“The greatest gift is a passion for reading.”
I love to read! As a child (as my Mom tells the story), I carried golden books around always asking to be read too...if someone tried to skip a page I knew it! I could hardly wait to go to school so I could learn to read for myself. I have always had books and can't imagine my life without them. So how do you read so much on a thrifty budget? The main way is to use your local library. Another way is to buy used books. These are some of my latest thrift store book finds!
These are some of my current book finds. I try to pay .25 to $1.50 for most books. I read mostly fiction, a wide variety of genres; mysteries, thrillers, love stories and drama.
Finding cookbooks is always fun....especially by my favorite cooks!
Vintage cookbooks are always a treat!
Children's books are always a great find and I've started a library for my new Grandson!
“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”
This is my thriftiest book~I won a copy of Michael Lee West's newest book "gone with a handsomer man" from her blog. I enjoyed this book so much. The main character Teeny Templeton is a hoot and throw in murder, Southern cooking and a cast of unforgettable characters and you have a winner!
Well guess what! You can win a copy of this book also. My friend Becky Povich, herself a writer, is having a giveaway of a signed copy of this book. Drop by her blog and enter by May 7th!
I'm joining my friend Diann for her
Be sure to drop by and check out all the
wonderful thrifty posts this week!