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Magento Custom Module Frontend Request Not Hitting Controller Endpoint (302 Found)

I'm experiencing a persistent issue with my custom Magento 2 module. I have a frontend form integrated into a chat interface on my site. However, when I submit this form via a POST request, it's ...
Stuff lahza's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core : DELETE route handler not working

I am trying to learn how to create REST API using ASP.NET Core, and I've managed to create working GET and POST requests, but for some reason, the DELETE request is not working. What am I missing? ...
dagmawi's user avatar
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Angular Routing - Fetch user data on every route change

I'm facing an issue while using Angular Guards to fetch user information from an API. My goal is to always have up-to-date user data in local storage. I want to make sure the latest data is fetched ...
user13289818's user avatar
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How to get the method name with the url using django.urls.get_resolver()

I am getting these urls with django's get_resolver() function for a class: ^api/asset_management/^^get_assets/$ ^api/asset_management/^^get_assets\.(?P<format>[a-z0-9]+)/?$ ^api/asset_management/...
Labeeb's user avatar
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How to navigate from external non angular url to an angular page?

Thanks for reading, I have an angular application deployed to From Main page I have route to another page I have an external website and I want to ...
Esmail Amini's user avatar
-3 votes
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Enabling one URL behind router, while keeping the rest disabled

I have an IP camera software running and I can get access to it from the outside. However, on that webserver, there is an admin interface that I don't want exposed. I tried to create a website under ...
Jan Kadera's user avatar
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Issue with Laravel project hosted on AWS -/public url and route errors

I’ve hosted my Laravel project on AWS. The project runs successfully, but the URL includes /public after the directory name. For example: http:////public. The project is built entirely with Laravel, ...
Xabed hossain's user avatar
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React createBrowserRouter paths not working when refreshing the page after deploying the app to GitHub

I made a React/Vite fitness website and used createBrowserRouter to create all the paths, everything worked perfectly fine until I deployed the website to GitHub pages. An issue occurred: Each time I ...
Sarah Bader's user avatar
2 votes
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How to set the root path of the url for my api endpoints?

I don't want to use UsePathBase() for some reasons. I try to use MapExtensions.Map() like below. But it does not work. Respond with "404 Not Found" when I request "/api/v1/...
Erickson's user avatar
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google-navigation-flutter can't start with a custom point

I am developing an app with google-navigation-flutter. The plugin enable users to plan a route and navigate to the destination. I want to reset the starting point in order to obtain a route between a ...
LiChen Lee's user avatar
-2 votes
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I am getting 404 error while creating dynamic routes in NodeJs / Express.js server

i am creating a dynamic route file for calling all routes declared in routes folder in node js. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8&...
Keval Badarakhiya's user avatar
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API Endpoint - Calling path/file.php works but doesn't by endpoint

I made a simple API with PHP When I call it (Postman or script) with it works. I get the return value. When I call it (Postman or script) with https://www....
Lena LfPC's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 8 Razor Pages Binding Multiple Page Models to Single Route

I'm working with ASP.NET Core 8.0.8. My razor page application has a dynamic Table.cshtml page with route @page "/table/{table}" that can take any model and display the associated database ...
user27271256's user avatar
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Always render an intercepted route in a modal even if navigating to the url directly in next.js

I am using the Parellel routes and route Interception to create a user experience that opens a form (the /new route) in a modal for the user to create their new thing. The route is /posts/new. However,...
Jordan's user avatar
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Can we pass tls certificate secrets in helm template dynamically?

I am using a manifest driven deployment strategy where I run helm template command that generates the desired manifest for the application deployment. As part of my deployment I have route.yaml which ...
Mayank Singh Rathore's user avatar
-5 votes
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is there a way to pass down props from parent component to child component I have posted all three files here please help. react-dom.development.js:4312 Uncaught Type Error: props.UserName is not a function at userValue (...
Kweku Gyekete's user avatar
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Create route via Symfony inside a symfony-bundle

I've got a pure Symfony app. I had made own bundle, and want to define routes inside it via annotations/attributes. I don't want to define routes inside main app space - bundle should be installed and ...
M-Zoldak's user avatar
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Laravel 11 - I want to create dynamic routing for multi level access but without passing the same parameter each time

In laravel 11 i setup my route like this : then: function(){ Route::middleware(['web', 'admin'])->prefix('admin')->name('admin.')->group(base_path('routes/admin.php')); ...
Shubham Kumar's user avatar
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How to make an Ionic component persist between components

I am using Ionic to build a program that has a few components. On start-up, the program opens a login component, and then when the user is logged in, it redirects to my home component. I have a '...
Luke Corcoran's user avatar
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routing stuck (stopped working) after a few clicks if a router is declared in child component

on Angular version 18.0.0 //package.json "@angular/animations": "^18.0.0", "@angular/common": "^18.0.0", "@angular/compiler": "^18.0.0", &...
Jimmy Chi Kin Chau's user avatar
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How to eliminate the verbose pattern of canActivate/canDeactivate in Angular?

My routing is set up like this (main parent node with a bunch of child sub nodes). export const routes: Routes = [ { path: "", component: HomeComponent }, { path: "profile", ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
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Get 404 error when refreshing a page in Angular 19 and ng serve

I'm building an application that have a login page, the angular version I use is Angular 19, and I run my app through ng serve. When I access the link http://localhost:4200/ from my browser, I being ...
Wu Hongyan's user avatar
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Nested routes prefixes in CakePHP

In my routes.php I currently have this: $routes->prefix('Api', function (RouteBuilder $routes) use ($apiCache) { $routes->registerMiddleware('apiCache', $apiCache); $routes-&...
mrodo's user avatar
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laravel with Inertia/vue in subfolder

I deployed my laravel 11 app in a subfolder on my hosting and it works (only public folder is in subfolder, the app itself is in root not publicly accessible off course). The prod asset build I had to ...
Canelo Digital's user avatar
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Laravel route naming bug: not getting resource route naming as supposed to

I am facing an issue with Laravel / React.js app I have this web.route configuration: Route::middleware(['auth', 'verified'])->group(function () { Route::redirect('/admin', '/admin/dashboard'); ...
Wisamx's user avatar
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How can i put routes working in production on Hostinger?

I'm currently facing an issue with routing when transitioning from localhost to the server on Hostinger, and I was hoping you could help me out. Basically, when I'm on localhost/galmi/contactos, ...
Cristiano Abreu's user avatar
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Next.js 15 dynamic routing fails for nested routes, like [endpoint]/[entry]

I add a dynamic route as following images illustrates The page.tsx in [endpoint] folder is type Props = { params: Promise<{ endpoint: string}> } const page = async ({params}: Props) => { ...
Ryan Xu's user avatar
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NextJS migrate from App Router 14 to 15. Property 'params' is missing in type 'Context' but required in type 'RouteContext'

I have just migrated from NextJS 14 to 15 using the app router method. On Windows. I am having an issue with one of my static routes. It is not dynamic route, but is gettings errors as if it was. ...
Sven Jensen's user avatar
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Login Route and Controller

My Blade file code is like below. <form action="{{ route('login') }}" method="post" class="row mt-4 align-items-center"> <input type="hidden" name=&...
abu abu's user avatar
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403 Forbidden in Laravel

Description: Whenever I visit the URI '/storage/decode/hello' the 403 error is shown, but when I go to '/storage/decode' URI, then the code works perfectly fine. Route::prefix('storage')->match(['...
Diwash Mainali's user avatar
1 vote
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Azure routing between different subscriptions - force one, common outbound IP and share Site-to-site (IPSec) defined in Virtual network gateway

So I have 3 Azure subscriptions: Staging, Dev1 and Dev2. In the Staging I have: Virtual network with: defaultSubnet GatewaySubnet Virtual network gateway with connection ...
0Pat's user avatar
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How to ensure persistence when passing data beween pages?

I had to create an Appointment page using react native and another page that displays all the appointments a "client` has made. However, I'm unsure how to pass data/parameters from the ...
Thabata Dias's user avatar
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How to suppress a deprecation warning from a Play Framework routes file

I have a Play Framework application where the routes file uses a deprecated controller method: GET /my-endpoint/this-is-deprecated ...
M. Justin's user avatar
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Routes are not getting available using resources in Rails

I am trying to learning Ruby On Rails MVC framework by implementing a test application where I am trying to create form submission and listing records. I am using resources way to define my routes to ...
Mr.DevEng's user avatar
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No route matches Error in Controller and Router using Ruby on Rails MVC

I am new to ruby on rails. And I am trying to test one simple record pull example using Active Record. I am getting the following error while giving action from router to controller to get some ...
Mr.DevEng's user avatar
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AuthenticationService causes automatic navigation

I have a login screen in angular. But every time I try to open it (localhost:4200/login) it opens this but than jumps to localhost:4200. import { Component, signal } from '@angular/core'; import { ...
parascus's user avatar
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Processing the system back button in dart/flutter

I just recently started studying Dart / Flutter and ran into a problem: the system back button on android does not return to the previous screen, instead it closes the application. When I was looking ...
Eugene Dark's user avatar
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The parent component will be activated only when the child route is activated

I want a route structure like this: If I go to the "/sale" route: dashboard feature sale If I go to the "/" route: dashboard That is, if the child route is not activated, ...
Ersin's user avatar
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How to change the routes to set the urls in codeigniter

I have created a codeigniter 3 project but I have set the name of controller as "exampleController" which is showing on my URL. I want to remove the word "controller" to setup ...
Abhinav Dubey's user avatar
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Pass prop conditionally in react while handling routing

In React app, I render various components following app.tsx rendering. I would like to know if there is a possible way to pass such prop as an optional while managing routes. I get below error. This ...
adventureworks's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core MVC : asp-action tag helper adds asp-route-id without asking?

In ASP.NET Core MVC, I have a route configured like this: app.MapControllerRoute( name: "default", pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}"); In Controllers/...
Tom's user avatar
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Dynamic Routes in Rails [duplicate]

I have a Help File system that is quite lengthy. It will be governed by its own controller-model-view that will show the various help pages as the user clicks on the corresponding link. The client ...
Matteo's user avatar
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C# .NET8 web app: how can I route "bad" URLs to main page?

We've deprecated an old ASP.NET web site written in VB.NET. In its place, we've substituted a simple "banner page" written in C# on .NET 8. The new app has a main page, and pages for adding,...
zimmie's user avatar
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Async function failing in typescript - unable to locate or fix error

I am trying to run my server using npm run dev and getting an error as follows: > [email protected] dev > NODE_OPTIONS='--loader ts-node/esm' nodemon --watch backend/src --exec ts-node backend/...
GR123's user avatar
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Link using asp-page renders with empty href after modifying page routes

I created a fresh Razor Pages project in ASP.NET Core and made the following changes to the Index.cshtml and Privacy.cshtml files: // Index.cshtml @page "/" @model IndexModel // Privacy....
Mateusz Kurowski's user avatar
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Preserve state in NavigationExtras for subsecondary router outlets

I have a classic main outlet and a secondary named outlet. That secondary outlet has a suboutlet inside. You can see that structure in Stackblitz here. So, I have: <router-outlet></router-...
Eagle's user avatar
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Can you get a polyline from OSRM that respects the order of the waypoints?

Is there a way of using OSRM to get a polyline route geometry that runs through a list of waypoints without reordering them? In my tests, OSRM tends to reorder the waypoints.
edadma's user avatar
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Why redirect in the routes file?

Reading the Ruby on Rails guide, I see this example: get '/stories/:name', to: redirect('/articles/%{name}') And I'm confused, when would this be helpful? Couldn't you just point the path to the ...
Mirror318's user avatar
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Blazor execute code for a specific route pattern

0 I have a set of pages that all follow a similar pattern of /{report}/{id} but where {report} is replaced with a concrete name for each page. We also have a singleton reportManager that used to be ...
Birdalicious's user avatar
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Astro Project Renders Blank Page on Cloudflare with No Console Errors

Problem Description I've completed my Astro project and it works fine locally in both development and build modes. However, when I deploy it to Cloudflare, I'm getting a blank page with no console ...
We_Go's user avatar
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