Thursday, April 28, 2011


The greatest gift is a passion for reading. 
- Elizabeth Hardwick

I love to read!  As a child (as my Mom tells the story), I carried golden books around always asking to be read too...if someone tried to skip a page I knew it!  I could hardly wait to go to school so I could learn to read for myself.    I have always had books and can't imagine my life without them.  So how do you read so much on a thrifty budget?  The main way is to use your local library.  Another way is to buy used books.  These are some of my latest thrift store book finds!

These are some of my current book finds.  I try to pay .25 to $1.50 for most books.   I read mostly fiction, a wide variety of genres; mysteries, thrillers, love stories and drama.
Finding cookbooks is always fun....especially by my favorite cooks!
Vintage cookbooks are always a treat!

Children's books are always a great find and I've started a library for my new Grandson!

Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. 
- Emilie Buchwald

This is my thriftiest book~I won a copy of Michael Lee West's newest book "gone with a handsomer man" from her blog.  I enjoyed this book so much.  The main character Teeny Templeton is a hoot and throw in murder, Southern cooking and a cast of unforgettable characters and you have a winner!  
Well guess what!  You can win a copy of this book also.  My friend Becky Povich, herself a writer, is having a giveaway of a signed copy of this book.  Drop by her blog and enter by May 7th! 

I'm joining my friend Diann for her 
Be sure to drop by and check out all the
wonderful thrifty posts this week! 



B is for Birthday!
Today it is Mr ALC's Birthday!
We love vintage gifts and here are a couple of fun items I gave him today
This Vintage Hygrometer and Thermometer Plaque
This souvenir Coffee Mug from the 1950's ~ we were at Clingman's Dome last fall and so this was a very cool find

Now B is also for Britain....

In the mid 80's my Mom took a trip to England and brought back some fun items for us
This is an egg coddler she bought for herself but has since 
passed on to me
This egg coddler was bought for me and started my collection of them
This piece of Wedgwood is really sweet
Maybe someone knows the name of the castle shown on this plate

Mom gave me this beautiful English China mug featuring a Rose for my birth month~ June
This was the postcard she sent us

A few things for the girls
This very sweet little doll 

 And of course a Double Decker bus

My favorite item was this
Princess Diana paper doll and coloring book~ notice Prince William holding Prince Harry on the front

Diana's famous wedding dress... I can't wait to see Kate's tomorrow

B is also for Bath
You didn't think I would miss a chance to post a Tiger photo did you??

I'm joining a couple of fun parties today

Jenny Matlock for Alphabe-Thursday

Suzanne's Vintage Thingy Thursday

I must mention the devasting storms to hit the south yesterday.  We were Blessed and the storms went to the north and the south of us.  So many were not so lucky.  Prayers for lives and homes lost are needed.


Saturday, April 23, 2011


I don't collect Rabbits, Bunnies or long eared anything....really I don't!
But when I went to decorate my cubbies for Easter I did find a few!

I don't collect Rabbits, but Sara did when she was a girl.
I found a storage tub full of them and unpacked some to use this Easter.  Some of these cuties are mine I must admit.  I have picked up a 'few' here and there for Easter!
Sara had lots of very tiny bunnies in her collection!
These shelves are some of mine and some of hers!
Who knew there were so many bunnies to collect! 

The top shelf holds some rabbits a basket and some Tales of Peter Rabbit books
The 'Pierre Lapin' book was mine from High School when I took French
This Vintage Rabbit was a Birthday gift to Sara from her Gymnastics Coach.  It is one of my favorites!
I bought these two 'chocolate' bunnies last year at an after Easter sale
I love the little bunny on the toadstool
it was a thrift shop find 
The lop eared bunny was one of Sara's
so life like and a favorite!
I love egg cups
These two with bunny slippers make me smile! 
So many bunnies and I love them all!
I found this framed cross stitch rabbit picture at the thrift for .35 can you believe someone gave this away!
I found these two large rabbits at a thrift for .80 each.  I combined them with a little chest I found for $1

This little vignette is on top of my desk and has rabbits of course
I found this plate at a yard sale
This was one of Sara's rabbits

I'm wishing you all a very Happy Easter and some sweet rabbits to add to your collection.

I'm going to link this post with two fun parties
A Few of My Favorite Things
Seasonal Sundays

Oh and Sara told me I could have all her yes, now I do have a collection~


Thursday, April 21, 2011


I am so excited to join Diann for Thrifty Things Friday.  Since I've been doing Grandma duty I've not done much thrifting but did find a 
few Easter items this week!

I found this bunny planter for $1
I think it was a ceramic class project but very cute so home it came
Charlie had to check it out

This pretty ceramic egg was only .50

I love these place mats!  I don't have much purple however when you put gingham, rick rack and embroidered flowers on place mats & they only cost $1 
Well I will find some plates to make a tablescape  for sure!
So springy!

Be sure to go by Diann's blog and check out all the other Thrifty Things

Now for a Tiger update!  He is doing great and is two weeks old!  What a doll and such a good baby.  Sara & Blake are wonderful parents and I'm a lucky Grandma!
