Showing posts with label Flamingos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flamingos. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday, Monday!

It is a bit cloudy and rainy today and the perfect time to catch up with what's Going On!
This was all the Valentine's decorating I did this year.  The red heart was made by my Dad many years ago and is very special to me.
I took balloons and a little candy to the Grands and enjoyed a few hugs.
Scout has discovered my watercolors and is very interested in painting.  We will do much more soon!  I have some brushes and paints just for her.
Winter has been so dreary that I wanted a little color so found this cute pillow cover on Amazon.  I love having lots of pillow covers so I can change them out for seasonal and holiday decor. 
Annie has been napping with me most every day.  I'm healing well and slowly and I do mean slowly getting my energy back.  I went to WalMart with my Mom one day and made the mistake of walking instead of taking one of the riding carts.  I was more then ready to come home and it took me two days to recover.  However my Mom did buy me this for Valentine's Day!
I love Flamingos and this cute girl just jumped in my cart and came home with me.  I've named her Rose (Pink in French).  Along with my Flamingo pillow covers she makes a sweet corner on the couch!
A little trip to Trader Joe's was fun and this little Hyacinth plant was only $2.99
I can't wait for it to bloom!

So not much else going on.  
I've binged watched several shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime.  Read at least 3 books and slept a great deal.  Healing is hard work.  

Wishing you Joy!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Flamingo Fun!

Last week was crazy and I missed doing a tablescape for Let's Dish with the theme 'Summer Fun' I decided to do one this week!
I took my inspiration from these  Flamingo trays I've had for several years and I just 'found' again (does that happen to you?)
I have two of them I bought on Ebay years ago
I think they are so cute and so a tablescape was born!
I added some bright plates and cute Flamingo glasses a friend sent me awhile back.
Staying with the 'theme' but showing some restraint...well you know what happened don't you??
Flamingo's Gone Wild!
Every time I turned around another Flamingo had sneaked it's way onto the table!
This guy jumped over from a vignette and brought a pink candle with him
The salt & pepper shakers said don't forget us!
Vase and shells...ok, that makes a nice centerpiece
But as usual Flamingos don't know when to stop
Each place setting now has a Flamingo Bell on it! 
Yes, really!
It's a good thing I'm very fond of Flamingos
Because this could have gone REALLY wrong
but I hope it didn't!
After all....who doesn't love a Flamingo
See...I did show some restraint on the napkins and used cute shell napkin rings got me, no I don't have Flamingo napkin rings because if I did...yep they would be on this table! 

I had fun doing this and I hope you had fun visiting!

I'm joining 


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pink Saturday

It is a dark and dreary day here in North Georgia so I thought I would share some pinks to brighten up the day!  Most of you know I love my cubbies and change them for holidays and seasons.  I have a small set of cubbies painted black (found that way in the thrift store) in my bedroom on the closet shelf
It holds some of my Flamingo collection

 All of these items were found at thrift shops
I love the handle on this coffee mug
Another coffee mug and two flamingo bells
the glass one (not a good photo) was a gift from my good friend Terry!
The salt & pepper shakers were a recent purchase from an Antique Mall when I was in Texas last fall
The candles have been gifts from friends
This creamer is one of my favorites!  It is Porcelier Vitreous China made in the USA...I've seen photos of a matching sugar bowl and teapot but have not found them at a good price yet!  
These items don't fit into the cubbies
I need to find a good way to display my growing collection of vintage Flamingos

I hope you enjoyed my 'pinks' 
I'm joining the wonderful Beverly at 

I hope you will stop by her blog and visit all the wonderful eye candy posts! 


**Edited to say that since Picnik is going away I tried a new site today BeFunky photo editing for all the photos in this post.  It was easy and pretty good.  I will miss Picnik!** 

Monday, November 14, 2011

I BOUGHT......

Thanks to all who played along....this was fun...
I enjoyed seeing what items you thought I might buy

The veronica glass had lots of votes... was priced a bit too high, but I would love to find one at the thrift store!

Some of you guessed the pink cow creamer
Cute but it did not call my name

Many of you loved these
And I must say I love them too... they were too big for this gal's feet, so not the boots

A couple of you thought I might have chosen the cool vintage ornaments
I did like a few of them a lot but I do have several vintage ornaments that came from my childhood already, so no ornaments this time

Many of you guessed that I bought the Flamingo Salt and Pepper Shakers
And you would be right!  
These guys came home with me
I really love them and tried to leave the store without them but they called my name so I splurged and paid, gulp, $12.50 for them....outrageous for this thrifty gal!  

Now I put all the names into a pile and mixed them up and the Flamingo's choose
My sweet friend Susan @ Writing Straight From The Heart! 
 Just email me your address and I will get the Pilgrim Salt & Pepper shakers to you asap!

It is good to be home and I'm enjoying being back where I can play with my treasures.  I put away the Halloween and got out a few fall/thanksgiving decorations.  I won't start Christmas decorating until after Thanksgiving!  


Saturday, November 12, 2011


I'm home!

It feels so good to be home!  I slept well even if Charlie was on top of me all night...he was afraid I might disappear again I'm sure!  Mr ALC is also glad I'm today while I rest I thought I would do a post about the Antique Mall I visited while I was in Texas.
This was a fun find! A wicker rickshaw!
Only a couple of thousand dollars!
This display caught my eye....Pyrex and vintage ceramics oh my!
Oh be still my heart....I love this 
A mere $795
Oh so cute vintage Flamingo S&P's
I love this vintage bar....
More vintage Flamingos
These are so gorgeous!
Whoops...'gorgeous' price also!
Who doesn't love a pink cow creamer
It's a bad picture, but I love this cute pink Veronica glass...I loved Archie comics growing up!
I love this creamer!  It's made by Shawnee and had a large price tag on it
The matching S&P....I have these that I found if I can just find that creamer for a bargain price!
This was photographed through the glass case so the color didn't come out great...but I love this wonderful dresser set in a sweet pale pink
Vintage Flamingo planter
Love it!
Cute little Birthday angel
Some great vintage ornaments
Pink & White Cowboy boots!  
Ya gotta love Texas! 

It was a fun afternoon and a way to escape some of the stress in Texas.  I did buy one item, can you guess???

Everyone that guesses correctly will be put in a drawing for a fun 
Thanksgiving giveaway!
I have a set of these Publix grocery store S&P's
I love them and would love to send one of you a set!
So make your guess by Monday 11-14 and I will put  all winning names in the hat and choose a winner! 

I'm linking this up with 

Many Hugs, 