Saturday, June 30, 2012

What A Wonderful Week It's Been!

I am back home after some Tiger time! 
It was great!  He is so adorable,  I can't get enough of that child.  It was also special to spend time with my daughter Sara
Watching her with Tiger is such a joy! 
She and Blake are such great parents!
We went one morning to this fun playground
Lots of places to climb!  
They have a toddler area so the big kids don't run them over!
It was too hot to sit on the frog but Tiger had a good time 
saying 'ribbit' and giving it a kiss! 
Time to leave but we had to stop at the 'Bulldog' to say goodbye!  There are 'Bulldogs' all over this town since it is the home to the University of Georgia! 
Sara, who is a speech pathologist and works in the school system with deaf and hard of hearing children, uses sign language and has been teaching Tiger.  It has helped him communicate before he could use words.  The words are coming now of course but sign language will be a wonderful thing for him to know.  
Hey even Grandma has learned some signs!
Sara cooked me a great Belated Birthday meal
This was our main course Chicken and Zucchini rollatini!  (recipe)
Oh my goodness this was so good! 
Then she really outdid herself
This delicious dessert was made in the crockpot and was sinfully chocolate!  Called Chocolate chip/brownie cake!  Served with Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream!  YUM!! (recipe)
 (We did go on a family walk afterwards to burn a few calories)

I'm back home and since we are having temps in the triple digits, I'm taking it easy here in my A/C home!  Planning to read Mary Kay Andrews latest novel
 Spring Fever and I can't wait!  She seems to publish a new novel each June just in time for my Birthday.  I had this book waiting for me when I got home from Texas!  

Hoping all of you will stay cool and enjoy this wonderful weekend!

I'm joining Honey at Poptourri Friday (yes I'm late)
and wanted to say welcome back to blogging Honey, we've missed you!  



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Let's Dish!

It's not the 4th of July yet but here is a fun breakfast table in red & white!
The placemats are kitchen towels folded in half

I added a large red plate as a charger
I then added a white ironstone plate and these fun red mugs with white hearts!
Love these mugs! 
Vintage juice glasses and pitcher

Fiesta sugar bowl, salt and pepper shakers
I love this milk glass vase I found while on a trip to Montreal!
Red napkins and red handled flatware
White ceramic animal napkin rings and sweet kitty creamer at each place setting!

Breakfast anyone?

I'm joining Let's Dish this week

I hope I'll be home next week to do a special new tablescape to share! 



Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tiger Time!

Just a quick update to let you know I am spending a few days with my daughter, SIL and my precious Grandson Tiger!
He has grown so much in the 6 weeks since I last saw him.  Saying more words, walking, running and climbing.  He will be 15 months old July 7th. 
He had such a good time playing in the sprinkler today
I am a very happy Grandma!

Linking to



Sunday, June 24, 2012

Birds In The Cubbies!

I am going to re-do the cubbies for 4th of July but before I do I thought I would show you a few pictures of the birds that have landed in the cubbies~
Looks like a flock!
This vignette features some of my Marjolein Bastin collection
I really love this Couroc tray
Say Tweet Tweet!

I'm joining these parties!



Friday, June 22, 2012

Thrifty Things Friday

It is so good to be back home!
I will be going to see Tiger next week~I had planned to go sooner but my SIL's Great Grandmother passed away and they have gone to Tenn for the services.  In the meantime....
Here are a couple of Tiger's latest pics from Facebook!
He is looking so grown up here!
Strawberry Face!

I'm sharing a couple of finds from my big thrifting adventure back in May!
I love this Fire King loaf pan in the Primrose pattern
Needs a little cleaning but is in otherwise great shape for $3.50

I love these salad plates for .60 each
These will be used in a tablescape for sure!

Joining Diann for 



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Fishy Table!

Welcome to the first day of summer!
It seems perfect that Cuisine Kathleen is having a party and we are all invited to share our tables
At The Beach!

I got home from Texas late Monday night and so this table was done from what was in my dish closet and stash! 
I've had these fish plates found at a yard sale for several years and finally decided this was their time to shine!
The placemats were found on clearance at K-Mart a couple of summers ago.   I thought they were perfect for the four colors of fish plates!
and Red! 
I used a red glass plate as a charger, I even like the red on red!

I found a set of napkins also on K-Mart clearance and they had all the colors but green.  I found a close match to the green in a thrift shop.
The napkin rings (also K-mart clearance) are red and suppose to look like corral?  I like how they pick up the red edge in the place mats.
The centerpiece was simple!  
The matching fish platter and pitcher surrounded by shells!
The matching fish salt and pepper shakers
I used my thrift store red handled flatware
A simple clear wine glass since there is so much color on this table already!

Colorful, Casual and oh so Fun!
At The Beach!

I'm joining Let's Dish !



Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Study In Blue

I took these photos of one plant and just loved them.  
I think these would make a great set of note cards!

Beautiful Color!

Perfect in its simplicity


I'm joining two parties!

Note Card Party with Vee



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy First Birthday Ethan!

I was so happy to still be here in Houston to celebrate my Grand Nephews First Birthday yesterday!
This is my beautiful niece Amanda and her son Ethan! 
The party was a cute jungle theme!
Twelve leaves with photos of him for each month!  
Boy has he grown! 
Cute table with party favors and this 'Jungle Book'
Where all the guests wrote Ethan a message!
What one year old doesn't think the best part of a present is the tissue paper?
Lots of cards, clothes and fun toys!
Really cute cake!
Singing Happy Birthday before blowing out the candle!
He has his own 'smash' cake
wasn't too sure about it at all
But the frosting was fun!
With his Grandma, my sis-in-law Sherrie
With his Great Aunt Linda (that's me!!)
I needed a baby fix and got some hugs, kisses and play time with this sweet boy!
We wish the real Tiger could have been at the party but we are hoping they get to meet at Thanksgiving this year! 

Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Ethan!

I'm joining these parties

