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Multipart Request - FilePart Missing (Based on Network & Time taken)

I am submitting a multi part REST API request to a Tomcat server running on a container in AWS. The request has only one part in it, which is an unencrypted excel file. I am having a servlet Filter ...
Erdnase's user avatar
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Win32Exception: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. and SqlException: Login failed for user 'SA' [duplicate]

I’m trying to run an ASP.NET project on Microsoft Visual Studio, but I get this error every time I run the project and try to sign up on the web. Before this, I used Docker and Azure Studio for the ...
amr khaled's user avatar
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NFTables set with log prefix field

I am doing some research with nftables. I am trying to create a set of IPs that will be either dropped/logged or dropped/accepted. Why use a set? Because I want to easily add another element, such as {...
Iluvatar's user avatar
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How to block domain using windows firewall [closed]

I tried resolving the domain to its corresponding IPS using multiple DNS servers and added all those in the firewall IP table. This approach is working for domains like or , but for ...
0 votes
1 answer

ZeroTier Flow Rules: How can I block all connections initiated by members without a specific tag? [closed]

I'm trying to set up flow rules on a ZeroTier network, where only certain ports are allowed and members that aren't tagged as an "operator" are not allowed to initiate connections between ...
Robert Berge's user avatar
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git with firewall and captive portal

Our firewall requires a seperate login with 2fa before we can access the git repository. Is there a way to open the login Site automatically in an browser when git is not able to find the repo? (...
H_G's user avatar
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How to block HTTP requests in a Jest test (except through a proxy)?

I am developing a Node.js application that makes HTTP(S) requests through a proxy, if configured to do so. So I'm writing Jest tests for this scenario, which is simple enough, using mockttp. With this ...
Otavio Macedo's user avatar
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How to get a list of recent firewall changes and the details using powershell?

I would like to have a list of recent firewall changes (as is often made by installing software), and see the details of the firewall change that was made. I managed to get a list within a certain ...
not2qubit's user avatar
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Let's encrypt throwing Error 'Cached order has status invalid' for IIS Server

I am error while creating Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for my domain using win-acme (wacs). I am using IIS server for deployments and bindings. The Domain is already pointed to my ...
Zoraiz's user avatar
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Azure Function not triggered by Service Bus Topic with Firewall rules despite whitelisting app

Edit: The solution, which is actually in the doc of service bus network page, is to have a virtual network with a subnet delegation to Microsoft.web/ServerFarm, and to connect both the service bus and ...
Mawu Ena's user avatar
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I can't connect to my Lightsail instance via SSH - port 22 closed and no access to web console

I have an instance on AWS Lightsail, and I am unable to connect via SSH. I have checked the firewall rules in the Networking tab and port 22 is open, but when I try to connect, I get an error that the ...
Luis Miguel Molina Betancourt's user avatar
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Can't Access GCP Docker container

services: demoapi: container_name: demoapi image: demoapi:latest volumes: - ./demoapi:/app/demoapi environment: - TZ=Asia/Taipei ports: - "8090:8090" ...
WilliamChen's user avatar
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Why requests to the forwarded docker port are not blocked despite firewall blocking the port?

I'm trying to set up a simple web application in a docker container with a nginx reverse proxy (not in a container, on the host). Here is how I run the container: docker run -d --name mywebapp -v /...
g00dds's user avatar
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i am encountering err_connection_closed while fetching https in mikrotik router

encoutering an error "ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED" in my browser console. So basically am trying to start a wifi hotspot venture and am using mikrotik 951ui 2hnd v.6.49.1 with custom captive ...
Steve Hinga's user avatar
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Calls to suddenly getting "Connection reset by peer" (but not in Browser)

Some change has happened recently with some of google's APIs. Suddenly, requests made while on my work network all fail during the TLS handshake with a "Connection reset by peer". The odd ...
A Gold Man's user avatar
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Connection timeout while connecting to smtp with spring boot starter email in docker

I am using spring-boot-starter-mail to send emails and also I am deploying my spring boot application with docker I am unable to connect smtp server on any port with docker, while with host I am able ...
Vinay Khatri's user avatar
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Delay to get connection pool

I have a Java Spring Boot application running on AWS EKS (Dockerized OS: ALPINE 3.14). I have hybrid cloud architecture where my DB is on-premises. Whenever I do an API call initially I face delay of ...
Mokshad Bhoir's user avatar
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unable to connect to

Im trying to install anaconda on a company laptop, Ive installed it on other computers without problems... I navigate to, give my email address and click the submit ...
Damn's user avatar
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rsyslog mutiple logfiles in %msg%

I have set up a rsyslog-server to receive firewall logs from a Sophos XGS4300 over TLS. The connection is working fine and I am receiving logfiles from the firewall. BUT in a single (syslog) message (%...
Matthias Bitsch's user avatar
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EdgeDB stopped working after installing Docker Desktop - Windows 11

I installed WSL on Windows 11. I got it working by following the advice here: Firewall blocking WSL 2 In particular, this resolved the issue I was able to fully resolve this issue of Norton 360 ...
rao_saheb's user avatar
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Accessing an SQL database hosted in Azure from a Windows app

I've created a Windows-based application (C#, .NET, Windows Forms) which communicates with an SQL database hosted on Azure. This is all working fine, but the problem is that every time a new ...
Peter's user avatar
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Splitting requests with subdomains up to two servers (tomcat)

I've got the following network structure: An external request with subdomains should be routed to two different TomCat servers (depending on the subdomain). I currently have found a working solution ...
RoR's user avatar
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Trying to whitelist `DOCKER-USER` ports but it blocks containers from resolving DNS

I have some containers that are bound to the host but I don't want them to be exposed to internet except HTTP ones. So I do: sudo iptables -F DOCKER-USER sudo iptables -I DOCKER-USER -i ens3 -p tcp -m ...
Thomas Ramé's user avatar
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Rejected ports within `DOCKER-USER` are still visible from nmap as "filtered"

by default Docker will adjust iptables according to containers bound to the host... but in my case I don't want to have all exposed to internet. What I'm doing is modifying the chain DOCKER-USER so it ...
Thomas Ramé's user avatar
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dataproc cluster launching failing

I cannot create a dataproc cluster on compute engine in a given vpc/subnet. even though the firewall rule exists in said vpc. Firewall rule Initialisation failed. Enabling Diagnostic mode
L. Arriola's user avatar
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ERROR: (gcloud.access-context-manager.perimeters.update) Error parsing [perimeter]. The [perimeter] resource is not properly specified

I am trying to set up Products for an Apigee on Google Cloud and get the error Products were not loaded successfully. Error: no connections available from the Apigee connect agent(s): refer ...
Dave Russell's user avatar
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Does Azure firewall drop packets with SYN+ECE_CWR flags set

There are tcp retransmissions after SYN+ECE+CWR transmission. I want to know whether you have experienced a behavior where azure firewall silently dropping packets like this intermittently. Unable to ...
TeeeeJ's user avatar
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Fetch cloudflare worker in the same zone unsupported

I'm using javascript cloudflare worker and I'm making a fetch request to another server, same cloudflare account, written on golang. Server responds with 404 Not Found, error code: 1042, which means ...
Dmitry Kaigorodov's user avatar
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NPM dependency over git+ssh behind proxy

In one of our Node.js projects, there is the following dependency in the package.json file: "cordova-plugin-mobile-ocr": "git+
ronin667's user avatar
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External Access Issues with Nginx on Port 443: curl Works Internally but Not Externally

I’m encountering an issue with my Nginx server related to external access on port 443. While everything seems to work fine when tested internally, I’m unable to access the server from external ...
Brik000's user avatar
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Create rule with New-NetFirewallRule and get LocalPort value of the rule created

When creating Windows Firewall rule with New-NetFirewallRule, it returns some data about rule created: PS C:\> New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow debug rule" -Direction inbound -...
AntonioK's user avatar
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How can I identify all network traffic that matches a push or commit to

Say I have thousands of users on the same corporate network making millions of network requests/transactions. Say some of them are committing or pushing code to some repo, public or private, on github....
IMTheNachoMan's user avatar
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Enable public internet traffic to Flask app running in WSL

I have a flask app running in my local laptop with host as When I run this flask app on my windows, I am able to access the endpoints from other laptops/internet. But when I deploy the same ...
Ankit Sahay's user avatar
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We are having an issue with our internet connection and I cannot seem to identify what specifically is causing the issue. Throughout the day, certain sites suddenly drop all for about 2 minutes ...
Demonwolf's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Function Address Space for Firewall VM setup

I have a VM running at GCP and want to access this VM with my firebase function via express. Now the VM has a public IP, I would like to set the firewall of the VM so that only traffic from the ...
backwashphili's user avatar
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No logs for the default-allow-icmp FW rule

I'm trying to catch and log the ICMP packets between 2 GCE instances. To do this I enabled logging for the default-allow-icmp rule: Priority: 65534 Direction: Ingress Action on match: Allow Source ...
Alex Pykavy's user avatar
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Determine if a firewall rule with a certain name exists

Simple question, how to compose an if else expression if a firewall rule named "rule X" exists? I found a dozen different examples, but they were either not working or too abstruse. $r = Get-...
K14M's user avatar
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linux libnftables export rules

how to use : # man 3 libnftables const char *nft_ctx_get_output_buffer(struct nft_ctx *ctx); I want save nftables rules (without print on console). but nft_run_cmd_from_buffer immediately print rules ...
mah454's user avatar
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Content Security Policy directive violation in ASP.NET application

I have an ASP.NET application that goes through Cloudfare for web security and then reaches the application. When I load the application for the first time i.e., Home page, the javascript and css ...
VA1267's user avatar
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timeout with netcat connection and established connection with netstat

I would like to check if there is a open port in remote machine, so I always use: nc -zv 2760 Ncat: Version 7.92 ( ) Ncat: TIMEOUT. Like you see it gives me timeout. ...
absolute333's user avatar
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Can't open the given URL to access the Jupiter notebook running in GCP VM

I was running a ML model in a python GCP VM, and results(visualizations) are stored in a jupyter notebook. So I installed jupyter notebook to the ubuntu vm and ran jupyter from the relevant location ...
Damika's user avatar
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Status Code 0 in Application Gateway from some networks

Today at 12:00 I changed the DNS Entry to point to an Application Gateway instead of Azure Frontdoor. After doing that there were some failures with status code 0. The funny thing is that only POST ...
Farizio's user avatar
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Microsoft Clarity recording/heatmap issue - Broken CSS and Images

First of all, I would like to warn you that I have already read the Microsoft Clarity documentation, but there is not much guidance on the subject (
Chico Fonseca's user avatar
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I Can't Connect To Digital Ocean Managed (Postgres) Database

I was working at a WeWork location and have been connected to my DO database the entire week without any issues. Today I left the office for a few hours, came back and found that I was no longer able ...
Carlo Nyte's user avatar
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Palo Alto VM on AWS: NAT Rule for Port Forwarding Not Working

I have deployed a Palo Alto VM firewall on AWS for testing purposes with the following interface setup: WAN: ethernet1/1 (with an Elastic IP assigned) LAN: ethernet1/2 I want to create a NAT rule ...
Nico's user avatar
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How to set SSL CA for Docker Desktop in Windows

I am trying to set up Docker Desktop in my Windows PC. The company firewall is intervening the network connections, thus docker server is rejecting my connection. PS C:\Users\maldemir001> docker ...
MstfLux's user avatar
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How to skip vars_prompt if variables exist within import_playbook?

I have this playbook script to execute some basic task on the switch and firewall. Requirement : Case 1. User need to execute the parent script to perform all basic task on child 1 and child 2. Case ...
Febry Citra Prawira Negara's user avatar
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Using ipfw and pf together

I would like to use pf and ipfw at the same time for different tasks, but I can not understand who is activated first (if there is an order) when a rule is received. Also trying to verify this, I can’...
usernew's user avatar
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How to add http://localhost:3000 to Windows through Firewall?

I am following along to a course on Test Automation Academy, on Introduction to Cypress and the course uses: http://localhost:3000. Currently I cannot run any the code on my machine I have cloned from ...
Kirsty Meredith's user avatar
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How to correctly format a powershell script in c#?

So writing a C# program which will require network access, thus needing to add a rule to Windows Firewall. Here is the code: Console.WriteLine("Firewall not yet configured, doing now."); ...
Keifer Bly's user avatar

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