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After Start Compute VM Instance in GCP my VM external IP and SSH doesn't accessible

In Google Cloud Platform ( gcp ) I have some Compute VM where host my website. I need to stop some VM temporary. After passed some hour, I need to start VM again. My Compute VM has been started but My ...
Monzur Alam's user avatar
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2 answers

Reference ephemeral external IP address in startup script for compute engine

Is there a special variable that references the assigned ephemeral external IP address so I can define it in the startup script?
zimmerdimmer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does Google Cloud Compute Engine IP differ from the static one I have reserved?

I have set a static IP address for my Google Cloud Compute Engine. When I go to the network details of the engine, it tells it is 34.88.xx.xx However - when I now run a test python script in the cloud ...
MattiH's user avatar
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How to add a Google static IP address to Linux and make it work with docker

I've purchased a static IP address from Google Cloud. The problem is, I don't know how to properly add it to netplan. I've tried multiple different things, but none seem to work. Well, I am able to ...
OpenSource's user avatar
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how to attach a static IP address programmatically (Python) in Google Cloud Platform

I am trying to programatically(Python) create a virtual machine with a static IP address that I have. My code is based on
pizza's user avatar
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Europe-West2 VPS have US IP

I am using Google Compute Engine and setup instance in the Europe-West2 region but I just noticed that the IP my machine gets is of US and it has lead to some issues. I really need to have a static ...
Coding Noob's user avatar
3 votes
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How to setup a STATIC IP ADDRESS while using Google App Engine

I have an application running on Google Cloud's App Engine(flexible environment). An external API that deals with finances requires us to have a static external IP address so that we may interact. I ...
Arjun Logeswaran's user avatar
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GCE managed group (autoscaling) - Proxy/Load Balancer for both HTTP(S) and TCP requests

I have an autoscaling istance group, i need to setup a Proxy/Load balancer that take request and send it to the istance group. I thinked to use a Load balancer, but I need to grab both HTTP(S) and ...
tidpe's user avatar
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Django can't assign to ip address on google compute engine

I might be asking a dumb question but I have been stuck on this for a quite some time now. I am running a Linux VM instance on google compute engine and installed Django in it. I have reserved a ...
sshussain270's user avatar
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google compute engine with static ip address

I've just changed my compute engine instance to have a static ip. before changing it I could perform the following command and in cases of erros see the problem: http://<static_ip_address>:<...
Kukula Mula's user avatar
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