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why esp32 cam car web site code not working?

I followed a tutorial to build a Wi-Fi-controlled car using an ESP32-CAM. However, I'm experiencing two issues: Wi-Fi Disconnection: The ESP32-CAM connects to Wi-Fi but disconnects after approximately ...
Kemo Hashem's user avatar
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ESP32-WROOM-38pin, pin number to control onboard LED

I have one of the boards in the image below, which as far as I can work out is called a ESP32 WROOM devkit 38-pin. I've successfully flashed micropython, and can obtain a REPL through picocom. I'm ...
rpx's user avatar
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ESP32: How to output different signals on each DAC channel, where DAC is in Continuous Wave Output mode (Continuous/DMA Mode)?

I want to generate two signals on the DAC outputs of ESP32, the sine and cosine ones, thus shifted by 90 deg. But I have the same signal on both DAC outputs. From the Espressif documentation I found ...
Andrei Krivoshei's user avatar
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LI-FI based image transmission using ESP32 microcontroller [closed]

Dears, i'm working on a LiFi image transmission project using ESP32 microcontrollers. I then use 2 microcontrollers, one as transmitter through laser and another as receiver through an LDR. So far, ...
Fifali's user avatar
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ESP_IDF_TIME64_CHECK_LIBC: ::libc::time_t = 0 as crate::time_t; under Linux/WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04 for Esp32

today, I have update my Rust tool chain with the last version of Rust for ESP32: $ espup install [info]: Installing the Espressif Rust ecosystem [info]: Checking Rust installation [info]: Installing ...
bubulemaster's user avatar
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ESP32: no signal on the DAC output - for the Continuous Wave Output mode (Continuous/DMA Mode)

I want to generate two signals on the DAC outputs of ESP32, the sine and cosine ones. But I have no signal on the DAC outputs. Please, do not offer answers for the Cosine Wave Output mode (Cosine Mode)...
Andrei Krivoshei's user avatar
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ESP32 rebooting after trying to write memory mapped flash

I succesfully create a partition in flash like so (partitions.csv): # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags nvs, data, nvs, 36K, 20K, factory, app, factory, 64K, 2M, storage, ...
gillo04's user avatar
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Esp32 Cam + Display TFT (Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited))

I'm trying to do facial recognition using the CameraWebServer example from esp32 cam and I also integrated a display to show the camera image. The code compiles and everything, but when I try to do ...
Bruno Silva's user avatar
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ESP32C6 Deep Sleep Recovery via External IO

I'm finding it difficult to find much reliable information on how to implement deep sleep in combination with wake on external IO with ESP32C6 (ESP32-C6-DevKitC-1, rev. 1.12). After days of false ...
DaveL17's user avatar
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Translating XBOX 360 controller input to XBOX one controller

recently i have bought a generic gamepad that is suitable for both pc and mobile devices. the gamepad poses itself as an XBOX 360 controller and for the most part seems to work perfectly fine with pc ...
Metaverse09's user avatar
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ANCS ESP32 BLE Arduino Invalid command (0xA1). The command was improperly formatted. When write value to Control Point Characteristic

I'm now trying to write to the Control Point Characteristic according to the ANCS - Apple Notification Center Service using an Arduino ESP32. This is my current definition for the notification ...
Đức Thanh Nguyễn's user avatar
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Trying to quantize YOLOv11 in tensorflow, is this topology normal?

I'm trying to quantize the YOLO v11 model in tensorflow and get this as a result: The target should be int8. Is this normal behaviour? When running it with tflite micro on an esp32 I quicly run out ...
gillo04's user avatar
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ESP32 BLE Arduino: writeValue method of BLERemoteCharacteristic makes ESP hang

Using a ESP32 BLE connected to Arduino IDE, I'm now trying to Get Notification Attributes by sending command to Control Point of Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS). This is the code static void ...
Đức Thanh Nguyễn's user avatar
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Get title and message of an iOs notification forwarded to esp32 (ANCS)

I'm playing around with this library and reading through the Apple Notification Center Service(ANCS) but still have a hard time getting message and title of an iOs notification forwarded to my esp32 ...
Đức Thanh Nguyễn's user avatar
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LI-FI based image transmission using ESP32

Dears, i'm working on a LiFi image transmission project using ESP32 microcontrollers. I then use 2 microcontrollers, one as transmitter through laser and another as receiver through an LDR. So far, ...
Yasmina's user avatar
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ESP32: Handling NVS Flash Erase in FreeRTOS ( lock_acquire_generic. )

I am trying to erasing nvs on gpio ISR. I have write the below code. On just giving high signal to the DI interrupt occurs so many times so I have added 3 sec delay in interrupt. static void IRAM_ATTR ...
mauli02k's user avatar
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zero-ing PSRAM apparently consumes all memory

I'm struggling with an ESP32 library. As premise, the ESP32 module I'm using has a 2 MB PSRAM on-board. I wrote a test code to verify it's working: void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!...
Mark's user avatar
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I can't Publish an Image to using Adafruit_MQTT.h

I am using ArduinoIDE on my MacBook Pro running MacOS 15.1 to install a program on an AI-Thinker ESP32 CAM. In the program I can connect to WiFi using WifiManager to input and save the ssid and ...
user4826471's user avatar
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How to Integrate ESP32-CAM with Chirale_TensorFlowLite for Al-Based Human Detection?

I am working on a project using an ESP32-CAM to detect humans and control appliances like a fan and a light based on Al inference. For this, I am using the Chirale_TensorFlowLite library to run a ...
Kamal Medhi's user avatar
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Why does readblocks() return only zeros when reading raw data from an SD card in MicroPython on ESP32-S3

I am working on a project using an ESP32-S3-CAM WROOM FREENOVE board and MicroPython v1.24.1. I need to read and write raw data directly to an SD card without using a filesystem, as the card has a ...
IkonoDim's user avatar
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How to fill custom rotated 2D box?

I have a 2D box. It has a pivot point (its center), position, rotation and 4 rotated points. Each point has position, rotation and pivot. 2D box now has: no fill and cross fill. I want to add full box ...
Stupid Cube's user avatar
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Changing variables in C++ code with HTML buttons

Apologies if I get any terminology wrong, I'm a total beginner. I have an Arduino IDE sketch in C++, written for an ESP32-WROVER-CAM. A secondary C++ file in the same folder sets up an HTTP server and ...
ACF15's user avatar
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How to use USB Bluetooth from Host (windows 10) for WSL2 [closed]

Currently, I'm working with WSL2 on Host windows10. ( for build ESP32 matter) I'm facing with issue related to Bluetooth. My objective is to use USB Bluetooth (already plugin in Host) for WSL2. First ...
mai phuong's user avatar
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ESP32-C3 is not finding I2C

I am pretty sure that code below was working a year ago, but now it does not. I tried it on several different ESP32-C3 with BME280 connected via I2C. My guess is that there was some update in library/...
user28637744's user avatar
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Zephyr Mqtt_publisher: error while trying to connect to a TLS MQTT broker

I have take the mqtt_publisher sample in the zephyr-project repo and I added a wi-fi connection ot it. I'm using a esp32_devkitc_wroom. Here is the main.c: #include <zephyr/logging/log.h> ...
Federico Leone's user avatar
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Problem with navigator.serial of SPP bluetooth using Windows 11

I developed a web app that connects to my ESP32 bluetooth as it was a serial port, this is called SPP (Serial Port Profile). It was working on my PC with Windows 10, but as I was testing it in ...
Álvaro Martínez's user avatar
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Driver for ILI9163C Display in esp-idf

Driver for ILI9163C Display Hello, I am working on a very simple driver for the ILI9163C display, and I am new to this kind of development. I am using the ESP32 for communication with the display over ...
MwahMallah's user avatar
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Setting Up Eclipse Mosquitto on Kubernetes [closed]

I'm currently developing a microservices-based API using Node.js, Docker, and Kubernetes. For inter-service communication, I’ve implemented NATS Streaming Server. Additionally, I use Ingress-Nginx as ...
Rodrigo Cruz's user avatar
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SquareLine Studio design not showing on ESP32-2424S012

I have recently purchased a ESP32-C3 1.28 Inch Round Display. No documentation nor reference were provided with the hardware :( I made a nice UI on SquareLine studio to be run on my ESP32-2424S012. I ...
colletjb's user avatar
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How to resolve CMakeLists.txt error in visual studio (ninja build error)

I am working on a project with an ESP32 WROOM32 and trying to use two UARTS, we can get the first one to work and output data, but the second one not so much. I am currently trying to compile my code ...
vincent's user avatar
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ESP32 WiFi.h is triggering other ISR callback

I have a class function that is setup as an ISR whenever GPIO pin 39 senses a falling signal. This works as expected and counts high to low transitions from an input sensor. However, once I connect ...
Michael Hanagan's user avatar
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assert failed: xQueueGenericSend queue.c:873 on esp32 with pn532 and sd card reader

I try to use pn532 on I2C and sd reader on spi. When I tested pn532 alone, it worked very well. But when I make these devices work together, ESP32 will report an error and force a restart: assert ...
50han Bill's user avatar
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How to copy a project from GitHub into my vscode IDF

I am using vscode and IDF. Up until now I have used the example projects which get installed with IDF as a basis for a new project. But there is an example project on github at examples/usb/host/...
ADL's user avatar
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How Can I connect my computer terminal to ESP32 via Bluetooth?

I am working on a bluetooth project and couldn't find any info about connecting my terminal to esp32 only using bluetooth. I am using PlatformIO extension for VS Code. Either I cannot find the correct ...
S-ata-N's user avatar
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SCL Stuck Low and I2C Timeout Issue with ESP32 and ZTW523A

I’m working on interfacing a ZTW523A touch controller with an ESP32 via I2C, but I’m facing issues with I2C timeouts (Wire.h error 5: timeout) and I am unable to detect the device using an I2C scanner....
ChrisM's user avatar
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How does the ISR (Interupt Service Routine) works in ESP-32, can we suspend or resume tasks inside the isr?

I getting issue in switching the tasks in using ISR (ESP-32). Below is the code for the same. struct Button { const uint8_t pin; volatile uint8_t numberKeyPresses; }; # define buttonpin 15 # ...
curious_boy's user avatar
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Can I go from failing to connect, to scanning for ssids, without turning the wifi off and on again inbetween?

My objective is to turn on my microcontroller (esp32-devkit-v1) and have it reconnect to the last wifi it was connected to prior to being turned off. If that SSID isn't in range, scan for new ones and ...
Eduardo Isla Venegas's user avatar
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esp32 C++ disable and restart hardware timer

For esp32 using Visual Studio Code, my requirement is when conditions are met - turn on the LED for two seconds. Reset then wait for the conditions to be met again (then turn on LED for two seconds). ...
kf9's user avatar
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Pass a reference to a sensor or create the sensor object in the class [closed]

Note to SO. If I ask this question to AI I get a very similar output as the accepted reply. Without out all the questions about how I asked the question. Just sayin. I am using this class for ...
WouldRatherBuildAMotor's user avatar
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Replace constant BLE Scanning with Efficient scanning

So I'm trying to develop an advertisement based connectionless communication system using ESP32 Dev Kit. Basically, I've an app on Android developed using Flutter using flutter_blue_plus and some ...
Yolo-cell-hash's user avatar
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Error importing neopixel library onto QT PY esp32-s2: seesaw neopixel being imported from unexpected location - is seesaw neopixel use intended?

I'm new to programming using circuitpython and can't figure out the cause of this error when attempting to run a simple blinking LED program on my QT PY esp32-s2. Full error is below: Traceback (most ...
AidedArc8030's user avatar
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How to create a custom dialog in Javascript with no JQuery?

On an ESP32, I have developed a wireless web server from scratch using micropython. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think using libraries like Flask and JQuery is not possible. I've had lots of ...
Bill Ewing's user avatar
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Sending HID Command "System Microphone Mute" via ESP32 BLE

I am trying to send the "System Microphone Mute" HID command with a ESP32 to a Windows PC. Unfortunatelly I cannot get it to work. The USB HID protocol I am refering to is:
Patrick's user avatar
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ESP32-CAM: Memory leaks when calling esp_camera_fb_get()

I have an Ai-Thinker ESP32-CAM board with an OV2640 camera. I'm trying to build a project (details are not relevant) in which I need to take pictures (jpeg) at a certain frame rate (30fps+) and ...
Vitaliy Oliynyk's user avatar
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AltBeacon library not updating LiveData with multiple iBeacon devices

Description I am using the AltBeacon library in my project to scan for iBeacon devices, but it only detects one device and does not update the `LiveData` object when there are multiple iBeacon devices ...
Roman.G's user avatar
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Platformio+VsCode OTA Upload defaults to "COMx" instead of IP

I'm trying to make an OTA on my ESP32. The cpp is OK and manually triggering the update works fine but when I click on VS Code on the "Upload" button, it defaults to "COMx" instead ...
Ñhosko's user avatar
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ML model from Edge Impulse runs 5 times slower after porting it from Arduino IDE to ESP-IDF on ESP32

I've been struggling with this one for a while so here we go : I've been trying to match the speed of inference for an ML model I generated with Edge Impulse originnaly to Arduino, then to ESP-IDF for ...
A.KYROU's user avatar
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Sending data from local XAMPP php server to ESP32-S3-VROOM, returning => unable to connect [10061]

Apologies for the length of this thread. Essentially, I've managed to set up an active connection between my ESP32 and a local XAMPP server. This server stores a captured image from the ESP32, which ...
Kingwebbie001's user avatar
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Embedded Rust on ESP32 using STD- std threading model vs async tasks with tokio

I want to know what approach is best for handling concurrency when considering development on embedded systems - which method has the most overhead, which will utilise more memory, and which method ...
Harry P's user avatar
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Failed to use ILI9486 display with esp32-s3 (targetting to use rust)

My gloal is to connect slint with the waveshare screen on the esp32 ansusing rust. i have spend literaly days searching to display something on the screen
moolight-seashell's user avatar

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