Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween & MRI Results

Happy Halloween!
I don't decorate like I use too, but as I showed you the other day I still have some witches and brooms around!
I found this McCoy planter at a thrift shop for a couple of dollars and love it with my Pumpkins and Ghosts!
I have been looking for a bread bowl for a long time and found this one on Ebay when I had a free $10 towards the price.  It's a bit smaller then I thought but it's still pretty!
My Doctor called with my MRI results

No stones in the biliary tract (yea)

I do have a Paraesophageal Hernia which I will have evaluated by a surgeon in January.  I knew I had a hiatial hernia and take reflux meds for it but this condition is worse and can cause more problems.  

I will have to have a CT Scan with Contrast to evaluate a few things further.

I have a Cyst on my Kidney - which is not uncommon  and most are just fluid filled, but the contrast/non-contrast scan will show more detail.  It was called 'medium' in size so my Dr wants it looked at.  

She has also referred me to a Gastroenterology Dr because the opening of my pancreas could be too small. I will see him on Nov 15th right before my trip.
The good news is my Doctor cleared me for my trip to Texas!  I'm so happy that Mom and I will be able to go to this family reunion.

I am to continue to eat low fat and smaller more frequent meals.  I've been trying this since my attack and I can tell it has helped.  So good news, no news and more tests!  Sounds about right.

Your prayers and good wishes have meant so much to me! Thank you!

Wishing you JOY,


Thursday, October 26, 2017


I can't believe how October has flown by!  Life is busy busy and yet there has been some time for reflection.
I did dig out my one bin of Fall/Halloween decor and put up a few things in the cubbies.
I love the colored glass and this will stay until Christmas but the Halloween bears and owl will go back in the bin soon!  Maybe a few Thanksgiving items will take their place. 
My favorite witch is out with some lovely handmade pumpkins 
I can't seem to take a decent photo lately.  I guess I need to get out my 'better' camera.
These two continue to bring me such JOY!
Tiger is 6 going on 16 his Mother says! He is doing well in school and just getting to be such a big boy.  He has started calling me Grammie which I love!  
Scout at 2 and half is a tall girl and so smart! She is a mixture of rough and tumble and girly girl!  Her favorite color is pink!  I have such a good time buying her clothes and indulging her princess personality!
This little girl just celebrated her one year Gotcha Day!  She has brought much love into my life.  She has turned into a complete snuggle kitty.
I love this little face and those eyes!
Annie Belle I'm glad we found each other!

I haven't done much watercolor painting
I am happy with how this tree turned out!
I was happy with this wreath until I tried to add 'give thanks' to the middle and then I ruined it.  I need to practice before I try this again.  I'm hoping to make some Christmas gifts this year.
I have been having some health issues and would ask for your prayers
After my gallbladder surgery over a year ago I was feeling really good.  Then this past July I had an episode of pain that sent me to the ER.  They said it wasn't pancreatitis which was my fear but didn't give me any diagnosis.  The pain went away and I was just trying to be careful of fats in my diet.  Then about 3 weeks ago I had another 'attack'.  Almost as painful but this time it has been up and down in intensity.  I had blood work done which showed that my pancreas and liver functions are fine.  Monday I had an MRI to check to see if I have stones or some other blockage in my bile duct or whatever else is in there!  I'm waiting on the results.  As of now my pain comes and goes but the discomfort seems to be constant.  I've been eating but very small meals and very low fat hoping that will help.  All this has taken a toll on me.  No energy and doing much of anything has been hard.  We really need an answer to this.  Mom and I have a big trip planned for Thanksgiving for a family reunion in Texas.  She will see her brother and sisters and visit other family also.  We are praying that whatever is going on with me doesn't cancel this trip.  So prayers and good thoughts appreciated! 

Wishing you JOY,