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Steam: How to get manifest gid for older game versions

I’m trying to get the Manifest GID for a specific BuildID, not just the latest version, which I'm able to find: from steam.client import SteamClient from steam.guard import ...
Endthal's user avatar
-4 votes
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How Can I Obtain Steam achievements in a Tyranobuilder game?

I am trying to run achievement acquired commands for Steam. I know it is pretty easy with Python like this : $ achievement.grant("ACH_ID") $ achievement.Sync() However I have built a game ...
dramaticlook's user avatar
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How to get the CounterStrike 2 lobby id?

I have already found the function on the Internet to join the lobby. You can do this via: steam://joinlobby/730/<LobbyID>/<SteamID> But unfortunately I can't find the lobby ID. On the ...
Limes's user avatar
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Steam Crashing on Linux Mint 22 Machine

This might not be the place to ask this, but here goes nothing. I recently installed Cyberpunk 2077 on my new Linux Mint gaming machine, and I was having just a dandy time playing it until the game ...
Elliott Konink's user avatar
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Steam Non-Game App - How To Find/Calculate The Shortcut ID

I've recently embarked on a project whereby I create a quick-firing XMB-style web-launcher for my PC, PS1, PS2 and Xbox 360 games via the corresponding method/emulator. To do this I use AHK to handle ...
PriceyUK's user avatar
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How to get the classId of an item from the Steam API with an inspect link values?

I want to retreive the float value and paint seed of items on the steam market in Python. The items are from counter strike 2. I managed to get the inspect link of the items listed on the market but ...
Gaël Kcoh's user avatar
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Getting non-aggregated steam stats

I've dug through the Better Steam Web API and I can get aggregate stats but I'm hoping to get my non-aggregated stats but I can't seem to find any documentation anywhere but I've heard it's possible. ...
Spacemarine658's user avatar
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(Facepunch.Steamworks) EntryPointNotFoundException on SteamAPI_Init (using latest Steamworks SDK)

I'm getting this error when I try to test my Unity game (using Facepunch.Steamworks) while Steam is open (just implemented achievements and I want to test them). Does anyone know what I can do to fix ...
Pedro Marangon's user avatar
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How to run steam games with launch parameters in python?

I want to run steam game with launch parameters. How would i do this? Is there any library for it? i tried to use Subprocess.popen(f'Game/path/game.exe {Params}') and etc, but got nothing or just ...
Vova_4104's user avatar
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trying to make a steam download Automator but it doesn't work

tried to make a steam download Automator using schedule subprocess pyautogui time requests (and steam cmd) im thinking the problem might come from steam cmd but I'm not too sure when the time hits ...
Armin Niazi's user avatar
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Flutter game on Steam Deck

I'm trying to get my Flutter-based game to run on the Steam Deck. It at least starts when I switch to "Proton Experimental", but it freezes right after the start and doesn't react to ...
fabianh11's user avatar
-1 votes
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SteamApI does not see steam running

I'm trying to write the game using provided by steam example SpaceWar. Recently i haverenamed Visual Studio solution and now I always obtain message "Steam must by running to play this game"....
Vadim Romansky's user avatar
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Does a Steam API route exist to get playtime by month?

I had an idea for a web app that would make use of a user's playtime history of all games over the last year. This seems like data Steam tracks given the Steam "Year in Review" has a "...
Zarch's user avatar
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Steam Remote Storage FileWrite Fails After Adding New Files to Steam Cloud

I am new to Steam game development and I'm encountering an issue with storing data in Steam Cloud using Steamworks. Previously, I was able to use SteamRemoteStorage.FileWrite to save data to Steam ...
張家瑋's user avatar
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How to get Godot to see/change where a dlopen() call is looking for a file?

Kind of a similar problem to my last post. Still using Godot 4.2.2 Godot mono on Mac. I gave up on trying to use the facepunch wrapper and decided to go to GodotSteam and Steam Multiplayer peer via ...
S3B's user avatar
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Steamworks web API ConsumeItem returns empty Json

I want to make a system for exchanging items of one rarity for items of another rarity. To do this, I want to remove items of lower rarity in order to give the player an item of better rarity, ...
hapupich's user avatar
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How to get VS Code / Godot to load the right libsteam_api file?

I'm currently watching a tutorial series right now to get Steamworks initialized with Godot using the Facepunch implementation, but every time I try to connect with the following C# script I get an ...
S3B's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Steam reviews on Apex Legends via Steam Web API

I sometimes collect steam reviews using Steam Web API for personal use, and the following code, while having some redundant parts, can collect all reviews for a given game. Lately I have attempted ...
clarcia's user avatar
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Steam SDK C++ crash on GetSteamID()

on Windows 64x, using steam api version 1.60 (the last one). With the following snippet, the game crashs on the function GetSteamID if (SteamAPI_InitEx(nullptr)) { if (SteamUser()) { printf(&...
Nathan's user avatar
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Unity Steam Inventory Service

I would like some assistance in writing a system into my unity game, that drops an item from the common lootpool every 2 hours, and an item from the rare lootpool every 10 hours. My unity game is ...
Zsolt Jambor's user avatar
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Steam Executable and Install File Location - Fatal Error / No Executable

Can someone please explain what to input into the Steam Developer Dashboard when trying to get a game to launch after Downloading the build as a developer in the text box where the "General ...
Dr Loveless's user avatar
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Why is rtime_last_played not being returned for most Steam profiles via the Steam Web API?

I'm in the process of building an app for gamers and am attempting to import and sort games from different platforms, one of which is Steam. Using the SteamAPI, I'm able to access data just fine by ...
Octorious's user avatar
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Why does SteamworksPy fail to load/retrieve data?

import ctypes import glob import os from steamworks import STEAMWORKS from steamworks.exceptions import SteamNotRunningException class SteamClass: def __init__(self): # Specify the ...
Poke Min's user avatar
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STEAMWORKS API - Python ctypes

I am trying to do stats, leaderboards, achievements, etc. with my Python app. I know I'm connecting to the DLL proper, but it seems no matter how I try to call the functions. I get an error saying ...
Turtle's user avatar
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Steam API: Get discount end date for a game with using its appID

I'm creating a Discord bot to post free games and I'm looking for an API endpoint that can give me the end date of a discount on a game. I've looked everywhere and haven't found a concrete answer, but ...
Nick's user avatar
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Profile of Steam market seller

I am interested in if there is a chance to get profile of steam market seller as they made some changes and user cant even see in app/web who listed an item. Is there any way to get info of seller ...
hlaurie's user avatar
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How to get someones CS2 inventory as a JSON object?

I am trying to get someones profile's inventory from CS2 and I keep getting met with a 403 error. Is there anywhere I need to put my API key? try { URL url = new URL("https://...
Yash Salunke's user avatar
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Deserialize Steam's libraryfolders.vdf into an object (C#)

Hi guys just like i mentioned in the title how can i achieve this im using (C# winforms app) This is the class suggested by chatgpt public class LibraryFolder { [JsonProperty("path")] ...
Atheer Salah's user avatar
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Steam Build Depot Time not localized

When uploading my build to steam the time shown for the build upload is some completly different timezone. (Probably USA west coast). I can't find out how to show it for my timezone it shows 3am which ...
HelpNeeder's user avatar
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How to Create a New File in

How may I create a new file on the root directory of a given Android project on I would very much apreciate the help in guiding me through the hoops. I simply cannot find any way to do this,...
Gabriel Parca's user avatar
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Title: System.EntryPointNotFoundException when initializing Steamworks.NET in C#

I'm trying to integrate Steamworks.NET into my C# application to utilize the Steam SDK functionalities. However, when I attempt to initialize Steamworks using SteamAPI.Init(), I encounter the ...
Lucestdrâ's user avatar
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Steam Web API Access is denied

I'm trying to get steam inventory, but getting error "Forbidden Access is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify your key= parameter." The key is parameter is right its working for ...
xom4ek's user avatar
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FPS Multiplayer Template 5 doesn't work online

Unfortunately i'm having some trouble with the FPS Multiplayer Template 5 because i downloaded the template on Unreal Engine then i packaged it and i sent the .zip file to a friend to test if it ...
Alessandro Ministrini's user avatar
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Unity How to test Steam remote play together?

I built a small game prototype because I wanted to test steam remote play together. I installed and I can confirm that it works when I press play in the Unity editor. The issue comes ...
Jorge Santos's user avatar
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Pc does not accept any input after setting up controller

After i setup a pdp xbox controller using steam, i installed the extra functionality (don't realy now the name). To make it work, i needed to restart my pc. Now my pc does not accept any input but my ...
Yorick Aelvoet's user avatar
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Getting information about the game using the steam api

How can I get the name, description, price of the game, but not use the `python-steam-api'? I did so, but it's using the python-steam-api from decouple import config KEY = config("STEAM_API_KEY&...
MichaelPetrov's user avatar
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How to call Steam InitTxn properly using python?

I’m making an in app purchase for my game on Steam. On my server I use python 3. I’m trying to make an https request as follows: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") ...
ArtS's user avatar
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My openID Authentication return 'You must have either https wrappers or curl enabled.'

I've a OpenID connection in place who was working yesterday and today i'm unable to connect when i'm on my local server i've also the same openID online and it works perfectly fine. it throw me the ...
maxyme jarrier's user avatar
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Why is SteamCMD failing to download Steam client updates anonymously in my Docker image build?

I'm running into an issue when trying to update the Steam client using SteamCMD. Here's the RUN command in my Dockerfile: # Update Steam using SteamCMD. RUN sudo mkdir -p /steam && \ /usr/...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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How do I launch my game on steam via script?

I've uploaded my game to steam and trying to make it work on windows, linux and macos. I've got macos working and now I'm trying to get linux working. I'm writing my game in bevy (rust) and using the ...
Frank Weslien's user avatar
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Steam API - Available stats when I don't own a game?

When fetching a users stats for a game from the steam API using: url = f"" params = { 'appid': self.appid, 'key':...
jcjakec's user avatar
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Difficulty using Steamworks SDK to receiev screenshot request callback in my cpp app

I'm experimenting with Steamworks SDK by creating a c++ console application that runs my steam game and integrates the steam SDK to receive callbacks. This is my code: #include <iostream> #...
Reizenchuu's user avatar
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How can I validate users with state (or nonce) when using OpenID with Steam

As I understand so far there is no way to pass a state and get it back when creating an OAuth 2.0 flow with OpenID + Steam. But in the return url I'm getting a auto-generated nonce value which is ...
Enes Bekar's user avatar
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Steam OAuth 2 Login in Vaadin Application

I tried the last 2 days to connect my vaadin application with a steam oauth to register. But it keeps not working right. We have security issues and a lot of other problems. Is here someone who ...
Fedox's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the queryport and port when launching from steamcmd?

I'm working on a utility tool for my friends to restart my servers remotely(it'll have some extra uses ontop) a friend is working on the front end, I'm working on the backend. Currently I have ...
alteredHero's user avatar
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Is there a way to force close Steam on Steam Deck from an app that runs on Proton?

I'm working on an installer for a mod that requires adding a launch option to a game on Steam (a dll override of dinput8). However the only way I found to programatically add this launch option is by ...
An29's user avatar
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How do I list Steam games by release date?

I want to get a list of every product on Steam that launched on a given day. Preferably, I'd like to do this without sending an obscene number of API requests and without directly scraping the Steam ...
SolventMercury's user avatar
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Steam: how to get the package name from a package-id?

The problem is rather simple: "Steam" (that is, the gaming DRM platform), has "apps" and "packages"; the latter are pretty much licenses that are stored in your account ...
Christian Stieber's user avatar
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Steam bot not logging in due to "Logged in from another location"

I have a script that was supposed to login to steam and then collect the float values of CS2 skins using some code that I haven't written yet. While trying to login via script it will send me a email ...
Maikel vd berg's user avatar
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Why isnt Geode Geometry Dash Megahack v8 mod not working?

I'm trying to install Megahack V8 Geode version, but as soon as I open the folder, the installer appears for a second and then disappears. If I manage to click on it, it says that I do not have ...
Alexia's user avatar
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