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Problem with http-proxy-middleware and non localhost target

I've got a simple node proxy app that works exactly as I want when I proxy between to localhost ports with https. That is, https://localhost:5200/jokes to https://localhost:7172/jokes. I call it from ...
Pete's user avatar
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Struggling to Configure Nginx Reverse Proxy for HTTPS (Port 443)

I've been struggling with this issue for almost two weeks now and need some help. I'm hosting a simple app on my server to test it online. To set it up properly, I decided to use Nginx as a reverse ...
Only_a_codder's user avatar
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Trying to redirect api calls to backend with Caddy reverse proxy but getting error 405

I have a backend (spring) and frontend (react) deployed in an EC2 instance, backend is running on port 8080. The frontend uses axios with a baseUrl: baseURL: "" The idea ...
Tomaz's user avatar
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reverse proxy multiple server

server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:3000; proxy_set_header Host $host; } location /quicklinks { proxy_pass http:/...
vaniel reddington's user avatar
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Why is OpenResty Nginx converting my upstream's xml response to JSON?

Unlike most of the other questions I have found here on this topic, I don't want Nginx to convert my upstream's response to JSON but it seems to be doing it anyway and I can't figure out why. I am ...
Zack Thomas's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core - yarp proxy not forward request to correct instance of an API

I am learning about yarp proxy in ASP.NET Core. I have configured as below. But it always points to yarp.api1 and never to yarp.api2. Now I am using round robin policy. I also try with random but it ...
Thanh Nguyen's user avatar
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nginx / reverse proxy very slow - how to improve?

I use nginx as a reverse proxy in the following configuration: Access to two web services on host A and host B, which are accessible via and respectively. ...
RoR's user avatar
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encoding issue for dynamic URL's (notes/[noteName]/edit)

I am rewriting via proxy a subfolder to localhost:3000 using Proxy in htaccess. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost:3000/my-folder/$1 [P,L] And I am using a basePath and assetPrefix in Next Config (...
Z0q's user avatar
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How to create reverse proxy for the Azure IoT hub in MQTT and AMQP with and with WebSocket protocols?

I want to create reverse proxy for the Azure IoT Hub on HTTPS, MQTT with websocket and AMQP with websocket protocols. So that all IOT devices can be connected to the Azure IoT Hub via the reverse ...
sharmila's user avatar
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Avoid Accessing Somaxconn in Go/Golang

I'm trying to build a reverse proxy server that will run on an Android device. I was hoping to use Go because I can get a .aar file/archive that I can call from an app. The issue I'm running into is ...
Grey's user avatar
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Apache and Reverse Proxy Issue

I have a server that is hosting some API's (we'll call it API-1). I also have a server that is hosting files that developers can use to incorporate an iFrame into their website. When they try to ...
Jason's user avatar
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Why nginx proxy_pass dont get shoutcast page and get ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS?

location / { set $stream_username $host; if ($host ~* "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\.test\.example\.com$") { set $stream_username $1; } proxy_pass
IceDarkness's user avatar
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Nginx - How to get the Real Client ISP instead of Reverse Proxy ISP

I am having a backend webserver which works based on Nginx is being hidden behind a Reverse Proxy. I have managed to get the IP and Country of the Client but the issue is with the ISP. I need to know ...
Ani's user avatar
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How to setup global proxy for Node.js?

I have trouble with "@supabase/supabase-js" and periodically have similar troubles with various other libraries. There are only one way to ...
Alex161's user avatar
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Unable to import GCP URL map configuration: 'defaultCustomErrorResponsePolicy' error in gcloud CLI"

I am trying to import a URL map configuration into GCP using the following command: gcloud compute url-maps import loadbalancer-name --source loadbalancer-name.yaml I am getting the following error: ...
Ganesh's user avatar
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Nuxt 2.17 server getting slow and stop working

I have a bunch of Nuxt 2.17 + Vuetify 2 apps that all share same core. (just imagine a SaaS app like Wix or Shopify where the cms is on a separate server and the actual user-end app is on another one. ...
Mojtaba Barari's user avatar
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Combine Basic Auth and Bearer token in nginx reverse proxy

Nginx reverse proxy configuration upstream frontend { server frontend:4200; } upstream backend { server backend:4000; } server { listen 80; location / { auth_basic "...
Yurii Poliakov's user avatar
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Hide port in the url deployed at iis using reverse proxy

i need a little help in hiding port number( in url ) in iis since i am new to iis . I have these two vueJs apps in my iis http:localhost:5000 http:localhost:5001 Now when i access this, the port ...
It's Siddiqi's user avatar
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Nginx proxy through additional proxy

I have and . It is necessary that when applying to the request was proxied to and so that at the same time it remains ...
Efobo's user avatar
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Use HTTPS with Gitlab in Docker Container

I have a Docker Container with Gitlab running on a server on the Internet. It is connected to a subdomain ( using Nginx on the host system. Incoming calls to https://gitlab.example....
Socrates's user avatar
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Exposing DSpace frontend and backend in localhost to te www

As a test version i need to make my DSpace library accessible from the web without proper hosting, i set up a nginx reverse proxy an tried to use localtunnel to generate e web link, however i get the ...
Francesco Callegaro's user avatar
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Nginx is not working outside local network

I have a node.js server with express that serves an https web. The server is runing Windows 10. I have configured a no-ip ddns with ssl certificates. The web is on port 3000 and I want to start a ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy to FastAPI Azure Container App returns 404 [closed]

I'm trying to setup an nginx reverse proxy on Azure Container Apps. I have an nginx container and a FastAPI container in a Container App Environment with simple manual virtual network + subnet + ...
AIJoris's user avatar
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Nuxt interfering with Google sign-in on external API

I have an ASP.NET Core api which does authentication (username and password, google, injects jwt into cookies). I want to use that server for authentication in my nuxt app. Right now, I'm trying to ...
Hossein Ebrahimi's user avatar
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Configuring haproxy to use an outgoing squid

I've got a use case for a reverse proxy, like haproxy. However, the target server for that reverse proxy is available only via an outgoing proxy (squid). So the overall connection looks like this: ...
Roman's user avatar
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How to Proxy Two Services Under a Single Subdomain Using Nginx Without Modifying Upstream Configurations?

When I use Nginx for reverse proxy, the typical approach is to assign a subdomain to each service. This way, each service can handle URIs starting from /. For example, the configuration looks like ...
影缝余弦's user avatar
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Saml2 SP behind reverse proxy

I have problem running a SAMl2 SP behind reverse proxy running OpenSAMl with Spring security 6. When running locally from own computer this works as it should. When running behind proxy it seems the ...
knocker_d's user avatar
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502 while trying to proxy requests to API (ASP.NET Core + nuxt)

I have an ASP.NET Core + nuxt setup, and trying to proxy requests that start with /api to the ASP.NET Core Web API (https://localhost:7132/weatherforecast for now). There's a Youtube video on how to ...
Hossein Ebrahimi's user avatar
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Reverse proxy for a streamlit app with apache2 under a subdirectory

I am running a streamlit app on a dedicated server on the internet. The app runs on port 8501. I have setup a reverse proxy with apache2 to redirect the traffic to port 8501. I also have https and a ...
Olivier K's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy and CSS/JS Elements Not Showing

I have searched through this site and found similar questions to mine, but I haven't found something quite like my setup. I have a domain hosted on I want to proxy this domain to display ...
webman4224's user avatar
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How to Set Up BoringSSL for a Custom Reverse Proxy?

I'm building a custom reverse proxy using Zig and have integrated BoringSSL to support SSL/TLS. However, I’m having trouble configuring it correctly and can't find sufficient documentation or examples ...
Jeff Amerson's user avatar
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How to use Windows IIS to forward requests from to localhost without using port forwarding?

I have two different game servers running on my Windows 11 computer for friends and family, each with its own built-in web server. They are dependant of the game server process and run standalone ...
Blue's user avatar
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Handling Multiple Clients in Reverse Proxies

I'm delving into how reverse proxies handle connections from multiple clients. Specifically, I'm interested in whether a reverse proxy can allow multiple clients to share the same TCP connection. ...
Jackson Castilho's user avatar
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request being routed to wrong container ignoring PathPrefix(`/api/v1`)"

All requests to the keep getting redirected despite setting PathPrefix(/api/v1) on the backend route rule. and the request endup being handled by the frontend container ...
Yohannes Hirko's user avatar
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Setting up a Vertx Proxy Server with OAuth2 sign in

How do I route the urls correctly for the following? I have created a Vertx Reverse Proxy for the purposes of authenticating a legacy web app that was setup a very long time ago. The web app sits and ...
skword's user avatar
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kubernetes nginx websocket proxied close connection after 50s despite timeout configuration

I have the following setup: client application connect to a websocket application (ssl) via a nginx proxy to check headers. the websocket is configured and works properly under usage. locally, when ...
Laurent Erignoux's user avatar
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WP behind nginx reverse proxy, home page stuck in redirect loop

I have a home page stuck in a 301 redirect loop. I have two servers. ServerA and ServerB. serverA: using nginx reverse proxy ServerB: using nginx proxy domain-b....
ensky's user avatar
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Dynamic Configuration of ProxyErrorOverride in Apache Based on Response Headers

We have an Apache server configured as a reverse proxy for our backend application. Currently, the Apache server overrides error codes (4xx and 5xx) and displays a default error page when an error ...
Marouane Lakhal's user avatar
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OAuth2 Redirecting to Wrong URL After Authentication in NGINX with auth_request

I’m trying to use OAuth2 to authenticate users on my server, but after successful authentication, they are being redirected to the base domain instead of the intended sub-path, /example/. I’ve ...
Jimmy Forester's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy for Nextjs App in WHM and Nginx Restart to default config

I'm just trying to setup a reverse proxy for my nextjs app in whm. I was trying to map port 3000 to 443 by editing the /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf and /etc/nginx/conf.d/ea-nginx.conf file. but ...
Araz Shamsaddinlouy's user avatar
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oidc_util_decode_json_object: JSON parsing returned an error: '[' or '{' expected near 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI'

I'm using the "mod_auth_openidc" of th Apache Reverse Proxy to do an OIDC authentication toward a remote identity provider ; (using the classic Authorization code flow). The authentication ...
ThierryC's user avatar
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Getting auth token from one server and setting it in outgoing request to another server not working on NGINX

I am trying to setup an Nginx configuration for an Nginx docker container, wherein I want to add an auth token to almost every request to remote server ( out of docker network ). The Auth token is ...
William's user avatar
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cookies are not saved in reverse proxies

I add cookies to every query. I unloaded them from my browser and they are valid for the site. I set them in each request, but I still get a page with an unauthorized account. I also tried not ...
Platon's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy serving MP4/MKV Stuttering

I'm using Nginx as a reverse proxy to serve HTTP video streams over HTTPS to avoid mixed content issues. However, I'm experiencing stuttering during video playback. Problem: The videos start playing ...
user27537745's user avatar
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How to use different Request Transformer instances on service and route at the same time in Kong?

I'm trying to set up a route to a service in kong where both the route and the service use a Request Transformer plugin to make different modifications to the request. However when I enable the ...
SpaceTrucker's user avatar
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Issues with AsyncEnumerable response when used with Dapr & YARP

I have a micro-service setup where Gateway is configured with Dapr & YARP reverse proxy. There is a API which streams async response through AsyncEnumerables, when I try to directly hit service ...
webwizard77's user avatar
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keycloak behind synology reverse proxy

I've got a keycloak docker container running on a synology rackstation. This rackstation is accessible via a public domain and protected by cloudflare upfront. I can access the keycloak instance in my ...
TheSwabian's user avatar
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My caddy file is only adding 1 out of 3 logs endpoint

I have a caddy file and I want to log 2 endpoints into 2 dedicated files and the remaining logs need to be diverted to one common log file. But the caddy is only logging the generic logs and not the 2 ...
PRAKHAR KAUSHIK's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy (or URL Rewrite) in GCP Load Balancer

I have a load balancer (LB) in GCP that is currently redirecting some matching paths to an external (non-GCP) service (301 Redirect). I am trying to add additional set of prefixMatch rules that will ...
nkirkes's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to kibana dashboard with anonymous authentication redirects to login

I have a Kibana server where anonymous authentication is enabled. Inside this server I built a dashboard which I want to be accessible by everyone. This dashboard is inside a space where only kibana ...
Bardo's user avatar
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