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anaconda installation, not getting the question 'do you accept the terms?'

while installing anaconda in ubuntu 22.10, i followed this steps below: sudo apt update sudo apt install curl -y cd /tmp curl --output
Ely Wacime's user avatar
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Dockerfile is not working correctly in ARM Ubuntu 20

I am trying to build an image that works fine on mac on a ubuntu 20 virtual machine. on my host computer I run docker-compose --debug -f local.yml build and it works fine. docker-compose --debug -f ...
Kelechi Meister's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Docker image ubuntu:21.10 produces The repository ' impish-security Release' does not have a Release file

I am creating a docker image FROM ubuntu:21.10 All worked fine a couple of weeks ago but today I get: Step 3/76 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade ---> Running in 7f2afb2074e8 Ign:...
QLands's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How do I stop DHCP to request address for a static interface?

I have a Raspberry PI 4 running Ubuntu 21.10 with a static ip-address on eth0. Despite that, I keep getting a secondary 'dynamic' DHCP address on on it. netplan network: version: 2 renderer: ...
Kingfranz's user avatar
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1 answer

Error in changing the log directory for Elasticsearch

I am changing the path of - /var/log/elasticsearch to /data/elasticsearchdata/log/elasticsearch/ in elasticsearch.yml file after creating the folder and moving the files/folders ...
SANDIP SINHA's user avatar
-2 votes
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failed to reboot Ubuntu after my computer is turned on [closed]

I installed Ubuntu-20.10 on my computer. So now there are two operating systems on my computer, Ubuntu and Windows 10. But I turned on the computer and found that the computer automatically entered ...
echo's user avatar
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Unable to install php7.2 or 7.3 on ubuntu 20.10

I want to install php7.2 or php7.3 on ubuntu 20.10 but i get this error : Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package php7.3 E: Couldn't find ...
lucke's user avatar
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mongoDB compass doesn't work! how to make it work .error mongodb-compass

mongoDB compass doesn't work! installed on this site before that there was also a problem, I had to reinstall ubuntu in Russian [23114:0923/] ...
den good's user avatar
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Issues connecting to Microsoft SQL Server Express using pyodbc on a Ubuntu 20.10 machine [duplicate]

On my computer I have two virtual machines running using VMWARE Workstation. One Ubuntu 2.10 machine where my python (v. 3.8.10) code is running, and one Windows 10 machine where my Microsoft SQL ...
JabbaThePadd's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

"The following packages have unmet dependencies" when installing php8.0

I am trying to install php8.0 on my ubuntu VM, but I'm failing horribly. I have been following countless tutorials, such as this one, but I get stopped here when trying to run the sudo apt install ...
Delia Csiki's user avatar
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2 answers

Ruby 3.0 install on Ubuntu 20.10 is dead in the water

I deleted all older Ruby libs and compiled v3.0 from the command line (no pkg managers were used.) The binary's CLI can handle arguments: $ruby -v --> ruby 3.0.1p64 (2021-04-05 revision 0fb782ee38) ...
Brian Piercy's user avatar
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MicroK8s containers unable to start. All pods stuck on "ContainerCreating" state. Ubuntu 20.10 RP4

I've been Googling and going through logs to try and solve this, but I can't seem to get microk8s to work on my Raspberry Pi, running Ubuntu 20.10 I snap install v1.15 sudo snap install microk8s --...
MagicPossum's user avatar
1 vote
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GPG gives invalid packet (ctb=0a) error when trying to import public keys

Trying to update gives me an error saying public keys are not available: So I tried to import the keys using apt-key, which raises this invalid packet error:
Prajyot Chemburkar's user avatar
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ln: failed to create symbolic link '': Operation not permitted

While installing the zlib library from source code, running make provides the following error. ln: failed to create symbolic link '': Operation not permitted It seems like a permission error ...
Piyushkumar Patel's user avatar
1 vote
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docker [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:; Unknown error" (docker can't access internet from vpn(anyconnect))

I am running docker in ubuntu 20.10 from inside vpn for a running a java project (building with maven), but after some time I get this error, is it related to vpn or anything else?, I have checked ...
chunky's user avatar
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5 votes
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ImportError: cannot import name '_ColumnEntity' Ubuntu20.10 [duplicate]

pip install apache-superset then I have written superset db upgrade I am getting the following error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/cod7/superset-env/bin/superset", line ...
YUVRAJ SINGH's user avatar
1 vote
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NRF BLE chip, with bonding - bt-agent in NoInputNoOutput mode can't "forget" device

First little project at a new place and I'm having some trouble - hoping I can get some ideas. We have a BLE device using an NRF chip one which we've just enabled security and bonding. We're hoping ...
user1904351's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I make PowerShell get environmental variables on Ubuntu 20.10?

I have installed PowerShell on Ubuntu 20.10 and I'm trying to use it on terminal but it does not seem to know the environmental variables. How can I make PowerShell know the environmental variables on ...
Amani's user avatar
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Xampp does not render php and html

I've been using WAMP for some time now, creating several projects as well. Everything worked fine. I've been using a different computer lately that runs on Ububtu 20.10 which has XAMPP instead of WAMP....
Mogale Molapo's user avatar
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ImportError: No module named os | trying to run .exe programm

I'm using Ubuntu 20.10 and I am relatively new to Linux so I would like to kindly ask you to tell me if there is any info needed. I am trying to install Ableton Live 10 in Ubuntu but I get this when I ...
The1Jaf's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.10 (Pop OS) with Apache and multiple versions of PHP-FPM FilesMatch directive not working

I have a fresh Pop!OS 20.10 (Basically Ubuntu for those not familiar with Pop!OS). I've installed Apache, php 7.2, 7.4 & 8.0. Each version is running as FPM and each service is up and running. ...
joekrukosky's user avatar
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issue MongoDB showing results

I just installed MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.10 following the doc. I created a database, let's call it DB. I created a collection, let's call it COLLECTION. I imported some data to COLLECTION of DB with ...
Sevla's user avatar
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ACPI BIOS Error (bug) error logs in kernal.log ubuntu-20.10

I am using ubuntu 20.10 My device memory got full in just 10 days from 250 gb to 100 gb when i looked into logs i found kern.log file which has a storage of about 50 gb I looked into many solutions ...
vikram Singh's user avatar
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VS Code: QT Could not conncet to display

Language : python==3.8.5 Platform : Anaconda==4.9.2 Operating System : Ubuntu 20.10 Package : opencv-contrib-python== IDE : VS Code 2020 Got this error while executing cv2.imshow('Final', ...
Baskaran Panneerselvam's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

Why virtualbox fails to install on Ubuntu20.04 [closed]

I am trying to install virtualbox. I had it installed previously and it worked. Today I tried to add another virtual machine and it started complaining about problems with dkms so I tried to purge and ...
ruby_object's user avatar
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amdgpu-pro installation failed and now dependencies problem

first of all please bear with me as my English is still improving. So, yesterday i was trying to install DaVinci Resolve 16 on my newly installed Pop Os using an AMD RX 570 but i came across a problem ...
Classical Fandom's user avatar
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Groovie Gorilla and GPIO

I want to use RaspberryIO library with dotnet core version 3.1 on Ubuntu 20.10. When it comes to use Pi.Init<BootstrapWiringPi>(); I got error: Unhandled exception. System.DllNotFoundException: ...
Maciek's user avatar
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Where is IPython.frontend.terminal.embed package for Anaconda3?

I have pulled the source code for SfePy from GitHub with the objective of building and running it locally. I'm running on Ubuntu 20.10 using Anaconda3. I have PyCharm 2020.2 from Jetbrains as my IDE. ...
duffymo's user avatar
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How can I use a list of packages to determine whether or not I need to do apt-get update on Ubuntu 20.10? [closed]

I am writing a numerous shell scripts, which depends on specific packages. For example one of my scripts depends on ca-certificates and wget. If I have not yet run apt-get -y update, then I get the ...
myermian's user avatar
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