Service Connect and Integration Connectors

I am trying to establish a connection between an SFTP server and our Google Cloud project to eventually ingest some data into BigQuery from the SFTP server. I am using Integration Connectors on GCP to ...
Berra's user avatar
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Need solution for set private static ip for azure container instance

Need solution for set private static ip for azure container instance. If the container restarts are reupdated I tried many docs to fix this ,but still cant able to fix it Tried with network security ...
Sanz View's user avatar
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How to have static internal IP address for GKE nodes

I have a GKE private cluster with a Linux node pool of 2 nodes. The internal IP addresses of the nodes changes everytime it is recreated due to auto-repar/auto-upgrade. I have an external monitoring ...
Articher's user avatar
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esp32 softAP : Static IP for CLIENTS , bind MAC adress to IP adress

Is it possible to use softAP to give fixed IP addresses to clients without using the DHCP server? If not, are there any alternatives to softAP that would allow the use of an ESP 32 to assign specific ...
loulou's user avatar
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Static IP configuration failed in NODEMCU

I'm trying to connect NODEMCU to my home network and set static IP address, but the static IP didn't set properly this is the code: #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> void setup() { // put your setup ...
m0rbot's user avatar
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Specify a static ip address for azurerm_batch_pool with azurerm_public_ip with terraform

Can i specify variable ip_address = "" # Specify the static IP address here in azurerm_public_ip? The problem is I need to extract data from external data sources hosted on client ...
Muhammad Hamza Shafiq's user avatar
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Configure Static IP from server side requests from an AWS Amplify-hosted website

I have to make requests to an application that has a Whitelist IP, so I have to ensure my IP of my website will be always the same, but AWS Amplify doesn't offer configurations about this. What can I ...
KratoSeba's user avatar
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Why ESP32 with static IP address can't connect to internet but can ping normally?

I have connected ESP32 to WIFI, but this WIFI must fix IP address, Gateway, Subnet mask, DNS and MAC. So, I assign them and test with two codes. The first one is with a ping library and the 2nd one is ...
kati's user avatar
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3 answers

Reserve staticIP after creation for limit time

we have a code that create staticIP in GCP/AWS/Azure, we are using the IaaS Sdk's to create it, when we create it we are allocating it for our resources, now after some time we are deleting the ...
Jenney's user avatar
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set blank ip address or remove ip adddress

I want to set ip address, subnet, gateway & dns; there is no issue in setting up but once the ip address is applied i'm trying to delete the existing gateway, pref dns its not working. I tried to ...
user838691's user avatar
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AWS vpn assign static LOCAL IP address to the remote user?

I have an AWS VPN set up. I have just tested connecting and disconnecting to my VPN from my PC in my office. Everything works fine, but I noticed that each time I get a different IP address assigned ...
Robert Oschler's user avatar
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Setting static IP adress to Android device

Is there any way to set a static IP address to Android device if the device is connected to a network via ethernet cable using ethernet to USB adapter? I tried connecting to device via ADB and then ...
Lookyus's user avatar
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How to connect to device via Ethernet using static IP Address in Python on Windows?

I need to connect to a device via an Ethernet connection on Windows and have to set a static IP Address and Submask for this. I need to create a Python script, which automates this workflow. The ...
einwahlfisch's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You cannot keep your settings in the secure settings

I am working on Android 12 (AOSP 12) device. Trying to set the static IP from my application. Snipped code below: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private ...
GNK's user avatar
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CreateContainerError when using static IP for another ingress controller. Can you use a single IP for more than one load balancer or ingress in AKS?

I created a deployment in AKS/Kubernetes that was assigned an ingress controller to another application. In the meanwhile I setup another deployment using that static IP. Everything worked fine. When ...
Christian Matthew's user avatar
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How can I configure my flask server running on Heroku with static ip

I want to run my flask server with static IP's because Bybit needs static IP's for there API. I have connected fixie extension to my Heroku app but I do not know how to configure the proxy or what I ...
Jaylon Nichols's user avatar
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How do I configure my server to use a fixie static IP?

I have sent a GET request using clash of clans API and axios and provided the authentication for it to work locally however it doesn't work when deployed as heroku uses dynamic Ip addresses. I am ...
k2g's user avatar
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set up Power BI services on Azure to get a fixed IP address to connect to production MySQL Credentials for login

I am really new to the Azure cloud platform and need some help setting up Power BI on Azure with a static IP address to add the address to my firewall. The production MySQL is in Hostgator to ...
Daniel Williams's user avatar
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How do I set a stable ip in Google Cloud Platform?

I set up a cloud instance with Google Cloud Engine; It works well: I can SSH into it and I can use a VNC client in any desktop to connect to it. However, that causes a lot of trouble. I set the ...
Joshua Okonkwo's user avatar
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Reference ephemeral external IP address in startup script for compute engine

Is there a special variable that references the assigned ephemeral external IP address so I can define it in the startup script?
zimmerdimmer's user avatar
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Freezing my machines IP only for the containers and internal communications

We have a system of numerous microservices, which when setup in local, refers to certain services in my local using their IP(of course resolved via Consul). It becomes a problem when I connect my ...
Kannan Ramamoorthy's user avatar
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How to connect to external and bridge network while using a specific IP address for a container in docker-compose?

I would like to achieve the following: bridged network=> bridged with DHCP bridged network=> internal and I want a container to be connected to both of these networks while ...
Rop Ox41414141's user avatar
3 votes
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Is possible set an ip address static in a linux image developed in yocto?

I am using yocto to develop custom linux images and I want to set an ip address for all of my images. It is possible? How can I do this? Thanks in advance.
amolina's user avatar
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How can I add Static IP to Google App Engine? [closed]

I'm trying to add static IP to the app engine( For spring-boot service ). I have done all other configurations, But when I add this line vpc_access_connector: name: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/...'s user avatar
1 vote
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Raspberry Pi - Access remote IP address from external website / python app

I have an app running on my Raspberry Pi 3b+ on an internal IP address of I would like to be able to access this from a remotely hosted python ...
Shodgson's user avatar
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Setting Static External IP Range for GCP Cloud Build Private Pool

I am working on a solution where we are using a GCP Cloud Build trigger to access an external 3rd party service in order to download files before uploading them to the cloud. However, the service ...
Ian Connor's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning compute instance : Static IP address?

I have a SQL Server database which is accessible only by whitelisting IP addresses. I would like to use an Azure Machine Learning compute instance to run some python code to query the database using ...
Downforu's user avatar
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How do I stop DHCP to request address for a static interface?

I have a Raspberry PI 4 running Ubuntu 21.10 with a static ip-address on eth0. Despite that, I keep getting a secondary 'dynamic' DHCP address on on it. netplan network: version: 2 renderer: ...
Kingfranz's user avatar
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Can I reserve a static external IP address in Google, and then use it on another Cloud Provider?

We can reserve a static IP address on Google following the instructions here. Would it be possible to migrate this IP address to another Cloud, e.g. Amazon, IBM, or elsewhere, and how would that work. ...
WJA's user avatar
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How do I change the IP address that Node-RED is hosted on?

I've been trying to configure Node-RED running locally at http://localhost:1880 to run on a static IP address that I would configured via my router's "DHCP Static IP Configuration" so that ...
Savindu Liyanage's user avatar
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Can anyone explain in layman terms that while opening my websites using domain name its shows https but using static IP it shows http. why?

Can anyone explain in layman terms that while opening my websites using domain name its shows https but using static IP it shows http. why??? I am using this article to change http to https : Enabling ...
Ankit gupta's user avatar
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Static IP proxy for a Steam Server?

I've been developing a Steam Game Server (Garry's Mod) and have been wondering how I'd be able to get over the issue of a dynamic public IP. I'd like to host my server locally but my ISP do not allow ...
Nagrom's user avatar
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