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How to Properly Inject Service Account Credentials in Google Cloud Build for Cloud Run Deployment?

I’m deploying a Laravel application to Google Cloud Run using Google Cloud Build. During the Docker build process, I need to access Google Secret Manager to inject secrets into the application code ...
ristol's user avatar
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How do I resolve the File "/layers/google.python.pip/pip/bin/functions-framework", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(_cli()) error a cloud function build?

I am trying to launch a basic function on google cloud build that will count the number of users every time a new user is added to a firestore database. Here is a basic layout of my code import time ...
Mo Oyewole's user avatar
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Upgrade to Angular v19 with hybrid rendering rollout to Firebase App Hosting fails in google cloud build

Environment Angular-ssr v18 deployed on Firebase App Hosting. When a new version of the app is uploaded to Github the rollout to App Hosting is triggered automatically, which includes the build ...
ChrisWF's user avatar
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Copy function fails in GCP Cloud Build?

I'm having a strange problem where a Dockerfile builds completely fine locally but fails in GCP cloud build due to being unable to find the source files during a copy statement. I am building a spring ...
Sael Torres-Diaz's user avatar
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Google cloud build failing while running apply deploy steps

I am using Google cloud build for the first time to deploy to GKE. The first time i ran the triggers, It ran well, when i tried running it again, Its failing on the apply steps. Below is the error ...
Abby's user avatar
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I trigger a Cloud Build run using Terraform?

I’m using Terraform to deploy a Cloud Run service, but I’ve run into a dependency issue. The Cloud Run service depends on a container image that needs to be pre-built using Cloud Build. When Terraform ...
bbnn's user avatar
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Cannot find cloud build service account for GCP

I am setting up IaC with cloud build by following this guide: I've run the following in the cloud ...
grostaco's user avatar
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Run cloud-build triggers with Node.js library

I have a manual regional cloudbuild trigger, that uses Cloudbuild repositories (2nd gen) to make connections with github. I also need to pass substitution variables to the trigger. Following this ...
Piyush Agarwal's user avatar
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How to clone a (second gen) 2nd Gen Google Cloud Repository from Cloud Build?

I need to write a bash script to run inside my Google Cloud Build's build process. This bash script needs to clone a 2nd Gen Repository (since now former Source Repositories is deprecated), but I can'...
Mauricio's user avatar
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Problems deploying Firebase Functions from Google Cloud Build

The instructions to deploy 'hosting' seemed to be super simple, just: args: ['deploy', '--project=project-id', '--only=hosting'] Now, I wanted to deploy hosting and functions, so I stripped the '--...
runixo's user avatar
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Creating gcp Cloud Build trigger using terraform produces "repository mapping doesn't exist" error

I am trying to create a Cloud Build trigger on GCP using Terraform. I have managed to add a connection and a repository resource using Terraform, and indeed, I see the repository in the manage ...
mandragore's user avatar
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My secrets are blank in my cloudbuild.yaml file

I'm currently learning how to do CI/CD in GCP. In a personal project I try to make a CI/CD between my GitHub repository and my artifact registry depo and my cloud run service. Also, I set up all my ...
frenchie5980000's user avatar
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I can not access the environmental variable from Secret Manager that I passed in the secretEnv in Google Cloud Build

steps: - name: entrypoint: bash args: - '-c' - | docker pull $_AR_HOSTNAME/$PROJECT_ID/cloud-run-source-deploy/$REPO_NAME/$_SERVICE_NAME:...
nope_that_does_not_work's user avatar
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Cloud Build private DNS GCP

I'm trying to use cloud build with private pools to run builds on gitlab self hosted Instance. All are in same VPC, but I'm cloud build when triggered is not able to resolve the host of gitlab ...
Noobmaster's user avatar
-2 votes
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Terraform cloudbuild trigger: Error 400: Repository mapping does not exist

I am trying to provision a cloudbuild v1 trigger within my GCP project, however I run into the following issue: Error: Error creating Trigger: googleapi: Error 400: Repository mapping does not exist. ...
Ramon Vermeulen's user avatar
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Resolving secret during Cloud Build not working?

My Dockerfile requires the GITHUB_TOKEN to be set in order to be able to download and install an npm package. Hence, my Dockerfile an argument GITHUB_TOKEN. This is working fine locally. The problem ...
Stefan Falk's user avatar
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Update Specific field Cloud Build Trigger

I have hundreds of Cloud Build triggers using Gen1 source and the global location across multiple GCP projects, and I want to migrate them to Gen2 of the source. I tried using a Python script, similar ...
itx's user avatar
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KeyError: 'Name' in pipenv/vendor/importlib_metadata/ using pipenv

I got this weird error in my CI/CD pipeline running in GCP Cloud build. Package installation failed... KeyError: 'Name' site-packages/pipenv/vendor/importlib_metadata/ everything is ...
allexiusw's user avatar
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curl failing in Google Cloud Build when using a secret

As part of my CD deploy pipe in Google Cloud Build I would like to notify a Slack channel, but I am struggling to use the Secret Manager to supply the secret notification endpoint. This build config ...
Jannie Theunissen's user avatar
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How to deploy Google Cloud Functions (v1) without Cloud Source Repositories?

I'm running into an issue with my new client where I used to rely on Cloud Source Repositories connected to a private GitHub repository for my previous clients. After selecting the repo and ...
Tomy137's user avatar
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Angular 18 deployment to GCP App Engine using Cloud Build Trigger from Github

I've added a trigger to my Cloud Build that is failing when deploying my Angular 18 application to an App Service on the App Engine. I can manually release my application by copying it up to a cloud ...
Blair Holmes's user avatar
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Access AWS database during Cloudbuild builds

How can I access an AWS MySQL database as part of a unit test that gets executed during a cloudbuild build on GCP? I can access this database when I'm firing a cloud function with the cloud scheduler ...
renaudb3's user avatar
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gcloud app deploy and mvn package appengine:deploy generate app.yaml with generic skip_files JAVA 8

I am working on a Java 8 Google Appengine project with a src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml configuration file. I am trying to setup a .gcloudignore file for deployment, however, both ...
Juan Sebastian Rivera Giraldo's user avatar
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Purge Google Cloud Build History

Is it possible to purge old builds from the build history. We have no need to keep history older than a month, I thought storing the logs in a user created bucket would help, but this only affect the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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SSH error when using a private GitHub repository as a dependency in a Cloud Build project deployed to Cloud Run

I have a project on GitHub that has a private GitHub repository as one of its dependencies. I'm trying to deploy this project to Google Cloud Run using Cloud Build. I’ve added the private repository ...
Luca Biasotto's user avatar
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Use Azure repository in Google Cloud build as source repository

My code is in an Azure repository. I am using Google Cloud build as CICD. I added clouldbuild.yaml already. But when I try to setup the build trigger, there are only few options available: github, ...
deepak kumar's user avatar
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terraform GCP cloud functions cloud build docker_repository configuration throws error about format but format is right

When I deploy a cloud function v2 using terraform trying to specify a docker_repository, I get this error Error: Error creating function: googleapi: Error 400: Repository name projects/org-service-...
Chris Lyons's user avatar
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How to use dynamically versioning in cloudbuild.yaml file?

This is my cloudbuild.yaml file. In this file i manually write the version of the new application, but i want to take this automatically by any approach, Is this possible anyhow? steps: Step 1: Build ...
Rishav Kumar's user avatar
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Pass Gitlab CI_JOB_TOKEN from Cloud Build to Dockerfile

I am in dire need of help on this. I feel like I've tried every piece of advice online to no avail. I must be missing something!! Background I want to use Gitlab CICD and GCP Cloud Build to build a ...
atomheartbrother's user avatar
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Speed up build time of application in Cloud Build

I run simple Angular application in Google Cloud Platform. Everything works fine but I realized that build time takes really long. I tried to introduce caching of node_modules to make installing deps ...
Paweł Ostromecki's user avatar
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How would you execute a python script located in a GCP bucket, on a schedule?

Quick summary: Currently each month when Google releases its latest native images (Windows 2016, 2019, 2022), we manually run packer against those images, and create our own customized images that get ...
Matt's user avatar
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Is it possible to identify who triggered a GCB build?

Let's say I have a Cloud Build workflow, and I trigger it by running gcloud builds triggers run my-workflow. Is it possible for the Cloud Build workflow to identify "who" triggered it? That ...
Wasabi's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build Errors Finding Dockerfile

I'm a Docker/Cloud Build noob. The build section (Step 2) of my cloudbuild.yml file is pretty much straight out of the examples: # Docker Build - name: "" ...
Doug Shawhan's user avatar
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How do I get the version from package.json and use it in my Cloud Build step to tag a Docker image?

I would like to build and tag a Docker image with the version value from my Node.js app's package.json I currently tag the image with the commit details and would like to add an additional version tag ...
sonooby's user avatar
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How does Terraform resolve docker image tags when updating Cloud Run service?

When running terraform apply I was expecting the google_cloud_run_service.example_service.containers.image to be updated in place, as the image value is set to "${local.image}:latest" and a ...
Vyacheslav Gorbov's user avatar
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Referencing secret_env values in docker run args in Cloudbuild template in Terraform

I need to reference a secretEnv value from secrets manager in my docker run arg in a CloudBuild step, but I've tried many variation of $DATABASE_CREDENTIALS and I haven't had any success. The secret ...
XaxD's user avatar
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App Engine says "Your runtime version for ruby33 is past End of Support", but it isn't

As written in google documentation here and here I use the latest runtime of Ruby available in app engine. Runtime Environment Runtime ID End of support Deprecated Decommission Ruby 3.3 Ubuntu 22.04 ...
Micka's user avatar
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Dynamic step blocks in Terraform google_cloudbuild_trigger resulting in argument Unsupported errors

I am attempting to dynamically generate blocks within a google_cloudbuild_trigger resource "google_cloudbuild_trigger" "push_to_production" { name = "cloudbuild-workers"...
XaxD's user avatar
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GCP Cloud Functions Deployment Failing with ArtifactRegistry Error

Getting a really strange error when I try to deploy my cloud function in a particular project. I run gcloud config set project <project> gcloud functions deploy my_cf --entry-point ...
swygerts's user avatar
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How To Set A GCloud Flag During Cloud Build Runtime?

I need to set a Gcloud deployment flag with an environment variable that I set during runtime. The reason for this is that I am trying to version my cloud run services and if the parameter TAG_NAME ...
Joe Alvini's user avatar
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How to fix gcloud builds submit ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1

I'm trying to submit a new container to gcloud, but when I run: !gcloud builds submit --tag[company]-website/[company]-containers/[company]-room (where you read [company] ...
duarte harris's user avatar
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Cloud Build Variables are not getting imported into my React Application

Bare with me as I'm new to a lot of these concepts and my terminology may not be correct. I have a React application that I have running in a Google App Engine. I've set up a Cloud Build to ...
C Knight's user avatar
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I'm having a hard time setting up Substitution Variables for Google Cloud Build. I keep getting an invalid value for 'build.substitutions' error

I'm relatively new to Google Cloud from a developer standpoint. I have setup a basic website and configured Google Cloud Build to run any time I push a change to GitHub. This was working well until I ...
C Knight's user avatar
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Cloud Build can't find config file in public GitHub repo

I am trying to build the Terraform cloud builder. Following the example in the gcloud builds submit doc, I run: gcloud builds submit \ ...
John Velonis's user avatar
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Firebase App Hosting not downloading Git submodules

We have an Angular 18 app that uses Git submodules: .gitmodules file: [submodule "projects/shared-lib/src/whatever-lib"] path = projects/shared-lib/src/whatever-lib url = https://...
maganap's user avatar
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Install Artifact Registry Python package from Dockerfile with Cloud Build

I have a python package located in my Artifact Registry repository. My Dataflow Flex Template is packaged within a Docker image with the following command: gcloud builds submit --tag $CONTAINER_IMAGE ....
Grégoire Borel's user avatar
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Cleaning up staging buckets for a GCP dataflow run via flex template

I am creating GCP dataflow jobs via flex template, using Cloud Build to generate templates etc. This results in brand new buckets being created every single time. eg i have a dataflow-staging-us-...
user1068378's user avatar
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Cannot transfer files from Cloud Build to Compute Engine with SCP via internal IP

I'm currently using Cloud Build to build HTML and JavaScript codes when they're pushed to a specific repository on GitHub. After build process is completed, files and folders are transferred to a ...
tipotto's user avatar
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GCP Cloud Build failed 401 Unauthorized even when Artifact Registry Administrator is granted

I'm trying to use GCP Cloud Build to automate my deployment, but I'm getting 401 error when it tries to pull dependency from Artifact Registry: Could not GET '
Son Nguyen's user avatar
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Google cloud build trigger with terraform gives Error creating Trigger: googleapi: Error 400: Request contains an invalid argument

I have a gen2 connection setup successfully, the only resource that I am unable to create is the trigger and I have searched all logs for. more informative description than this "error: Error ...
Ayo Alabi's user avatar

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