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Page requires definePageMeta, otherwise remote error 500 occurs

When deploying my Nuxt app on Heroku, I encountered a strange 500 error which I was unable to reproduce locally or see any relevant warning about. I want to squash this and not have it bite me again ...
Kalnode's user avatar
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Dokku nextjs suddenly failing due to ReferenceError: window is not defined

I've been successfully deploying a nextjs application via Dokku for past 6 months. Suddenly I'm not able to deploy anymore due to a ReferenceError: window is not defined, with minimal changes. I've ...
SegFaultDev's user avatar
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login/authenticator Catch-22 with Heroku

I am a somewhat technical non-developer doing the admin work to keep a deployed Chrome extension working OK for its users until I find another developer to do more work on the product. The deployment ...
user1832926's user avatar
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How to convert "Basic" dyno to "Eco" dyno in Heroku? (I'm subscribed to Eco)

I have two Heroku apps on Basic dynos, one with Postgres addon. I'd like to swap the two running Basic dynos over to the Eco subscription. These are hobby projects and can happily sleep when not ...
dtbaker's user avatar
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Files get served when django website is ran locally, but not when run on heroku [duplicate]

When I run my django website locally all my MEDIA files get served via AWS, but I now uploaded my website to heroku, and it keeps trying to load the files locally instead of AWS, how to fix this? ...
NART's user avatar
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Error when using create function of Pytchat library for specific video IDs in a Heroku server

My web app uses Pytchat module once a day to retrieve YouTube live stream information, but about 1 out of every 60 video IDs fail to retrieve, and this issue only occurs on Heroku. I've searched ...
BEN BEN's user avatar
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Permission problem with heroku stack build locally with docker compose on ubuntu 24.04

I've been struggling for two days now and can't find a solution. I've read Heroku support article Local Development with Docker Compose, but it didn't help. I've upgraded my computer from Ubuntu 23.10 ...
Julien Lemaître's user avatar
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No module named 'psycop'. Cannot make migrations

I'm trying to get a login page not to return a 500 error, and have been trying to migrate my database. I have installed psycopg2 correctly (I believe), but I think I have not got the correct NAME in ...
DanielFBest's user avatar
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64 views cannot find psycopg2... squlite3 and postgresql problem... no such table: auth_user

I'm trying to deploy a simple app (learning log from Python Crash Course) to heroku. The app runs but upon login, I get a 500 error, and in debug=true the error is: no such table: auth_user. I realise ...
DanielFBest's user avatar
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npm patch version message when running the Heroku command

When working on a Heroku app, even though I have already run this before: % npm install -g [email protected] After running this command in the terminal: % git push heroku main I see these messages: ..... ...
Michel's user avatar
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Error generating access token: Error: error:1E08010C:DECODER routines::unsupported

const express = require("express"); const { GoogleAuth } = require("google-auth-library"); const dotenv = require("dotenv"); const path = require("path"); const ...
Jayam Balani's user avatar
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Permission Denied While Running .sh Script in Docker Container with Heroku Dyno Deployed with Github Actions

My goal is to run a docker container in Heroku. I can run the container in a local build. When I deploy with Github actions, logs say that the startup CMD in the dockerfile wasn't run due to a ...
Berkan Kadioglu's user avatar
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Getting ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND in my Heroku App but working fine in localhost

Thanks for being here. My stack Postgres Node 20.17.0 Express Sequelize ORM Javascript When started happening? This started happening after migrating my app from the 'require' to 'import' syntax. I ...
Benjamín Cáceres Ramirez's user avatar
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Failed Attempt to deploy to heroku, Running latest version of Rails 8.0 ruby 3.2.2. I am beginner so I am not sure what to do

Ran the push command to deploy to heroku, i keep getting a fail message. i tried reading up on the problem and it seems that the ruby version is not specified. i read on heroku that it assumes a ...
Sina R.'s user avatar
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Could not find Nx modules in this workspace while using Heroku deployment for NestJS app

I have an Nx workspace (v. 20.1) with a NestJS app. Locally, everything works fine, nx build, etc. But when running CI on Heroku, I get this error: NX Could not find Nx modules in this workspace. My ...
Sebastian Denis's user avatar
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Problem using websockets in heroku (python)

I'm working on an algorithm that requires financial data as input. The program streams the data via a WebSocket connection to the Tastytrade broker's data distributor and sends it to my algorithm. ...
gandpablo's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails App crashing After deployment to Heroku

I am working on the Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Hartl. I am on the first app for "Hello World". It is working fine in my Cloud9 environment, but when I try to deploy to Heroku it crashes. ...
David Stine's user avatar
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Django - Custom Error Templates not rendering

I have some custom templates in my django app. But these are not being rendered and instead displays the basic template: 500 Internal Server Error Exception inside application. Daphne Edit: If I ...
PhilM's user avatar
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Deployed React + Node.js App on Heroku: Frontend Loads Indefinitely with No Errors

I've deployed a full-stack app with a React frontend and a Node.js/Express backend to Heroku. The app loads indefinitely on or with ...
Exactman's user avatar
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Locust testing of flask app that uses redis has different results in local and production (Heroku)

I'm fairly new to using Redis. I'm developing a Python, Flask API that uses Redis. I wanted to test the API with Locust locally. I was curious to see how it differs from Heroku. Testing Heroku hosted ...
Marco Aurélio Guerra's user avatar
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Angular 11 Build Fails With No Change on Heroku Dev Build (Error Reading Property 'kind' of undefined)

I have an angular 11 and nodejs app that is running on heroku. The application was working and building perfectly fine, then recently since about a week ago, the build keeps failing on the heroku dev ...
shahzib sarfraz's user avatar
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how to use a third party codebase in heroku application

I'm trying to use the following code in my node js/react application I would like to add it under another subdomain. How can I do this? Here's my ...
Rue Vitale's user avatar
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Heroku Stuck on Installing node modules

as the title states i have created a nodejs project, this is my first "clean deploy" where i just import from github and then add the env and buildpack for nodejs then deploy from the latest ...
David Verduzco's user avatar
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Sidekiq reserved queues are not respected when running specific queues on separate Heroku dynos/ machines

Info: Ruby version: 3.1.4 Rails version: Sidekiq / Pro / Enterprise version(s): Free 6.5.12 Problem: When I use the reserved queues settings
knd's user avatar
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chromedriver and firefoxdriver crashing/stopping on heroku

i am trying to host my own bot that will price check tablet that i want to buy and send the message if price change on discord, i am using heroku cause i have free credits from GitHub student ...
emb3rcia's user avatar
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Using a MongoDB Atlas DB from a Next.js app

I am trying to connect a MongoDB Atlas database to a Next.js app that I just started to build on Heroku. For that I am partly following this tutorial and also looking at an old Next.js app of mine ...
Michel's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools.extern.six' (site-packages)

I'm new-ish to Python and I have made a web app with Dash and Plotly, but when I try to push my project to Heroku i keep getting this build error: (venv) PS D:\Dev\election-2024> git push heroku ...
sxmrxzxr's user avatar
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How to set search paths for Heroku PostgreSQL database?

I'm currently deploying a Django app to Heroku, and my looks like this: if IS_HEROKU_APP: DATABASE_URL = dj_database_url.config( env="DATABASE_URL", ...
blastzit's user avatar
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Huge performance degradation after upgrade to Postgres 16

Heroku updated my Postgres instance from version 13 to 16 tonight. After this update we have huge performance issues. The simplest queries take a few seconds to execute. Regardless of whether I do it ...
witek1902's user avatar
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Heroku rails console hangs after "Loading production environment"

I am trying to load Rails console in my Heroku production environment to query the database, but I am unable to issue commands. It shows an upside down triangle after "Loading production ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Cant deploy to heroku, i keep having R10 eror. Rails

So im trying to deploy my rails app basically this is what im using with rails 7.0.6 and ruby 3.1.2: {   "name": "app",   "private": "true",   "...
gaston amaya's user avatar
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OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error after Heroku Mini Plan SSL maintenance

After Heroku rolled out their SSL requirements changes to our Redis Mini plan on staging, we started getting the following error: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 peeraddr=174.129....
Mark Thompson's user avatar
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Is there a way to make puppeteer scrape every specific time?

I'm really new in using puppeteer and specially creating APIs. I've created an API to web scrape a table from webpages that contains information that I need and create a JSON from it, so I can use it ...
Roberto Priego's user avatar
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Error when accessing Amazon RDS via JawsDB

I recently deployed my website using Netlify for front-end and Heroku back-end, with JawsDB to handle my MySQL database. I'm able to make GET requests to my server and receive data from my db, and ...
Ozan's user avatar
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Django Authentication Timeout Error (H12) on Heroku with MongoDB Atlas

I have a question regarding an issue I'm facing. I built an authentication system in Django and connected it to a MongoDB Atlas database. The website is deployed on Heroku, but I'm encountering a ...
Kamran Heydarov's user avatar
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405 Method Not Allowed for Docker container deployment to heroku

So I have a flask application using langchain that I've been trying to deploy on heroku. The thing is, the docker image builds and runs perfectly fine without the heroku deployment, I only run into ...
Saad Sahir's user avatar
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I am trying to push my code to heroku but repeatedly getting the error that it failed to push some refs with no other error message

remote: Verifying deploy... remote: remote: ! Push rejected to college-compass. remote: To [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined) ...
Arushi Shah's user avatar
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RoR, Carrierwave: video files no longer loading after uploader column changed

I have a video upload app built in Ruby on Rails and hosted on Heroku. It uses the Carrierwave gem to upload video files to AWS S3 and carrierwave-backgrounder, sidekiq and redis to handle the process ...
B B's user avatar
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Uploading video to S3 via sidekiq / Carrierwave on Heroku rails app

I have a Rails 7 app running on Heroku. The app is simple, in theory: Users sign up, and can upload video files as part of a survey. I'm using Carrierwave for the upload process, but ran into memory ...
B B's user avatar
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Heroku Node.js app restarting with status 143: SIGTERM, MongoDB connection successful, AWS SDK v2 warning

I'm encountering an issue where my Node.js app on Heroku is restarting frequently with status 143 and receiving SIGTERM. MongoDB connects successfully, but the app keeps restarting. I also get a ...
Yeab's user avatar
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Group Redis "CLIENT LIST" by db on Heroku

I'm running Redis on Heroku. I'm trying to write a command that will run the CLIENT LIST command ( and then group the list by db. So ideally I'd end ...
Johnny Metz's user avatar
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How do I deploy a Heroku app with a Python script?

def run_command(command: str) -> str: try: process = command, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True, check=True ) return process.stdout....
Madi Abdrakhym's user avatar
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Grok parser for Heroku Postgres metric log samples in datadog?

Heroku sends Postgres metric logs as "samples" to DataDog. I want a parser that can extract the data from those logs so I can turn them into DataDog metrics. I had a pattern that was working ...
Kyle Venn's user avatar
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WKHTMLTOPDF SSL Issues on Heroku

Has anyone had any success in installing wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5 or higher on Heroku? I've successfully managed to get the wkhtmltopdf buildpack installed using the following:
user1387363's user avatar
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RAILS // Selenium/Watir in a Sidekiq job on Heroku

I basically have a big memory bloat when I run a rake task to scrape data. I have been using it for years and it was fine but I've had to upgrade loads of librairies (as well as the stack of Heroku to ...
Jeremy R.'s user avatar
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Issue Connecting to MongoDB Atlas on Heroku for an Increment System

I am facing difficulties with my MongoDB Atlas database that works fine locally but does not function on Heroku. My goal is to implement an increment system for a "like" counter on my ...
ovis's user avatar
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Why does my Celery task not start on Heroku?

I currently have a dockerized Django app deployed on Heroku. I've recently added Celery with redis. The app works fine on my device, but when I try to deploy it on Heroku, everything works fine up ...
tthheemmaannii's user avatar
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Deploy Rails 7 API with React front-end using Vite to Heroku

I've built a basic Rails 7 API with React front-end using Vite. The project was also created with: npm create vite@latest command if its helpful for context. The issue I'm facing is that the app runs ...
derienshawn's user avatar
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How to force Heroku to install the leaflet package?

I have a small R Shiny application that runs perfectly on my local machine. I am now trying to deploy it on Heroku using the Heroku buildpack for R. Everything seems to work well during deployment, ...
Patrick Stephenson's user avatar
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Heroku Bucketeer CORS To add S3 to your app without creating an AWS account, see the Bucketeer

Article has name To add S3 to your app without creating an AWS account, see the Bucketeer add-on. So how to resolve CORS ?? I added Bucketeer. I configured my app with that credentials ...
shuba.ivan's user avatar
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